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-Too "Lord of the Rings"?
-Repetitive? As in, we'll have this prolouge followed by yet another introductory device, the opening crawl.
-Narrator? If so, who? ID and I are thinking Christoper Lee for various reasons. He has a vast filmography for the picking, featuring lots of appropriate dialogue, and he just has a very cool voice which is perfectly suited for such a narration.
-Which films to take various footage from? This will feature both space and land battles, as well as various lightsaber duels. Such footage will be enhanced with special effects and altered so as to not be instantly recognizable from another film. "Braveheart" and "Troy" come to mind for ground battles, "The Last Starfighter" and "Serenity" for space battles, and the "Highlander" films are the first that come to mind in regards to duels.
-And should there be a cohesive character, such as Darth Bane/Darth Plagueis, or short character moments of some kind? Ever since the casting rumors of Christopher Walken in Episode II, I have always envisioned him as the aformentioned Sith Lord. Could clips from "The Prophecy," "Sleepy Hollow," and other Walken films be of use to us?