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The Rings of Power - Pt 1: "The Shadow of the Past" and Pt 2: "Udun"


These 2 3-hour 45-minute edits cover the events of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1 and 2. (Part 1 is the story up through the eruption of Mount Doom, while Part 2 is the forging of the three Elven rings alongside most of the season 2 side-plots.)

The edit is available upon request in 1920x800 resolution, mp4 format, 13-14 GB file size. I believe that I succeeded in creating two audio tracks - stereo and 5.1 surround sound, but I have no way to test the 5.1 version myself.

There are countless edits throughout these films, intended to streamline the story, reduce running time, avoid lore issues, and enhance characterization. That said, the major distinctives of these edits are as follows:

  • Single-movie format with brief intermission
  • Day/Night cycles synched throughout each film (roughly 9 days for each, with some implied time-lapses)
  • Almost daily check-ins with each of the major plotlines so that none get forgotten
  • Harfoots get a prominent role as the emotional heart of each film
  • Finrod’s advice to “Touch the darkness” is linked to the Elven fall/decision to leave Valinor
  • The Orcs take no prisoners; the tunnels are only for invading the villages
  • The wolf attack takes place in the Harfoot’s starting location (color matching used)
  • Theo is implied to have gone back to the village to get the hilt, as well as food
  • Mithril is derived from an Elven soul, not a Silmaril
  • Adar is captured in the battle, with no additional horse chase
  • Durin decides to mine with Elrond after talking about their friendship, not after seeing a leaf get healed
  • The hilt magically erupts the volcano; there is no mechanical contraption involved
  • The first film/season ends with the eruption
  • Saddoc is shown alive in the final Harfoot scenes
  • Poppy departs with Nori and the Stranger at the end of Part 1
  • Galadriel experiences a vision from Sauron immediately after the eruption, pointing her to Eregion
  • Halbrand surrenders to Adar before we know who he is to heighten mystery and possible heroism
  • Bronwyn is presumed dead after the eruption; her pyre is moved to the camp the night Theo arrives
  • The Stoors are more welcoming of the Harfoots and they seem to pass more time together
  • There is no sea-serpent trial for the queen; after the shrine incident, all Faithful are rounded up
  • The arrival of the riders at the Stoors’ village leads directly into the dialogue of the wizards
  • Elrond does not jump off a cliff; he takes the rings straight to Cirdan

In addition, new VFX have been created in DaVinci Resolve Studio for the following:

  • “The Lord of the Rings” removed from the title card, as it wasn’t part of the title for “The Hobbit”
  • Color grading for dawn and dusk in several scenes
  • Color grading to re-set the wolf attack in a forest that looks more like the original Harfoot location
  • Reduced/recolored shots to reduce the presence of burned plants/ground in the Grove (again to make it look more like the original Harfoot location)
  • Basic compositing to replace the Mystic footprint in the mud with a wolf pawprint
  • New burned-in titles and subtitles, where appropriate, using a more thematic font

Special thanks and inspiration for the following sequences/aspects of the edit:

  • Abbreviated prologue (Crossvader and Anjohan)
  • Raft without refugees (Crossvader)
  • Less argumentative Galadriel throughout (Anjohan)
  • Abbreviated star-chart theft (Stiepan90)
  • Mithril reveal montage with resonating (Anjohan)
  • Gore toned down in Southlands battle (Crossvader)
  • Southlands battle transition (Crossvader)
  • Only Nori and Poppy confront the Mystics (Crossvader)
  • The Harfoots never migrate until their final scene (Crossvader)
  • Poppy leaves with Nori and the Stranger (Anjohan)
  • Galdriel’s vision is split between the eruption and her confrontation with Sauron (Anjohan)

Additional thanks for the following for their series analysis, which informed my editorial choices:

  • Nerd of the Rings
  • The Prancing Pony Podcast
  • Rings and Realms

What about the rest of Season 2? I’ve got over half a movie already from the main plot thread about the Dwarves and the siege of Eregion, but I need to wrap up the plotline about the Dark Wizard and maybe add a bit more about the Southlands refugees, so it’s got to wait for season 3. I’m expecting Numenor to take a back seat in Part 3, much like the Dwarves did in Part 2.

Thank you again to everyone in this community who has edited or thrown around ideas for this series. It’s been a joy to work on this project, and I hope that (like me) you can now more easily find a place for the Rings of Power alongside the Jackson films.


Well the biggest cut is the entire eruption aftermath, forging of the three, and Sauron reveal - all of which I held back for a second movie.

The other biggest cut is that I skipped the entire chain gang story with Arondir and the orcs and baby warg. Instead, he gets captured and taken straight to Adar. They talk, and he gets sent back with Adar’s ultimatum.

A lot of the delay plotline in Numemor is cut, so things with Elendil’s daughter and Pharazon’s son, Isildor and his friends, the loss of the fourth boat, Halbrand going back and forth about whether or not he’ll go along. Most of this was done just to trim fat in the story and runtime.

The only other really noticeable cuts are in the battle for the Southlands. I ended up entirely removing Arondir’s fight with the eye-spike orc. I had first tried to reduce the amount of gore in that sequence but found too many inconsistencies between the shots that were left. After fiddling with several versions, I realized that the mid-stage of the battle could wrap up a lot more quickly without it and still make sense since it’s a fake out. I also removed the reveal that they were mostly fighting fellow Southlanders (since that wasn’t consistently true anyway) and the Bronwyn surgery sequence due to the focus on gore again.

I’ll send you a PM.


Rop edit

First of all, I want to say well done man. This definitely flows very very well, and it is a GREAT watch. I do think I enjoyed it more than anjohans tbh. In fact it really might have the potential to be a default replacer for me. So with all of that said, here are all of my thoughts. To be clear, they are VERY nitpicking, just as things that I think could make a good project even better. So here ya go

The flashback voices of Galadriel and her brother during the boat scene were a little confusing to me. I may have just missed the point: What was the flow of thought to them? If the idea is tying her motivation to her brother, maybe consider just a flashback to the opening scene of him looking at her by the tree? I think there might be too much un-introduced information going on there. Maybe just a flashback showing her standing over her dead brother and leave out the voices?

The transition from Celebrimbor and Elrond to Galadriel swimming was a little abrupt. Consider starting the cross fade of the musical score a little earlier if possible so that the tone of the next scene is already clearly established and few seconds before the end of celebrimbor scene, and then do a clean cut to the next scene of Galadriel in the sea.

I love that you removed the whole sea monster scene. If possible, cut from the shot of halbrand staring at her with his row, to her climbing onto the raft. The momentary distrustful stare that they share with one another doesn’t make any sense if this is their first meeting. Though I guess it does reveal that she is an elf?

In The scene with nori and the stranger, you seem to skip something and there’s a pretty noticeable change in the flow of the musical score — skipping him eating the snail shells I presume? I understand the thought, but it might not be worth it if there’s not a cleaner way to transition the music. Just my opinion though.

First off, if im honest, Cutting from the moon to the stranger laying into the fire, and then into Galadriels flashback dream was a little too much happening at once and T was confusing. Maybe just go from the moon into the dream. And here are my thoughts on the dream

Thoughts on Galadriel’s flashback dream:
First off, consider using a slightly different color gradient, like a bit of grey scale or something, so that the watcher knows something is different. When it comes to the dream itself, I’ve got two thought paths

  1. Rather than starting the flashback in the northern snow lands, just start it at Galadriels brothers tree, when she is sheathing her knife. I think the use of the northern land scenes just make things sorta confusing, kinda like a story line we aren’t privy to. And then I wouldn’t use the shot of her diving in the water. Instead After the line “without it what am I to be” I would just merge into the crashing wave sound and have her wake up.
  2. Dont have the dream. It doesn’t really accomplish anything or add to the story. Just cut from the stranger looking at the moon, into the crashing wave sound and Galadriel waking up.

Elrond’s entry into the dwarf kingdom: consider extending the big, elegant musical score a little further into the scene cut of them riding the lift, letting it fade out slower until the view closes in on the lift. It felt rushed.

The transition from the ‘chess game’ to the next shot is pretty noticeable. Perhaps transition to Bronwyn a little earlier in the town scene with a cross fade of the audios.

Sick cow scene: this was one of the hardest areas to edit for Anjohan as well. I think since you have left out the opening bar scene in the south lands where they talk about things being poisoned, you need to include the cow squirting out gross black milk. Otherwise, there’s no logical reason for Arrondir to grow so concerned so quickly.

Galadriel asking the queen to form an alliance: the transition from “nevertheless numenor has chose another path” transitioned to banishing Galadriel being forced to her boat is a bit rough sound-wise. Consider crossfading the audios a bit more before the cut. Or finding a different place to drop in.

The transitions from the mithril reveal to the dwarf king scene could use a touch more crossfading in the audio.

The Transition from elendil saying “nothing would make me prouder” into the triumphant departure felt a little rushed and strange. Maybe consider making the transition take place right before elendil says the line, giving the impression that he is thoughtfully reconsidering Isildurs commitment.

The Transition from Theo talking to creepy bartender guy to the stranger and Nori is a bit noticeable. Maybe consider trying to work the transition right after the line “have you heard of Sauron” when Theo pulls his hand away, the music dies while they stare at each other for a second — that could be a much easier transition into the next scene musically ……… OR transition right after Theo peaks at the sword, and skip the conversation with creepy guy altogether.

I know you probably were trying to cut time at this point, but I personally think it’s worth including the conversation between Theo and arrondir about destroying the sword hilt. It sets up the Mordor moment better. Plus, the music change from celebrating King Halbrandt going straight into the sinister music of the morder scene is a bit odd. Maybe consider this?…:

  1. Use Full king halbrandt scene, including conversation with arrondir and Galadriel, and arrondir and Theo. Once it goes to the sword scene, Dont cut the scene until the sword twists and clicks down… the music dies out and you can transition to isuldur much smoother.

As far as the ending Harfoot storyline, I think you did a great job with the editing. My only concerns are 1) the logic behind why Nori and Poppi are there in the first place? The last interaction with nori we got was her saying ‘I’m only a harfoot. It’s all I’ll ever be’ and kinda giving up. So it’s a bit of a push in plot for them to just randomly be there without them setting off to look for the stranger. 2) because of that edit, you’ve kept Sadoc alive in the ending shots since he ‘didnt die’ in your edit. (Which is quite in impressive actually) but I wonder if that could make continuity difficult for you moving forward? Just a thought.

All in all, a very fine work. You should be proud. Definitely keeping it. Thanks for sharing man!


Thank you for the extensive notes. While some of them are things that I’ve never thought about, some were deliberate choices that I’ll try to explain below.

  1. Galadriel and the flashback to her brother on the boat:

The audio and sequence were lifted straight from the show. The only thing I changed were the visuals that went with the flashback, and the reason I did that is that Finrod’s advice seemed a very odd thing to say in paradise before anything bad had happened. In many ways, it embodied the Elvish mindset after Morgoth destroyed the trees and stole the Silmarils, the mindset that drove them from Valinor to Middle Earth the first time and the same mindset that was now driving Galadriel to make the same choice again.

2 and 3) about the transitions and the look between Halbrand and Galadriel. Good points. I’ll consider those.

  1. The Stranger with the Snails:

Yes, this was a very tricky scene because it was originally intercut with Nori’s father breaking his ankle, which was a plotline I cut entirely. It could probably use some further polishing, maybe using the soundtrack to smooth over some of those transitions.

  1. Galadriel’s dream sequence:

Honestly, this was mostly done in order to include that Elrond and Galadriel night scene (which I rather liked for better insight into her motivations) without stretching the beginning of the story out further. I can certainly re-evaluate how much of a purpose it really serves though.

Also, I did apply the same slight vignette effect that I applied during the prologue and also during all other flashbacks.

  1. and 7) On extending music further over transitions - sure, I’ll take a look at those.

  2. The cow:

I understand what you are saying, but the black goo really took me out of the story when I was watching it. I do agree that, without it, Arondir seems a bit paranoid, but that’s also kind of how his character starts out even in the original bar scene.

  1. and 10) More music transitions - I’ll look into it.

  2. The Elendil and Isildor transition - This was really tricky since I wanted to cut the rest of their conversation. You make an interesting suggestion about leaving it unresolved until we see Isildor aboard the ship.

  3. The Theo to Stranger and Nori transition - Again, this was tricky to pull off. I tried to overlay the Sauron theme in order to strengthen the implication that the Stranger might be Sauron, but it cuts off very abruptly. Maybe I need a different soundtrack sample of the Sauron music in order to smooth the transition.

  4. Theo and Arondir and the Hilt:

This was a really painful scene for me to cut, because I love it. That said, I needed to get rid of it because my edit has no fake hilt. It always struck me as odd that nobody noticed how basic the thing wrapped up was until that moment, but I suppose I could consider re-integrating it and still imply that it was captured off screen.

  1. Nori and Poppy vs the Mystics:

Yes, it’s less developed than in the original, but what I hope is communicated is that Nori sees the Mystics tracking the Stranger at night and decides to get Poppy and follow them in order to help him/see what is going on, in spite of everything that happened earlier.

  1. Saddoc:

I don’t expect that we will see much of the Harfoots beyond Nori and maybe Poppy until maybe the end of the series when I expect we’ll get some type of founding of the Shire thing. If there is a considerable time before we see them again, it should be easy enough to imply that Saddoc died during the interrum.

Again, thank you for all the notes. I got some from one other reviewer as well, and after a week or so, I plan to go through all the feedback to see what I can improve. Around then, season 2 will also start, and I’ll be able to see if anything needs to change in order to fit that content.


Hi there, I watched your workprint of this edit about a year ago, and I’d love to revisit the full release! Would it be possible to get a link?

ps. regarding the discussion above I have to say I do agree with ianrilofneither about keeping the black ick from the cow, which adds urgency and impact to Arondir’s choice to investigate. It sounds like the second season of ROP is rated 18 (and in truth Tolkien’s text does get gruesome at times) so I don’t think there’s any need to shy away from a little gore.


Brilliant! Please shout me a link Vranir and I’ll find a date to watch this.

Congratulations, my friend! ❤️

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Thanks for the replies! You seriously did a great job. Bout to make my wife watch it to get ready for Season 2!

Again, some of these were very nitpicking… so altogether very well done

A few concluding thoughts.

  1. Galadriels dream
    Yes. I loved the tree scene as well. I think perhaps fading more gently from the moon into the dream would suffice, using only that scene before Galadriel awakes.

  2. The cow
    Yeah I get it. The goo is weird. But I genuinely had to go back to the originals to investigate if there was any other reasoning he had to be paranoid. Having not watched them recently, the logical flow presents a normal, but sick cow causes frantic music to match arrondirs panic. And it just sorta doesn’t make sense. Obviously Your call, but I think it’s worth it.

  3. Theo /creepy guy/ stranger / nori
    Yeah. After re-watching a few times, I feel like theos conversation with what’s his face is dispensable. I can barely understand what the dude says anyway.

  4. Fake Hilt
    I don’t think it would be a problem to utilize the fake hilt. We’ve already been ‘prepped’ that something sinister is brewing by Adars conversation with Galadriel. So I think the watcher would connect the dots and say “oh he hoodwinked them”. And then you can go from that scene into the sword moment, extend your cut to include the twisting and locking of the sword… allowing the music to die so you can more readily transition to Isildur and the horse.


PM sent with some initial thoughts.

All in all, brilliant fanedit and choices you have taken - like the Harfoot storyline and the structure of the opening 50 minutes (apart from some Harfoot choices) are great, and have definitive bits I will have to borrow for the re-structure of my own.

OBS! And as mentioned in PM, this is based on the first 80-90 minutes, as I want to respectfully give priority to the rest rather than have to skim through it for quick thoughts.

Brilliant, as I would suspect. ❤️

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Any thoughts circling through your head yet on how to update a Season 1 film?


I’ve been talking a little with Anjohan about this, but most of the ideas I’ve had so far are about possibly shortening the Stranger/Harfoot storyline, and I’m not sure I want to actually do that, since they’re kind of the hopeful counterbalance to a lot of the other darker plot threads. I do think that I need for Poppy to somehow leave with Nori and the Stranger since she immediately rejoins them in the desert.

More of my thinking has been about what to focus on in a second film. My idea has always been to do the forging of the three, but I also think that I’m going to add in Numenor and the Stranger/Harfoots in Rhun.

Then for a third film, we’d have the crisis with the Dwarves, Annatar, and the fall of Eregion, but all that would likely need to wait for season 3 so that we’d have something lighter to juxtapose from the continuing Harfoot adventures, unless there ends up being a clear way to split their story from season 2 in half.

The result would be an opening trilogy that covers the forging of all but the One ring.


I love it. As I’m doing some planning for my own attempt, I’m heavily considering making a harfoot movie. As it currently stands, season two still has no overlap in the storylines, and it would free up a lot of story driving. Potentially could lean towards a

“Rings of Power Saga”

  • The Shadow of the Past

  • Adventures in the East (harfoots season one and two)

  • The Forging of the Rings…

And so on …


If you wanted to compress the Harfoot story, you could have either the Stranger leave alone right after he is discovered at the party, or you could have the Stranger, Nori, and Poppy leave together at that point.

The downside of speeding that up all the way to the three leaving would be that the Stranger suddenly becomes more verbal without the confrontation vs the mystics to explain that.

Once more, I’d also caution against the complete divorce of the Harfoot story from the other threads because it seems to be one of the only counterpoints of hope while everything else gets darker and darker. Hope is a big deal in Tolkien, and I strongly suspect that this plotline was invented by the writers to keep that going while the Southlands, Eregion, Kazad-Dum, and Númenor are all falling.


Hello. Could you send me the link, please? Thanks


I’m planning a round of updates. Any specific feedback is welcome as I prepare my potential change list.

In light of season 2, I’m hoping to follow Anjohan’s lead by having Poppy leave directly with Nori and the Stranger. I’m also looking at having Bronwyn die sooner instead of recover over and over only to die suddenly offscreen.


This is fantastic! Can I bother you for a link as well?


I’m interested in the updated version. Will you be making a Season 2 edit as well?


Definitely. I just finalized my season 2 footage today, so I’ll be ready to start working with it soon.


UPDATE: I’ve made a number of small changes and adjustments, as well as attempting to add a 5.1 audio output track and getting Poppy to leave with Nori and the Stranger (thanks for the prototype there Anjohan!).

The other issue I struggled with for season 2 compatibility was whether or not to show Bronwyn looking recovered at the party just before the eruption. Ultimately, I decided that I had to keep it because too much is needed from that scene to simply cut it (we see Galadriel and Halbrand back at the village, and we get Halbrand introduced and hailed as king, wrapping up his initial storyline). I do plan for Bronwyn to be dead when Theo and Galadriel arrive at the camp in the second movie.

I’m going to do a few final watch-throughs before releasing the “final” version and moving on to the second movie. I want to take one more look at streamlining and transitions, as well as double-check both the stereo and 5.1 audio tracks for quality and consistency.

I’m still unclear how much content will make it into the second movie, but I’m currently hoping for it to focus on the aftermath of the eruption and the forging of the three. The season 2 plotlines for Numenor and the Stranger are also things I’d like to fully include, while I plan to hold back the Dwarf and siege plotlines for a third film, hopefully going alongside the rest of the Stranger’s confrontation with the Dark Wizard and tying that off in a trilogy. The only complication I’m dreading is the possibility that Sauron tries to give rings to the men of Rhun, causing those stories to overlap at moment that doesn’t work for me. I’m also not looking forward to another two-year wait in order to move forward!


Initial post updated for the release of Part 2: “Udun.”

Happy Holidays, everyone!

The new film covers the forging of the three Elven rings and most of the season 2 side-plots.

Major changes from the show are as follows:

  • Galadriel experiences a vision from Sauron immediately after the eruption, pointing her to Eregion
  • Halbrand surrenders to Adar before we know who he is to heighten mystery and possible heroism
  • Bronwyn is presumed dead after the eruption; her pyre is moved to the camp the night Theo arrives
  • The Stoors are more welcoming of the Harfoots and they seem to pass more time together
  • There is no sea-serpent trial for the queen; after the shrine incident, all Faithful are rounded up
  • The arrival of the riders at the Stoors’ village leads directly into the dialogue of the wizards
  • Elrond does not jump off a cliff; he takes the rings straight to Cirdan

Special thanks to Anjohan for his idea of splitting Galadriel’s vision between the eruption and her confrontation with Suaron.


This sounds very interesting. Could I get a link please? Thanks!


Could I get a link please. Wanna check these out. Thanks