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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 174



I did notice however, that it seems in some parts such as when Rey says, “Master Skywalker!” and “She didn’t tell me!” the mask to increase the flesh colours is still continued into the wrong frame. You can tell since those shots of Rey are very orange.

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Hi everyone, big fan of what’s going on here! I’ve been following this thread from the very beginning I watched Workprint V2 and it already looked way better than the original film, and with the last changes getting ready I think we’ll finally get the movie we deserved (I mean, with the material we have. I wish Snoke could have survived TLJ to be the main villain here).

I know we want to slow things down here for better pacing, and speeding things up is a no no, but: I can’t stand Slow-mo Kylo. It takes me out of the movie so bad. I can see JJ telling A. Driver “Hey you’re a badass character, so you have to do badass stuff, like killing people going backwards, and at the same time, make sure you move your foot correctly so you’ll set this on fire at the same time, cause just killing people backwards is not badass enough for kylo ren. Oh oh, and we’ll make it slo-mo, cause it’s more badass, I know there isn’t slo-mo in star wars, but eff it, we’re adding flashbacks in this one already.”

I’m no editor, so this is just a thought, but could someone sped Kylo up to normal or even fast-sithlike speed? I think it would be much more starwarsy and, also, badass. I know, I know I’m loco, speeding things up WTF. I know this will bring problems like the score and all, and I know I’m very late for the party, but it has being bothering me lately and I wanted to share my thought.

Cheers and all my respect for all of you editors out there!


PodracingThisIs91 said:

Hi everyone, big fan of what’s going on here! I’ve been following this thread from the very beginning I watched Workprint V2 and it already looked way better than the original film, and with the last changes getting ready I think we’ll finally get the movie we deserved (I mean, with the material we have. I wish Snoke could have survived TLJ to be the main villain here).

I know we want to slow things down here for better pacing, and speeding things up is a no no, but: I can’t stand Slow-mo Kylo. It takes me out of the movie so bad. I can see JJ telling A. Driver “Hey you’re a badass character, so you have to do badass stuff, like killing people going backwards, and at the same time, make sure you move your foot correctly so you’ll set this on fire at the same time, cause just killing people backwards is not badass enough for kylo ren. Oh oh, and we’ll make it slo-mo, cause it’s more badass, I know there isn’t slo-mo in star wars, but eff it, we’re adding flashbacks in this one already.”

I’m no editor, so this is just a thought, but could someone sped Kylo up to normal or even fast-sithlike speed? I think it would be much more starwarsy and, also, badass. I know, I know I’m loco, speeding things up WTF. I know this will bring problems like the score and all, and I know I’m very late for the party, but it has being bothering me lately and I wanted to share my thought.

Cheers and all my respect for all of you editors out there!


EDIT: just gave it a quick try and at normal speed, it’s almost incomprehensibly fast, I personally don’t think it’d work

booyah baybeee


jarbear said:

Without trying to sound rude or condescending about the topic of the broadcast, but why do people want it in? The crawl tells us Palps sends out a broadcast about his return and the Sith’s revenge.

Yet, through the movie, or at least the first time we see both sides (First Order’s board room and Rebels after the get the intel) and the concept of some radio broadcast is not even mentioned, or let alone eluded too. A simple line from either one side (or both) could have said a simple line like “So the broadcast was true/real” or “So Palpatine himself is really behind it” could have made it relevant BUT it’s not at all. It’s ignored. Not even mentioned.

So what’s the point of it in the crawl? What’s the point of it at all if neither sides even mentions it. Heck, they are both SURPRISED or at least completely unaware that Palpatine is alive OR even the possibility of it. Really? Even after this mysterious “radio broadcast?” Not even a simple one line? There is no connection to it in the movie. Unless someone acknowledges it, why is it mentioned in the crawl? Let alone trying to put it in.

Anyway, I am really trying not to “talk down to anyone who likes it or wants it,” I just personally don’t understand the need for it since the movie itself doesn’t acknowledge it.

Plus it’s kinda over the top … at least to me personally.

Oye I hope I don’t sound like a jerk from all that.

EDIT: as for the extending Kylo’s thinking scene, if it can be smoothed out I like the to add a little breathing room.

There needs to be a reason why the galaxy joins in. They didn’t listen in TLJ so why would they do anything in TROS without a broadcast across the entire galaxy?

TROS opening crawl including Palp has to go. It’s a huge cop out and is a spoiler imo.

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mrbenjamino said:

EDIT: just gave it a quick try and at normal speed, it’s almost incomprehensibly fast, I personally don’t think it’d work

Oh, thank you very much for trying! I guess I will just have to deal with slo-mo Ren.


nightstalkerpoet said:

I know you’ve used the titles of TFA and TLJ for your sequel trilogy Hal, but have you considered a new title for this one? The Rise of Skywalker just doesn’t convey what this movie (where the Skywalkers go extinct) is about.

My suggestion - Heir to the Empire. The film is about Palpatine’s heir and trying to decide whether it was Kylo or Rey. It’s a classic Star Wars book title, thus fitting with PT naming choices. Plus it gives a good ol’ George Lucas level rhyming scheme to the names of each Trilogy’s Climaxes.

Revenge of the Sith
Return of the Jedi
Heir to the Empire

I think the “Skywalker” the title refers to is Rey. Having said that, I’ve always thought “Legacy of Skywalker” would fit better.


Yeah, I’m not changing the title for this one. It’s not needed; it’s supposed to make you wonder what it means, at least does something to make Palpatine’s line “she is not who you think she is” not be completely obvious, and ties into the ending.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Regarding the broadcast: I do think something that galvanizes the galaxy so that they’re more inclined to join the resistance would be helpful. The broadcast is probably as good as anything in that regard, given what’s available to work with. But the content of the message itself is so meaningless and vague that it doesn’t necessarily accomplish anything. There’s no reason any of the younger rebels would recognize his voice, and he doesn’t identify himself. But something more than Poe’s awkward “somehow Palpatine has returned” would intensify that scene at the base immeasurably. Is there any Palp dialogue that’s on the cutting room floor from editing other scenes in the film which could be used to either extend the message or replace its content?


Yes, if you listen closely, my version of the broadcast kinda adds more context to the events of the ST in general.
“At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected.Skywalker is Dead. The Republic has been destroyed. The day of victory is at hand. The day of Revenge. The days of the Sith”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Keysarsoze001 said:

Regarding the broadcast: I do think something that galvanizes the galaxy so that they’re more inclined to join the resistance would be helpful. The broadcast is probably as good as anything in that regard, given what’s available to work with. But the content of the message itself is so meaningless and vague that it doesn’t necessarily accomplish anything. There’s no reason any of the younger rebels would recognize his voice, and he doesn’t identify himself. But something more than Poe’s awkward “somehow Palpatine has returned” would intensify that scene at the base immeasurably. Is there any Palp dialogue that’s on the cutting room floor from editing other scenes in the film which could be used to either extend the message or replace its content?

While personally I don’t want his broadcast in the movie, I can see that there’s a point where it could possibly somehow be placed in the movie itself: when the resistance is at the base after Leias death, and rose and poe and the resistance find out about the stupid death Star destroyers, you could put Palpatine’s announcement over in that part of the movie, and cut to the galaxys reaction maybe, and then it could flow into the scene where they all head out to exegol and chewie and lando set out to find people. I don’t know how someone would do that with footage but that’s where it could be placed if someone wanted to for their version of the movie


idir_hh said:

Yes, if you listen closely, my version of the broadcast kinda adds more context to the events of the ST in general.
“At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected.Skywalker is Dead. The Republic has been destroyed. The day of victory is at hand. The day of Revenge. The days of the Sith”

Wouldn’t this placement eliminate the briefing of the spy intel which is a needed scene to advise the Resistance they must find Exegol.

heil Palpatine!


krausfadr said:

idir_hh said:

Yes, if you listen closely, my version of the broadcast kinda adds more context to the events of the ST in general.
“At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected.Skywalker is Dead. The Republic has been destroyed. The day of victory is at hand. The day of Revenge. The days of the Sith”

Wouldn’t this placement eliminate the briefing of the spy intel which is a needed scene to advise the Resistance they must find Exegol.

If Hal were to implement it, I don’t think so. After showing Kylo, one could easily just cut to Rose saying “Do we really believe this?” and continue the scene as normal.

Personally, I am all for including at least part of the broadcast. Anything is better than “Somehow… Palpatine returned.”


I really don’t think that we need the broadcast in the movie. The dialogue is just really stiff and sounds more "trailer"y than something you’d actually hear in the film. Add that with the unconvincing reaction shots and I think the whole thing just comes off pretty flimsy and stunted.

I think the “somehow Palpatine returned” thing sucks in the context of the theatrical movie, but its issues have largely been corrected with what Hal has already done. Palpatine’s return isn’t in the crawl any more, and we now get him showing up initially with Kylo. From there, it makes sense that maybe the First Order spy has been leaking information. Also, Palpatine has a bunch of clones floating around in tanks, so I don’t think the movie really needs to explain much more about him. Poe’s line doesn’t really play as a throwaway to avoid logic, it plays like a leader trying to mince words about a difficult situation and prepare for retaliation, a very Poe like thing to say. To him, it doesn’t matter why Palpatine is back, what matters is stopping him.


Not related to that clip, but I would love to remove “16 hours” or other definitive amount of time on things. I appreciate the original and prequel movies do not give us an exact sense of time or how long it takes to travel by instead leaving it ambiguous. Why? How can you have precise timing when we are talking about space travel, hyper drives and other planets. (Time is not a constant thing in those circumstances, or at least how to measure it. Time is different on earth for example if you compare it to Mars.)

But this movie doubles down from Last Jedi to keep giving us EXACT amounts of time in HOURS. So Poe, Rey and Finn travel to how many planets? How much “time” do they spend traveling to each planet? How much of it is during their visits on planets? How much time it take Rey to travel on the “boat thingy” in a raging storm AND free hand climb the DSII wreckage? Or how long did it take Poe and Finn to fix the Falcon’s landing gears? Or how about Rey pondering over what she learned in her visions? How long were they all lost in the tunnels? Remember … all of that has to be LESS than 16 hours. Plus those are not all the events I listed.

Either these precise measurements should be removed, altered to more vague sayings or take out Palp’s timeline would be great. Having a timer does not really encourage the good guys to hurry up and stop him. Palp being alive now is already a threat and they are urgent to stop him. The thread of the empire is back and has a fleet that will take over the galaxy is a big enough threat in itself. Why have some silly countdown when having such precise measurements of time really takes you out of the “believability” of the movie when it doesn’t make sense.

Lucas was right to not dive into that topic or give such precise measurements of time.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

Lucas was right to not dive into that topic or give such precise measurements of time.

I dunno, I think since repulsorlifts (the engines which allow speeders, spaceships, and pretty much EVERYTING that floats in this universe) canonically work using “sub-nuclear knots in space-time” I can suspend disbelief on the idea that they’ve somehow found ways to get around the law of relativity as well.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


So when in the movies did they explain how repulsorlifts work?

I should have specified in my comment in the movies they do not explain those kinds of things. Just leave it be. I kind of don’t care what books, comics, etc. say or explain or dive into certain topics, but just what the movies show.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Part of me strongly agrees with jarbear. The 16 hour clock is even more unbelievable here than it was in TLJ, with all the planet-hopping and adventuring they do in TROS. In fact, I’m a bit surprised HAL’s edit of TLJ kept it.

On the other hand, while TLJ had the “relentlessly chased and running out of fuel” plot to make a specific timer unnecessary for a sense of urgency, the clock in TROS is really the only thing providing urgency in a very rushed story. The characters are constantly running from one place to another, and then in the finale they all rush to Exegol without any guarantee of backup. Without the clock, why would Rey not return to Ajan Kloss, the Resistance wait until they get more help, and then launch a more coordinated assault? The destruction of Kijimi could also provide this sense of urgency, at least in the end, but then you have to ask “would I rather have a single line saying there’s a clock, or the entire subplot of Palpatine having 10,000 Death Stars?,” and I think most will say they’d prefer the clock.


natm said:

Keysarsoze001 said:

While personally I don’t want his broadcast in the movie, I can see that there’s a point where it could possibly somehow be placed in the movie itself: when the resistance is at the base after Leias death, and rose and poe and the resistance find out about the stupid death Star destroyers, you could put Palpatine’s announcement over in that part of the movie, and cut to the galaxys reaction maybe, and then it could flow into the scene where they all head out to exegol and chewie and lando set out to find people. I don’t know how someone would do that with footage but that’s where it could be placed if someone wanted to for their version of the movie

That’s exactly where I’ve placed it. I played around with many ideas i.e. at the start of the message reveal, when we see Kylos ship, when Rey looks up and senses Chewie or this point. I feel it works here as it now gives that segment of the movie a swift gear shift and gives Lando and Chewie more of a successful reason for getting the fleet together.

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Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, I’m not changing the title for this one. It’s not needed; it’s supposed to make you wonder what it means, at least does something to make Palpatine’s line “she is not who you think she is” not be completely obvious, and ties into the ending.

Since Im plannIng to do PL subtitles once the ENG once come out, can I change the PL title? 😄 in Polish, the title was terrible. Its literaly, more or less, “Skywalker. Revival” (/Skywalker. Ressurrection"). That Doesnt even sound like a SW title at all.


I think you’re onto something here though. If done right (and I don’t think you’re that far off) it adds that eeriness you’re wanting for this scene. Palpatine should be really scary and we should be intimidated by him. I think you managed to convey this here. It should be a 'oh s#$t moment, rather than an ‘oh well’ moment.

I think the delay between Rey asking what’s the message and it being relayed was good, although some of the personal comm footage I felt wasn’t necessary. I think the depth and echo of Palpatines voice was really good, as was the choice of music, but a little too loud in places, as it masked the dialogue a bit. Also, I thought it was more powerful just to have the base camp hear the message and see their reactions, rather than go to Cloud city etc. More impact when you see the abject horror on the main characters faces. This isn’t to say that the message isn’t received elsewhere, it’s just off camera. I do think you’re onto something though and if you can get it just right, it should be considered to go in the cut in my opinion.

idir_hh said:

Yes, if you listen closely, my version of the broadcast kinda adds more context to the events of the ST in general.
“At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected.Skywalker is Dead. The Republic has been destroyed. The day of victory is at hand. The day of Revenge. The days of the Sith”