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The io9 March Movie Madness Poll... — Page 4


That sounds very tantalizing. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the results.

On a related note, to all the naysayers I find it interesting that people are against something that they haven't actually seen, because no film, not even Avatar, was shot and projected at 48 FPS. Also for the record, films aren't shot at 24FPS, they are shot in a variety of speeds, from 18 and 22 FPS to 64 and 128 FPS, it's the projected speed of the finished film that is 24FPS, but it's often projecting high-speed and low-speed input with 24FPS output, which is what Jackson says is actually his preferred method with the 48FPS camera in the quote above (taking 48 FPS input and outputing it at 24 FPS), so it's essentially the same principle. Even Star Wars has at least one high speed shot in it, probably filmed at 48 FPS (ironically). I think a lot of critics simply don't fully consider the history and mechanics of motion picture film.


Sooo....are you suggesting we murder them?

"George, we hate you for making more Star Wars movies.  Please make more Star Wars movies."

-The Internet


Darth Bizarro said:

Sooo....are you suggesting we murder them?

What is this I don't even.