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This whole thing was made obvious to me because today i checked TFN out of curiosity and there was a private message from someone wondering in bewilderment why such an halfway-intelligent person like me stays with TFN and why didn't i come over to the Outter Rim Seiges boards? My first thought was "sigh...why bother?" Even at TFN, where the content of the films is discussed 99% of the times, i have not much more to say. Most of my posts there have simply degraded to defending the OOT where necessary and reminding new fans of the original context of the films. I guess the reason i stick around is to not let the place be totally run by PT-fanboys and warp new fans.
But really, i have nothing more to say about the films. Since 1998 i have discussed every aspect of both the PT and OT, i have talked about every subject and interpretation at least ten times over, and that previous sense of discovery, of hearing a new viewpoint or aspect that i hadn't considered, has long since evaporated. And i know i'm not the only one feeling this way. The period of 1998-2005 was explosive for fandom because it was the era when people first started getting on the internet and discussing things and being exposed to new and shared ideas and it was simultaneously the era of new Star Wars films. But now both of those eras are gone. Theres very little to learn about the OOT--i am always amazed at learning a piece of info i hadn't heard before but these are slim pickin's--and about the PT for that matter.
In short, what i am saying is is this the end of the massive outpour of Star Wars fandom? Will we be headed to that same downtime that existed after the OT was done, that big 1985-1989 dry spell? Obviously there will be EU--but i hate the EU. And i think most fans do as well. The only thing left is the TV series, which i admit i am curious about, but i still dread it will just be a Star Trek/ Firefly clone of some kind, with all the stupid developments of the PT intact. I think its a very telling sign of the fundamental differences between us two groups that most PT fans are EU fans as well, or at least are accepting of EU, while most OT fans hate the EU, or at least don't care much for it. PT fans have six films, a whole bunch of TV series now, a shitload of books and comics and god knows what else--I have three films, only two of which i truely love, the other which i tolerate as the conclusion to those films. I know i will always be involved in Star Wars fandom in some minor way, and come back to posting things from time to time, but i have a feeling that for me, and i think for many others, we will be heading back to that quiet, just-enjoy-the-OT fandom that we had around the early 90's.