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The Vaultbreakers Collection - Disney Preservations — Page 12


^Yes. It looks like a number of the SE fixes that accidentally remained in the "theatrical" cut on DVD have been fixed for the 3D Blu, but not all.

I'm going home this weekend for Thanksgiving. I know I'll at least have *a* chance of some sort of upload speed there, so I'll put it up then. But it would pretty much only be for that short period from wed-sun and I don't know if it'll be enough time for anyone to grab it at my roughly 30 kbps upload speed :/. They're only single-layer DVDs though so there's a chance.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

I wish I could buy the 3D disc without having to buy the Diamond Edition in that set; the colors are so much better, but I don't know if my PS3 will downconvert it to 2D...

I'm not sure I understand why you'd want the 3D version without a 3D player... was there actually a color difference between the two Blu-ray discs?

“Before the Dark Times. Before the Prequels.”


Yes. Significant ones. There's an odd brownish tint to the diamond edition not found on the 3D disc (which as I understand it will downconvert to 2D) and it being removed really helps the colors pop. Whether it's closer to the original I can't say, but it certainly looks better. You can find a comparison here. It best starts showing at about 1:17 through the town scene.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


INTERESTING. I had no idea.

I agree with the remark (on that page) that it's probably due to their compensating for the 3D experience (one commenter said that when you watch it in a theater you're effectively wearing sunglasses).

So sad that I'd now wish I'd waited a year and bought the 3D version.

Shifting films, is it true that The Little Mermaid will be in 3D next fall? I'm so hoping for its Blu-ray.

“Before the Dark Times. Before the Prequels.”


That accounts for the increased brightness but the other color pallet changes were probably done just as a general aesthetic choice.

I know it's coming out in theaters as a 3D rerelease but I dunno if they have plans for a blu-ray. I'll probably go see it but skip out on the home release. I'm not crazy about the 3D as much as I am the chance to see these films on the big screen.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I saw a side by side comparison of BatB on YouTube between the Laserdisc and Special Edition.  It looks like the colors were intentionally crapped up when they went SE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aRiI8sRfuU (can I embed this video?)

I wonder how the LD compares to the 3D colors.  They may have just returned to the original palette.

Dr. M


I've hit a bit of a snag. While my computer made it through B&TB with relatively minor hiccups it appears to be unwilling to make an iso of it. I'll give it a shot on another machine, but I might not be able to help the way I'd wanted...

edit: ugh, should've tried to rip it as soon as I got it in the mail! Seems like either it was a dud to begin with or the paper sleeve I'd kept it in might have done the movie in. Again, my computer can watch it - but ripping seems to be out of the question. Is anyone more knowledgeable willing to give some advice? I was looking forward to actually being able to give something back to the community, even if only a repost of someone else's work.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Doubt I can help much. But, what do you use to make the iso? I use ImgBurn for most anything that I am making an iso or burning an iso to disc.



It doesn't have to be an ISO, does it?

Since there is no copy protection you could just try copying as you would any other file (no special software needed).  It might prove more successful.

Dr. M


On the first machine I used imgburn to no success; it failed to copy VTS_01_4. The second machine I tried a straight copy, with the same result. I did try to wash the disc but that didn't help much either.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I've hit a bit of a snag. While my computer made it through B&TB with relatively minor hiccups it appears to be unwilling to make an iso of it. I'll give it a shot on another machine, but I might not be able to help the way I'd wanted...

Is there some sort of weird atmospheric occurrence causing everyone to have this same problem at the same time?  I was trying to rip a big project from my master DVD (because my HD got wiped) which I'd completed a few years back and was finally going to upload for Christmas...and I can't get it off of the disc.  Not sure if it's a bad DL disc or my PC hates me.  Either way, it makes me want to club a baby seal :/

On the flipside...I have a copy of the Vaultbreaker BatB disc which I just finished ripping.  I'll put it on MySpleen when I get some time in the next few days. 


I was just thinking about how it's really hard/impossible to find the BLAKSVN preservations of the Superman extended cuts. It's depressing how it's sometimes quite difficult to find and exhume past OT projects.

People talk about how overreliance on digital storage media could hinder future film preservation, but it already seems to be taking its toll on preservation preservation.


@OmegaMattman - Always try a different DVD drive if that happens.  Lasers get weaker with age and sometimes worse at reading discs.

Dr. M


Doctor M said:

@OmegaMattman - Always try a different DVD drive if that happens.  Lasers get weaker with age and sometimes worse at reading discs.

Yeah, I was hoping that was the problem.  Dug out my laptop...and every old DVD drive I still have around the house.  No success.

Might pick up a cheap drive before the weekend is out and give it a shot.

Off topic, the DVD in question was a widescreen reconstruction of the Star Trek: The Motion Picture "Special Longer Version" I completed in 2010.  I don't remember why, but I did not generally upload it...and only gave it to a handful of people who do not seem to be able/willing to help me get a duplicate :/


Thanks for BatB.  I think someone mentioned that they would post Little Mermaid as well(?)

I can offer ADM's Aladdin & of course SotS if there is interest.  I didn't realize these had become so scarce.

@OmegaMattman: Is that the Fanfiltration ST:TMP extended or is that a different edit?

Dr. M


I think I have Mermaid somewhere.  I'll rip-and-upload when I get the chance.

@OmegaMattman: Is that the Fanfiltration ST:TMP extended or is that a different edit?

No, it was a version I did myself.  Sources were the '09 Theatrical Cut DVD, '01 Director's Edition DVD, and audio from the '83 LaserDisc.  Took forever to color-correct everything to match.

It was actually part of a 3-Disc set I'd put together, which also had a more pure Theatrical Cut disc (with hard-coded subs in the original typeface and audio from the '89 LD) and a 3rd disc of extras.  So far, all I've been able to rip is that 3rd disc :/


Looks like BatB on Spleen is a no-go.  I was in the middle of seeding it, when I was forced to restart my PC.  When I came back to seed it again, the torrent wouldn't function and the listing had disappeared from Spleen.  Sorry :(


Perhaps they didn't feel it fit the bill for preservation? Did you mention that it's the only available OAR version in your description?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I listed the aspect as 1.66:1, but I'm not sure if I said it was OAR.  I did make it known that it was the original theatrical version and that it was mastered from the '92 LD.


I'll go ahead and PM walkingdork for you or something. He's a good person to ask, what with being the Spleen ambassador.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Any news with the postings ? Will we be able to get soon BatB, Aladdin and Little Mermaid soon ?

Thanks to answer


I was going to ask the same.  I still have 10% of BatB from the Spleen failure.

I suppose we could use open trackers for the torrents if it is an issue.

Dr. M


Is there any interest in a preservation of the "Work in Progress" B&TB LD?

I own a copy and I have a Panasonic LX-900U...

Edit: Granted, I haven't viewed it yet and I hear it's a rotter.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


Doctor M said:

I was going to ask the same.  I still have 10% of BatB from the Spleen failure.

I suppose we could use open trackers for the torrents if it is an issue.

How would one go about doing that?  I'll be happy to continue with BatB, as well as TLM.