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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread — Page 68


Neat job.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


Looks like you’re returning to the Had Abbadon idea for your eventual Revenge of the Jedi?

For some reason it’s not working yet for me. Could you possibly give the planet more contrast, so the dark side of the planet is even darker?

I think it is also a cool framing, with the planet center punched on the screen, but I wonder if you tried to replicate other planet establishing shots from the OT that maybe it could help sell it.

EDIT: Also think the same reasoning is why your Yavin 4 mock-up felt a little off to me. I know you probably wanted to try a different angle, but I wonder if maintaining generally the same framing would help make it work better.


At this point, maybe we should rename this thread the Original Trilogy Radical Redux Thread.


Thought that was pretty funny at first but that actually might not be a bad idea, since we now know the Revisited Saga will now only consist of the OT.

Or, just make a new thread, which probably would make more sense since there are other threads related to the Revisited projects. The original function of this thread, based on the title, is really not necessary anymore.

This did make me go back and read the first few pages of this thread, and it was interesting to read the discussion revolving around changing the PT to fit the OT so much that you would keep Anakin=Vader a secret so the twist could work in ESB.

I personally agreed with Dom’s point that the purpose of the prequels was to see how Anakin became Darth Vader, so removing that aspect wouldn’t really work. And if you were to show the films to a first-timer, you would be better off to just show them the films in release order, or the Machete Order. I also think darthrush’s idea of slightly altering ROTS to work as a standalone prequel that could be placed in between ESB and ROTJ would be interesting to see as well.

I am still curious to see what Ady’s plans/ideas were to make this concept work, because if anyone could figure it out it would be Ady. I just know it would have been challenging to pull off. I can definitely understand the desire to do so, since it makes sense that first-time viewers should be able to watch these films chronologically. But I do think the way the films are now, and how this is a conversation that fans will probably have for years to come, is partly what makes this franchise so special and interesting.


Even if Adywan isn’t Revisiting the Prequels, he can still contribute to conversations about how they should be edited…if he wants, that is.


Even if Adywan isn’t Revisiting the Prequels, he can still contribute to conversations about how they should be edited…if he wants, that is.

As for a new thread, here it is.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Even if Adywan isn’t Revisiting the Prequels, he can still contribute to conversations about how they should be edited…if he wants, that is.

As for a new thread, here it is.

Thanks for that! bookmarked the page for reading.

I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


I always pictured this thread as a more realistic alternative to radical redux, within the bounds of what we’ve seen Ady capable of. Fewer total plot changes, etc.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Maybe it’s weird to resurrect this old thread from years ago. But now that Adywan’s PT will never get made (which makes sense), I’d love to hear more about what he had planned.

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

Maybe it’s weird to resurrect this old thread from years ago. But now that Adywan’s PT will never get made (which makes sense), I’d love to hear more about what he had planned.

Yeah, me too. After reading some snippets on WordPress, I guess that some of his plans may have changed over the years.
I’ll be honest, I still want to know the context behind that mockup that he made about Vader and the troopers marching towards the Jedi temple.


Adywan talked as if he had full story outlines, but kept them a secret for when they’d come out.

I’m surprised he hasn’t shared them, since he has no plans to produce them. Perhaps some would be interested in taking cues from him. And also, it’d really satisfy my curiosity. I respect him greatly as a creator and want to hear his ideas.

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


I’d have to dig out all my detailed notes and outlines ( if i even still have them) but here is the gist of what i was planning (although this is all from memory and it was long time ago, so will be pretty rough):

TPM: There was going to be no “trade blockade” or “negotiations” but it would start with the invasion of Naboo. The Gungans would be clone batches and the trade federation (as they are in the original but may have been named differently, i can’t remember) were after cloning tech as this is something the galaxy has not been able to master. Their claim was that they had negotiated a deal for the tech but that the Gungans has reneged on the deal. We find out that it was Jar Jar that made the deal without authorisation and this was why he was ostracised from the city. Many of the Naboo council consider the Gungans to be a lower life form and demand that Amidala just hand them over to the federation, but she refuses. This angers the federation and they head to invade the city. Amidala send a distress signal to senator palpatine and the Jedi are sent to Naboo. On the federation ship we see the nemoidians receive a holo message from a hooded figure. It looks like the emperor we all know, so its not obvious from the start that its actually palpatine ( god i hated how dumb that bit was). This is palpatines true form but we don’t know that until the 3rd film. He informs them that the Jedi are on their was and to make sure they never reach the planet. As the Jedi ship approaches, the federation opens fire and the Jedi cruiser takes heavy damage. Escape pods are deployed and most are destroyed before they can reach safety, apart from 2 that reach the planet - Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan. They meet up with Jar Jar who is less irritating in this version and doesn’t speak like an idiot with all the “exsqueeze me” type crap. Things pretty much go as original from here for a while, but with alterations. Getting to tatooine, anakin does NOT create 3P0. 3P0 is Amidalas personal droid throughout, fully golden from the start. The pod race would be shorter, intercut with the invasion and other things plus more of Maul searching for the group. Obi-Wan wouldn’t be an asshole who looks down on others as he does in the original. And Midichlorians wouldn’t exist. The end battle would have had Anakin deliberately disobey Qui-Gon and join the space battle and not some stupid accident. he would get an idea on how to destroy the ship by flying into one of its hangar bays as this was less protected or something like that and flys inside taking shots as he goes. Obi_wan doesn’t fall down the shaft and make that ridiculous jump and flip over Maul. At the end Boss Nass agrees that their cloning tech should not be kept on Naboo and would be better in the hands of the republic. Oh, and no space jesus in this one. Shmii is just silent about the father

AOTC: Can’t remember a lot about this one but Anakin is less of a whiney and creepy little bitch in this version. With the ongoing threat from the federation, a clone army has been ordered by the Republic using the Gungan tech, but Padme, now a senator, along with others in the senate disagree with it as they had agreed that they were only going to be the guardians of this tech. So there is no more stupid plot of the Jedi suddenly being ok with this secret clone army yet they have no idea who created it and what for. The assassination attempts on padme still happen and anakin is instructed to take her to somewhere out the way but she demands that she return to Naboo. Anakin still had the force dream about his mother being in pain, but his understanding is that the jedi freed her from slavery. His discovery that they hadn’t and that they had lied to him begins his turn to the dark side and distrust of the Jedi. He also would not inform Padme of his slaughter of the Tuskens. So she doesn’t know that he’s a psycho nutcase, yet still want to be with him, which diminishes her character. There would be no Boba Fett as a kid in this. Obi_wan would be sent to check on the progress of the clone army. They wouldn’t all be clones of Jango, but of a handful of Mandalorian warriors, who remain on Kamino to train the clones. Geonosis would be the discovery that the federation were amassing a droid army to attack the republic. Yoda wouldn’t use a lightsabre in the duel against Dooku.

ROTS: Same opening as original. Obi_wan and the Jedi council have begun the be suspicious of Anakin after hearing of things he had done during the clone wars. They know all about him an Padme but are saying nothing, but are keeping a close eye on him. This film would now be set a decade after AOTC. Anakin would NOT be named as Darth Vader. Grevious would sound nothing like Dracula with a bad cough in this either. There would also be no “dreams” of Padme dying. palpatine is sowing the seeds of doubt in Anakin about the Jedi as in the original. Obi_wan finds grevious and confronts him where he discovers that Palpatine is the Sith Lord and contacts the council. Mace goes to confront Palpatine to discover if Grevious was telling the truth or misleading Obi-Wan. After he leaves Anakin finds out what he is doing and goes after him as his mistrust with the Jedi has deepened. Mace alone confronts Palpatine in his office, who was viewing tech graphics of an armoured suit (Vader’s), where he reveals his true form to Windu and battle commences. Anakin arrives just as Mace defeats Palpatine and stands above him as he lays on the ground. Palpatine now is fully in his true form and claims that Windu had disfigured him. Mace’s willingness to kill Palpatine instead of putting him on trial is what finally turns Anakin against the Jedi and, as Mace raises his saber to slay Palpatine, Anakin lashes out with the force as pushes him far out the window. No force lighting and melting Palpatine. Palpatine talks about how the jedi want to take over the republic and they have been deliberately allowing the war to continue, but that Anakin could end the war if he was willing to go against the Jedi. He tells him he has learned the location of the leaders of the federation/ separatists and that he needs to do what must be done; assassinate them all, to bring an end to the war. That how the jedi wiped out all of the Sith because they didn’t believe that only the Jedi should be allowed toi master the force. Anakin head to Mustafar. When Obi-Wan returns to Coruscant he learns of the death of Mace. Yoda has received a holo message from palpatine informing them what anakin had done and that he had learned that anakin was a sith apprentice who knew who the sith lord was and he had killed Mace when he tried to arrest him, but doesn’t know where he had gone Yoda shows Obi-Wan altered footage of the moment Anakin kills mace. They must stop anakin but Obi-Wan struggles to believe it. He reaches out to padme who he knows anakin would have told her where he was going. Continue like the original with obi-wan hiding in the ship and when he confronts Anakin. Cut back to Palpatine in his office and one of his aides informs him that Anakin is in danger, but he shrugs it off saying something like " I have forseen skywalkers demise. It is of no concern. Soon i shall have a new apprentice. One far more powerful than young Skywalker could have ever been. Prepare my shuttle. We shall go to Mustafar to discover Skywalkers fate."

Kenobi leaves Anakin as he burns of the lava shore as Palpatines shuttle arrives. We don’t see him claw his way up, but instead believe him to be dead. He meets up with Yoda on the medical asteroid. he informs him that Anakin is dead. Yoda explains that he senses the dark side descending across the galaxy and that something terrible is coming their way. Padme is injured but doesn’t die. Yoda realises that if the sith discover that the babies survived that they would hunt them down. Can’t remember what i had planned for in-between this bit and the next. Some time later Palpatine is in his office and an ominous voice can be heard off camera…“what is thy bidding, my master”. We see that large dark figure emerge. " Ah, my new apprentice…" This is Vader’s introduction. We don’t know this is Anakin (especially when there’d been so many other sith apprentices suddenly pop up from nowhere). Palpatine begins order 66. Palpatine then addresses the senate and informs them of the Jedi plot to overthrown the Republic, while it intercuts with scenes of the clones turning on the jedi then we see darth Vader emerging at the jedi temple, slaughtering jedi, but no younglings. Yoda and Obi-wan return to find the jedi temple ablaze and the jedi slaughtered. They see security footage of Vader killing the Jedi. Can’t remember how i ended everything or what happened after this. But Padme was alive and the twins were split up, but not named

it was going to take a lot of time and funds to achieve this. With the AI tech available today and it could more easily be pulled off. But , with the amount of time left needed to complete the OT Revisited saga, and i’m almost 60 now, i just don’t think my heart would have been in it, especially when i just can’t even bear to watch the prequels any more. I spent years planning all of this out. It would have kept the “Vader Father” reveal intact. And anyone saying that this would be a waste of time because “everyone knows who vader is” are completely discounting new generations that will discover these films and would probably watch then in episodic order. Even now there are those that don’t know that identity of Vader. My Grandson knew who vader was but had no idea he was Luke’s father until he watched Empire, so there is a good argument to keep that reveal intact.




adywan said:

I’d have to dig out all my detailed notes and outlines ( if i even still have them) but here is the gist of what i was planning (although this is all from memory and it was long time ago, so will be pretty rough):

TPM: There was going to be no “trade blockade” or “negotiations” but it would start with the invasion of Naboo. The Gungans would be clone batches and the trade federation (as they are in the original but may have been named differently, i can’t remember) were after cloning tech as this is something the galaxy has not been able to master. Their claim was that they had negotiated a deal for the tech but that the Gungans has reneged on the deal. We find out that it was Jar Jar that made the deal without authorisation and this was why he was ostracised from the city. Many of the Naboo council consider the Gungans to be a lower life form and demand that Amidala just hand them over to the federation, but she refuses. This angers the federation and they head to invade the city. Amidala send a distress signal to senator palpatine and the Jedi are sent to Naboo. On the federation ship we see the nemoidians receive a holo message from a hooded figure. It looks like the emperor we all know, so its not obvious from the start that its actually palpatine ( god i hated how dumb that bit was). This is palpatines true form but we don’t know that until the 3rd film. He informs them that the Jedi are on their was and to make sure they never reach the planet. As the Jedi ship approaches, the federation opens fire and the Jedi cruiser takes heavy damage. Escape pods are deployed and most are destroyed before they can reach safety, apart from 2 that reach the planet - Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan. They meet up with Jar Jar who is less irritating in this version and doesn’t speak like an idiot with all the “exsqueeze me” type crap. Things pretty much go as original from here for a while, but with alterations. Getting to tatooine, anakin does NOT create 3P0. 3P0 is Amidalas personal droid throughout, fully golden from the start. The pod race would be shorter, intercut with the invasion and other things plus more of Maul searching for the group. Obi-Wan wouldn’t be an asshole who looks down on others as he does in the original. And Midichlorians wouldn’t exist. The end battle would have had Anakin deliberately disobey Qui-Gon and join the space battle and not some stupid accident. he would get an idea on how to destroy the ship by flying into one of its hangar bays as this was less protected or something like that and flys inside taking shots as he goes. Obi_wan doesn’t fall down the shaft and make that ridiculous jump and flip over Maul. At the end Boss Nass agrees that their cloning tech should not be kept on Naboo and would be better in the hands of the republic. Oh, and no space jesus in this one. Shmii is just silent about the father

AOTC: Can’t remember a lot about this one but Anakin is less of a whiney and creepy little bitch in this version. With the ongoing threat from the federation, a clone army has been ordered by the Republic using the Gungan tech, but Padme, now a senator, along with others in the senate disagree with it as they had agreed that they were only going to be the guardians of this tech. So there is no more stupid plot of the Jedi suddenly being ok with this secret clone army yet they have no idea who created it and what for. The assassination attempts on padme still happen and anakin is instructed to take her to somewhere out the way but she demands that she return to Naboo. Anakin still had the force dream about his mother being in pain, but his understanding is that the jedi freed her from slavery. His discovery that they hadn’t and that they had lied to him begins his turn to the dark side and distrust of the Jedi. He also would not inform Padme of his slaughter of the Tuskens. So she doesn’t know that he’s a psycho nutcase, yet still want to be with him, which diminishes her character. There would be no Boba Fett as a kid in this. Obi_wan would be sent to check on the progress of the clone army. They wouldn’t all be clones of Jango, but of a handful of Mandalorian warriors, who remain on Kamino to train the clones. Geonosis would be the discovery that the federation were amassing a droid army to attack the republic. Yoda wouldn’t use a lightsabre in the duel against Dooku.

ROTS: Same opening as original. Obi_wan and the Jedi council have begun the be suspicious of Anakin after hearing of things he had done during the clone wars. They know all about him an Padme but are saying nothing, but are keeping a close eye on him. This film would now be set a decade after AOTC. Anakin would NOT be named as Darth Vader. Grevious would sound nothing like Dracula with a bad cough in this either. There would also be no “dreams” of Padme dying. palpatine is sowing the seeds of doubt in Anakin about the Jedi as in the original. Obi_wan finds grevious and confronts him where he discovers that Palpatine is the Sith Lord and contacts the council. Mace goes to confront Palpatine to discover if Grevious was telling the truth or misleading Obi-Wan. After he leaves Anakin finds out what he is doing and goes after him as his mistrust with the Jedi has deepened. Mace alone confronts Palpatine in his office, who was viewing tech graphics of an armoured suit (Vader’s), where he reveals his true form to Windu and battle commences. Anakin arrives just as Mace defeats Palpatine and stands above him as he lays on the ground. Palpatine now is fully in his true form and claims that Windu had disfigured him. Mace’s willingness to kill Palpatine instead of putting him on trial is what finally turns Anakin against the Jedi and, as Mace raises his saber to slay Palpatine, Anakin lashes out with the force as pushes him far out the window. No force lighting and melting Palpatine. Palpatine talks about how the jedi want to take over the republic and they have been deliberately allowing the war to continue, but that Anakin could end the war if he was willing to go against the Jedi. He tells him he has learned the location of the leaders of the federation/ separatists and that he needs to do what must be done; assassinate them all, to bring an end to the war. That how the jedi wiped out all of the Sith because they didn’t believe that only the Jedi should be allowed toi master the force. Anakin head to Mustafar. When Obi-Wan returns to Coruscant he learns of the death of Mace. Yoda has received a holo message from palpatine informing them what anakin had done and that he had learned that anakin was a sith apprentice who knew who the sith lord was and he had killed Mace when he tried to arrest him, but doesn’t know where he had gone Yoda shows Obi-Wan altered footage of the moment Anakin kills mace. They must stop anakin but Obi-Wan struggles to believe it. He reaches out to padme who he knows anakin would have told her where he was going. Continue like the original with obi-wan hiding in the ship and when he confronts Anakin. Cut back to Palpatine in his office and one of his aides informs him that Anakin is in danger, but he shrugs it off saying something like " I have forseen skywalkers demise. It is of no concern. Soon i shall have a new apprentice. One far more powerful than young Skywalker could have ever been. Prepare my shuttle. We shall go to Mustafar to discover Skywalkers fate."

Kenobi leaves Anakin as he burns of the lava shore as Palpatines shuttle arrives. We don’t see him claw his way up, but instead believe him to be dead. He meets up with Yoda on the medical asteroid. he informs him that Anakin is dead. Yoda explains that he senses the dark side descending across the galaxy and that something terrible is coming their way. Padme is injured but doesn’t die. Yoda realises that if the sith discover that the babies survived that they would hunt them down. Can’t remember what i had planned for in-between this bit and the next. Some time later Palpatine is in his office and an ominous voice can be heard off camera…“what is thy bidding, my master”. We see that large dark figure emerge. " Ah, my new apprentice…" This is Vader’s introduction. We don’t know this is Anakin (especially when there’d been so many other sith apprentices suddenly pop up from nowhere). Palpatine begins order 66. Palpatine then addresses the senate and informs them of the Jedi plot to overthrown the Republic, while it intercuts with scenes of the clones turning on the jedi then we see darth Vader emerging at the jedi temple, slaughtering jedi, but no younglings. Yoda and Obi-wan return to find the jedi temple ablaze and the jedi slaughtered. They see security footage of Vader killing the Jedi. Can’t remember how i ended everything or what happened after this. But Padme was alive and the twins were split up, but not named

it was going to take a lot of time and funds to achieve this. With the AI tech available today and it could more easily be pulled off. But , with the amount of time left needed to complete the OT Revisited saga, and i’m almost 60 now, i just don’t think my heart would have been in it, especially when i just can’t even bear to watch the prequels any more. I spent years planning all of this out. It would have kept the “Vader Father” reveal intact. And anyone saying that this would be a waste of time because “everyone knows who vader is” are completely discounting new generations that will discover these films and would probably watch then in episodic order. Even now there are those that don’t know that identity of Vader. My Grandson knew who vader was but had no idea he was Luke’s father until he watched Empire, so there is a good argument to keep that reveal intact.

Great to take a trip into your incredible mind ady. some great ideas here.



adywan said:

I’d have to dig out all my detailed notes and outlines ( if i even still have them) but here is the gist of what i was planning (although this is all from memory and it was long time ago, so will be pretty rough):

TPM: There was going to be no “trade blockade” or “negotiations” but it would start with the invasion of Naboo. The Gungans would be clone batches and the trade federation (as they are in the original but may have been named differently, i can’t remember) were after cloning tech as this is something the galaxy has not been able to master. Their claim was that they had negotiated a deal for the tech but that the Gungans has reneged on the deal. We find out that it was Jar Jar that made the deal without authorisation and this was why he was ostracised from the city. Many of the Naboo council consider the Gungans to be a lower life form and demand that Amidala just hand them over to the federation, but she refuses. This angers the federation and they head to invade the city. Amidala send a distress signal to senator palpatine and the Jedi are sent to Naboo. On the federation ship we see the nemoidians receive a holo message from a hooded figure. It looks like the emperor we all know, so its not obvious from the start that its actually palpatine ( god i hated how dumb that bit was). This is palpatines true form but we don’t know that until the 3rd film. He informs them that the Jedi are on their was and to make sure they never reach the planet. As the Jedi ship approaches, the federation opens fire and the Jedi cruiser takes heavy damage. Escape pods are deployed and most are destroyed before they can reach safety, apart from 2 that reach the planet - Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan. They meet up with Jar Jar who is less irritating in this version and doesn’t speak like an idiot with all the “exsqueeze me” type crap. Things pretty much go as original from here for a while, but with alterations. Getting to tatooine, anakin does NOT create 3P0. 3P0 is Amidalas personal droid throughout, fully golden from the start. The pod race would be shorter, intercut with the invasion and other things plus more of Maul searching for the group. Obi-Wan wouldn’t be an asshole who looks down on others as he does in the original. And Midichlorians wouldn’t exist. The end battle would have had Anakin deliberately disobey Qui-Gon and join the space battle and not some stupid accident. he would get an idea on how to destroy the ship by flying into one of its hangar bays as this was less protected or something like that and flys inside taking shots as he goes. Obi_wan doesn’t fall down the shaft and make that ridiculous jump and flip over Maul. At the end Boss Nass agrees that their cloning tech should not be kept on Naboo and would be better in the hands of the republic. Oh, and no space jesus in this one. Shmii is just silent about the father

AOTC: Can’t remember a lot about this one but Anakin is less of a whiney and creepy little bitch in this version. With the ongoing threat from the federation, a clone army has been ordered by the Republic using the Gungan tech, but Padme, now a senator, along with others in the senate disagree with it as they had agreed that they were only going to be the guardians of this tech. So there is no more stupid plot of the Jedi suddenly being ok with this secret clone army yet they have no idea who created it and what for. The assassination attempts on padme still happen and anakin is instructed to take her to somewhere out the way but she demands that she return to Naboo. Anakin still had the force dream about his mother being in pain, but his understanding is that the jedi freed her from slavery. His discovery that they hadn’t and that they had lied to him begins his turn to the dark side and distrust of the Jedi. He also would not inform Padme of his slaughter of the Tuskens. So she doesn’t know that he’s a psycho nutcase, yet still want to be with him, which diminishes her character. There would be no Boba Fett as a kid in this. Obi_wan would be sent to check on the progress of the clone army. They wouldn’t all be clones of Jango, but of a handful of Mandalorian warriors, who remain on Kamino to train the clones. Geonosis would be the discovery that the federation were amassing a droid army to attack the republic. Yoda wouldn’t use a lightsabre in the duel against Dooku.

ROTS: Same opening as original. Obi_wan and the Jedi council have begun the be suspicious of Anakin after hearing of things he had done during the clone wars. They know all about him an Padme but are saying nothing, but are keeping a close eye on him. This film would now be set a decade after AOTC. Anakin would NOT be named as Darth Vader. Grevious would sound nothing like Dracula with a bad cough in this either. There would also be no “dreams” of Padme dying. palpatine is sowing the seeds of doubt in Anakin about the Jedi as in the original. Obi_wan finds grevious and confronts him where he discovers that Palpatine is the Sith Lord and contacts the council. Mace goes to confront Palpatine to discover if Grevious was telling the truth or misleading Obi-Wan. After he leaves Anakin finds out what he is doing and goes after him as his mistrust with the Jedi has deepened. Mace alone confronts Palpatine in his office, who was viewing tech graphics of an armoured suit (Vader’s), where he reveals his true form to Windu and battle commences. Anakin arrives just as Mace defeats Palpatine and stands above him as he lays on the ground. Palpatine now is fully in his true form and claims that Windu had disfigured him. Mace’s willingness to kill Palpatine instead of putting him on trial is what finally turns Anakin against the Jedi and, as Mace raises his saber to slay Palpatine, Anakin lashes out with the force as pushes him far out the window. No force lighting and melting Palpatine. Palpatine talks about how the jedi want to take over the republic and they have been deliberately allowing the war to continue, but that Anakin could end the war if he was willing to go against the Jedi. He tells him he has learned the location of the leaders of the federation/ separatists and that he needs to do what must be done; assassinate them all, to bring an end to the war. That how the jedi wiped out all of the Sith because they didn’t believe that only the Jedi should be allowed toi master the force. Anakin head to Mustafar. When Obi-Wan returns to Coruscant he learns of the death of Mace. Yoda has received a holo message from palpatine informing them what anakin had done and that he had learned that anakin was a sith apprentice who knew who the sith lord was and he had killed Mace when he tried to arrest him, but doesn’t know where he had gone Yoda shows Obi-Wan altered footage of the moment Anakin kills mace. They must stop anakin but Obi-Wan struggles to believe it. He reaches out to padme who he knows anakin would have told her where he was going. Continue like the original with obi-wan hiding in the ship and when he confronts Anakin. Cut back to Palpatine in his office and one of his aides informs him that Anakin is in danger, but he shrugs it off saying something like " I have forseen skywalkers demise. It is of no concern. Soon i shall have a new apprentice. One far more powerful than young Skywalker could have ever been. Prepare my shuttle. We shall go to Mustafar to discover Skywalkers fate."

Kenobi leaves Anakin as he burns of the lava shore as Palpatines shuttle arrives. We don’t see him claw his way up, but instead believe him to be dead. He meets up with Yoda on the medical asteroid. he informs him that Anakin is dead. Yoda explains that he senses the dark side descending across the galaxy and that something terrible is coming their way. Padme is injured but doesn’t die. Yoda realises that if the sith discover that the babies survived that they would hunt them down. Can’t remember what i had planned for in-between this bit and the next. Some time later Palpatine is in his office and an ominous voice can be heard off camera…“what is thy bidding, my master”. We see that large dark figure emerge. " Ah, my new apprentice…" This is Vader’s introduction. We don’t know this is Anakin (especially when there’d been so many other sith apprentices suddenly pop up from nowhere). Palpatine begins order 66. Palpatine then addresses the senate and informs them of the Jedi plot to overthrown the Republic, while it intercuts with scenes of the clones turning on the jedi then we see darth Vader emerging at the jedi temple, slaughtering jedi, but no younglings. Yoda and Obi-wan return to find the jedi temple ablaze and the jedi slaughtered. They see security footage of Vader killing the Jedi. Can’t remember how i ended everything or what happened after this. But Padme was alive and the twins were split up, but not named

it was going to take a lot of time and funds to achieve this. With the AI tech available today and it could more easily be pulled off. But , with the amount of time left needed to complete the OT Revisited saga, and i’m almost 60 now, i just don’t think my heart would have been in it, especially when i just can’t even bear to watch the prequels any more. I spent years planning all of this out. It would have kept the “Vader Father” reveal intact. And anyone saying that this would be a waste of time because “everyone knows who vader is” are completely discounting new generations that will discover these films and would probably watch then in episodic order. Even now there are those that don’t know that identity of Vader. My Grandson knew who vader was but had no idea he was Luke’s father until he watched Empire, so there is a good argument to keep that reveal intact.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but all I can say now is that you had a lot of interesting for those films (For instance, I would have never thought about making the Gungans to be the ones behind cloning technology).
Aside from a few bits here and there, it seems that most of these ideas could be implemented with some rotoscoping and voice overs.
I’m also on the side of the argument of preserving the plot twists of the OT to the newer generations, since I would like to show the saga to the youngest members of my family.


A ton of interesting ideas here for sure. Your plot ideas for the 3 episodes are fantastic. I LOVE that we would see a suited Darth Vader hunt down and kill Jedi. That’s something I’ve wanted on-screen for a long time. I have the Vader comics I love, but it’s not the same as on-screen. The new structure would’ve allowed more time with Vader in the suit which I love. A lot of these edits sound possible.
It is my dream to one day, even if it starts a decade later, make my own Vader fan-film adapting my favorite comic arc, Fortress Vader, and I want to be the guy in the suit. It’ll require my own Vader suit, and once I have it, it’ll also allow me to also use it for any shoots I want for my own versions of the Prequels.

Me personally, I prefer it when Anakin’s turn to Vader is entirely selfish, rather then brought from mistrust of the Jedi. OT Vader was driven by power and ego. It’s implied Anakin went through the same tests as Luke, but as Obi-Wan puts it in an older draft of ROTJ, was seduced by what he saw one the other side of the door. Still, I understand many have different perspectives on the turn.

Regardless, I love your original trilogy edits and can’t wait for the Revisited trilogy to be done. Thank you for sharing your Prequels outline, too.

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


adywan said:

I’d have to dig out all my detailed notes and outlines ( if i even still have them) but here is the gist of what i was planning (although this is all from memory and it was long time ago, so will be pretty rough):

TPM: There was going to be no “trade blockade” or “negotiations” but it would start with the invasion of Naboo. The Gungans would be clone batches and the trade federation (as they are in the original but may have been named differently, i can’t remember) were after cloning tech as this is something the galaxy has not been able to master. Their claim was that they had negotiated a deal for the tech but that the Gungans has reneged on the deal. We find out that it was Jar Jar that made the deal without authorisation and this was why he was ostracised from the city. Many of the Naboo council consider the Gungans to be a lower life form and demand that Amidala just hand them over to the federation, but she refuses. This angers the federation and they head to invade the city. Amidala send a distress signal to senator palpatine and the Jedi are sent to Naboo. On the federation ship we see the nemoidians receive a holo message from a hooded figure. It looks like the emperor we all know, so its not obvious from the start that its actually palpatine ( god i hated how dumb that bit was). This is palpatines true form but we don’t know that until the 3rd film. He informs them that the Jedi are on their was and to make sure they never reach the planet. As the Jedi ship approaches, the federation opens fire and the Jedi cruiser takes heavy damage. Escape pods are deployed and most are destroyed before they can reach safety, apart from 2 that reach the planet - Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan. They meet up with Jar Jar who is less irritating in this version and doesn’t speak like an idiot with all the “exsqueeze me” type crap. Things pretty much go as original from here for a while, but with alterations. Getting to tatooine, anakin does NOT create 3P0. 3P0 is Amidalas personal droid throughout, fully golden from the start. The pod race would be shorter, intercut with the invasion and other things plus more of Maul searching for the group. Obi-Wan wouldn’t be an asshole who looks down on others as he does in the original. And Midichlorians wouldn’t exist. The end battle would have had Anakin deliberately disobey Qui-Gon and join the space battle and not some stupid accident. he would get an idea on how to destroy the ship by flying into one of its hangar bays as this was less protected or something like that and flys inside taking shots as he goes. Obi_wan doesn’t fall down the shaft and make that ridiculous jump and flip over Maul. At the end Boss Nass agrees that their cloning tech should not be kept on Naboo and would be better in the hands of the republic. Oh, and no space jesus in this one. Shmii is just silent about the father

AOTC: Can’t remember a lot about this one but Anakin is less of a whiney and creepy little bitch in this version. With the ongoing threat from the federation, a clone army has been ordered by the Republic using the Gungan tech, but Padme, now a senator, along with others in the senate disagree with it as they had agreed that they were only going to be the guardians of this tech. So there is no more stupid plot of the Jedi suddenly being ok with this secret clone army yet they have no idea who created it and what for. The assassination attempts on padme still happen and anakin is instructed to take her to somewhere out the way but she demands that she return to Naboo. Anakin still had the force dream about his mother being in pain, but his understanding is that the jedi freed her from slavery. His discovery that they hadn’t and that they had lied to him begins his turn to the dark side and distrust of the Jedi. He also would not inform Padme of his slaughter of the Tuskens. So she doesn’t know that he’s a psycho nutcase, yet still want to be with him, which diminishes her character. There would be no Boba Fett as a kid in this. Obi_wan would be sent to check on the progress of the clone army. They wouldn’t all be clones of Jango, but of a handful of Mandalorian warriors, who remain on Kamino to train the clones. Geonosis would be the discovery that the federation were amassing a droid army to attack the republic. Yoda wouldn’t use a lightsabre in the duel against Dooku.

ROTS: Same opening as original. Obi_wan and the Jedi council have begun the be suspicious of Anakin after hearing of things he had done during the clone wars. They know all about him an Padme but are saying nothing, but are keeping a close eye on him. This film would now be set a decade after AOTC. Anakin would NOT be named as Darth Vader. Grevious would sound nothing like Dracula with a bad cough in this either. There would also be no “dreams” of Padme dying. palpatine is sowing the seeds of doubt in Anakin about the Jedi as in the original. Obi_wan finds grevious and confronts him where he discovers that Palpatine is the Sith Lord and contacts the council. Mace goes to confront Palpatine to discover if Grevious was telling the truth or misleading Obi-Wan. After he leaves Anakin finds out what he is doing and goes after him as his mistrust with the Jedi has deepened. Mace alone confronts Palpatine in his office, who was viewing tech graphics of an armoured suit (Vader’s), where he reveals his true form to Windu and battle commences. Anakin arrives just as Mace defeats Palpatine and stands above him as he lays on the ground. Palpatine now is fully in his true form and claims that Windu had disfigured him. Mace’s willingness to kill Palpatine instead of putting him on trial is what finally turns Anakin against the Jedi and, as Mace raises his saber to slay Palpatine, Anakin lashes out with the force as pushes him far out the window. No force lighting and melting Palpatine. Palpatine talks about how the jedi want to take over the republic and they have been deliberately allowing the war to continue, but that Anakin could end the war if he was willing to go against the Jedi. He tells him he has learned the location of the leaders of the federation/ separatists and that he needs to do what must be done; assassinate them all, to bring an end to the war. That how the jedi wiped out all of the Sith because they didn’t believe that only the Jedi should be allowed toi master the force. Anakin head to Mustafar. When Obi-Wan returns to Coruscant he learns of the death of Mace. Yoda has received a holo message from palpatine informing them what anakin had done and that he had learned that anakin was a sith apprentice who knew who the sith lord was and he had killed Mace when he tried to arrest him, but doesn’t know where he had gone Yoda shows Obi-Wan altered footage of the moment Anakin kills mace. They must stop anakin but Obi-Wan struggles to believe it. He reaches out to padme who he knows anakin would have told her where he was going. Continue like the original with obi-wan hiding in the ship and when he confronts Anakin. Cut back to Palpatine in his office and one of his aides informs him that Anakin is in danger, but he shrugs it off saying something like " I have forseen skywalkers demise. It is of no concern. Soon i shall have a new apprentice. One far more powerful than young Skywalker could have ever been. Prepare my shuttle. We shall go to Mustafar to discover Skywalkers fate."

Kenobi leaves Anakin as he burns of the lava shore as Palpatines shuttle arrives. We don’t see him claw his way up, but instead believe him to be dead. He meets up with Yoda on the medical asteroid. he informs him that Anakin is dead. Yoda explains that he senses the dark side descending across the galaxy and that something terrible is coming their way. Padme is injured but doesn’t die. Yoda realises that if the sith discover that the babies survived that they would hunt them down. Can’t remember what i had planned for in-between this bit and the next. Some time later Palpatine is in his office and an ominous voice can be heard off camera…“what is thy bidding, my master”. We see that large dark figure emerge. " Ah, my new apprentice…" This is Vader’s introduction. We don’t know this is Anakin (especially when there’d been so many other sith apprentices suddenly pop up from nowhere). Palpatine begins order 66. Palpatine then addresses the senate and informs them of the Jedi plot to overthrown the Republic, while it intercuts with scenes of the clones turning on the jedi then we see darth Vader emerging at the jedi temple, slaughtering jedi, but no younglings. Yoda and Obi-wan return to find the jedi temple ablaze and the jedi slaughtered. They see security footage of Vader killing the Jedi. Can’t remember how i ended everything or what happened after this. But Padme was alive and the twins were split up, but not named

it was going to take a lot of time and funds to achieve this. With the AI tech available today and it could more easily be pulled off. But , with the amount of time left needed to complete the OT Revisited saga, and i’m almost 60 now, i just don’t think my heart would have been in it, especially when i just can’t even bear to watch the prequels any more. I spent years planning all of this out. It would have kept the “Vader Father” reveal intact. And anyone saying that this would be a waste of time because “everyone knows who vader is” are completely discounting new generations that will discover these films and would probably watch then in episodic order. Even now there are those that don’t know that identity of Vader. My Grandson knew who vader was but had no idea he was Luke’s father until he watched Empire, so there is a good argument to keep that reveal intact.

My only question for this is, well… how would this have been possible? All those alternate and new lines, all the new footage, how could have this been possible back then? Today it might be more realistic considering ai and such, but back then? What was your plan?



adywan said:

I’d have to dig out all my detailed notes and outlines ( if i even still have them) but here is the gist of what i was planning (although this is all from memory and it was long time ago, so will be pretty rough):

TPM: There was going to be no “trade blockade” or “negotiations” but it would start with the invasion of Naboo. The Gungans would be clone batches and the trade federation (as they are in the original but may have been named differently, i can’t remember) were after cloning tech as this is something the galaxy has not been able to master. Their claim was that they had negotiated a deal for the tech but that the Gungans has reneged on the deal. We find out that it was Jar Jar that made the deal without authorisation and this was why he was ostracised from the city. Many of the Naboo council consider the Gungans to be a lower life form and demand that Amidala just hand them over to the federation, but she refuses. This angers the federation and they head to invade the city. Amidala send a distress signal to senator palpatine and the Jedi are sent to Naboo. On the federation ship we see the nemoidians receive a holo message from a hooded figure. It looks like the emperor we all know, so its not obvious from the start that its actually palpatine ( god i hated how dumb that bit was). This is palpatines true form but we don’t know that until the 3rd film. He informs them that the Jedi are on their was and to make sure they never reach the planet. As the Jedi ship approaches, the federation opens fire and the Jedi cruiser takes heavy damage. Escape pods are deployed and most are destroyed before they can reach safety, apart from 2 that reach the planet - Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan. They meet up with Jar Jar who is less irritating in this version and doesn’t speak like an idiot with all the “exsqueeze me” type crap. Things pretty much go as original from here for a while, but with alterations. Getting to tatooine, anakin does NOT create 3P0. 3P0 is Amidalas personal droid throughout, fully golden from the start. The pod race would be shorter, intercut with the invasion and other things plus more of Maul searching for the group. Obi-Wan wouldn’t be an asshole who looks down on others as he does in the original. And Midichlorians wouldn’t exist. The end battle would have had Anakin deliberately disobey Qui-Gon and join the space battle and not some stupid accident. he would get an idea on how to destroy the ship by flying into one of its hangar bays as this was less protected or something like that and flys inside taking shots as he goes. Obi_wan doesn’t fall down the shaft and make that ridiculous jump and flip over Maul. At the end Boss Nass agrees that their cloning tech should not be kept on Naboo and would be better in the hands of the republic. Oh, and no space jesus in this one. Shmii is just silent about the father

AOTC: Can’t remember a lot about this one but Anakin is less of a whiney and creepy little bitch in this version. With the ongoing threat from the federation, a clone army has been ordered by the Republic using the Gungan tech, but Padme, now a senator, along with others in the senate disagree with it as they had agreed that they were only going to be the guardians of this tech. So there is no more stupid plot of the Jedi suddenly being ok with this secret clone army yet they have no idea who created it and what for. The assassination attempts on padme still happen and anakin is instructed to take her to somewhere out the way but she demands that she return to Naboo. Anakin still had the force dream about his mother being in pain, but his understanding is that the jedi freed her from slavery. His discovery that they hadn’t and that they had lied to him begins his turn to the dark side and distrust of the Jedi. He also would not inform Padme of his slaughter of the Tuskens. So she doesn’t know that he’s a psycho nutcase, yet still want to be with him, which diminishes her character. There would be no Boba Fett as a kid in this. Obi_wan would be sent to check on the progress of the clone army. They wouldn’t all be clones of Jango, but of a handful of Mandalorian warriors, who remain on Kamino to train the clones. Geonosis would be the discovery that the federation were amassing a droid army to attack the republic. Yoda wouldn’t use a lightsabre in the duel against Dooku.

ROTS: Same opening as original. Obi_wan and the Jedi council have begun the be suspicious of Anakin after hearing of things he had done during the clone wars. They know all about him an Padme but are saying nothing, but are keeping a close eye on him. This film would now be set a decade after AOTC. Anakin would NOT be named as Darth Vader. Grevious would sound nothing like Dracula with a bad cough in this either. There would also be no “dreams” of Padme dying. palpatine is sowing the seeds of doubt in Anakin about the Jedi as in the original. Obi_wan finds grevious and confronts him where he discovers that Palpatine is the Sith Lord and contacts the council. Mace goes to confront Palpatine to discover if Grevious was telling the truth or misleading Obi-Wan. After he leaves Anakin finds out what he is doing and goes after him as his mistrust with the Jedi has deepened. Mace alone confronts Palpatine in his office, who was viewing tech graphics of an armoured suit (Vader’s), where he reveals his true form to Windu and battle commences. Anakin arrives just as Mace defeats Palpatine and stands above him as he lays on the ground. Palpatine now is fully in his true form and claims that Windu had disfigured him. Mace’s willingness to kill Palpatine instead of putting him on trial is what finally turns Anakin against the Jedi and, as Mace raises his saber to slay Palpatine, Anakin lashes out with the force as pushes him far out the window. No force lighting and melting Palpatine. Palpatine talks about how the jedi want to take over the republic and they have been deliberately allowing the war to continue, but that Anakin could end the war if he was willing to go against the Jedi. He tells him he has learned the location of the leaders of the federation/ separatists and that he needs to do what must be done; assassinate them all, to bring an end to the war. That how the jedi wiped out all of the Sith because they didn’t believe that only the Jedi should be allowed toi master the force. Anakin head to Mustafar. When Obi-Wan returns to Coruscant he learns of the death of Mace. Yoda has received a holo message from palpatine informing them what anakin had done and that he had learned that anakin was a sith apprentice who knew who the sith lord was and he had killed Mace when he tried to arrest him, but doesn’t know where he had gone Yoda shows Obi-Wan altered footage of the moment Anakin kills mace. They must stop anakin but Obi-Wan struggles to believe it. He reaches out to padme who he knows anakin would have told her where he was going. Continue like the original with obi-wan hiding in the ship and when he confronts Anakin. Cut back to Palpatine in his office and one of his aides informs him that Anakin is in danger, but he shrugs it off saying something like " I have forseen skywalkers demise. It is of no concern. Soon i shall have a new apprentice. One far more powerful than young Skywalker could have ever been. Prepare my shuttle. We shall go to Mustafar to discover Skywalkers fate."

Kenobi leaves Anakin as he burns of the lava shore as Palpatines shuttle arrives. We don’t see him claw his way up, but instead believe him to be dead. He meets up with Yoda on the medical asteroid. he informs him that Anakin is dead. Yoda explains that he senses the dark side descending across the galaxy and that something terrible is coming their way. Padme is injured but doesn’t die. Yoda realises that if the sith discover that the babies survived that they would hunt them down. Can’t remember what i had planned for in-between this bit and the next. Some time later Palpatine is in his office and an ominous voice can be heard off camera…“what is thy bidding, my master”. We see that large dark figure emerge. " Ah, my new apprentice…" This is Vader’s introduction. We don’t know this is Anakin (especially when there’d been so many other sith apprentices suddenly pop up from nowhere). Palpatine begins order 66. Palpatine then addresses the senate and informs them of the Jedi plot to overthrown the Republic, while it intercuts with scenes of the clones turning on the jedi then we see darth Vader emerging at the jedi temple, slaughtering jedi, but no younglings. Yoda and Obi-wan return to find the jedi temple ablaze and the jedi slaughtered. They see security footage of Vader killing the Jedi. Can’t remember how i ended everything or what happened after this. But Padme was alive and the twins were split up, but not named

it was going to take a lot of time and funds to achieve this. With the AI tech available today and it could more easily be pulled off. But , with the amount of time left needed to complete the OT Revisited saga, and i’m almost 60 now, i just don’t think my heart would have been in it, especially when i just can’t even bear to watch the prequels any more. I spent years planning all of this out. It would have kept the “Vader Father” reveal intact. And anyone saying that this would be a waste of time because “everyone knows who vader is” are completely discounting new generations that will discover these films and would probably watch then in episodic order. Even now there are those that don’t know that identity of Vader. My Grandson knew who vader was but had no idea he was Luke’s father until he watched Empire, so there is a good argument to keep that reveal intact.

My question is, the line in ANH where Ben says, “Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine before he turned to evil” How would you have let everyone know that this new Sith apprentice, was someone Obi Wan trained? Were they someone you would have inferred in this new 10 years later version of ROTS? And that Palpatine just selected them and gave them this new armor he was looking at before Mace arrived? I love the idea, I’m just curious about this Ben, Darth Vader was another pupil of his, plot point.


Perhaps the presumption is supposed to be that Vader was Obi-Wan’s apprentice before Anakin?

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

Perhaps the presumption is supposed to be that Vader was Obi-Wan’s apprentice before Anakin?

For sure, i’m just wondering how that would be sorted out, visually with another actor, a line of dialogue, which film/films that would be shown, heard in, etc.


Bepis28 said:

For sure, i’m just wondering how that would be sorted out, visually with another actor, a line of dialogue, which film/films that would be shown, heard in, etc.

I mean, you can’t just have another dude be Vader before the suit, it’s an edit that attempts to hide the reveal that Vader is Anakin, not one that actually makes Vader and Anakin separate ppl.

Star Wars, Paleontology, Superhero, Godzilla fan. Darth Vader stan. 22. ADHD. College Student majoring in English Education.
My Star Wars Fan-Edits