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The "Vader Edition" Star Wars Saga - Episodes 1-6 Edits (1/6 available) (WIP) (Revival) — Page 5


I really like a lot of your ideas but I have some ideas that I think would make them even better. I think you maybe could somehow imply that Owen knew Anakin more than once considering how Owen is thrown into AOTC as an afterthought even though in ANH it is implied that he knew Anakin and Obi Wan a lot more. I’m not sure how to fix that but there must be some way.

Another interesting idea is flashing back to important scenes in TPM in AOTC like Darthrush did with his edit. Then you could have AOTC the first movie and then make a fanedit of TCW tv show as the middle movie.

With ANH I would suggest removing a lot of Motti’s comments about the jedi because he would have been around when the Jedi were in their prime. Also maybe have Luke say “You fought in The Clone WAR” instead of WarS since there was only one or you could change it to “The DROID War” because the droids were on the defeated side and wars are usually named after the side that was defeated.

You could also remove Leia being Lukes sister entirely like the radical re edit of ROTJ. It would not be hard to cut from Padme saying “Oh Luke” in ROTS to her dying skipping Leia. You could also get rid of the line “from a certain point of view” (god I hate that line). You could include the Boba subplot from the ROTJ radical re edit as well instead of him going out like a little bitch.

Good work so far tho

Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing


Since there are many things you want that cannot be achieved by editing and limited resources, do you also plan on posting rewrites for them? If so, here is where you can post a rewrite of the saga.


Really liking these ideas, could I have a link for the first two edits please?


Space Medievalist said:

I really like a lot of your ideas but I have some ideas that I think would make them even better. I think you maybe could somehow imply that Owen knew Anakin more than once considering how Owen is thrown into AOTC as an afterthought even though in ANH it is implied that he knew Anakin and Obi Wan a lot more. I’m not sure how to fix that but there must be some way.

Another interesting idea is flashing back to important scenes in TPM in AOTC like Darthrush did with his edit. Then you could have AOTC the first movie and then make a fanedit of TCW tv show as the middle movie.

With ANH I would suggest removing a lot of Motti’s comments about the jedi because he would have been around when the Jedi were in their prime. Also maybe have Luke say “You fought in The Clone WAR” instead of WarS since there was only one or you could change it to “The DROID War” because the droids were on the defeated side and wars are usually named after the side that was defeated.

You could also remove Leia being Lukes sister entirely like the radical re edit of ROTJ. It would not be hard to cut from Padme saying “Oh Luke” in ROTS to her dying skipping Leia. You could also get rid of the line “from a certain point of view” (god I hate that line). You could include the Boba subplot from the ROTJ radical re edit as well instead of him going out like a little bitch.

Good work so far tho

I’m not sure about the feasibility of the Owen idea.

I have actually considered doing something like this, putting the Anakin parts from Phantom Menace at the beginning of Attack of the Clones and calling the movie something like “The Advent of Skywalker” or something. My only problem with that would be that I’ve actually warmed up to other parts of TPM so I’m not entirely sure if I’d want to do that. Though I’m not sure how I would handle the second movie then, like which Clone Wars arc to use (there’s so many good ones I’m not even sure which one I would pick; I would want to pick one that shows off Anakin and Obi-Wan’s friendship a good amount), unless you’re talking about the 2003 series, which could also work, since the two together would be the length of a movie. I have also considered actually doing a 9 film saga, but instead of the sequels, there’d be a couple Clone Wars movies (if I were to combine TPM and AOTC there’d be three Clone Wars movies) and a movie using the Kenobi show. But for now I’m sticking to 6. I’d like to hear what you guys think about either of these ideas.

I’m not sure about those dialogue changes. I don’t even think Motti brings up the Jedi, he just says “Your devotion to that ancient religion…” which first of all, could be referring to the Sith, and second, is technically true since it was started a long time ago. And the war has been called “The Clone Wars” so much in-universe and out that I think changing that line would also just be really weird and pointless.

Not really feeling like making Luke and Leia not brother and sister. I’ve gotten so used to that that one in which they’re not would just feel… bizarre. And while I liked the Boba Fett subplot in the radical re-edit, it isn’t complete enough to integrate and it contradicts The Mandalorian.

TestingOutTheTest said:

Since there are many things you want that cannot be achieved by editing and limited resources, do you also plan on posting rewrites for them? If so, here is where you can post a rewrite of the saga.

I think that would be really cool. I’m still definitely going to do these edits because I would like to have preferred versions of the saga to actually be able to watch for when I do my saga rewatches but I think this would be fun to do.

It would allow me to do things that are unfeasible for an edit, like replace Vader’s No in Revenge of the Sith with how it goes down in the comics:

Xhorkis said:

Really liking these ideas, could I have a link for the first two edits please?

Thanks, I’ll send the link.

Since I’m waiting to do the Revenge of the Sith edit (but I should be able to resume work soon since octoroxx is almost done with his extended edition) I have been working on V2 of my Phantom Menace edit, I’ll post something here when it’s finished.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


My idea is that the film will be edited to make it appear as if Luke had been training with Yoda in the time period between ESB and this film, which explains how Luke became a better, more powerful Jedi in-between.

You said it yourself, that Luke isn’t as powerful as the prequel-era Jedi.

Also, regarding scenes you want such as the canon comics version of Vader’s “No!”, I suggested in Hal’s thread for TRoS that they create new scenes or stuff like Adywan did with the OT; however this should require collaboration, since I don’t think you have enough resources for new scenes matching the quality of the PT and OT, respectively.

One idea I have is using the Unity game engine, I recall it being used to animate 99% of every scene in the recent live-action remake of The Lion King.


TestingOutTheTest said:

You said it yourself, that Luke isn’t as powerful as the prequel-era Jedi.

Haha, you got me. Good point. I still feel like he could use some more training to be honest. I just find it jarring seeing Yoda begging for Luke to stay and then when he comes back he just says “No more training do you require.”

I have been thinking of doing the idea in which the rescue of Han Solo taking place almost immediately after ESB and then Luke returns to Dagobah for a year or so. That way the original structure is retained, though Vader arriving at the Death Star would have to be moved to later.

TestingOutTheTest said:

Also, regarding scenes you want such as the canon comics version of Vader’s “No!”, I suggested in Hal’s thread for TRoS that they create new scenes or stuff like Adywan did with the OT; however this should require collaboration, since I don’t think you have enough resources for new scenes matching the quality of the PT and OT, respectively.

One idea I have is using the Unity game engine, I recall it being used to animate 99% of every scene in the recent live-action remake of The Lion King.

That would be really awesome, but you’re absolutely right about me requiring collaboration. It would probably even need somewhat of a budget. I’d need a Darth Vader suit similar to the one in ROTS (I really do want to cosplay as Darth Vader anyway), someone to play Sidious who’s willing to wear make-up that looks exactly like his appearance in ROTS and do a stunt in which they get slammed against a wall, and a CG environment that looks exactly like the room in ROTS. Unless you’re suggesting the characters also be CG, in which case I guess that could be tried out but I’m not sure how that would look compared to the rest of the film.

Star Wars Theory seems like the perfect guy to collaborate with since he did a Vader fan-film with a Vader suit and worked with a pretty good Palpatine actor. FXItInPost would also probably be able to pull it off (I feel like SC 38 is proof of it). But the chances of me getting in contact with either of them, let alone collaborating, are slimmer then a dime.

If I were able to pull this off though, that means I could also definitely pull off a scene of Vader visiting Padme’s grave too, which would be great for my ROTJ.

If anyone’s willing to help, I’d love it. Bringing even just one part of the Darth Vader comic is the stuff of my dreams.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

Unless you’re suggesting the characters also be CG, in which case I guess that could be tried out but I’m not sure how that would look compared to the rest of the film.

I stated that the recent live-action remake of The Lion King used the Unity game engine to animate 99% of its scenes in the film; in case you didn’t know, the filmmakers made the CGI for the remake look super photorealistic, it looks almost exactly like in real life.


First, I’m going to have the ending scene of Rogue One be the opening. The Darth Vader hallway scene is perfect visual exposition for who his character is now since we left him at the end of ROTS. It establishes Vader as a badass, powerful Sith enforcer.

That would screw with the tone of the movie.


Maybe I’m confusing it with mood, but Vader’s presence in ANH is something that’s more ominous. He’s often not the focus of the shot, and it creates this really great eerie effect; like how Leia backs up into him when Alderaan’s about to be destroyed. Vader inspires dread throughout ANH, but his hallway scene is all about terror. And that’s fine, that’s great, but explosive Vader shouldn’t be his opening. It should come at the end during his duel with Obi-Wan so that it feels like a major payoff to the hints that they both possess incredible power.


I just hate the hallway scene. The fandom ruined it for me. If it would be feasible to cut it and not lose any plot, I would leap at the opportunity.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Maybe I’m confusing it with mood, but Vader’s presence in ANH is something that’s more ominous. He’s often not the focus of the shot, and it creates this really great eerie effect; like how Leia backs up into him when Alderaan’s about to be destroyed. Vader inspires dread throughout ANH, but his hallway scene is all about terror. And that’s fine, that’s great, but explosive Vader shouldn’t be his opening. It should come at the end during his duel with Obi-Wan so that it feels like a major payoff to the hints that they both possess incredible power.

I guess I can see where you’re coming from. But I mean, Vader shows his power in the beginning when he literally lifts a man up with one hand, so its not like they were holding out until the end.

BedeHistory731 said:

I just hate the hallway scene. The fandom ruined it for me. If it would be feasible to cut it and not lose any plot, I would leap at the opportunity.

I adore it. One of my favorite Star Wars scenes now.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

Maybe I’m confusing it with mood, but Vader’s presence in ANH is something that’s more ominous. He’s often not the focus of the shot, and it creates this really great eerie effect; like how Leia backs up into him when Alderaan’s about to be destroyed. Vader inspires dread throughout ANH, but his hallway scene is all about terror. And that’s fine, that’s great, but explosive Vader shouldn’t be his opening. It should come at the end during his duel with Obi-Wan so that it feels like a major payoff to the hints that they both possess incredible power.

I guess I can see where you’re coming from. But I mean, Vader shows his power in the beginning when he literally lifts a man up with one hand, so its not like they were holding out until the end.

BedeHistory731 said:

I just hate the hallway scene. The fandom ruined it for me. If it would be feasible to cut it and not lose any plot, I would leap at the opportunity.

I adore it. One of my favorite Star Wars scenes now.

I still hate it and would rank it as the worst scene in the series. It represents everything wrong with Star Wars fans, how all they want is just mindless scenes of “cool characters” using lightsabers for violence.

I like my Vader far more subdued, not this videogame nonsense.


BedeHistory731 said:

I still hate it and would rank it as the worst scene in the series. It represents everything wrong with Star Wars fans, how all they want is just mindless scenes of “cool characters” using lightsabers for violence.

I like my Vader far more subdued, not this videogame nonsense.

Yeah, because you know, Vader “helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights” and was the Emperor’s main enforcer by just sitting around.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


OK, I didn’t think you’d take it that hard. I just don’t like the scene. Maybe I got too hyperbolic.


You my friend are supremely talented. I’ve seen these previews and they look great.

Keep up the AMAZING work! Blown away.



Can I have links for these edita?

«This is where the fun begins!»
(Anakin Skywalker)


G&G-Fan said:

Darth Malgus said:

Can I have links for these edita?

I’m doing new versions of my prequel trilogy and I kinda already deleted my old ones unfortunately, so you’ll kinda have to wait till then. Sorry.

I am looking forward to these edits. The concept of Australian JarJar is great. It sounds like your edit is the only one that completely removes this “character” and we get a brand new one.

I also like the changes you have for ROTS. I agree with you entirely that the other edits were a bit aggressive.

The one issue I am torn about is the youngling murders. It really demonstrates the evil depravity of Vader like we see in a New Hope where he has no issue taking out an entire planet. On the other hand, I agree with your logic that his turn needs to be more gradual and removing the youngling murders makes Padme seem more reasonable trying to bring Anakin before he really goes off the rails.

I hope to see these soon. One thing I would suggest to take a look at is adding clips from the other Star Wars shows. I really disliked the Kenobi series, but I did enjoy the flashback scene of Kenobi and Anakin having a practice duel. It could be nice to incorporate.

I know other edits have these excessively long cuts of ROTS adding from other shows, but I am not comfortable mixing in cartoons. I do think some brief snippets could enhance the movies however.


I have DRASTICALLY re-edited this thread. My edits will be nothing like the ones I had in mind when I first created this. The OT changes are minor, the only changes are the ones that I mentioned. My Prequels will be way more edited, as my Big Prequel Fan days are over and I’ve come to agree with more criticisms over time.

My edits of the Prequels can’t fix them entirely (they really need a full rewrite) but I wanna make the best films out of what’s available that I can for my own enjoyment.

I hope you guys read my suggestions and are interested in my ideas.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


in your OT edits will you make them more fast paced ?



Skybatman said:

in your OT edits will you make them more fast paced ?

No. As I said the originals remain mostly unchanged except for the things I listed. ANH and ESB are pretty fastly paced to begin with and ROTJ being slower is purposeful.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


I’m very much interested in seeing these when they are completed 😃