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All you need to do is to add a political subplot to each of these stories to fatten them up
I have always had a fascination with rewriting the prequels ever since I saw The Red Letter Media Review and Belated Media/Banditincorporated’s rewrites. However my amount of ideas has just kept growing and conflicting with each other. My ideas on how to rewrite ROTJ also threw a spanner in the works as well.I can’t fit all my ideas into 3 movies or in ROTJ’s case 1 movie.
Instead I hit upon the idea of making both The Prequel and Original trilogy 4 movies. However then I saw this post https://www.reddit.com/r/fixingmovies/comments/iostn9/george_lucass_original_12part_star_wars_plan/
and realized the potential of having two films at the beginning of the saga and two at the end that act as a Prologue featuring Obi Wan and a Coda featuring Luke’s twin sister Lara to the main two trilogies(now Tetrologies of course) that both have a massive timeskip of 1,000 years each (I’ll explain how in a moment).
Here are the names of the movies
Episode 1 The Jedi Apprentice
Episode 2 Crisis on Mandalore
Prequel Movies:
Episode 3 Disturbance in The Force
Episode 4 The Clone Wars
Episode 5 Edge of Darkness
Episode 6 Revenge of the Sith
Episode 7 A New Hope:Nothing Changed
Episode 8 The Empire Strikes Back:Nothing Changed
Episode 9 Sins of the Father
Episode 10 Wrath of the Emperor
Episode 11 Will of the Force
Episode 12 A New Era
Obi Wan’s story will take place in The High Republic 1,000 years before the main movies. It deals with The First Clone War (The First Clone War featured Battle Droids with Cloned Brain matter) ,his adventures with his brother Ben and both their rivalries with Maul a young Sith Apprentice. It also features Ben’s love interest a princess of Utapau named Jeele. It ends with Obi Wan getting frozen in carbonite due to a series of events in a Jedi Civil War set into motion by The Kenobi Brothers over the rules of non attachment while Maul gets stuck in a different dimension of torment. Ben and Jeele both die of course
The Prequel Movies take place around 40 years before ANH in the closing days of The 6th Clone War (Sparrti Cylinder Clones this time)with a very diminished Jedi Order (same as u/sigmaecho rewrites) and other force wielding splinter groups. Things are set into motion with Anakin and his Brother in law Owen working on a Spice Freighter/Ship Scavenger when they find Obi Wan and get embroiled in the Clone Wars because of it. A lot of things happen such as Maul’s return,Mara Jades mother and Obi Wan, a fellow Jedi pupil named Zara, a roguish amphibious alien named Sol’kar who sounds and has a personality like this hilarious redubbing of Jar Jar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58yrGVFDHc8 (before you howl in outrage just watch the video) he does look different from Jar Jar of course ,Bail Organa’s as a general and Dooku’s (Dooku is around Anakins age and a pupil of Yoda) Knights of Balance( an order of Grey Jedi kind of like Jorrus from The Thrawn Trilogy)
However The main twist is of how Anakin became Darth Vader. This might be very unorthodox but I wan’t to do some unusual things with this rewrite along with some things very similar to what we got. In this Clone War many Jedi have been cloned and are used as shock troops and Anakin has been one of the ones Cloned. Eventually he fights singlehandedly 12 of his Clones who are dressed exactly like him (they are used for infiltration) but we don’t get to see the outcome except a badly wounded Anakin being found alive.
He makes a full recovery physically but mentally is slightly more unhinged. He has children with his wife but at the same time Obi Wan and Mace are planning to coup the Republic and turn it into a Jedi theocracy because they think the Chancellor is a Sith. Anakin becomes disillusioned with The Jedi order that has an elitist attitude towards the common man and an aloof attitude towards the war. Anakin kills Mace during the coup and falls to the dark side when Palpatine reveals himself to Anakin.
He tells him the truth. Anakin was killed during his duel with his clones but his spirit instead of leaving for the netherworld latched on to his surviving clone (clones are soulless btw) without realizing it. His spirit is now torn between his body and the netherworld. He has fulfilled a Sith Prophecy about a messaih called Darth Vader who will destroy The Jedi after his spirit miraculously switched bodies fter his death. Distraught and with nowhere else to turn Anakin joins Palpatine.
That’s all I can say about The Prequels right now
For the originals I’m being less radical and drawing more from Timothy Zahn and also The Dark Empire Comics. The first two movies are the exact same while the third and fourth are different. The Third especially is very different with Vader rebelling against The Emperor,Luke being captured by The Emperor and his struggle against the dark side, Mara Jade being Obi Wan’s daughter. The Fourth is more like ROTJ with Wookies,a Han who dies and all that jazz.
The last two movies (Coda)I don’t have concrete ideas for. The protagonist will probably be Luke’s sister who was split up by Yoda to a mysterious planet where time flows differently. (I can’t think of why though) It would be 1000 years after the Originals but the main villain could be anything from the Vong,The Whills or The ghost of Palpatine/Palagious. I’m toying with the idea that this conflict completely destroys the galaxy,scattering the species with The Humans led by Luke’s sister coming to Earth beginning human civilization as we know it with the events of the movies being chronicled in “The Journal of the Whills” before being locked away underground (The implication being that the filmmakers found the book in our time). But that’s probably a retarded Idea
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
Sounds like an interesting idea. Certainly bold, if you ever plan to go through with it. If that is the case, I would suggest to show bits, like the Kenobi brothers adventures and the Jedi Civil War, in flashbacks. That way it would cut down at least a little bit of the workload by combining certain story elements. Another way I think could help (and this is only if you really want to differ in style from the actual movies) is to have Lara and intertwine her story with Luke’s, e.g. you could have your OT be about the twins on parallel journeys that eventually lead up to the two meeting or you could have Lara start out as a minor character in the beginning before she joins the main cast. Of course, that could get rid of the the whole time-dilation planet.
For the prequels, it might be alright as is. It is like we talked about in another of your threads, where Obi-Wan is frozen and released by Anakin. Very interested to see how that would go, but I personally am not sure about Obi-Wan being directly involved in overthrowing the Republic to establish a Jedi theocracy (that’s more based on my presumption that Obi-Wan would have a different mentality he had from the High Republic than the “current” ideology of his fellow Jedi). You could still go for it, but maybe Obi-Wan’s reluctantly going along with it and/or he wishes to join to sway the other Jedi’s minds (or some other hullabaloo).
For the OT, Lara’s the only major change I recommended. Other than that, I can’t think of anything else. If you want to, maybe hint at the emperor surviving in spirit form or something akin to it.
For the epilogue stories, what you plan feels like a HUGE stretch, but it might work with the right tweaks and revisions. If you want to keep Lara there, maybe you can keep the time dilation planet or use carbonite instead. Luke’s ghost could guide Lara into rescuing the few who survived and taking them to Earth, which could be more hinted at than directly shown (so to keep the mystery).
That’s all I have. I dunno if it’s any good, but I hope it helps. Take care.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
Sounds like an interesting idea. Certainly bold, if you ever plan to go through with it. If that is the case, I would suggest to show bits, like the Kenobi brothers adventures and the Jedi Civil War, in flashbacks. That way it would cut down at least a little bit of the workload by combining certain story elements. Another way I think could help (and this is only if you really want to differ in style from the actual movies) is to have Lara and intertwine her story with Luke’s, e.g. you could have your OT be about the twins on parallel journeys that eventually lead up to the two meeting or you could have Lara start out as a minor character in the beginning before she joins the main cast. Of course, that could get rid of the the whole time-dilation planet.
For the prequels, it might be alright as is. It is like we talked about in another of your threads, where Obi-Wan is frozen and released by Anakin. Very interested to see how that would go, but I personally am not sure about Obi-Wan being directly involved in overthrowing the Republic to establish a Jedi theocracy (that’s more based on my presumption that Obi-Wan would have a different mentality he had from the High Republic than the “current” ideology of his fellow Jedi). You could still go for it, but maybe Obi-Wan’s reluctantly going along with it and/or he wishes to join to sway the other Jedi’s minds (or some other hullabaloo).
For the OT, Lara’s the only major change I recommended. Other than that, I can’t think of anything else. If you want to, maybe hint at the emperor surviving in spirit form or something akin to it.
For the epilogue stories, what you plan feels like a HUGE stretch, but it might work with the right tweaks and revisions. If you want to keep Lara there, maybe you can keep the time dilation planet or use carbonite instead. Luke’s ghost could guide Lara into rescuing the few who survived and taking them to Earth, which could be more hinted at than directly shown (so to keep the mystery).
That’s all I have. I dunno if it’s any good, but I hope it helps. Take care.
Thank you for your feedback!
I’m going to just post summuries not full blown scripts so the workload shouldn’t be that much
Having Lara in The OT is interesting and maybe I could use that.
The parralell stories thing with Luke I definitely plan with Mara Jade
As for Obi Wan wanting to overthrow the Republic I was going to have him reluctantly go along with the plan only because of the danger of Sidious
Also what do you think about my clone body Idea?
Everything after Empire Strikes Back needs fixing
Thank you for your feedback!
I’m going to just post summuries not full blown scripts so the workload shouldn’t be that much
Having Lara in The OT is interesting and maybe I could use that.
The parralell stories thing with Luke I definitely plan with Mara Jade
As for Obi Wan wanting to overthrow the Republic I was going to have him reluctantly go along with the plan only because of the danger of Sidious
Also what do you think about my clone body Idea?
Eh, not really sure. The clone body idea is different, but I don’t know what to think other than that. Sorry if I can’t give anymore.
Anakin killed women and children for a mom he didn’t give a fuck about (if he did, he would’ve done something instead of fucking around on Naboo). It’s as bad as Luke trying to kill Kylo in TLJ because neither Luke or Anakin are what the OT established: good men. It’s character assassination. Now, fuck off.
All you need to do is to add a political subplot to each of these stories to fatten them up
I wanna see this!!!