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The best analysis of the new trailer you'll ever see


forthebanterni said:

There's alot of info in here you don't want to miss.

 I like this alot.



This thread should really be merged with the spoiler thread.

Someone might accidentally click the link while shaving.

I wish people would post non-flash versions of their videos on youtube.

I don't have flash on my laptop so to watch these things I have to switch to another machine.

That all said the video is hilarious and well worth watching.

Plenty of material for Frink to play with.


at 8:45 or so... "I was shocked because I didn't know there was any black people in space .. and I don't think there were any black people in the previous movies" LOL - I guess he forgot about James Earl Jones and Billy Dee Williams.

Although he'd have had a point if he had mentioned that Lupita Nyong might be the first ever black woman in space - assuming she plays a human that is and not an alien like Femi Taylor in ROTJ.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


imperialscum said:

I love his accent, a mix of Swedish and Italian. :D

 It sounds to me like he is purposely trying to sound as Swedish as possible. It is so horrible, I can't stand it.


He's so dumb I can't stand it!

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


I enjoyed that quite a bit, though I think I would've liked it even more if I knew who it was he's satirizing.

"These deadly rays will be your death..."