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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread — Page 28


I didn't, no worries. I meant simply because i proposed it intending it as a serious suggestion - which you quite effectively boiled down to an idea worthy of the modern-day George... nobody likes to think they are thinking at that level :p

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Not how I meant it at all...but I can see how it might have been taken that way. I actually quite like the idea for Ep 1 or 2 (probably II)......distant, in the background...but with that same familiar cry. Would be a nice nod to the original that started it all. I took it to a ridiculous place, simply trying to be amusing.....I should have also stated that I actually liked the idea.


Dont kill me for suggesting this...

at the end of RotJ when Vader screams " Noooooooo" ...right before that he says a simple short No. I personally wouldnt mind that one being kept. 

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


nightstalkerpoet said:

Dont kill me for suggesting this...

at the end of RotJ when Vader screams " Noooooooo" ...right before that he says a simple short No. I personally wouldnt mind that one being kept. 

Sorry but a Nicaraguan Death Squad is already on route.

But seriously. JW's music does all the work in that moment. Nothing else is needed.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


I just like the subtle "no". he could almost be replying to Luke's "Father, help me!"... but then BAM, he picks up the emperor and throws the bastard.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Going back to the Phantom Menace, somebody on the Facebook page suggested that the Gungan City should be abandoned prior to the Jedi and Jar Jar arriving as if it were in ruin.  Then later in the film we learn that they're alive and well.  The only difficulty however would be no dialogue between Qui Gon and Obi Wan explaining what had happened however Jar Jar supposedly with his altered voice could help with this.

“Did you know, the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?! Look it up.”


Ok Let's talk about the end of Jedi...

Do we really need the special edition celebrations? Even if Coruscant is a riot we don't need to go planet hopping around the universe?

Should the Ewoks be Playing drums only? with just the voices and ewoks cheering removing all the melody until the score kicks in at some point?


Actually, for the end of Jedi, I have an idea to make the "around the galaxy" shots more viable.

What if, in each of those shots, there is a Hologram speaking to the people. It would be a single hologram, broadcast to each planet, with the various shots of the different planets adding up to create the whole speech. I'm not sure who would deliver it - whether it is someone who would have to be recast, or a new "rebel" representative.

The speech could touch on something along these lines

"People of the Galactic Empire, slaves to the tyranny of Emperor Palpatine. A great victory has been won this day. A group of rebel freedom fighters has brought about the destruction of the Death Star, and in so doing has ended the reign of Palpatine and his dark assassin, Darth Vader. Though many lives have been lost on both sides, this battle marks a great turning point in the future of the galaxy. We are fighting to restore this once great galaxy to its former glory. Though we lay down our lives, we do so knowing it will help to end the hate and the fear. The Empire will fall, and at last, diplomacy will resume. And with that diplomacy, and the birth of a New Republic, we will regain our freedom."

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


nightstalkerpoet said:

I'm not sure who would deliver it - whether it is someone who would have to be recast, or a new "rebel" representative.


Pretty awesome idea.

Maybe the hologram can be Mon Mothma? Would be nice to see her character show up one more time and seems appropriate for it to perhaps be her.

Maybe Ady can do something like he did with adding ROTJ version of Palpatine hologram to ESB but of course a new voice actress would be needed for the dialogue.



^ Love the mockup. Seeing it realised would be fun too.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Has anyone else noticed that Adywan taking out the Darth Vader scenes in ROTS doesn't keep the "No, I am your father" reveal a secret until ESB? I've read on facebook that the last we see of Anakin in ROTS is when he's on that medical stretcher thing on Coruscant after he was beaten by Obi-Wan. We can obviously assume that he survived without being shown how he exactly got put into the suit. Plus, before Vader and Obi-Wan duel Vader says " I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master." Anyone with half a brain can come to the conclusion that Vader is Anakin. Also, when Aunt Beru says "He has too much of his father in him." and Uncle Owen responds "That's what I'm afraid of." you don't think anyone is going to come to the obvious conclusion that Vader is Luke's father after Obi-Wan and Vader's conversation if they are watching this in order? 


Lord Haseo said:

Has anyone else noticed that Adywan taking out the Darth Vader scenes in ROTS doesn't keep the "No, I am your father" reveal a secret until ESB? I've read on facebook that the last we see of Anakin in ROTS is when he's on that medical stretcher thing on Coruscant after he was beaten by Obi-Wan. We can obviously assume that he survived without being shown how he exactly got put into the suit. Plus, before Vader and Obi-Wan duel Vader says " I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master." Anyone with half a brain can come to the conclusion that Vader is Anakin. Also, when Aunt Beru says "He has too much of his father in him." and Uncle Owen responds "That's what I'm afraid of." you don't think anyone is going to come to the obvious conclusion that Vader is Luke's father after Obi-Wan and Vader's conversation if they are watching this in order? 

So, a few things.

First, we don't know just what Ady's going to do. At some points, he's mentioned adding a second apprentice, but I'm not sure that will actually happen.

Second, cutting out the suit scene should also involve cutting out the stretcher. Obi-wan leaves Ani dying on the lava shores, and we never see him again. Ani turned evil (so Beru's lines are okay), Ben killed him, and then the audience thinks that Ben is lying to Luke in order to protect himself (afterall, he killed Luke's dad) and make Luke hate Vader (using him to help overthrow the Empire). Only later do we learn that Ben lied in a different way.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


On the Star Wars Revisited page on face book Ady said that he despises the ROTS Vader suit and he wouldn't be using of the footage of Vader IN THE SUIT. He never said anything about cutting the stretcher scene, but if he did that there would be no continuity problems. 


I'd be really surprised if anything is set in stone until the moment it is released. ESB:R is evidence of that.


ben_danger said:

I'd be really surprised if anything is set in stone until the moment it is released. ESB:R is evidence of that.

How so?


There have been numerous direction changes since it started.

Its all been kind of a mix of creative choices, and the availability of resources and skills which weren't present in ANH:R.

Like noone would have thought that scale model sets and guys in costume filming bonus footage would have been possible 5 or so years ago. Who knows what will be available when ROTS:R gets done.


Lord Haseo said:

Has anyone else noticed that Adywan taking out the Darth Vader scenes in ROTS doesn't keep the "No, I am your father" reveal a secret until ESB? I've read on facebook that the last we see of Anakin in ROTS is when he's on that medical stretcher thing on Coruscant after he was beaten by Obi-Wan. We can obviously assume that he survived without being shown how he exactly got put into the suit. Plus, before Vader and Obi-Wan duel Vader says " I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master." Anyone with half a brain can come to the conclusion that Vader is Anakin. Also, when Aunt Beru says "He has too much of his father in him." and Uncle Owen responds "That's what I'm afraid of." you don't think anyone is going to come to the obvious conclusion that Vader is Luke's father after Obi-Wan and Vader's conversation if they are watching this in order? 

Where on facebook did you read that, because i'm pretty sure i haven't said that at all because that was never in my plans. What i have said is the last we will see of Anakin is after the duel and he is lying still, presumed to be dead. There will be a lot of new stuff filmed for the prequels. This will not just be an edit using existing footage. It's impossible to do what i want to do if i was to go down that route. I've figured out a way of Obi-wan having a pupil that has turned to the dark side and that's why Yoda is reluctant for him to train Anakin. I've also figured out a way of introducing Vader in ROTS without being able to connect him to Anakin. The reveal can be left intact. Yes, anyone that has already seen all the films will know of course, but fresh viewers who know nothing about the story, won't. It's actually such an easy fix (well i say easy, but extra scenes have to be filmed) that Lucas could easily have done this without ruining the OT. All that was needed was to throw in a few curve balls to throw the audience off. He could easily have introduced the suited vader without us knowing he was Anakin. It was just pure fanwank the way it was handled. After all, the Emperor had a different apprentice each episode, it became a villain of the week sort of thing.




adywan said:

Lord Haseo said:

Has anyone else noticed that Adywan taking out the Darth Vader scenes in ROTS doesn't keep the "No, I am your father" reveal a secret until ESB? I've read on facebook that the last we see of Anakin in ROTS is when he's on that medical stretcher thing on Coruscant after he was beaten by Obi-Wan. We can obviously assume that he survived without being shown how he exactly got put into the suit. Plus, before Vader and Obi-Wan duel Vader says " I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master." Anyone with half a brain can come to the conclusion that Vader is Anakin. Also, when Aunt Beru says "He has too much of his father in him." and Uncle Owen responds "That's what I'm afraid of." you don't think anyone is going to come to the obvious conclusion that Vader is Luke's father after Obi-Wan and Vader's conversation if they are watching this in order? 

Where on facebook did you read that, because i'm pretty sure i haven't said that at all because that was never in my plans. What i have said is the last we will see of Anakin is after the duel and he is lying still, presumed to be dead. There will be a lot of new stuff filmed for the prequels. This will not just be an edit using existing footage. It's impossible to do what i want to do if i was to go down that route. I've figured out a way of Obi-wan having a pupil that has turned to the dark side and that's why Yoda is reluctant for him to train Anakin. I've also figured out a way of introducing Vader in ROTS without being able to connect him to Anakin. The reveal can be left intact. Yes, anyone that has already seen all the films will know of course, but fresh viewers who know nothing about the story, won't. It's actually such an easy fix (well i say easy, but extra scenes have to be filmed) that Lucas could easily have done this without ruining the OT. All that was needed was to throw in a few curve balls to throw the audience off. He could easily have introduced the suited vader without us knowing he was Anakin. It was just pure fanwank the way it was handled. After all, the Emperor had a different apprentice each episode, it became a villain of the week sort of thing.

That really got me excited about your prequel work.


Learning that you've now addressed the "who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil" line, I am so much more excited than I was already.

I can't wait to help in any way I can :D


DF Shadow said:

nightstalkerpoet said:

I'm not sure who would deliver it - whether it is someone who would have to be recast, or a new "rebel" representative.


Pretty awesome idea.

Maybe the hologram can be Mon Mothma? Would be nice to see her character show up one more time and seems appropriate for it to perhaps be her.

Maybe Ady can do something like he did with adding ROTJ version of Palpatine hologram to ESB but of course a new voice actress would be needed for the dialogue.


Admiral Ackbar would really make this work