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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 81


Great results=lot of work and patience.

non of the programs will do magically the work for you!

Like ady did he applies a basic color correction and then he is doing more carefully one shot by shot (when it needed)

I m hoping for a blu ray release of TMP that has better colors/transfer, clean without dust and dirt and with CG yoda.

-Angel is a Decepticon



At last Geonosis looks less like Tatooine it's more like a dust planet than a sandy desert world.

Almost like it's a giant ball of pumice or like our moon but with an atmosphere.

Bingowings said:

At last Geonosis looks less like Tatooine it's more like a dust planet than a sandy desert world.

Almost like it's a giant ball of pumice or like our moon but with an atmosphere.

I always imagined Clone wars as a dark age. So the battle can be more dark and metaphor like.

Shadows always behind the bad guys, light behind good guys.





OMG that is perfect 



Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


It might be fun to remove the cloudy sky so the planet looks like it's perpetually night and bathed in moonlght (a real bugger when the dust kicks up though).

Shame we never saw the rings from the surface.

Bingowings said:

It might be fun to remove the cloudy sky so the planet looks like it's perpetually night and bathed in moonlght (a real bugger when the dust kicks up though).

Shame we never saw the rings from the surface.

You cant really do the battle at night...or it will look fake.

I like to inspiring from a planet that Vader had a palace(lol?). with acid rain and big statues. In JA i think its a level with it.

Thats is a nice concept for a planet that have enormous factories and darkside. Its like a planet that teraformed my the CIS and make it a bad place :)

After all its the episode before the total meltdown and the darkside will win so we have to be more pessimistic even with hero victories



vaderios said:

You cant really do the battle at night...or it will look fake.



You have seen how fake the clone troopers look right? LOL

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Not at all! Really the troopers are very nicely done with very beliving plastic armors and movement.

On a futher note we see numerous times the jedi yelling to the Clone pilots and they are responding

HOW THEY CAN HEAR THEM? with a door between them and caculate that the pilots are higher that the jedi are be. So? :)

Doesnt he look cute? lol


-Angel is a god damn Decepticon!



I was rather impressed with the majority of the clone trooper shots (at the time I thought they were men in suits in close ups).

Perhaps it was the less convincing backgrounds that made them seem more real than the rest of the elements.

I really liked it when the dust kicked up from the fallen Trade Federation sphere because it made even the battle droids look more real by removing the garish looking landscape.

The Wookiee battle in ROTS look more realistic largely because the backgrounds were based on photographic plates which gave the light renders a more naturalistic palette.

I know these are alien worlds but just dropping a terracotta tint over everything is a bit lazy.


I swear I'm the only one who sees the CG in CGI characters, they all look like high quality renders of the clone wars cartoons to me, especially yoda.

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Excellent work Angel, as always. Those purple lasers always bugged the hell out of me, (as do the blue ones from the troopers). It's just adding colours for the sake of it.

Going (slightly) off topic, I like how Ady has made the Ion cannon in ESB:R blue. That has always seemed like a more logical choice to me due to the electrical discharge on the star destroyer when it hits. It somehow looks like a less dangerous laser colour than red or green too, which lends itself well to it being a weapon for immobilising the enemy, not blowing them to bits.

So yeah, blue lasers should be reserved for ion cannons. :)

EDIT: And Bar Bar Jinkx, I totally agree. The clone troopers look so fake to me too, especially in ROTS when we see a closeup shot of an unmasked trooper in his arc fighter (another thing that needs changing to more pre-imperial esque ships IMO)


for me it was when Yoda is at the forward command post, he and the trooper are REALLY obvious CGI to my eyes

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Oh don't get me started on Yoda. He looks fake whenever i see him.

I can imagine someone like Ady buying a puppet, shooting some new footage and compositing it in over the cg one (assuming their edit would omit yoda fighting which I sincerely hope)

brash_stryker said:

I can imagine buying a puppet, shooting some new footage over the cg one

Both looks fake to me :) j/k

I get your point. yoda at his best is in ROTS from Cg POV.

Still for some weird reason in some films the Cg looks better at older times than now... i cant explain it (yet)


-Angel is a Decepticon!



vaderios said:

Still for some weird reason in some films the Cg looks better at older times than now... i cant explain it (yet)

Someone brought this up before and figured it's a situation of too many cooks spoil the broth. They mentioned how Jurassic Park still looks great, but they do a dinosau now and it looks fake in comparison. To me, one big problem is how everything moves too smoothly. It sometimes doesn't have the jerkiness that things in real life move with.


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I do a passable imitation of the movement patterns of ye olde standard walking CGI creatures (Jar-Jar, for instance). Get good laughs for it too. :)

Ripplin said:
vaderios said:

Still for some weird reason in some films the Cg looks better at older times than now... i cant explain it (yet)

Someone brought this up before and figured it's a situation of too many cooks spoil the broth. They mentioned how Jurassic Park still looks great, but they do a dinosau now and it looks fake in comparison. To me, one big problem is how everything moves too smoothly. It sometimes doesn't have the jerkiness that things in real life move with.

Compare the Droids of Ep 1 to ones of Ep 3

Ep 1 are more realistic shits from any episode.

Look Starship troopers and the best looking creatures back then and like you said Jurasic park too :)


But but Transformers 1-2 have the best CG now ( hah propaganda)





vaderios said:
Bingowings said:

At last Geonosis looks less like Tatooine it's more like a dust planet than a sandy desert world.

Almost like it's a giant ball of pumice or like our moon but with an atmosphere.

I always imagined Clone wars as a dark age. So the battle can be more dark and metaphor like.

Shadows always behind the bad guys, light behind good guys.




 I always thought that shot had such potential to be a iconic sort of shot, well of course Angel knows just how that can be done, especially to this whole movie lol. GJ

Docta Nick said:
vaderios said:
Bingowings said:

At last Geonosis looks less like Tatooine it's more like a dust planet than a sandy desert world.

Almost like it's a giant ball of pumice or like our moon but with an atmosphere.

I always imagined Clone wars as a dark age. So the battle can be more dark and metaphor like.

Shadows always behind the bad guys, light behind good guys.




 I always thought that shot had such potential to be a iconic sort of shot, well of course Angel knows just how that can be done, especially to this whole movie lol. GJ


 I love this shot...my favorite shot from Geonosis yet, Angel!

On the subject of CGI:

There are many problems with todays CGI...I could sit down with a movie and talk at length about what's wrong...sometimes it's the animation, sometimes the actual render, sometimes the lighting, sometimes the composite, sometimes the camera movement-...I look at this shot Angel did and even though I like it...when it's in motion...it sometimes losses something. Todays CGI camera moves are sometimes ridiculous! They have the camera zooming around...panning around 360 degrees...moving in ways cameras CAN'T move and they expect us to believe they filmed it? Acutally, that's not the case anymore...they DON'T expect us to believe they filmed it...they just want us to suspend our disbelieve long enough to buy the shot...well, I can say I'm a little tired of it! OK, I'm done...for now...  ;)

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And no matter how good something looks, it's hard for us to believe it's real when we know it's not. (alien creatures, robots, spaceships, etc...) On the other hand, when they try to recreate something that is real, or could be if someone made it, we see the flaws in it much more easily. It works both ways.

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I just can't understand how the cg in Jurassic Park looks so real when it's about 16 years old. By the time Jurassic Park 3 came out, the cg looked fake again.

All cg these days has this shiny, untangible feeling to it, the only exception being Gollum in LOTR which was awesome. In comparison to Gollum, Yoda is a joke.

Edit: MOST cg* Not lumping Transformers in the same category Angel ;)

I mainly mean cg creatures, not robots.

brash_stryker said:

I just can't understand how the cg in Jurassic Park looks so real when it's about 16 years old. By the time Jurassic Park 3 came out, the cg looked fake again.

All cg these days has this shiny, untangible feeling to it, the only exception being Gollum in LOTR which was awesome. In comparison to Gollum, Yoda is a joke.

Edit: MOST cg* Not lumping Transformers in the same category Angel ;)

I mainly mean cg creatures, not robots.

Actually they were going to use stop motion animation. But the result we got was with the TREX. Animatronics mixed with cgi. The head was built on set. They did such a good job mixing textures from the models they used and com positing them on cgi models it was pure genius. They did that when it had never been done before. My kids will believe the dinosaurs are real. And I will give the Will Ferrel answer. They got real dinosaurs to make it.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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vaderios said:
Bingowings said:

At last Geonosis looks less like Tatooine it's more like a dust planet than a sandy desert world.

Almost like it's a giant ball of pumice or like our moon but with an atmosphere.

I always imagined Clone wars as a dark age. So the battle can be more dark and metaphor like.

Shadows always behind the bad guys, light behind good guys.



That looks incredibly awesome.



I just wanted to OTize a bit this tech boost.

Still i didnt know what to do the wall marks/flags whatever. Brainstorm ideas.

I also added buttons instead of touchscreens. more retro :P


-Angel is a Decepticon!
