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The Rings of Power: 2 movie version (Released)


So I’ve managed to edit the entire season into 2 movies just over 2 hours each:

I have structured the first movie to follow all storylines except for the southlands as arondir is introduced via Galadriel foreseeing the slavery of elves and men.
Movie two focuses more on the southlands/Mordor arc.
Galadriels storyline is the main focus of both movies.
The harfoot storyline is only focused on in the first movie and is complete by the end when nori leaves with the wizard, I also found that by adding Gandalf vs the witches to the first movie really worked well as a climax to the end of the film, there is no harfoots at all in movie two.
I have removed a lot of the harfoot characters to focus mainly on nori and poppy, only her father really makes a couple of appearances.
A lot of numenor has been re structured to seem less boring.
Most of the Durin, Elrond
Storyline remain the same although I Have removed disa completely she adds nothing to the plot other than a beardless female dwarf plus dwarven family life feels more soap opera than Tolkien.
Removed elindil daughter she does nothing interesting at all
Removed the whole dagger plot line instead Adar uses some kind of dark power to cause the eruption of mount doom.

Anyway there is a hell of a lot of changes and re organising and removing of scenes, too much to go through on here.

Used the soundtracks for smooth transitions.

AC3 5.1


Interesting. I confess that I’d miss the Dwarf family stuff that you cut, but Im very intrigued by the movement of the Harfoot plotline into the first half of the story.


Yeah I found that splitting the series into two movies made the first half a little boring obviously I had the battle and the creation of Mordor in the second part so needed some kind of action and emotion towards the end of part one I really needed a climactic ending so thought the Gandalf witches battle followed by an emotional scene with Nori helping the wizard to find the good within himself , after these scenes we end the first movie in numenor with the queen agreeing to go to middle earth.


Were you able to do anything about the silmaril in the tree story? I was wondering if the dialogue could be trimmed to sound like the light came from the elf’s being and had nothing to do with a silmaril.


vranir said:

Were you able to do anything about the silmaril in the tree story? I was wondering if the dialogue could be trimmed to sound like the light came from the elf’s being and had nothing to do with a silmaril.

This was something I actually kept in the edit as although it’s not what Tolkien intended it really is a main functioning plot for a lot of what happens along the way.


part 2 is being replaced with an updated version, after watching through it again I was not happy with the intro of the southlands at the beginning of movie 2! so I have created a slightly different intro. New version will be ready in a few days.


I finally watched the finale. I knew what was going to go down but, imperfect as the season was, I found myself putting it off because I didn’t want it to end.

I’m now really excited to start seeing these edits.

With yours, I’m particularly intrigued with your movement of the Harfoot story into the first part. How do you handle the damage to the grove when the volcano hasn’t erupted yet.


The damage to the grove does not take place, in my edit we meet nori and the harfoots at the beginning of the movie but once the meteor hits we only follow nori and poppy for the rest of the film, I’m kind of showing it from Nori’s perspective so it’s her sneaking away from camp to see the wizard and help teach him, it’s also only poppy and nori who turn up to help the wizard defeat the witches at the end.


Interesting. I’m excited to see how it turns out.


Hey Crossvader I am very interested in this. Could I get a download link?


Hello Crossvader, I would love a link to both movies, many thanks!


I’d like a link too please if possible. I’ve just watched Anjohan’s fanedit and it would be fascinating to compare. Also I like the idea of condensing the story threads, rather than constantly cutting between them.


Hello, can I also get the link please? Thank you very much.


Hi mate. Never watched the show and I’m interested in checking out your edits as my first watch haha.

Any chance of a link?




This sounds like a good version and hopefully makes the whole thing more exciting. The series was a little dull at times, sadly.

I would love a link so I can revisit this show via your film versions.

Thanks in advance.


Same as others have said, any chance of a link to view this


Would also enjoy a link of your work, please. 😃