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Like many threads here, this one has been overrun by idiocy.

The original intent here was to share links, emails, letters, etc. regarding our wanting the GOUT released to us in the best format possible.  It's still a worthwhile cause for the mostpart, but anyone wanting to take the reigns must be warned that idiots run rampant.

I highly recommend that anyone wanting to continue with emails and letters start their own thread from scratch.  Personally, I am tired.  Very tired.  I will be pursuing other things.  You can only beat your head against a wall for a dead cause so long before changing direction.

Good luck and MTFBWY.


This message has been approved by zombie84.



About eight weeks ago i contacted The Sun newspaper (u.k.) and Totalfilm magazine then Empire magazine , only The Sun newspaper sent me an email back saying they will get back to me , as yet nothing . From now on im going to send the same message once a week until something gets done  or we get help from the media.


I urge everybody to get in contact with the media in your area, know matter how big or small they may be. It all helps to get the word out about  this site and its cause.


A reply from Vanessa Philipe:

Hello JediTray,

Thanks so much for your email. We are most definitely aware of this lack of film preservation from George Lucas, and do address it in our documentary. Not to mention that we agree with you. In fact, Alexandre (the director) is quoted in the Guardian article, and the film includes an interview from the man behind the originaltrilogy.com.

We are hard at working putting together our release strategy, and look forward to your being able to see the film.

Vanessa Philippe
The People vs. George Lucas


Thanks for the guardian article.

This is what was written by one of the commenters (GW74) on the guardian website in response to the article:

The Original Trilogy are George Lucas's children, but if they could speak they would have legally emancipated themselves from him long ago. The technoligical constraints are what made the films so exceptional. The broad infinite canvas that technological progress has brought out the worst in lucas. Alas I fear he is too powerful for this message to ever get through to him.

The part in bold had me cracking up. But the whole reply was particualry well written and apt.


"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt


Looks like my initial email has mostly fallen upon deaf ears/blind eyes.  That's okay, I'm still gonna keep going.

Along with many of the usual suspects, I have emailed 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm.  Yeah, I know.  :)

If anyone has ideas on sites and email addresses, please let me know here.  I was not surprised that Philip Wise, or any staff at RebelScum.com did not reply.  His nose is so far up Lucasfilm's ass.

Anyway, let's have your suggestions, links, and emails! 


While I can understand your preference to retain some privacy, I don't think signing off with a screenname will lend you much credibility with the more serious/influential organisations.

If you show them that you're taking it seriously, they might be more likely to do so themselves!


Um, I do use my real name in my correspondence.  It has been changed to protect the innocent/guilty.  :)


JediTray said:

I was not surprised that Philip Wise, or any staff at RebelScum.com did not reply.  His nose is so far up Lucasfilm's ass.

That's a shame. Back when he started rebelscum around 13 years ago, Philip was just a regular schmoe.

My site is small beans when it comes to Star Wars sites, but I'll see about crafting an editorial about the issue and putting it up at erikstormtrooper.com.

Have you tried Adam Pawlus at galactichunter.com? T-bone at T'bone Star Wars Universe? Roger Ebert?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Yep. In the age of Twitter and Facebook, maybe even some celebs could get involved. Get people with some clout? Ebert's already been tried. No help. I don't have the feeling it'll do much good, but make as much noise as you can make with everybody. Get articles in mainstream media across the world if we can. Make NOISE people. Lucas won't listen, so it doesn't matter, but at least it'll be a fight.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Erikstormtrooper said:

JediTray said:

I was not surprised that Philip Wise, or any staff at RebelScum.com did not reply.  His nose is so far up Lucasfilm's ass.

That's a shame. Back when he started rebelscum around 13 years ago, Philip was just a regular schmoe.


Not anymore.  Now that he runs an empire of his own and sucks off of the Lucasfilm teat, he won't be of any use.  Between RebelScum, TheForce.net, and OfficialPix, Philip is living large and he dare not go against the empire.


My site is small beans when it comes to Star Wars sites, but I'll see about crafting an editorial about the issue and putting it up at erikstormtrooper.com.


Thank you, and please link to it here.  :)


Have you tried Adam Pawlus at galactichunter.com?


I haven't been to GH for years because of Adam May, but Pawlus has been receptive in the past so I'll give him a shot.


T-bone at T'bone Star Wars Universe?


Nope, can you provide a link?


Roger Ebert?


Not yet, but good idea.  I'm also considering Leonard Maltin.



JediTray said:

I'm also considering Leonard Maltin.
Since the Faces VHS set, Maltin has been synonymous with Star Wars to me. That would prove interesting.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

Letter to Mr. Maltin, sent to his email address at "Leonard Maltin's Movie Crazy."
Mr. Maltin,
I was watching your interview with George Lucas on the THX remastered box set of the Star Wars Trilogy today, and decided it would be best to send you this email about the terrible state of things regarding these classic films.  As you may already know, Mr. Lucas has announced that the six-film saga will be released on Blu-ray next year.  While initially exciting to hear, it was a terrible blow for those of us that have been wanting the original 1977, 1980, and 1983 versions of the films in proper high definition form.  The original versions will not be available in this set.  As a matter of fact, Mr. Lucas has been on a decades-long campaign to erase these films from existence.  This must not be allowed to happen, and I wonder if you would be so kind as to relay what your position on this is.  As a film historian, I hope that this email strikes a chord in you that will help get the word out.
I am part of an ever-growing fan effort to bring attention to this, and I hope you take a moment to chime in on the situation.  It looks like the mainstream media is finally taking notice about the exclusion of the Original Trilogy on the upcoming Blu-ray set.  I urge you to take a look:
Also, a couple more links to consider:
Unlike practically every other film in the history of cinema, the preservation of Star Wars has been left up to US.
I look forward to reading your thoughts on the matter, and thank you for your time.

I have also contacted T Bone's Star Wars Universe.  Will update when I have more.


P.O. Box 29901
San Francisco, CA 94129?

Dear Lucasfilm, George Lucas, and any Lucasfilm Representatives,

I am writing this letter because I am deeply concerned at what has been allowed to happen to the Original Star Wars Trilogy. Mr. Lucas himself spoke out about the preservation of classic films in a Congressional Hearing held in 1988, yet he has campaigned to erase these films in their original states from history. This must not be allowed to happen, and I urge anyone reading this to really think about what is happening. The Original Trilogy will not be included in the upcoming Blu-ray set, and I must inform you that fan outcry has spawned many places on the Web to go for sharing our frustration, as well as all-out boycotting of the Blu-ray set. Of course, we know that these measures will still not keep it from being a best seller, but it MUST be known that we, the fans, are gaining momentum and numbers in this matter. Practically EVERY SINGLE classic film that has been released to Blu-ray and DVD INCLUDES original, unaltered versions that are anamorphic and utilize the best technology has to offer. All we received were dumps from LaserDisc in 4:3 letterbox.

While I understand that it is impossible to make everyone happy with such a huge phenomenon, even the people I have spoken to that are excited about the impending release are puzzled and let-down about the original versions not being available. So to this day, Star Wars remains the ONLY film in recent history where it has been left up to the FANS to preserve it. This is not right and we will continue our efforts to educate and share with anyone who will listen.



Also please visit:





Very funny.

I decided it was okay to use my name in these posts, but omit my mailing address, etc.


Don't misunderstand me, it wasn't a joke.  I just thought you might have forgotten to remove your name from the forum posts.

And anyway, if it was a joke, it would have been a pretty lame one.


Understood.  I changed it to JediTray just in case.  Sorry about that.  At any rate, letters are going out to Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox today.  It's ironic that postal mail seems to be the only way to send a letter to Lucasfilm, with all of the technology available.


You didn't remove it from post 16, if'n you still a wanted to.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!