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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 61


How about:

Episode I: The Jar Jar Binks Show!
Episode II: Awkward Teenage Jedi Lust...Attack
Episode III: Wookiee Fanservice

Just being weird. Perhaps Ep. III should also be an Attack. Hmm... Wookiee Fanservice Attack could be a good band name. I better copyright it! ;)

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'revenge of the sith' was a good title...but...it is blatantly recycling of the 'revenge of the jedi'. i would like to keep the sith thing quiet if i were to do an edit, have the first mention of it coming from palpatine. coming up with a good title is always tricky. 'the black knight rises' or whichever title JasonN used was great, but annoyinly is only relevant to the end of the film. if an edit managed to have vader in the film somehow close to the beginning (maybe as an aparition or dream) then it would make for a perfect title.

brash_stryker said:

Well yes. It's the average person that'll think "hey, those ships kinda look like the ones the good guys flew in. but these guys are the empire".

Whereas the fanboys will try to justify it with whatever half baked EU explanation that's been thought up to compensate for Lucas' stupidity.


Oh definitely. The EU explained the Kessel mishap as han having to fly through black holes or worm (dont really know a difference) holes.  Now that is what George Lucas says when being asked about 12 parsecs. Basically the kessel run wasnt about speed but navigation. They will have anybody make up some well thought bull shit to cover George Lucas' mistakes. Partly the reason I dont trust the EU too much.



"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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ben_danger said:

'revenge of the sith' was a good title...but...it is blatantly recycling of the 'revenge of the jedi'. i would like to keep the sith thing quiet if i were to do an edit, have the first mention of it coming from palpatine. coming up with a good title is always tricky. 'the black knight rises' or whichever title JasonN used was great, but annoyinly is only relevant to the end of the film. if an edit managed to have vader in the film somehow close to the beginning (maybe as an aparition or dream) then it would make for a perfect title.

I sorta saw Black Knight Rises as a homage to Return of the King, sort of setting up the end of the film in both titles. Being that Return of the King was orig, War of the Ring... perhaps, War of the Sith? lol sigh...


In the Works - TMNT:Return to New York -






It might be nice to have the Naboo communication satellite network based on Sputnik 1 (it already looks a bit Naboo like all it needs is a lick of paint).

Naboo Sputnik

It might also be nice to see them launch some fighters as soon as the Federation fleet enters the system only to have them blown out of the sky.

Bingowings said:

The clones don't attack and we haven't a clue what the Sith want revenge for, at least there is a phantomy menace in TPM.

Phantom Menace is the only title that makes any sense, but Revenge of the Sith is the only one that feels Star Warsy. *dilemma*



Hi chaps, just discovered these forums about a week ago and been devouring all the ideas for making the pt and ot trilogies better and just thought I'd chip in an idea I had years ago for TPM. had a quick search and couldn't find anything related, so hope it hasn't been mentioned before

I remember when I first watched TPM that Qui-gon using the force to make watto's chance cube (or dice) fall in his favour and then little ani going on to win the race as well was just so boring.

What I always wanted to see was Qui Gon losing the game of chance and/or Anakin narrowly losing the race so that Qui Gon is forced to nick the engine part he needs anyway and basically kidnap Anakin, making their escape from the planet after the race more urgent.

I'm not sure if watto works for the hutts, but I'm sure a way could be found to make this apparent, so that when Qui Gon steals the engine parts and his slave, jabba gets involved and is livid his property has been stolen, and thus the hutts start a vendetta against jedi. By extention the entire criminal underworld turn against the jedi throughout the PT, making their eventual destructon more believable, making the underused hutts a critical part of the storyline and making the jedi seem not so infallible (and Qui Gon more reckless). It also would help tie into ROTJ where Jabba is particularly condescending towards jedi.

brash_stryker said:
Bingowings said:

The clones don't attack and we haven't a clue what the Sith want revenge for, at least there is a phantomy menace in TPM.

Phantom Menace is the only title that makes any sense, but Revenge of the Sith is the only one that feels Star Warsy. *dilemma*


Really it makes sense to swap the revenge and return around so TPM becomes Return Of The Sith (the Sith clearly return from being thought of as extinct) and the final episode returns to being Revenge Of The Jedi (despite what Lucas may say about Jedi being above such things the Jedi clearly had their arses handed to them in Episode III and return the favour in Episode VI.)

There is a Clone Wars TV DVD called  A Galaxy Divided and it evokes British Civil War dramas like By The Sword Divided.

So I'd like A Galaxy Divided  to be the Episode II title and The Shadow Falls is such a great title it really should be used at it would make a very good Episode III title.

Hi there mangojango, some really interesting ideas there, glad to have you onboard.

Bingowings said:

Really it makes sense to swap the revenge and return around so TPM becomes Return Of The Sith (the Sith clearly return from being thought of as extinct) and the final episode returns to being Revenge Of The Jedi (despite what Lucas may say about Jedi being above such things the Jedi clearly had their arses handed to them in Episode III and return the favour in Episode VI.)

There is a Clone Wars TV DVD called  A Galaxy Divided and it evokes British Civil War dramas like By The Sword Divided.

So I'd like A Galaxy Divided  to be the Episode II title and The Shadow Falls is such a great title it really should be used at it would make a very good Episode III title.

Hi there mangojango, some really interesting ideas there, glad to have you onboard.

Sorry but I hate this idea, and I can understand why Revenge was not a suitable title in terms of relating to the Jedi. They're guardians of peace and justice. Revenge just doesn't suit them if you ask me. Personally I like Revenge of the Sith as a title, even if who the Sith are, and what they're getting revenge for is never fully explained. Star Wars needs a bit of mystery IMO. It's explaining everything that gave rise to Midichlorians. Urgh.


mangojango said:

Hi chaps, just discovered these forums about a week ago and been devouring all the ideas for making the pt and ot trilogies better and just thought I'd chip in an idea I had years ago for TPM. had a quick search and couldn't find anything related, so hope it hasn't been mentioned before

I remember when I first watched TPM that Qui-gon using the force to make watto's chance cube (or dice) fall in his favour and then little ani going on to win the race as well was just so boring.

What I always wanted to see was Qui Gon losing the game of chance and/or Anakin narrowly losing the race so that Qui Gon is forced to nick the engine part he needs anyway and basically kidnap Anakin, making their escape from the planet after the race more urgent.

I'm not sure if watto works for the hutts, but I'm sure a way could be found to make this apparent, so that when Qui Gon steals the engine parts and his slave, jabba gets involved and is livid his property has been stolen, and thus the hutts start a vendetta against jedi. By extention the entire criminal underworld turn against the jedi throughout the PT, making their eventual destructon more believable, making the underused hutts a critical part of the storyline and making the jedi seem not so infallible (and Qui Gon more reckless). It also would help tie into ROTJ where Jabba is particularly condescending towards jedi.

Good idea BUT. Anikan said if they have sensors on them so if they try to escape they BLOW YOU UP!!!! The idea of not being able to just leave makes it seem more realistic. Its not a video game were they are there by free will.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Here we go. Me and Bingo decided this is a better idea so here is a mockup. The     middle one. Tell me which looks more like palps. The middle one or the awful ROTS one.The image may show some mistakes but my moniter is as bright as it gets and that is never bright enough. 

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>

EyeShotFirst said:

Anikan said if they have sensors on them so if they try to escape they BLOW YOU UP!!!!

That reminded me of one of my favorite skits from Cartoon Planet (TBS's Space Ghost show):

Space Ghost: Hey Zorak, what do you want to do?
Zorak: I dunno, what do you want to do?
Space Ghost: I dunno, what do you want to do?
Zorak: Let's go outside and play.
Space Ghost: Good idea! Let's go outside and play!
Brak: You can't go outside and play!
Space Ghost: Oh? And why not?
Brak: Because space is a vacuum! A vacuum!
Space Ghost: So?
Brak: If you go outside and play, you'll BLOW UP! Do you want to BLOW UP?!
Space Ghost: *hmm....*
Zorak: *hmm...*


My crazy vinyl LP blog

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Bingowings said:

Really it makes sense to swap the revenge and return around so TPM becomes Return Of The Sith (the Sith clearly return from being thought of as extinct) and the final episode returns to being Revenge Of The Jedi (despite what Lucas may say about Jedi being above such things the Jedi clearly had their arses handed to them in Episode III and return the favour in Episode VI.)

I like "Return of the Sith" and "Revenge of the Jedi" more as well.

I hadn't thought of naming TPM Return of the Sith though... but it makes sense :-)

Bingowings said:
brash_stryker said:
Bingowings said:

The clones don't attack and we haven't a clue what the Sith want revenge for, at least there is a phantomy menace in TPM.

Phantom Menace is the only title that makes any sense, but Revenge of the Sith is the only one that feels Star Warsy. *dilemma*


Really it makes sense to swap the revenge and return around so TPM becomes Return Of The Sith (the Sith clearly return from being thought of as extinct) and the final episode returns to being Revenge Of The Jedi (despite what Lucas may say about Jedi being above such things the Jedi clearly had their arses handed to them in Episode III and return the favour in Episode VI.)

There is a Clone Wars TV DVD called A Galaxy Divided and it evokes British Civil War dramas like By The Sword Divided.

So I'd like A Galaxy Divided to be the Episode II title and The Shadow Falls is such a great title it really should be used at it would make a very good Episode III title.

Hi there mangojango, some really interesting ideas there, glad to have you onboard.


"a galaxy divided" is brilliant idea for a title. "the shadow falls" or "the falling shadow"? im personally divided over the "revenge of the jedi" title. it sounds quite dark as it is like the jedi (ie luke) is compromising himself, but the great thing about 'return' s that it can apply to vader's redemption too.

ben_danger said:
Bingowings said:
brash_stryker said:
Bingowings said:

The clones don't attack and we haven't a clue what the Sith want revenge for, at least there is a phantomy menace in TPM.

Phantom Menace is the only title that makes any sense, but Revenge of the Sith is the only one that feels Star Warsy. *dilemma*


Really it makes sense to swap the revenge and return around so TPM becomes Return Of The Sith (the Sith clearly return from being thought of as extinct) and the final episode returns to being Revenge Of The Jedi (despite what Lucas may say about Jedi being above such things the Jedi clearly had their arses handed to them in Episode III and return the favour in Episode VI.)

There is a Clone Wars TV DVD called A Galaxy Divided and it evokes British Civil War dramas like By The Sword Divided.

So I'd like A Galaxy Divided to be the Episode II title and The Shadow Falls is such a great title it really should be used at it would make a very good Episode III title.

Hi there mangojango, some really interesting ideas there, glad to have you onboard.


"a galaxy divided" is brilliant idea for a title. "the shadow falls" or "the falling shadow"? im personally divided over the "revenge of the jedi" title. it sounds quite dark as it is like the jedi (ie luke) is compromising himself, but the great thing about 'return' s that it can apply to vader's redemption too.

A Galaxy Divided is also reminiscent of this:


I approve of 'A Galaxy Divided' as a title for Episode 2, but I'm not a big fan of 'A shadow falls'.

How about Episode 1? I recall a fan edit named 'A Vergeance in the Force'. It's not great, in my opinion, but the best title I've seen.

brash_stryker said:
Bingowings said:

Really it makes sense to swap the revenge and return around so TPM becomes Return Of The Sith (the Sith clearly return from being thought of as extinct) and the final episode returns to being Revenge Of The Jedi (despite what Lucas may say about Jedi being above such things the Jedi clearly had their arses handed to them in Episode III and return the favour in Episode VI.)

There is a Clone Wars TV DVD called  A Galaxy Divided and it evokes British Civil War dramas like By The Sword Divided.

So I'd like A Galaxy Divided  to be the Episode II title and The Shadow Falls is such a great title it really should be used at it would make a very good Episode III title.

Hi there mangojango, some really interesting ideas there, glad to have you onboard.

Sorry but I hate this idea, and I can understand why Revenge was not a suitable title in terms of relating to the Jedi. They're guardians of peace and justice. Revenge just doesn't suit them if you ask me. Personally I like Revenge of the Sith as a title, even if who the Sith are, and what they're getting revenge for is never fully explained. Star Wars needs a bit of mystery IMO. It's explaining everything that gave rise to Midichlorians. Urgh.


I think Palpatine (like Prince Prospero in Masque Of The Red Death) makes a good case for the Jedi and the Sith not being that different.

There's nothing worse than a villain who knows he is evil and the heroes do paint themselves a little more clear cut heroic than they actually are.

I actually think Revenge Of The Jedi is a much better title than Return Of The Jedi or Revenge Of The Sith it even sounds better and Lucas's rethink of the title was the beginning of the sort of thinking that lead to Greedo shooting first.



In regard to Revenge of the Sith, I can really take it or leave it. I think it works fine as it is, but if a fan editor was to change it, I wouldn't have a huge problem.

But changing titles of the OT, I don't think I could ever come to terms with.


I think the prequel titles are just fine. I don't really like Attack of the Clones, not because of the cheesiness, but because the Clones don't exactely attack. Revenge of the Sith sounds the most Star Wars like, even though the actual revenge is only alluded to.

I like Return of the Jedi much better than Revenge of the Jedi, and think it was a good call by Lucas. The title actually works in two ways: Luke is returning to the war as a Jedi, and with the Sith destroyed at the end of the movie, the Jedi order can return to the Galaxy. You could also even interpret the title being about Darth Vader: after he has turned away from the Dark Side, the Jedi Anakin has returned.

SilverKey said:

I think the prequel titles are just fine. I don't really like Attack of the Clones, not because of the cheesiness, but because the Clones don't exactely attack. Revenge of the Sith sounds the most Star Wars like, even though the actual revenge is only alluded to.

I like Return of the Jedi much better than Revenge of the Jedi, and think it was a good call by Lucas. The title actually works in two ways: Luke is returning to the war as a Jedi, and with the Sith destroyed at the end of the movie, the Jedi order can return to the Galaxy. You could also even interpret the title being about Darth Vader: after he has turned away from the Dark Side, the Jedi Anakin has returned.

As mentioned elsewhere the Jedi in ROTJ is not Luke but may be the order in general and certainly applies to Anakin.

But that is true whether it's a Return or a Revenge.

The Sith certainly do return in TPM and their reasons for revenge are not explained enough to be central to the title of the film.

There was a new hope and the Empire did strike back so it would make sense to make the titles relavent to what actually happens in the films they are attached to.


Bingowings said:

There was a new hope and the Empire did strike back so it would make sense to make the titles relavent to what actually happens in the films they are attached to.


Which is why I think changing Return to Revenge is unnecessary, because it is relevant as it is.

Also the word revenge, to me, would cheapen the Jedi order (something some might approve of as it shows them to be imperfect) but this would not be my cup of tea.

Return rolls off the tongue better too, IMO.

Anyway, we've gone off topic a bit. This is the PREQUEL radical redux thread afterall :P

brash_stryker said:
Bingowings said:

There was a new hope and the Empire did strike back so it would make sense to make the titles relavent to what actually happens in the films they are attached to.


Which is why I think changing Return to Revenge is unnecessary, because it is relevant as it is.

Also the word revenge, to me, would cheapen the Jedi order (something some might approve of as it shows them to be imperfect) but this would not be my cup of tea.

Return rolls off the tongue better too, IMO.

Anyway, we've gone off topic a bit. This is the PREQUEL radical redux thread afterall :P

Not really it's still on topic as it stems from the proposal of changing the prequel titles (the restoration of Revenge Of The Jedi is but a possible consequence of changing those titles and is more specifically refered to in that respect over on the ESB/ROTJ Wishlist Thread).


brash_stryker said:

Also the word revenge, to me, would cheapen the Jedi order

But there is no Jedi Order, it was destroyed before Luke was born, he never learned the dogmatic (extremist if you will) views of the "old" Jedi. Luke choked people with the Force, clearly he doesn't follow the old order's code.

"return of the jedi" imho is a lame title, it's too... nice. When I see the title I think "oh, Luke is going to team up with other Jedi who were hiding and they will... return", which simply doesn't happen. As a kid I never understood the title. Luke or Vader/Anakin taking revenge makes for a much more fitting/thrilling title. When I see "Revenge of the Jedi" I think "hoho, Luke is going to kick ass in this one!" and sure as hell you see him force choking his way to the Emperor.

"Return of the Sith" for the first prequel makes a lot of sense as well as the Sith were supposed to be extinct. Maybe we could totally call epIII "The Jedi Bite the Dust" XD



Anyway we can replace Hayden with Chris Pine and remove Ewan's mullet? (jk) But seriously I thought Pine as Kirk was way closer to what Anakin should have been.



Octorox said:

Anyway we can replace Hayden with Chris Pine and remove Ewan's mullet? (jk) But seriously I thought Pine as Kirk was way closer to what Anakin should have been.



I was actually thinking the same thing.... I thought to myself, if George died tomorrow, then someone could reshoot the prequels and use Pine as Anakin.....Oh, and a completely re-written trilogy would be nice....But yes, he would be an ideal Anakin.  He even had that Mark Hamill gaze to me.


mrbenja0618 said:
Octorox said:

Anyway we can replace Hayden with Chris Pine and remove Ewan's mullet? (jk) But seriously I thought Pine as Kirk was way closer to what Anakin should have been.


I was actually thinking the same thing.... I thought to myself, if George died tomorrow, then someone could reshoot the prequels and use Pine as Anakin.....Oh, and a completely re-written trilogy would be nice....But yes, he would be an ideal Anakin.  He even had that Mark Hamill gaze to me.


I noticed that he has kind of a Mark Hamill sarcastic laugh too, but he can definetely pull off an edgier, darker character than Hamill