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Jaws 2 has one of the most underrated John Williams soundtracks out there. Almost every piece in this score is awesome, and it’s a film I’m glad exists because of the score.
Shrek 3 is a good movie.
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin
Jaws 2 has one of the most underrated John Williams soundtracks out there. Almost every piece in this score is awesome, and it’s a film I’m glad exists because of the score.
I agree the score is great its the only thing i find worthwhile about that film.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is massively overrated. It’s oversimplistic, repetitive, and a bit boring; it doesn’t have much of an actual story beyond spoiled brats touring the factory and getting killed off in various ways. As someone who’s read most of Roald Dahl’s books, it’s easily one of the poorer entries in his canon.
James and the Giant Peach is similarly overrated.
Gone with the Wind is severely overrated, and either Wizard of Oz or Stagecoach should have won Best Picture that year. None of the main characters are likeable in any way, and Scarlett is just as big a self-centered bitch as Bella from Twilight.
The problem i have with Oz though is that Dorothy was bonked on the head and it was a dream, without Oz being a real place, a secondary universe the myth is shattered. Film is almost perfect for me but for the ending.
In Baum just like Middle Earth it exists as a real world, or like Wonderland does in the Alice books.
The prequels are in fact worse than the sequels. Jar-Jar Binks, Anakin, midicholorians and some of the worst dialogue ever put to film are why the prequels are not good films.
Not only is Fortnite seriously overrated, the reason it’s worse than Hong Kong '97 or the NES Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde game is that it attempts and succeeds at selling gambling to kids. That is obviously immoral of anyone to do.
In Baum just like Middle Earth it exists as a real world, or like Wonderland does in the Alice books.
It’s been a spell since I read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking-Glass, but I’m 99% sure Wonderland exists only in Alice’s dreams, albeit possibly as a transient sub-reality, if the speculation that Alice herself’s a part of the Red King’s dream is anything to go by.
Gods for some, miniature libertarian socialist flags for others.
The problem i have with Oz though is that Dorothy was bonked on the head and it was a dream, without Oz being a real place, a secondary universe the myth is shattered. Film is almost perfect for me but for the ending.
But then Dorothy went back to Oz in the 80s, had some more adventures, then returned to Kansas again, but this time the existence of Oz is at least ambiguous. Also, one time Diana Ross ended up in Oz where she met Michael Jackson.
Inside Out is really overrated. It’s plot was mentally tormenting a girl for no reason whatsoever.
Let me address the elephant in the room. Poor Things is an overrated movie. None of the characters were engaging, I’m apathetic towards the story and it nearly BORED me to sleep upon watching this film. One of the movie’s strongest aspects were the visuals such as the backdrops (especially the Portugal scene) and the soundtrack which reminded me of Animal Crossing, but that’s about it. I didn’t care for this movie.
Let me address the elephant in the room. Poor Things is an overrated movie. None of the characters were engaging, I’m apathetic towards the story and it nearly BORED me to sleep upon watching this film. One of the movie’s strongest aspects were the visuals such as the backdrops (especially the Portugal scene) and the soundtrack which reminded me of Animal Crossing, but that’s about it. I didn’t care for this movie.
Visually stunning movie, meh story.
Michael Jackson is overrated. Yes, I said it.
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin
Back to the Future’s version of Johnny B Goode is better than the original version. And I’m saying this as someone who loves Chuck Berry.
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin
Super Mario Bros. 3 while still a good game is overrated. The complete lack of a save feature when other NES games of similar length or shorter had one means that it’s very easy to lose lots of progress. Super Mario Bros. 2 is the best of the NES Mario games in my opinion.
Back to the Future’s version of Johnny B Goode is better than the original version. And I’m saying this as someone who loves Chuck Berry.
But the phone call that follows, even if it’s a time paradox, is an unfortunate racist joke. That short scene could have been left on the cutting room floor and the movie would not have been changed at all (besides being slightly less racist).
Back to the Future’s version of Johnny B Goode is better than the original version. And I’m saying this as someone who loves Chuck Berry.
But the phone call that follows, even if it’s a time paradox, is an unfortunate racist joke. That short scene could have been left on the cutting room floor and the movie would not have been changed at all (besides being slightly less racist).
Why is it a racist joke?
«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»
— Vladimir Lenin
Sweet Caroline is an overrated song. The lyrics are annoying, and I was forced to sing it.
Back to the Future’s version of Johnny B Goode is better than the original version. And I’m saying this as someone who loves Chuck Berry.
But the phone call that follows, even if it’s a time paradox, is an unfortunate racist joke. That short scene could have been left on the cutting room floor and the movie would not have been changed at all (besides being slightly less racist).
Why is it a racist joke?
Chuck Berry couldn’t come up with the song independently; he had to steal it from a white man. I assume that’s the logic, anyway.
Gods for some, miniature libertarian socialist flags for others.
Super Mario Bros. 3 while still a good game is overrated. The complete lack of a save feature when other NES games of similar length or shorter had one means that it’s very easy to lose lots of progress. Super Mario Bros. 2 is the best of the NES Mario games in my opinion.
The SNES and GBA versions soften that with a save feature on both versions which made them a bit better. Speaking of which, I played the latter and didn’t do the extra levels yet because I don’t have an E-Reader accessory along with the game’s cards.
Original audio mixes should always be an option on Blu-Ray and 4K releases, and not every film needs an Atmos remix.
I agree thoroughly. I’m still pissed about the Star Trek films 4K situation.
And how ridiculous it is to just upgrade one film to Atmos, have one film have its original audio in an expensive box set. and the rest to just have the blu-ray mixes from 2009.
The majority of modern comic reprints are dogshit. Even when they’re using “accurate” colours, they’re just slapping those colours onto glossy white paper, which those colours weren’t meant for. Also, the scans they use of the actual lineart are often atrocious, ruining the original inking.
Here’s one example from a more modern comic, Batman #505. First page is from a scanned copy of the original issue, the second’s from one of the Knightfall trade paperbacks published last decade:
Comic reprints should be handled the same way proper film restorations are: copies of the original issues scanned at high resolution, with colour correction applied to compensate for any faded inks/paper discolouration that come with age.
Here’s a video interview of comics colourist José Villarrubia, who provides more and better examples of what I’m talking about on his social media:
Gods for some, miniature libertarian socialist flags for others.
All mainline Resident Evil games are awesome. I love 5 and 6 just as much as the others.
I also find the Indiana Jones movies to be pretty boring and I do not like Indie’s character at all.