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The Star Wars Spin Off Ideas Thread.


Post your serious or funny spin off ideas here kids.

Here's one.

First Droid.

A series set thousands of years prior to any of the films which explains how the first droids were built and how the galaxy took to them.

It's stars could be lots of barely clad girls (some of them have painted skin) and frowny faced mono-browed young men who look like they are constipated.


Ackbar & Jeff

Livin' la Vida Lobot

Comfortably Nunb

Itchy & Scratchy

...Like a Bossk!

Wheel of Fortuna

Rebo Man

Sweet Sweetback's Zuckusssss Song

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina? Delightful little vignettes done by different directors a la "Paris je t'aime" and "New York, I love you"

The blue elephant in the room.


A television series or series of films set on a Star Destroyer during the OT from an Imperial point of view would be worth watching.


The guys behind It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia once pitched a show called Boldly Going Nowhere, a mix of comedy and sci-fi about life on a starship.


I'd love to see something like this. A show about nobodies or common folk in behind the larger happenings.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


That idea could dovetail nicely with a Biggs Darklighter movie.

And now, more than ever, Tag and Bink Are Dead:The Movie. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Creepy Puppet Yoda as a Private Investigator in New Orleans.


Knew there'd be a CPY joke in here. You have to start spicing it up, my friend!

Life with Malla - a soap opera around Chewie's family, with at least one story arc involving Itchy's bizarre addiction to human softcore pornography.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

Knew there'd be a CPY joke in here. You have to start spicing it up, my friend!

Jaxxon as a Private Investigator in New Orleans.


They announced a young Han origin movie and a Boba Fett bounty hunter movie.  These are seriously BAD ideas.  It's so much better leaving these characters to the imagination.  Why does everything have to be spelled out so anything you might think about them gets thrown out the window.

I was excited about where VII was headed, but now I am somewhat disgusted about all these new developments.  It looks like it's all about profit even more than it has been.

So in that spirit, here's some more brilliant ideas:

Gungan and Naboo conflict story explaining why the Gungans were driven into hiding.

Another Chewbacca story - this time with little Chewie as a kid.

A trilogy explaining how Lando ended up in Bespin.

A Sith origin story including explaining why the term "Sith" was never used by anyone in the "later" movies.

A movie about the Jedi spirits and explain why and how they exist and what they do in their free time, and why they sometimes show up as old people, but not always, and others are only voices.  Also explain why some bodies disappear and others stick around after they die.



georgec said:

The guys behind It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia once pitched a show called Boldly Going Nowhere, a mix of comedy and sci-fi about life on a starship.

Hasn't this been done?

Red Dwarf, Starhyke etc.

Not that there isn't room for more but with Robot Chicken, The Simpsons, Adam & Joe and Family Guy holding rather chunky parody files it's hard to see how a comedy show set in the Star Wars universe would have something new to say.

I'd love to see something like this. A show about nobodies or common folk in behind the larger happenings.

Babylon 5 attempted an episode like this called A View From The Gallery.

It was really pretty bad but the concept might be sound if done differently.

Putting both ideas together you basically have Pink Five the series.

I'm all for more Pink Five.


How about this idea for a TV show:

Set between III and IV, Vader hunts down the Jedi in hiding. I would set it on a Star Destroyer, and it would be part military show, and part police detective show. Sort of like the new BSG for Star Wars, from the Imperial point of view.

Of course, there would have to be a protagonist; maybe Kenobi is calling the shots from afar.

It would be a good opportunity to show some nuanced views of the Galactic Civil War: not all Imperials are bad, and maybe not all the Jedi are all that good either.

Throw in a Jedi of the week, an ongoing search for the Kaibur Crystal, and the occasional lightsaber showdown.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


A six-piece saga of tragedy and redemption, where in episodes -6 to -4, Yoda gradually descends into Creepy Puppet Yoda (CPY), then in episodes -3 to -2, he is redeemed, but unfortunately goes berzerk and becomes "Finger in the Light Socket" Yoda (FLSY - as we have all seen in his light saber battles in the PT).  Fortunately, in episode -1 he is fully redeemed and becomes the wise and normal Yoda (WNY) we know from the OT.

The clever thing about this saga, is that episodes -4 and -3 can overlap in time with TPM, while episodes -2 and -1 can overlap in time with AOTC and ROTS, meaning they can reuse some of the existing footage and thus make more money.  Episodes -6 and -5 can concentrate on Yoda's maturation and increasing creepiness.  We also learn that he is basically a disagreeable whiny brat, and has computer chips imbedded in his brain which is how he knows so much.

Indeed, if LFL can manage to destroy all of Vader's mystique, Yoda should be a piece of cake.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Erikstormtrooper said:

It would be a good opportunity to show some nuanced views of the Galactic Civil War: not all Imperials are bad, and maybe not all the Jedi are all that good either.

Yeah. I agree. What Star Wars needs is more muddying of the waters between good and bad. Heroes we can't root for and villains we can't dislike. That's what made the OT great.


The Star Wars that most people like isn't black and white, good guys vs bad guys.

Han is a smuggler (possibly a drug smuggler... I know spice could just be spice but there are only so many flavours and this is a world with FTL travel).

Leia is subverting the Government that she plays a minor role in (she is using her diplomatic position for espionage work).

Luke starts out wanting to join the Imperial Academy despite claiming to hate the Empire.

Kenobi lies to Luke repeatedly to manipulate him into killing his father (by evoking vengeful ideas in Luke by claiming Vader killed his father and obscuring his true identity).

All of them keep Artoo and Threepio (sentient beings capable of independent thought, action and emotion) as slaves and never question this.

Vader the notional villain of the piece is granted absolution for an act of political assassination which he has been planning for decades before he learns of Luke's identity.

The PT has so many problems it's difficult to list them but blurring the line between black and white is not one of them.


This is what I really want. Make it a hard R, with Porkins kicking ass and taking names.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


Gerald Butler should play his husband.

It's about time Star Wars joined the late nineties craze for shoe-horned in gay and lesbian characters.