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xhonzi said:
TV's Frink said:
Warb, DrCrow is some kind of manic depressive and I would just ignore him were I you.
Apparently you haven't been around for his mania or his depression.
TV's Frink said:
Warb, DrCrow is some kind of manic depressive and I would just ignore him were I you.
Anyways, there seems to be "bullying" coming from only one participant in this thread. If telling other people that they should make sweet love to themselves (feat. expletives) is still considered bullying.
Which seems to be a rather silly overreaction to hearing opposing views in a thread he started to discuss a topic.
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
xhonzi said:
TV's Frink said:
Warb, DrCrow is some kind of manic depressive and I would just ignore him were I you.
Apparently you haven't been around for his mania or his depression.
xhonzi said:
TV's Frink said:
Warb, DrCrow is some kind of manic depressive and I would just ignore him were I you.
Anyways, there seems to be "bullying" coming from only one participant in this thread. If telling other people that they should make sweet love to themselves (feat. expletives) is still considered bullying.
Which seems to be a rather silly overreaction to hearing opposing views in a thread he started to discuss a topic.
Sorry but you pissed me off. You said I allowed the bullying to happen. That is complete utter bs. I didn't want to be bullied, I didn't choose to be bullied. It just happened. IT WASN'T MY FAULT! You don't know what happened in my case. You weren't there. You don't know me, and you don't know those that bullied me. Don't judge what you don't know about. And if you think this is a sore subject for me, you'd be 100% correct.
p.s. I don't think you can regard what I said as bullying.
I don't think he was talking about you...
EDIT: My mistake, but I don't think it was a big deal though. But Drcrow definitely has his issues. He thought I wanted all christians to be killed because of one word (excellent) that I used jokingly, and I only even said it because he left out the most important part of the story, but he seemed to assume I knew about it or something. Idk, but fuck that guy.
TV's Frink said:
Warb, DrCrow is some kind of manic depressive and I would just ignore him were I you.
Just the kind of bossiness I'd expect from a bully like you.
Darth Id said:
TV's Frink said:
Warb, DrCrow is some kind of manic depressive and I would just ignore him were I you.
Just the kind of bossiness I'd expect from a bully like you.
You are welcome to register your yes or no vote in the proper thread. Otherwise, shut up and give me your lunch money.
Darth Id said:
TV's Frink said:
Warb, DrCrow is some kind of manic depressive and I would just ignore him were I you.
Just the kind of bossiness I'd expect from a bully like you.
Hey by the way, do you have any idea why I said what I did? Have you read any of his crazy ass posts when he's in a shit mood? How about the one where he compared me to the Jews who helped out the Nazis? No? Then just shut up and give me your lunch money before I give you a swirly.
One thing that could be done is stop the glorification of violence in media so that kids will learn that it is never the answer to a problem and then maybe bullying would not be seen as cool. Right now pretty much all of our culture's heroes are bullies, they insult people and use violence to solve all their problems, so of course kids think being a bully is cool. If you really want to stop bullying here is something that could be done.
First ban all songs with violent or insulting words from the radio.
Second ban all shows that have the heroes insulting other characters, using violence to solve problems, or portray the police, military, or gangs in a positive light from broadcast TV.
Third ban the sale of all video games that have any violence in them to anyone under 21.
Forth any movie that features violence, insults, or positive portrayals of the police, military, or gangs should be given an NC17 rating.
Fifth ban the sale of all books that feature any of the above things to anyone under 21.
A good first step to stop bullying is to stop sending kids the message that it is in any way cool or that it is an effective way to solve problems. Combine these steps with with stiff prison terms for the parents of bullies then we may stand a chance of stamping it out.
See? The Mayor of Crazytown is back. :p
Hey I am just spitballing ideas here.
I mean I have heard for year that bullying is the worst thing ever and needs to be stopped but I have yet to hear a plan for stopping it that sounds like it would work.
You have to admit that if we stopped telling kids that being a bully solves problems then maybe they would stop being bullies.
Also if we punished parents for failing to control their kids then maybe there would be fewer out of control kids around.
DrCrowTStarwars said:
Also if we punished parents for failing to control their kids then maybe there would be fewer out of control kids around.
You know how out of control this could get? A lot of good parents would lose their kids to social services.
TV's Frink said:
See? The Mayor of Crazytown is back. :p
Oh you're just being the same ol' mean ol' bully.
I mean, those are...perfectly...reasonable...uh, manic delusions.
DrCrowTStarwars said:
Hey I am just spitballing ideas here.
Er... maybe I'm campaigning for Vice Mayor of Crazy Town here, but I believe DrCrow is using a little thing called "hyperbole" to illustrate his point. I could be wrong, but I think he is saying "here are the alternatives in stamping out bullying- either you completely infringe on all human rights, or you teach people to stop empowering bullies by caring what they have to say".
Perhaps this comparison is apt: You will never solve "the drug problem" by going after the dealers. As long as there is a high* demand, the supply will find its way to them. However, if you can dry up the demand (somehow), then it doesn't really matter how much supply there is.
Unless we move to a complete police state where every action is monitored and enforced. But NO ONE is suggesting we do that. Probably.
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
Warbler said:
xhonzi said:
Anyways, there seems to be "bullying" coming from only one participant in this thread. If telling other people that they should make sweet love to themselves (feat. expletives) is still considered bullying.
Which seems to be a rather silly overreaction to hearing opposing views in a thread he started to discuss a topic.
Sorry but you pissed me off.
Oh dear! By all means then, you are free to treat me however you wish without judgment.
You said I allowed the bullying to happen. That is complete utter bs. I didn't want to be bullied, I didn't choose to be bullied. It just happened. IT WASN'T MY FAULT!
I didn't say anything about you.
I did, however, say that the bullied were indeed faultless, and generally have the power to not care what bullies say to them, which is the only guaranteed way to not let bullying get to you.
p.s. I don't think you can regard what I said as bullying.
What is it then, exactly, when you reply to civil conversation with "f*$S you!" as often as you do? Perhaps it's not bullying... but it's not nice.
"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005
"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM
"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.
xhonzi said:
Er... maybe I'm campaigning for Vice Mayor of Crazy Town here, but I believe DrCrow is using a little thing called "hyperbole" to illustrate his point. I could be wrong, but I think he is saying "here are the alternatives in stamping out bullying- either you completely infringe on all human rights, or you teach people to stop empowering bullies by caring what they have to say".
This is another reason why these forums need searchable post histories. It'd be relatively simple to figure out the various personality quirks of the various posters with a read-through of some of their earlier posts.
xhonzi said:
DrCrowTStarwars said:
Hey I am just spitballing ideas here.
Er... maybe I'm campaigning for Vice Mayor of Crazy Town here, but I believe DrCrow is using a little thing called "hyperbole" to illustrate his point.
Yes, DrCrow seems very reasonable when discussing Star Trek, but it would not be hyperbole to say that there are times when he appears to be the founder of Crazy Town with his own statue in the square.
And Vice Mayor? Let's not demote him unnecessarily!
You know, I think it's rather rude to keep making fun of someone who's been open with their mental problems. It'd be another thing if he hadn't told us, but since he has, this seems a little mean-spirited to me. Take that as you will.
A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em
Well, I find a difference between anger or depression issues, which perhaps seem to apply, and a completely inappropriate political outlook that at times seems to involve banning whatever offends him at the moment, including entire religions. However, you may be right, and I should try to be nicer, especially when I don't understand a person's situation.
I don't see anything wrong with being rude to someone who compared me to Jews that helped the Nazis, or is constantly saying things like snowstorms are worse than Hitler. Take that as you will.
That's... a more than fair point. I guess I missed those episodes, though I've seen a few.
I personally think they're better left ignored than mocked but I'm a big dumb ol' softie. Not as old as Frink, though.
A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em
Look I am sorry for how I have acted in the past and I know this just sounds like an excuse but there were times in the past where I had no real control over what I thought said or did, but I am on my meds now and getting treatment but one thing I have learned is that I have to take one day at a time and not let the past control my present, that is what led me to try suicide as an answer to my problems.
Here is the thing I was just trying to come up with an idea for taking care of bullies(even though I am still not sure it is something the government needs to be involved in)and I think the only way to do that is to change the culture so I am trying to come up with some ideas on how to do that.
The problem is I have looked online and in this very thread and I have yet to find a detailed plan for how to deal with bullies. I mean I find plenty of people saying how bad they are but no real plan. If you don't have a plan of action sitting around and talking about them just doesn't seem very productive to me so I was just trying to come up with some sort of plan. The point was to have it debated so we could come up with some real solutions. It was supposed to be the starting point, not the end all be all.
Sorry I have upset so many people.
DrCrowTStarwars said:
Look I am sorry for how I have acted in the past and I know this just sounds like an excuse but there were times in the past where I had no real control over what I thought said or did, but I am on my meds now and getting treatment but one thing I have learned is that I have to take one day at a time and not let the past control my present, that is what led me to try suicide as an answer to my problems.
Sorry I have upset so many people.
Fair enough and thanks.
TV's Frink said:
DrCrowTStarwars said:
Look I am sorry for how I have acted in the past and I know this just sounds like an excuse but there were times in the past where I had no real control over what I thought said or did, but I am on my meds now and getting treatment but one thing I have learned is that I have to take one day at a time and not let the past control my present, that is what led me to try suicide as an answer to my problems.
Sorry I have upset so many people.
Fair enough and thanks.
Sorry I called you a bully. I over reacted. Ever since I was a kid I have always had trouble telling when people are teasing me or joking so some times I take that stuff the wrong way.