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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 59

brash_stryker said:
TheBoost said:

 That's the whole point. The Dark Side twists and corrupts. There is no 'but I did it for such and such a good reason.' The Dark Side is an insidious cancer.

Exactly. Which is why Anakin giving rational reasons for turning to the dark side does not work.



Well, Yoda always said that fear leads to the dark side. Having fear of something (like loosing someone) is a rational reason that can lead someone to the dark side. The thing is that it cannot be the only reason, indeed. Because sometimes we all do bad things for good reasons without being bad persons in our heart. Anakin is doing bad things for good reasons, but we don't actualy really see when and why he became corrupted by the dark side. The movie needs scenes where Anakin learn more and more dark side powers that makes him feel unvulnerable and makes him loose his mind.

brash_stryker said:
TheBoost said:

 That's the whole point. The Dark Side twists and corrupts. There is no 'but I did it for such and such a good reason.' The Dark Side is an insidious cancer.

Exactly. Which is why Anakin giving rational reasons for turning to the dark side does not work.


 But his perfectly rational reason is almost instantly twisted, so that he kills her. It makes perfect sense. Anakin thinks he can do it, but he's wrong.

Luke couldn't give into his hatred, even if it meant that was the way he could stop Vader and Empy. If he did, his noble intentions would have been twisted and corrupted. Luke cant say "I'm just gonna tap me some Dark Side to take out Palpy, then I'll be good again." It sounds rational but it would fail, that's what Anakin tried.

(are we talking about Anakin's motivation's being incorrect in-universe? If we are we apparently agree. If we're talking about Anakin's motivations being a plot-hole as suggested by the cartoon you posted, those motivations and their consequences seem perfectly consistent to me.)


I always looked at the dark side as a means of power and control. Control and power over others.

There was a line somewhere in the ROTS novel where Palps further seduces Anakin by promising him a whole star system. It's those kind of things that would go further in the seduction as a quest for more power and control.

This goes back to AOTC and his inability to let things go and his need to control where people are and what they're doing. He puts R2 in Padme's room to watch her. He dreams and obsesses over his mother's fate.

It's like the old saying: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. His original intent may have been noble, but misguided. By ROTS, it should become simply power for power's sake.

It should be like him slowly becoming addicted to the power he thinks the dark side will give him.


you know what could really sell the mortivation of anakin turning dark to save his wife is  to have padme actually be suffering from some virus that would take her life and the unborn child's life rather than her dying from childbirth

this idea comes from one of the star wars clone was series where she comes in contact with a virus called the blue shadow virus.  in the episode anakin was kind of on edge that makes obiwan kind of suspisious to his realtionship with padme.


yeah... and the sequel of ROTS will be like.. My name is Padme and I remember everything! Then an army of poluted clone zombies will attack the deathstar and padme will face vader..




TMBTM said:
brash_stryker said:
TheBoost said:

 That's the whole point. The Dark Side twists and corrupts. There is no 'but I did it for such and such a good reason.' The Dark Side is an insidious cancer.

Exactly. Which is why Anakin giving rational reasons for turning to the dark side does not work.



Well, Yoda always said that fear leads to the dark side. Having fear of something (like loosing someone) is a rational reason that can lead someone to the dark side. The thing is that it cannot be the only reason, indeed. Because sometimes we all do bad things for good reasons without being bad persons in our heart. Anakin is doing bad things for good reasons, but we don't actualy really see when and why he became corrupted by the dark side. The movie needs scenes where Anakin learn more and more dark side powers that makes him feel unvulnerable and makes him loose his mind.

Well the problem with this is you're rationalising it with a prequel in-universe explanation. Any justification should be drawn from the OT in my opinion, as this is the Star Wars we know and love, before George took a crap on the franchise. In-universe reasoning aside, his turn is never convincing as a FILM. The fall from grace we were promised in the OT never happened. Anakin was a dick when he was meant to be "good" and when he turned we never got a sense he was any more evil than he was before, but rather, making conscious decisions to commit these atrocities to save his wife, rather than WANTING to do them.

EDIT: Just realised you agreed with what I said about the film never giving us a sense of him getting corrupted. Yeah more scenes (either side of him pledging allegiance to palpatine) could help, but whether this would be doable, I remain skeptical.

TheBoost said:

But his perfectly rational reason is almost instantly twisted, so that he kills her. It makes perfect sense. Anakin thinks he can do it, but he's wrong.

Luke couldn't give into his hatred, even if it meant that was the way he could stop Vader and Empy. If he did, his noble intentions would have been twisted and corrupted. Luke cant say "I'm just gonna tap me some Dark Side to take out Palpy, then I'll be good again." It sounds rational but it would fail, that's what Anakin tried.

(are we talking about Anakin's motivation's being incorrect in-universe? If we are we apparently agree. If we're talking about Anakin's motivations being a plot-hole as suggested by the cartoon you posted, those motivations and their consequences seem perfectly consistent to me.)

No I agree it's not a plothole. In capable hands it could have worked as his initial rationale, so long as other temptations were presented to him along the way. As it is, it's just badly executed and unconvincing.

I only posted that cartoon for laughs. Here's some others:



Anakin turning to the dark side because of him tryin to stop Padme from dying was stupid, its like a good person selling drugs to raise money so he can afford his daughters heart transplant. Its the same situation. If your a good person doing bad things, your are exactly that, a good person doing bad things. ConfusedMatthew was right in his review, Anakin as always been bad. He's arrogant and never listens, he murders, not just the men but the women and the children too. Then he kills Dooku and then 'turns' towards the end.

There is no tragedy of Darth Vader, he has always been like this.

This is why prequels dont work story wise, I love them, I really do but Anakin turn is so stupid.

Me personally this is how Anakin would of turned into Vader briefly.

Episode 1:

Anakin is not a slave but a local boy who dreams of bein a Podracer champion and eventually wants to be a pilot. He works for Watto to raise money the build his Pod. He helps them as normal but they discover that his mother is could be dying during a conversation between Shmi and Qui Gon. After the Podrace his Mother tells him she is proud of him and shortly after collapses and hours later tells Anakin to leave for she didnt want him to see her die. Anakin joins Obi and Jinn etc etc etc.


Episode 2:

During the seperatist movement it is Padme that wants an army for the republic and branded a rebel in the senate. An assassination is attempted against her life, Obi and Anakin are brought in for her protect. They have their conversation about the army and how Anakin dissaproves of Padme view of the army but discovers that Nute Gunray is one of the Seperatists and he understands her concern for the republics protection because of Naboo conflict. During all this Anakins starts feeling strong emotion attachments towards Padme and her him. Anakin discovers that Shmi survived longer and remarried an old soldier that contacted the council and asked for Anakin by name. Anakin goes bk to Tatooine to learn that his Mother had died few hours before he came to the Planet and Glegg Lars had information about a Dark Lord that had recently resurviced and could be linked to the seperatists. Anakin and Padme go to Geonosis to where Obi had been following up on his lead to get caught and arrested. Padme tells Anakin of her love and Anakin stunned for few seconds, they kiss and they escape but agree to go their own seperate ways. Clones attack Geonosis etc etc.


Episode 3:

Anakin and Obi go to save Chancellor after he his kidnapped and saves him. Dooku gets destroyed in his ship after Anakin and Obi get saved by republic troops. On Corusant Padme reveals she is pregnant and its here its revealed that they had given in to their attraction years ago. Padme regrets voting for a army as she doesnt want her children to grow up in a warzone. Anakin promises to end the war and pleads to the Senate for a ceasefire. This fails so he decides that the war will always continue as long as Dooku's master is alive, so in secret he track transmissions and searches for the dark lord. Meanwhile Obi Wan struggles to survive in War and Bail Organa contacts him talking about General Grievous so Obi Wan goes in search of Grievous. Anakin tracks the dark lord and learns of Palpatine. Palpatine fights Anakin and ends in stalemate, Palpatine promises Anakin that his secrecy and dark ways are to eventually help the republic and bring peace. Anakin feelin conflicting thoughts between his own judgement and sensing Palpatine truth of bringing a new order to the republic, he leaves and faces the council and tells them he didnt find the dark lord hoping he was doing the right thing. He then discovers that Padme was one of many ppl signing the order to march to war. This breaks them apart. Anakin goes bk to Palpatine feeling lost and decides to help him bring order. Padme gives birth and then contacts the council. Anakin returns to the council but they already here of Anakin breach of the code and while still an apprentice, Anakin is thrown out while hearing bad news of Padme dyin of a broken heart....hahaha im joking....dyin of bloodloss as she was on Alderann without sufficient equipment and she could not be moved. He goes to her before she dies just in time and says sorry about everything but she dies before she can forgive him and tell him what happened to luke and leia. At this point he presumes Padme and the 'child' died. Feeling alone, betrayed and powerless he goes back to Palpatine who tells him he must stop this war and that he was the key to ending the war. Anakin is told of his new title (Lord Vader) after the war had ended and is promised land and power as a reward for his services. Anakin agrees to help Palpatine and he is sent to Mustafar to take down the seperatists and shutdown the factory. Obi Wan recieves news from the council about the dark lords new apprentice, Obi Wan goes to Mustafar, they fight after Anakin calmly tells Obi that the council had banished him, they fight but its not personal but point of view. Obi Wan defeats Anakin, he burns and passes out. Obi Wan goes to Aldaraan to after hearin the temple had been stormed and Yoda had escaped. They split the children up and decide to go into hidin till the children had grown up, Yoda's shuttle gets damaged on Dagobah. Palpatine sends troops to Mustafar after hearin of their battle. Vader gets rebuilt and joins Palpatine to bring down any enemy that opposes the new empire and take revenge on the Jedi and his friend Obi Wan for making him suffer.

Thats what i thought of really quickly, off the top of my head. Any thoughts and comments wud be great, many thanx for readin and i know ur eyes are probably bleeding now but please leave comments


Du Twan


Alternatively you could keep the prophecy but flag it up before they meet Anakin.

Keep him a slave but reduce what he does to something a bit more within the realms of belief (no building Threepio and possibly getting the pod by some other means but Anakin does it up for Qui-Gon).

Turn Anakin's frustration more onto Mace specifically and the Council generally (and less onto Obi-Wan) make Obi-Wan into the one person who always backs him up when everyone else is cautious of him to the point where Anakin's frustations seem more legitimate.

Reduce the Padme crush so that he only becomes seriously interested in her after his mother dies (he fancies her and likes her but realises there is no future in it) but when his mother dies everything is turned upside down. Padme sees him at his most vulnerable and he sees her at her most supportive and this is where their feelings for each other become more than an infatuation.

Keep his massacre of the Tuscans but make that his turn to the darkside moment. Have him confide in Palpatine not Padme and keep it as a dirty secret between the two of them.

That way Palpatine knows about his ambition to keep people alive before ROTS, something he could use as a carrot for later.

The stick could be the knowledge of what he has done (married in secret and murdering children all be it a moment of justified insanity).

That way Anakin could be almost blackmailed into doing what he does rather than just opting to do it at a whim.

It's still the same story that we got in the theatrical versions but nudged into a more plausible mode.

Good guy does something evil in a moment of stress and is manipulated to do things worse and worse until he is so far down he can't see a way out.

Bingowings said:

Keep his massacre of the Tuscans but make that his turn to the darkside moment. Have him confide in Palpatine not Padme and keep it as a dirty secret between the two of them.

I like that remain untold/unseen to AOTC.

We see it in ROTS when Palps say it to Anapimp.

Less is more :)





Sometimes less is more but not always, so it would depend how it worked in an edit.

Having him already killing children (in a moment of insanity which he deeply regrets at that point) makes it easier to believe he might do it again and be more outwardly callous about it in the future (as he becomes desensitised to the horror of what he is doing).

We have no evidence that he has gone that far other than his confession.

His choice of confessor needs to change though, Palpatine makes much more sense, Padme falling in love with a self confessed child murderer makes no sense at all.

Palpatine keeping the information under his cowl does.

Bingowings said:

Sometimes less is more but not always, so it would depend how it worked in an edit.

Having him already killing children (in a moment of insanity which he deeply regrets at that point) makes it easier to believe he might do it again and be more outwardly callous about it in the future (as he becomes desensitised to the horror of what he is doing).

We have no evidence that he has gone that far other than his confession.

His choice of confessor needs to change though, Palpatine makes much more sense, Padme falling in love with a self confessed child murderer makes no sense at all.

Palpatine keeping the information under his cowl does.




I think Palpatine needs slugs to fit in with the OT.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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TMBTM said:
brash_stryker said:
TheBoost said:

 That's the whole point. The Dark Side twists and corrupts. There is no 'but I did it for such and such a good reason.' The Dark Side is an insidious cancer.

Exactly. Which is why Anakin giving rational reasons for turning to the dark side does not work.



Well, Yoda always said that fear leads to the dark side. Having fear of something (like loosing someone) is a rational reason that can lead someone to the dark side. The thing is that it cannot be the only reason, indeed. Because sometimes we all do bad things for good reasons without being bad persons in our heart. Anakin is doing bad things for good reasons, but we don't actualy really see when and why he became corrupted by the dark side. The movie needs scenes where Anakin learn more and more dark side powers that makes him feel unvulnerable and makes him loose his mind.

Well, then this whole turning to the darkside thing is Yodas fault (so to speak).

Since when was it FEAR that almost drove Luke to the darkside? It wasn't fear. Fear isn't mentioned by Vader in ESB/ROTJ  nor was it mentioned by Empy in ROTJ. Hate is mentioned...anger...um...i'm wracking my brain here...what else is mentioned?

My point is the whole fear thing is something Lucas made up for the PT. And while I understand where he went with it...'fear' being the main reason for turning to the darkside is NOT what happened to Luke. Hmm...maybe that was done on purpose by Lucas...to show the differences between father and son...now we know why Anakin turned (fear) and why Luke didn't (no fear)....sorry now I'm just rambling! :D

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:


Luke: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid.
Yoda: You will be. You will be.

If this was to tie up with the prequel trilogy (along with exaggerated yodaisms) it would go something like this:

Luke: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid.
Yoda: Good this is. On the path to the darkside you are not. No problems have we. Fucked the emperor is.

brash_stryker said:

Luke: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid.
Yoda: You will be. You will be.

If this was to tie up with the prequel trilogy (along with exaggerated yodaisms) it would go something like this:

Luke: I won't fail you. I'm not afraid.
Yoda: Good this is. On the path to the darkside you are not. No problems have we. Fucked the emperor is.


 Hee hee! :D   Nice!

Good point too. Yoda would know if Luke had fear in him or not. And appearently he didn't. And if that's the case, why are Yoda and Ben worried about Luke going to save his friends?

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:


NOBODY expects the Dark Lords Of The Sith! Our chief weapon is hate...hate and fear...fear and hate.... Our two weapons are fear and hate...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, hate, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, hate.... I'll come in again....


Palpatine really needs work. I hate the way he looks in ROTS. The makeup people went way too far. Palpatine didn't necessarily need to be all deformed. I could see it as he was old and his powers were keeping him alive which in turn made him old and wrinkly. It looks crappy. I used the same approach ady did for ESB R. I plopped the ROTJ eyes on the rest of the face and blended it. Plus I undersaturated it for flow with the rest of the saga.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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EyeShotFirst said:

Palpatine really needs work. I hate the way he looks in ROTS. The makeup people went way too far. Palpatine didn't necessarily need to be all deformed. I could see it as he was old and his powers were keeping him alive which in turn made him old and wrinkly. It looks crappy. I used the same approach ady did for ESB R. I plopped the ROTJ eyes on the rest of the face and blended it. Plus I undersaturated it for flow with the rest of the saga.


This looks very impressive! Makes the world of difference. Now we just need to somehow get rid of the "lightning blowback" explanation for why he looks like this.


It wont be easy but. It can be done. I mean he is old in the prequels and looks ancient in ROTJ so it works why did they need to make him deformed. That is just what happens when you use the dark side of the force it consumes you. I can keep you alive but for a price.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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EyeShotFirst said:

Palpatine really needs work. I hate the way he looks in ROTS. The makeup people went way too far. Palpatine didn't necessarily need to be all deformed. I could see it as he was old and his powers were keeping him alive which in turn made him old and wrinkly. It looks crappy. I used the same approach ady did for ESB R. I plopped the ROTJ eyes on the rest of the face and blended it. Plus I undersaturated it for flow with the rest of the saga.

As I posted earlier I'd make the transformation even more subtle:


I wish there was a way to show the Palpatine transformation in a more subtle way (he has almost two decades of evil to turn into the pale prune face we see in ROTJ).

Subtle Palpatine

It would be more acceptable to me if the lightning accident doesn't happen at all but he slowing becomes consumed by the dark forces he is using.



brash_stryker said:

I agree, but is this doable?

It would depend on how much Palpatine after the Mace battle you want to use.

The declaration of the Empire scene should be a doddle (there is plenty of sequences of pre-change Palpatine on the Senate podium to adapt and you could keep his lips pretty much the way they are so lip sync shouldn't be a problem).

Some people would like to remove or truncate drastically the Yoda Vs Palpatine duel and even after his turn his cowl covers a multidude of latex sins.

It would be great to see what results would come from people attempting such a task.



After the mace battle he could just hide in the shadows. Until he gets vader then his face could be darked into shadow,

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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