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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 431


This thread has taken a weird turn when giving honest and constructive feed back is … bad?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I would argue that it’s impossible to remove the “fan edit-y” feeling of Leia, so I’m not sure why you brought up adding lines to begin with. I always thought the intention was to make her seem like an actual human being that doesn’t say a catchphrase every so often like a doll with a voice box.

I see those two things as the same? Hearing her say two lines in completely different tones within a few seconds sounds both like a fan edit and like a doll with a voice box. Soundboard Leia does not make her seem any more human just because she’s talking more. The goal is to integrate lines that feel believable. As with any fan edit change like this you try it out, and if you don’t buy it, you scrap it. Like, I’m not going to include footage from one of the animated Galaxy of Adventures shorts because I want more stuff with Kylo. Just because on paper it’s adding to the story doesn’t mean it actually works.

Once again, this is no fault of your work. And if you’re not bothered by it that’s okay. But I don’t see what is so hard to understand about my position (on this and other jarring changes that have been suggested).


jarbear said:

This thread has taken a weird turn when giving honest and constructive feed back is … bad?

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here.


It’s hard for me to understand because it seems to me like we’re listening to completely different things. I would not describe the “lately” line as jarring in any way whatsoever.

And using Galaxy of Adventures as an example is just completely laughable. Seriously? Saying these lines are like comparing animation to live action? The difference is not that astounding in the slightest. That’s crazy talk right there. It’s subtle, if anything at all.

EDIT: We’re just going to have to agree to disagree. No use in arguing further. Although now I am wondering if certain humans are born with different hearing capabilities. Or is it acquired? Because that’s the only logical way I can explain this disagreement.


It’s a purposefully extreme example to explain my point. Yes, animation would stick out more, but the point is that it sticks out, and draws attention to the fact that it’s a fan edit. It’s the same principle.


Let me be clear, I appreciate the feedback. But let’s also try not to overexaggerate any distain for something. You had me thinking I was some alien creature that perceives audio completely differently than everyone else LMAO.

I’ll still stand by what Sid said, though: “Sometimes it’s okay to have a trade off of boosting the narrative and characters while subtracting some technical perfection, but a certain bar still has to be met.” I feel the bar has clearly been met with a couple of these. You disagree. I’ll never be able to fully understand your position, and you’ll never be able to fully understand mine. That’s alright.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Let me be clear, I appreciate the feedback. But let’s also try not to overexaggerate any distain for something. You had me thinking I was some alien creature that perceives audio completely differently than everyone else LMAO.

I think you probably just need to calm down a bit. There’s no disdain here. I’m just explaining my perspective.


Yeah, Dom was one of the people who brought up the idea of giving Leia more lines, so he obviously wants something to work. It’s not like he doesn’t like what you’ve done. I think we both appreciate the effort you’ve put into it. He was just saying it still wasn’t totally seamless to him. I also kind of agree with that. I think Sid brought up good points though. This definitely seems like a subjective thing. It might help to get some fresh perspectives on the tests.


Oh, did I use a word wrong again? I meant to say “disapproval” in that case. I can give some examples of you overexaggerating (imo) your disapproval of the particular lines, not the overall effort.


I’m assuming that once V2 is out, discussions for the Rey Nobody version will start.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Oh, did I use a word wrong again? I meant to say “disapproval” in that case. I can give some examples of you overexaggerating (imo) your disapproval of the particular lines, not the overall effort.

I don’t know how else to explain this. It’s not personal, so you really shouldn’t take it that way. This is just what happens in fan editing, people are going to give their opinions, it’s not always going to align with yours. It’s okay.

Please, please, let’s just move on.


The only parts I interpreted as personal were those exaggerations because I had previously admitted that I didn’t see any problems with them. So when you go on and on describing how “this is far worse than anything I’ve seen in any professional film” it made me feel like you’re questioning my sanity despite you claiming that you weren’t dissing me lol.

But anyways, yes, I agree. Let’s move on.


Master Lawdog said:

I’m assuming that once V2 is out, discussions for the Rey Nobody version will start.

I think so. If you’re interested in the progress of that, you should definitely keep an eye on the Rey Nobody thread and provide any thoughts/ideas you might have.


Master Lawdog said:

I’m assuming that once V2 is out, discussions for the Rey Nobody version will start.

I think so. If you’re interested in the progress of that, you should definitely keep an eye on the Rey Nobody thread and provide any thoughts/ideas you might have.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

The only parts I interpreted as personal were those exaggerations because I had previously admitted that I didn’t see any problems with them. So when you go on and on describing how “this is far worse than anything I’ve seen in any professional film” it made me feel like you’re questioning my sanity despite you claiming that you weren’t dissing me lol.

But anyways, yes, I agree. Let’s move on.

That wasn’t an exaggeration, that’s my legit perspective. It’s a very normal bit of feedback for an edit, perhaps the most common one of all. The goal is always to avoid making it feel like an edit. We’re trying to make it seem like this is something that could have been released officially. When someone says they don’t think it passes that test, you don’t argue with them about it for pages. You say “okay, fair enough.” That how this works. The sooner you can accept that feedback like that is typical and in no way personal, the sooner we can avoid these agonizingly pointless arguments.

Sorry if I sound harsh but you’re posting a lot of ideas and concepts here, which is great, but we can’t go ten rounds on every single one.


Brewzter said:

DZ-330 said:

List of space/ships shots that could hopefully be made by someone with WAY more skills than me:

  • Space shot of Ochi’s ship approaching Kimji
  • Shot of Ren’s TIE approaching Endor
  • Shot of Rey in Ren’s TIE leaving Endor
  • Shot of Rey in Ren’s TIE approaching Anch-To
  • Rey taking Luke’s X-Wing and leaving Anch-To in space
  • A tease of Vader’s TIE leaving Endor
  • The Falcon in space approaching Tatooine

I like all of these except for the TIE approaching Endor, I think it’s important to preserve the “surprise” when Kylo stops the Wayfinder on the throne room floor and it’s revealed that he’s there that way.

I really like the idea of adding more establishing shots to further pad out the breakneck pace of TROS.

How feasible would any of the above ideas be to achieve for the VFX wizards here?


Maybe I’m just not cut out for this stuff. I’ll admit that I kinda have a problem where I get frustrated when I can’t wrap my head around why somebody feels a particular way about something (especially when it’s the opposite of me).

I said earlier that if people feel like these aren’t working, then I’ll just keep it all to myself. So, yeah, think that’s probably what’s best at this point for my own health. I’ll still critique other people’s things, but I don’t plan on posting my own ideas here unless it’s on the general ideas thread or on my own thread. Otherwise people may get too defensive, which is usually when I feel compelled to change their mind lol.


sherlockpotter said:

Burbin, I appreciate the defense, I do; but I still can’t get behind it. Finn was all set to leave after disabling the signal - everyone was leaving - and then he was like “Hold up, they’re resetting their systems. The nav signal is coming back online! I have to stop it!” The way he says it definitely implies that they weren’t expecting the nav signal to come back online.

And look, even if you’re right - that Chris and J.J. wrote the entire thing to temporarily stop them from leaving (which is nonsensical), and then the Rebels managed to defeat an extra 7,000 ships off-screen (which is bad filmmaking) - why do we have to prescribe to that? If it’s possible to tie everything up in a nice little “They can’t get off the planet” bow, and cut through all of the obfuscation, why can’t we do that? Even if it’s not 1:1 with the filmmakers’ original intention. That’s sort of the point of this edit, no?

I think I’ve layed out the logic of the Exegol assault pretty thoroughly, and why I can’t get behind the removal of those lines. Yes, Finn acting so surprised is the only bit that might seem contradictory, perhaps the signal on the command ship would come back sooner than expected, since the plan was to hit the tower on the ground, or perhaps Finn gets a last minute idea to take down the ship while they reset their systems.

The thing is everything else points to the stall being temporary, and I don’t see how that’s “nonsensical” but making it permanent makes perfect sense, seems to me like it’s the opposite. Changing this would contradict everything else. The main plan, as clearly laid out in the briefing, is to hit the Fleet while they’re vulnerable on Exegol since shields don’t work on it’s atmosphere, and without shields hitting the cannons causes a chain reaction that brings down the ships. Deactivating their nav signal is only step one on the plan, as a means to stall the fleet from leaving the planet, step two is Lando riling up the people and step three is taking down the Final Order. You seem to be under the impression that the plan was to leave the fleet stranded on Exegol, while taking out a few ships on the way, but it’s explicitly stated the main goal is to take the ships down.

Changing this also turns Poe’s POV of the battle into nonsense, as every line he speaks clearly indicates he believes the ships won’t be stuck forever:

“We’ll have to hit them ourselves! Except… they’re stuck here and we’re horribly outnumbered, so we could just leave and regroup with Lando!”

“This is our last chance, we’ve got to hit those cannons now! Or… maybe later! They are stuck here guys don’t worry!”

“Poe, the command ship!”
“Oh, cool, it blew up, the fleet was already stuck here anyway, but hey, they’re toast, come on!”


LesPaul32 said:

Brewzter said:

DZ-330 said:

List of space/ships shots that could hopefully be made by someone with WAY more skills than me:

  • Space shot of Ochi’s ship approaching Kimji
  • Shot of Ren’s TIE approaching Endor
  • Shot of Rey in Ren’s TIE leaving Endor
  • Shot of Rey in Ren’s TIE approaching Anch-To
  • Rey taking Luke’s X-Wing and leaving Anch-To in space
  • A tease of Vader’s TIE leaving Endor
  • The Falcon in space approaching Tatooine

I like all of these except for the TIE approaching Endor, I think it’s important to preserve the “surprise” when Kylo stops the Wayfinder on the throne room floor and it’s revealed that he’s there that way.

I really like the idea of adding more establishing shots to further pad out the breakneck pace of TROS.

How feasible would any of the above ideas be to achieve for the VFX wizards here?

+1 on adding some establishing shots to the film (without going too overboard).

Gonna link a response of mine from the Unusual ST Ideas Thread where I mention an idea of taking an unused Rogue One shot and possibly making it into an “Approaching Exegol” shot:



More establishing shots and more shots to let the movie breathe (but also dont event the movie score) are something I’m hoping for.

Cinefy - that use of DOTF is insane! I love it


Cinefy said:

Would have been really nice if the Sith cultist choir had echoed subtle DOTF, tried testing it a few times.


Could be pulled off a lot better.

I think I like this better, it’s subtle and not just here’s Duel Of The Fates!!! like some other edits to this part that I’ve seen. In the original movie, when I first hear the start of the chant, I clench up and prepare to hear the duel of the fates chant. But then it’s kinda anticlimactic and fizzles out lol. Here in this, it’s subtle enough that it’s actually a little Duel of the Fates and just generally sounds more satisfying.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


One like that is a little too on the nose and kinda distracting to me.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!