My highlights thus far:
1) Revenge of the Sith in 3D* (crowd cheering when Anakin pulled his lightsaber on the younglings was quite something!)
2) JJ Panel & new trailer (the cheer when Han & Chewie were shown...)
3) Empire Strikes Back lost music with David W Collins
4) Carrie Fisher panel (she's mad and so charismatic)
5) Art of Ralph McQuarrie panel
6) Canon panel
Today: Smuggler's Bounty, Mark Hamill, plus a panel with Clone Wars composer Kevin Kiner if I can fit that in.
Tomorrow: Billy Dee, Doug Chiang, Gareth Edwards & Josh Trank, and Closing Ceremony.
*Note: I've personally dropped my anger about the prequels. They're not going away, they're firmly canon, so I might as well look for positives. My ire for the Special Editions and the lack of OOT will never be dropped.