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I see. In that case, here’s something we might be able to squeeze in there as new material:
I see. In that case, here’s something we might be able to squeeze in there as new material:
Hey I could try folding that in; I know the mix was already sorta crowded, though. But I like it.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Since there’s a little chat of an updated version lately, and I’ve just rewatched the trilogy a couple of times, some thoughts/wishes for consideration:
This certainly isn’t my edit, but I’d like to throw my two cents into a few of these.
- We also talked about Rey’s crackly saber actually shorting out at some point - did anything get finished there?
I’d love to see this, in addition to some lightning shooting out of Rey’s hand at Finn during the duel. Both of these would give Rey further reason to abandon everything and go to Ahch-To. The lightsaber shorting out she would blame herself for - since clearly her Force healing didn’t fully restore the crystal. And then if she did that to Finn she would feel like she’s putting her friends in danger just by being around them.
- Audio effects suggesting that force healing (“the power to prevent those we love from death”) is more of a darkside power could help explain why it’s not more commonly known or used.
I think the filmmaker’s intention here was that Force healing was described in the ancient Jedi texts. It makes sense that the Jedi in the prequel era wouldn’t condone this ability because of the whole “will of the Force” and “train[ing] yourself to let go of what you fear to lose” stuff. This ability doesn’t make sense as a darkside one because it is truly selfless; you’re giving some of your own life to somebody else. Palpatine uses the dark side version of this ability to suck the dyad out of Ben and Rey. A better solution, in my opinion, would be to create a Rey voice clone and have her say under her breath “I read in the Jedi texts…” as she is approaching the snake. As for why Kylo can use this ability later on, the easiest explanation is because of the dyad.
- I’d love to have Kylo tell Han’s ghost/vision/memory “I love you” before Han replies “I know”, preceding Kylo throwing away his saber. Poetry yes, but also a beautiful inversion of how it was first used.
I thought the same thing when I first saw the movie, but I’ve come to appreciate how it’s more implicit. Ben doesn’t need to say that part out loud, Han already knows what he is going to say and says his signature response.
- A longshot that’s likely dependent on AI, but possibly the only opportunity to answer “a good question for another time” might be to have Lando talk to Maz during the finale celebrations, perhaps: “You did a great job taking care of that lightsaber I entrusted to you, Maz”.
I’ve provided Nev with a line that will explain this in TFA instead. The deleted footage of Leia handing Maz the lightsaber will be used in Rey’s vision, and she will say “Keep it safe, my old friend”.
- Might there be a way to improve on “I made Snoke”? Perhaps “I trained Snoke. A puppet designed to make you who I needed you to be.”?
As I mentioned in a previous post, a Palpy voice clone is sadly not very likely to be possible.
- Might there be a way to improve on “I made Snoke”? Perhaps “I trained Snoke. A puppet designed to make you who I needed you to be.”?
As I mentioned in a previous post, a Palpy voice clone is sadly not very likely to be possible.
That’s unfortunate that Palpy isn’t likely. It could be a huge deal to get him to say the “more than a clone less than a man” line.
“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi
Since there’s a little chat of an updated version lately, and I’ve just rewatched the trilogy a couple of times, some thoughts/wishes for consideration:
- Back in the day there was some talk of different colour schemes for new planets on familiar biomes. For my money I’d be interested in a more red/purple Pasaana desert, and maybe a more autumnal or pastel Ajan Kloss.
I’d be open to it but couldn’t make it happen myself. I don’t feel a need for this to happen c though.
- We also talked about Rey’s crackly saber actually shorting out at some point - did anything get finished there?
I think MR was working on it but it never materialized. It’d be cool to have if possible, but okay if not.
- Audio effects suggesting that force healing (“the power to prevent those we love from death”) is more of a darkside power could help explain why it’s not more commonly known or used.
I don’t think that’d be a good idea, as it reads as a kindly or self-sacrificing thing to do which characters always appear “good” when doing.
- I’d love to have Kylo tell Han’s ghost/vision/memory “I love you” before Han replies “I know”, preceding Kylo throwing away his saber. Poetry yes, but also a beautiful inversion of how it was first used.
I prefer it the way it is. Sublime.
- As others have mentioned, it’d be nice to have C-3PO’s memory stay wiped.
If it feels seamless and smooth, I agree.
- A longshot that’s likely dependent on AI, but possibly the only opportunity to answer “a good question for another time” might be to have Lando talk to Maz during the finale celebrations, perhaps: “You did a great job taking care of that lightsaber I entrusted to you, Maz”.
That wouldn’t do anything to answer the question of how it was recovered and I’m not sure how you’d mix that in anyway.
- To make the Dyad feel more deliberately planned, I’d be interested to see the image from TLJ of the black/white yinyang being from the stone pool in Luke’s temple flash up at a sensible point - “we’ve become a Dyad” perhaps?
The only occasions in the movie that it would feel natural would be removed from that context.
- The Jedi texts also provide an opportunity to imply in-universe existence of both Dyads (an image like the yinyang being?) and soul transferrence (though I appreciate that’s more of a Sith power), via a method similar to Neverargreat’s drawing of Rey’s island from TFA:Starlight
Do we get a look at multiple pages of the book, or just the one with a drawing of a wayfinder? If there’s another page visible and someone wanted to add a yin-yang, I could use it. But I don’t have any strong feelings on this one.
- Might there be a way to improve on “I made Snoke”? Perhaps “I trained Snoke. A puppet designed to make you who I needed you to be.”?
Hard to imagine an AI delivering his dialogue in a theatrical way. Also, I like the ambiguity of “I made Snoke,” so it works well with this edit’s implication and any subsequent SW material.
- I’d remove the Rey/Kylo kiss, and Lando’s weird scene with Jannah, but I’m sure you’ve got a good reason for keeping those.
It’s the only scrap of sex we get in the whole trilogy, and culminates their double orbit. Wouldn’t want to remove Lando and Jannah, though it’d make more sense if we had the deleted scene of Lando describing losing a daughter.
- It’d also be nice to, via VFX, see a bit more of the First Order merged with the Final Order - via the odd shot of First Order white stormtroopers, officers, and starships in appropriate shots.
Yeah, it hurts my brain to try to untangle the plot mechanics involved in the First and Final Orders, at least as we’ve augmented their relationship somewhat. Ideally Palpatine and his cultists should be depicted to be as small as possible, with their Imperial stockpile being their ace in the hole. And Palpatine makes his play to bring the First Order under his control, having set it up by proxy. In TROS it seems like Palpatine reveals himself, saying “lol wow look how much I have, makes the First Order seem puny” and not “now I claim the First Order I set up in order to man this fleet.”
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Here’s a mockup of what I stated earlier about making it clear how Rey learns Force healing (and therefore why it’s rare; it’s ancient):
Definitely needs audio work (a little echo/reverb) to make it sound like she’s in the cave with that line.
Here are two line options that would allow us to reinstate the full version of Rey’s conversation with Leia about finding Palpatine without the conversation seeming too awkward:
Option 1 (my preference) - https://youtu.be/WMr5IPxpQmE
Option 2 - https://youtu.be/WdsVTJOhSiQI stress, ElevenAI is amazing. I believe DominicCobb was looking for this solution for his own TROS edit. I think he’ll be very impressed. 😉
I am!
Been away from here for awhile but with so much AI going around I knew some interesting things might be happening. Now I need to go back through all my notes and see what lines I’ve been dying to have. And something like this is at the top of the pile!
I think shorter is probably better. Just “it’s too dangerous” or “he’s too dangerous” so that Rey’s line doesn’t come in too fast. You could try to extend the shot of Rey before she speaks but there’s not a lot to play with.
I like adding a line when Leia gives Rey the saber back but the tone of the delivery in the mockups there just don’t match for me. I also think for the Rey Nobody version it would be wise to change Leia’s “Don’t be afraid of who you are line.” Doesn’t not work with Rey Nobody but clearly more meant to set up the Palpatine reveal. Will have to think about what could be there instead. And then I agree it’d be great to have a Leia line either before or after “always in the shadows…” What that is, I’m not sure.
I’m most excited about the helmet Kylo lines. Gonna have a good think about that. One thing I’ll say is if there’s issues matching the AI voice with a surrounding line from the movie, you could try to run the movie line through the AI and swap it out.
Also, maybe some potential for new Rose lines? She read a whole Star Wars audiobook (Cobalt Squadron) so could use that for the AI.
And is there a good Finn AI? There’s a couple lines I’ve wanted for a long time.
I’d say “he’s too dangerous” works best since it is in the novel.
“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
I like adding a line when Leia gives Rey the saber back but the tone of the delivery in the mockups there just don’t match for me.
This delivery is better imo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16BhRukixeGwe12r3KdhGqIuaFhh52urn/view?usp=sharing
Better, but still feels too chipper compared to the emotional dialogue surrounding it.
How much control do you have over the tool? It still sounds too loud if you know what I mean, which makes sense if her voice is being culled from an audiobook but doesn’t fit her softer tone in the scene.
You don’t really have much control, you just generate it again if you don’t like what it spits out. There is a variability bar which if you put on the lower end can give you a more emotional response, at the cost of it being more “unstable”. Sometimes this allows her to whisper a bit.
What exactly do you mean by “loud”? As in, something that reducing the volume of it could fix, or the way that she is speaking is in a speaking voice instead of more of a whisper?
EDIT: This is probably the best you’re gonna get - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l-kgimh_BF1_1dlaYEu29EhNKMiz8Db-/view?usp=drivesdk
Yeah it’s not the volume it’s the manner of speaking, couldn’t think of another way to describe it. That one actually sounds like it could plausibly work, I wonder what it’d look like in context.
Personally with these lines I’d veer to the side of less is more, if we can’t get them to sound just right it’s probably better to forgo so as to not be distracting. But definitely worth trying out every possibility!
It sounds perfect to me: https://streamable.com/1v7nuf
It sounds perfect to me: https://streamable.com/1v7nuf
perhaps if rey’s reaction shot can be enlongated a bit (via frame interpolation or smth) the little moment of silence can improve the natural flow of the line
the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural
Anyone try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JruKb-Zeze8 ?
It sounds like someone is punching in dialogue that doesn’t quite match up. I’d add slight outdoor reverb to the new voice clip and EQ it as professionally as possible. Then I’d slightly degrade the quality (with bad EQ) of her actual dialogue and add the same reverb effect. This can make all the dialogue clips gradually sound similar enough so it doesn’t sound like a jarring add in.
heil Palpatine!
Anyone try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JruKb-Zeze8 ?
Nice. If C.F. is in that celebrity AI vault it could sound amazing. But really having TOO much dialogue every time her back is to the camera gets just plain silly.
Let’s have AI Leia cough and chuckle
heil Palpatine!
Voice.ai is pretty crap tbh. You can definitely tell it has AI residue.
Who here is capable of doing that audio work you described?
I followed a tutorial to add in professional EQ to the audio clip: https://streamable.com/fyv0qp
I’m not sure how to do the rest of what you described.
I still think this moment works better without that new line. Actions speak louder than words.
The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.
Perhaps. It might be better to add these lines only to places that were previously awkward without Leia speaking. AKA Rey explaining how she got “distracted”, and when she says she’s going after Palpy.
Here’s what I’ve got so far: