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The legendary "Starkiller Ranch" Thread — Page 23

It's from "Blue Side of the Moon: A Solo Album by Mas Amedda". Part of "The Senate Collection", a series of CD's featuring your favorite galactic senators performing standards and show tunes.

You should hear Palpatine's rendition of "Don't Rain On My Parade".

Well, should anything else fail, you guys should be able to pull out a nice Star Wars-tribute album! Don't forget to have Anakin sing "Love Me Tender"!
"The things that stick in my mind and make me laugh were, like, memos worried about whether or not the Wookie should have pants. They're looking at this thing and saying, "Couldn't he have some lederhosen?" This is great. Of all the things to worry about, the Wookie has no pants." -Mark Hamill
Hey Guys,

Did stormtroopers raid the Starkiller Ranch? I have't heard anything in days.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Sorry, Erik & everyone else. Sorry for neglecting this thread lately.

I assure you, we're all hard at work behind the scenes. We're up to the Mos Espa landing in the rough cut. We've run into a small snag with how to explain Padme's departure, but we're working through it.

Meanwhile, I've picked up John Williams' new "Munich" soundtrack and I'm combing it for useable tracks. Has anyone heard "Memoirs of a Geisha"? I had no idea that was Williams until a couple days ago. Wondering if there are some Star Wars possibilities.

I recently asked a very talented voice actor named Jeff Vitkuske aka Darth Milarc ("Memoirs of a Jedi" fan audio @ theforce.net) to record the voice for Nute Gunray. It turned out great! He really did an outstanding job. He based it on "The Passion" dialogue from the test clip, and it's very close (if not better). The language is based on Dha Werda Verda, an alien poem created by Ben Burtt from the liner notes of the "Shadows of the Empire" soundtrack. Only, without the familiar words from the Passion like "Allah" and "Yeshua" people were complaining about. The other good part about making an original recording is the inclusion of proper names like "Jedi" and "Amidala", which were not possible before. I think you'll all be pleased with the result. Thanks again, Jeff!

MTH and I are now in the process of finalizing the opening crawl. I'm also working closely with a special-effects guy who is doing some preliminary Dooku stuff for me. We're testing the boundaries of what is and isn't possible as far as compositing Christopher Lee into Episode I. Stage one is to replace Eeth Koth (the guy with the little horns) in the background of the Jedi council with a slightly younger version of Christopher Lee. If it turns out good, then we'll develop the concept and try to push it further into a speaking role, but if it isn't, then we'll drop it altogether.

I'll keep you updated as new info becomes available.

Thanks to all of you who follow this thread.


Fantastic news InfoDroid!

This is gonna be one kick ass saga with the commitment and passion that you and your partners have.

Thanks for giving us all an update.

Yeah, this is sooo sweeet.

Cant wait, if you need any help, I can try
Well, what are you good at, Mask? How would you like to help?

I can do voices, I have a very deep voice. Just trying to help this excellent project

Maybe I could do the promoting of it
Very deep voice? You know, we still need a Boss Nass. Of course it would be in alien dialogue.

Two questions: Do you have the capability to record? And are you willing to do it?

And that goes for anybody else too. We still have a lot of voices to fill and a lot of work to do to hit our May 25th release date. If you feel you can really bring something to the table, with vocal work, or special effects, or even creating a sample DVD cover we'd love for you to get involved. Just PM me with the details of how you'd like to help, and I'll try to find a place for you.

Thanks a lot guys!


I'm completely floored at the work you've put into this in such a short time, ID. You are so dedicated and this movie completely belongs to you, MTH, Jeff Vitkuske, and all the others who are going to make this the greatest Star Wars fan achievement to hit the screen. And compositing Dooku into the Jedi Council? If it looks realistic, then that's absolutely fascinating.

I'm so pleased to see everyone working together to turn out a product better than what I would have done myself, and two years earlier to top it. I'm sure you know that collaboration and group discussions have always been a huge part of my plans for this PT trilogy. I am absolutely thrilled.

Thank you so much.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

Originally posted by: InfoDroid
We're testing the boundaries of what is and isn't possible as far as compositing Christopher Lee into Episode I. Stage one is to replace Eeth Koth (the guy with the little horns) in the background of the Jedi council with a slightly younger version of Christopher Lee. If it turns out good, then we'll develop the concept and try to push it further into a speaking role, but if it isn't, then we'll drop it altogether.


Woah! That would be cooler than that Qui-Gon in ROTJ clip. Even just him sitting there would rule.
My thoughts exactly, Sluggo. I think you'll all be pleasantly surprised when you see it.

And thanks for the comments, Trooperman. I hope it lives up to your vision of the PT and even exceeds some of your expectations.


I think putting Dooku on the Jedi Council is too radical. He is supposed to have too radical ideas to be on the Council ... but still influential and therefore in the midst of things anyway.
How about inserting him in the ceremonies at the end? It makes sense that he would visit the funeral of his former padawan. It would also come face-to-face with Palpatine ...
I think putting Dooku on the Jedi Council is too radical. He is supposed to have too radical ideas to be on the Council ... but still influential and therefore in the midst of things anyway.

I would have to agree with this. The more I think about it the more it just doesn't work for me. I think him being at the funeral would be perfect.
"You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could...you never stopped to think if you should." - Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
Just for quickness ive just started reading this thread again - can you plz tell me exactly what the plan with this project?

Actually, putting Dooku into the funeral really would be perfect. If that were at all possible, that's what I would choose. I'm just a little confused of the logistics of a new speaking role in the Council. But if it works, that's fantastic.

Also know that I'm working on getting hold of the full-screen DVD now. When that happens, I'll be able to upload all the CFSS shots you need in anamorphic widescreen (once these are decided upon).

And Dan, the plan is to....

-Redub the Nemoidians, Jar-Jar, Boss Nass and so on with new human voice actors. They're subtitled.
-Cropping and recoloring to improve cinematography
-Redone soundtrack
-MTH and others are working on the script, InfoDroid's doing the bulk of the work, and I'm doing a final pass before release to ensure consistency.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

Originally posted by: Trooperman
Actually, putting Dooku into the funeral really would be perfect. If that were at all possible, that's what I would choose. I'm just a little confused of the logistics of a new speaking role in the Council. But if it works, that's fantastic.

I know some of you are skeptical (as you've been with EVERY change we've suggested in this thread), but I won't comment anymore on Dooku until I have something to show you. You can then judge for yourselves, once you've seen it in action and in the right context.

Also know that I'm working on getting hold of the full-screen DVD now. When that happens, I'll be able to upload all the CFSS shots you need in anamorphic widescreen (once these are decided upon).

Wow, you have been away for a while, TM! I finally bought the fool-screen version of TPM and mailed it to TJDavis1138, who is the primary editor on this project now. Which brings me to...

And Dan, the plan is to....

-Redub the Nemoidians, Jar-Jar, Boss Nass and so on with new human voice actors. They're subtitled.
-Cropping and recoloring to improve cinematography
-Redone soundtrack
-MTH and others are working on the script, InfoDroid's doing the bulk of the work, and I'm doing a final pass before release to ensure consistency.

All true, except for InfoDroid doing the bulk of the work (that's been slightly changed).

MTHaslett is our writer/editing supervisor,
Commander Courage is our... our Quality-Control Expert ,
TJDavis1138 is our chief editor on the film (and also getting real good at special effects! ),
then he's passing it to me to do the music and sound effects.
Meanwhile, I'm also filling a producer-type role by lining up all the talent behind the scenes. lol
And Trooperman, you're of course our "Spiritual Guide". Kind of like the ghost of Ben, you're not always there at the opportune time, but you always come back at important moments to guide our path.

There's a few other important people helping us out along the way. Cool people like ErikStormtrooper (web hosting), Darth Milarc (vocal talent), and Draconis Livingston (special effects), with more volunteering as the weeks go by. Hopefully we can get Mask on board and a few other people who want to help out.

I'm using that "stone soup" mentality which says that alone you have your imagination and not much else, but if you can get everybody to each bring just a little bit to the pot, then you can make something better than you ever thought was possible.


Quality Control Expert, huh? What a BS title.

This Dooku discussion is very intriguing and I look forward to getting indepth with you guys one-on-one.
What themes from SOTE are you gonna be using for TPM? I'm currently listening to "The Destruction of Xizor's Palace" and some of the latter more dramatic themes could be fit into the ANH-duel between Obi-Wan and Vader to make it more dramatic. As of now, it doesn't seem like a duel between the mentor and the apprentice who probably still feels he was betrayed. The calmness of JEJ's voice is one thing, but it would add a lot to the scene to stuff in some music. Also, if you need more Star Wars-ish music, the game Outcast has a beautiful score written by Lennie Moore and performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra. If you need some adventurous and more exotic cues, I think you'd be able to find a use for this. You can listen to it here
"The things that stick in my mind and make me laugh were, like, memos worried about whether or not the Wookie should have pants. They're looking at this thing and saying, "Couldn't he have some lederhosen?" This is great. Of all the things to worry about, the Wookie has no pants." -Mark Hamill
Great find, Olzen! I listened to the main theme and a couple other tracks and I LOVE it! It definitely may find a place in our project. If you come across anything else like this, please let me know.

RE: Shadows of the Empire, it's a CD I've been listening to regularly since it was first released, TEN years ago (god, I'm getting old). I'm a big fan of the whole CD, but in particular the final track, "The Destruction of Xizor's Palace". I think it could (possibly) work well for the ending of Episode I. Right now I'm thinking of seeing how it works during the final battle, because that piece carries with it so much scope. "Night Skies" is also a favorite of mine.

At the suggestion of Commander Courage, I'm also thinking of using some of "The Battle of Gall" for when Qui-Gon is trying to lightsaber Nute's blast doors open. We'll see how it works.


Glad you enjoy it. If you need better quality versions, I do have the full CD version. I'm afraid certain tracks are scratched, but I will certainly see what I can do!

EDIT: The surface of the CD seems to be remarkably un-scratched. Might as well rip it to see how it turns out.
"The things that stick in my mind and make me laugh were, like, memos worried about whether or not the Wookie should have pants. They're looking at this thing and saying, "Couldn't he have some lederhosen?" This is great. Of all the things to worry about, the Wookie has no pants." -Mark Hamill
The next bit of script-- sorry for the long delay.

This is the scene where we meet Anakin. I want it to contain more drama between Anakin and Padme. One thing is to make their interaction more jagged -- less understanding politeness. Another is to introduce a trick that Anakin can use: he "Force talks" to Padme when he first speaks to her. She is impressed, but doesn't know what to make of it, and being with a couple Jedi -- she's not as freaked out by it as one of us would be, and I think her reaction looks appropriate. Suprised, impressed, interested, but confused and ultimately more concerned with other things.

Anyway, here goes. I think it works better with a longer build up of Padme and Jar Jar getting the lay of the land before Anakin jumps in to talk.


Watto hums the Cantina theme from ANH -- the door "pings" and Qui Gonn enters, asking for J-Type parts. -- keep everything up to Q telling JJ not to touch anything -- then cut JJ's tongue gag. (a la "BotF")

Padme looks around -- use the shot where Anakin says "Are you an angel" -- but CUT this line. Cut off the shot before Anakin's lip flap becomes too noticable. Leave the shot with out dialogue -- she's looking around, lost, interested...

CUT TO: JJ inspecting the junk (the "handheld" shot -- probably the best Jar Jar effects shot in the movie)

Then to the 2 shot of Padme and Anakin watching JJ

Then JJ leans in and turns on a droid -- it runs around.

Back to Anakin and Padme "Hey, hit the nose!"

JJ catches the droid "what?"

Back to Anakin "Hit the nose."

JJ does it and the droid folds up.

CUT TO: Close up of Anakin -- looking serious, staring at Padme (for this, use the last part of the shot where he says "I'm a person and my name is Anakin" -- he's staring hard at Padme). His voice comes over the shot -- "Force talking" accompanied by appropriate harp/Force music cue

Anakin (V.O.) "Are you..."

Padme turns to Anakin in shock -- "...an angel?" She stares and answers: "What?"

Cut to Anakin: "An angel, I hear the deep space pilots talk about them. ..."

CUT TO Padme's awed reaction: "... They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe."

CUT TO Reverse angle; Padme says "How do you know so much."

He answers her. Does his best acting in the movie. Use this shot all the way up to Anakin saying "mm-hmm. All my life." Padme's confused -- he's a pilot? But...

CUT TO: Padme's skeptical close up: "You're a slave?"

CUT TO: Anakin: "I'm a person, and my name is Anakin!"

Whoa. Easy there-- but before we get any calming down, we...

CUT TO: Qui Gonn dealing with Watto. Use the entire scene as is -- except the last shot is the close up of him pretending to smile to Watto -- no need to see him walking toward the shop again.

CUT TO: Back to Anakin "...I wouldn't have lasted so long anyway, if I wasn't so good at building things." He's calmed down. Q enters. Etc. Use the whole scene -- except cut the "Yippee!" We'll adjust Watto's dialogue to be meaner, a la BotF.

Maybe cut the JJ "double spin" as he leaves -- but everything else is good (after we adjust the music -- InfoDroid).

More later. Thoughts?

Wow, that is a completely fluid cut of that scene. It's almost seamless, I didn't even think you could take that whole sequence and turn it around like that. I especially like the feeling that the conversation between anakin and padme is LONGER, and is also a trivial long conversation about his condition in slavery. The "force talk" is an interesting addition and I like it. Ya know, its soo nice that you could definatley use it again in Episode 3 or possibly Episode 2 for pivitol feeling to emerge from anakin secretly to padme. Brilliant in my opinion. On a side note, for some reason the "jar jar double spin" made me laugh every time I saw it in the theater. Damn that character had potential. But I see that we can turn him into a real worthy addition to the star wars universe. I can't wait for the next scene.

Finished up the last bit of script that mth posted last night. Everything went together real well.

Everything seems to be going fairly smooth at this point.
"You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could...you never stopped to think if you should." - Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
Alright! Thats good to hear TJ, I was wondering how the actually editting was coming along. But if everything is fitting with MTHasletts alterations then that makes me very happy. You hear that Mthaslett? You gotta catch up now

Look forward to the next draft...