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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 369


leftshoe18 said:

Why would he ask if she’s safe and then immediately dismiss it?

I think if you wanted to get that point across it would be better to just not address the Padme situation at all.

The idea is that Vader’s reasoning is more or less like this: “Is she alive? Then I’ll keep her at my side and force her to agree with me. Is she dead? Then I can do without her.” Indeed, we see Vader reasoning like this already when he is on Mustafar, when he tells Padmé to join him and basically has no problem choking her. The Dark Side has twisted his mind so much that he no longer sees Padmé as a person, but as a mere object that he can use the way he sees fit.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


RogueLeader said:

I don’t remember if it was someone here or on YouTube, but someone achieved this exact idea before, so it is definitely doable without voice Ai or anything.

EDIT: I did find a version of this idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GvpT_7BMAc

This is a great find. The dialogue of him indicating that he knows the power of the dark side can effectively “justify” his outburst as a display of power - for those who want to keep in the rampage he displays in a future edit.


RogueLeader said:

I don’t remember if it was someone here or on YouTube, but someone achieved this exact idea before, so it is definitely doable without voice Ai or anything.

EDIT: I did find a version of this idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GvpT_7BMAc

The scene is very good, but unfortunately the music is not the same, so I don’t think this scene could be used in an actual edit. We would need to change the whole score.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Spartacus01 said:

RogueLeader said:

I don’t remember if it was someone here or on YouTube, but someone achieved this exact idea before, so it is definitely doable without voice Ai or anything.

EDIT: I did find a version of this idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GvpT_7BMAc

The scene is very good, but unfortunately the music is not the same, so I don’t think this scene could be used in an actual edit. We would need to change the whole score.

Huh? Of course it could be used in an edit.
Also, changing the score is what fan edits do best! - well, maybe not BEST…but they do it. 😛

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:


RogueLeader said:

I don’t remember if it was someone here or on YouTube, but someone achieved this exact idea before, so it is definitely doable without voice Ai or anything.

EDIT: I did find a version of this idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GvpT_7BMAc

I can remember to this edit. The editing is nice and the idea is good.

But when Padme no longer has any meaning for him, why he ask about her?


TiiN said:

RogueLeader said:

I don’t remember if it was someone here or on YouTube, but someone achieved this exact idea before, so it is definitely doable without voice Ai or anything.

EDIT: I did find a version of this idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GvpT_7BMAc

I can remember to this edit. The editing is nice and the idea is good.

But when Padme no longer has any meaning for him, why he ask about her?

I’ll quote myself:

The idea is that Vader’s reasoning is more or less like this: “Is she alive? Then I’ll keep her at my side and force her to agree with me. Is she dead? Then I can do without her.” Indeed, we see Vader reasoning like this already when he is on Mustafar, when he tells Padmé to join him and basically has no problem choking her. The Dark Side has twisted his mind so much that he no longer sees Padmé as a person, but as a mere object that he can use the way he sees fit.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Spartacus01 said:

I’ll quote myself:

The idea is that Vader’s reasoning is more or less like this: “Is she alive? Then I’ll keep her at my side and force her to agree with me. Is she dead? Then I can do without her.” Indeed, we see Vader reasoning like this already when he is on Mustafar, when he tells Padmé to join him and basically has no problem choking her. The Dark Side has twisted his mind so much that he no longer sees Padmé as a person, but as a mere object that he can use the way he sees fit.

I apologize. I have not seen this post.
Yes with this idea it can work : )


Would any editing trick help imply that part of the reason why Anakin joins the Sith is because he loves the idea of being second in command of the galaxy? It’s a way that him being rejected the rank of master could be much more impactful. He was rejected a powerful position, but Palpatine is offering him power greater then anybody but him.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


I just found that someone had PM’d me this a while back. I’ll keep them anonymous, since it was a direct message, but it’s an interesting idea:

"Thanks a bunch! With a little work this should prove to be a more optimal viewing experience And once Season 3 rolls in I should be able to go foward without having to jump around again.

On a somewhat unrelated note I noticed you were also active in in Phantom Menace improvement thread. And it was either you or someone else who had suggested that Qui-Gon guide Anakin via the force.

But there was an aspect of that change that stuck out to me, particularly the idea of him while meditating as opposed to when he’s dying to do it. If you could take a moment to read through this I think this change specific change could add a lot more weight the story.

On the outside it may seem like such a minor change. However, something like this can explain what happens right after. What if this force telepathy of sorts drains him of his stamina significantly? And it’s this act that causes mold in the upper hand and finish him off. Now it may seem foolish for quae gone to potentially risk his life to help Anakin. But remember Jinn truly believes Anakin is the chosen one, the hope of the galaxy. It would be completely in his character to lay his life down not only because he’s compassionate for Anakin, but so the galaxy may prosper. And as we see early in the movie, he’s no stranger to making huge gambits. Something like this that only parallels ANH with Obi’s sacrifice but also Luke in TLJ with the force weakening him. As George Lucas would say it would be “poetry”.

But we can also take it even further with the implications and set ups this has for the future. Obi-Wan’s harsh treatment of Aniken in AOTC could be stem from repressed resentment that he has towards Anakin for being an indirect catalyst in his Master’s death. But he would never want to admit it, considering he truly does love Anakin as a brother. You could even say that Obi seeing Qui-Gon’s defiance within Anakin is the first trait that causes him to feel a familiarity with boy and leads to their initial bond. As such, another reason he’s so strict with him is because he doesn’t want Ani doing anything reckless that would cause him to sacrifice himself, the way his master once did.

Seems minor on the surface initially, but it brings huge narrative pay off in terms of the overall story. Would probably help if some highlighted how much this is sacrifice for Qui-Gon with facial close-ups of him straining himself. Maybe with some sweat, and the reddening of his face. Not sure how possible this is in terms the visual edits. Another option would be to have Qui Gon’s voice fade in and out while also sounding rushed with Anakin picking up on it. Some edited voice clips from when the two of them are running away from Maul back on Tatooine could facilitate this idea. Something along the lines of “Qui-Gon slow down” Or “Qui-Gon you sound tired”.

If Anakin was made aware of Qui-Gon’s sacrifice, it’s only natural that you’d want to aspire to be more like him by being a risk taker in the future.

In any case, these are the kind of things that insomnia can do to a guy. I’m no editor myself, so this is an exactly something I’d be able to do. I just really wanted to get this idea out there for feedback and consideration."

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


snooker said:

Fullmetaled said:

Can this make color falloff with the lightsabers work on all scenes of the original 6 films? https://youtu.be/CYN2alBR3P8

Messed around with a real quick and dirty test of this the other day actually. It actually looks reasonably fine!

Dang that looks good, snooker!

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:


snooker said:

Fullmetaled said:

Can this make color falloff with the lightsabers work on all scenes of the original 6 films? https://youtu.be/CYN2alBR3P8

Messed around with a real quick and dirty test of this the other day actually. It actually looks reasonably fine!

Nice! Now send it to George McClunkey and he’ll cry for no longer being able to add this to his special editions. “It’s beautiful. The story is so much easier to understand.” 😉

The Force will be with you. Always.


Digitally replace Jar Jar with James McGill

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


I keep coming back to my idea of deleting Attack of the Clones and just having a big timeskip between TPM and ROTS. It would get rid of everything I really don’t like in the prequels. TPM and ROTS are easily improved or even perfected with edits but AotC much less so. The 3-in-1 edits tend to cut everything from TPM except for duel of the fates, but I think that’s a mistake, and duel of the fates doesn’t really work as well out of context anyway.

For this to work, some of the material in AotC would need to be added to the end of TPM or at the beginning of ROTS. I favor the ending more.
This mainly includes the clone army, Palpatine announcing the creation of the army, and something establishing who the separatists are. The most essential, trickiest part would be making a strong connection between the Trade Federation and the Separatists, showing how the events with Naboo led directly to the creation of the clone army. The groundwork is already there because Palpatine got elected off the back of the Naboo events. When he says “as my first act with this new authority” he could be referring to just getting elected as chancellor, not necessarily because Jar Jar said he should have emergency powers. But even that moment would work better right after a whole movie of Jar Jar! (maybe) Visually, the Separatists are already an extension of the Trade Federation, so that’s not too big of a reach either. If there were some way to put Dooku somewhere in this, that would be great too.

This also gives a much longer timespan for the clone army to be grown. Maybe the war doesn’t fully start until they’re finished or almost finished.


I remember that Snooker added Dooku to Qui-Gon’s funeral. That could get you started.
The next best place to integrate Dooku might be at the Jedi Council.

The problem is introducing him as an important character. In these scenes, he would merely be a random background character with a vague connection to Qui-Gon.

It would be great to have a scene of Dooku talking to anyone. You could use the footage of the balcony scene at the temple and create a new one that features Qui-Gon talking to Dooku. In this setting they can talk while standing next to one another and gazing off into the distance, that should make it a lot easier to composite everything.

The only question is what they should talk about.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Ideally, you could use that one Tales of the Jedi scene, and use visuals from the movie to have them talk. Don’t really know how feasible that is, though

I like you, let us burn things together.


One idea I had was to use Dooku and Sidious meeting at the end of AotC:

Phantom Menace ends, either with Qui Gon’s funeral or the giant peace ball. Possibly flip the order of the two somehow.

Dooku and Sidious meet mysteriously on Coruscant. The audience thinks oh crap, who’s this guy. Sidious had another backup apprentice all along and Maul getting killed didn’t end anything. Following right up from “Which was destroyed, the master or the apprentice?” Also Dooku was on some unspecified mission, and Sidious says everything is proceeding as planned, so clearly everything that happened was how he wanted it even though the Trade Federation was beaten. Very ominous.

Next we see Palpatine, obviously Sidious in case the audience didn’t get it before, announcing the creation of an army of the Republic to counter the increasing threats of the Separatists. Maybe include the part with Windu and Yoda up there like they saw this coming.

Shots of the clones on Kamino.

I think this is still missing some connective tissue putting the Trade Federation and Separatists together.


Honestly, the battle droids and general evilness alone should be enough to connect the Separatists and the Trade Federation. Both organizations are hilariously generic in the sense that we learn practically nothing about their precise motivations. All that is given in the movies is that the Trade Federation doesn’t want to pay taxes because they are greedy, and the Separatists? Well, they are characterized by their dislike for the Republic and the Jedi. Based on the abundance of big companies present at Dooku’s meeting, we can infer that they share the same bland motivation as the Trade Federation, money.

So, I think the distinction between the two can be put in the crawl of ROTS, without losing anything.

Actually, the bigger question is why Dooku is on their team. His supposed motivation to leave the Jedi and the Republic is the corruption of the senate, but the first thing he does after leaving is founding the League of the Uber-corrupt, super-capitalist of the galaxy. It just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, what greater good could justify this absurd action against his actual beliefs?

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Peter Pan said:

Honestly, the battle droids and general evilness alone should be enough to connect the Separatists and the Trade Federation. Both organizations are hilariously generic in the sense that we learn practically nothing about their precise motivations. All that is given in the movies is that the Trade Federation doesn’t want to pay taxes because they are greedy, and the Separatists? Well, they are characterized by their dislike for the Republic and the Jedi. Based on the abundance of big companies present at Dooku’s meeting, we can infer that they share the same bland motivation as the Trade Federation, money.

So, I think the distinction between the two can be put in the crawl of ROTS, without losing anything.

Actually, the bigger question is why Dooku is on their team. His supposed motivation to leave the Jedi and the Republic is the corruption of the senate, but the first thing he does after leaving is founding the League of the Uber-corrupt, super-capitalist of the galaxy. It just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, what greater good could justify this absurd action against his actual beliefs?

Yeah, visually it’s a no brainer. All the battle droids, droidekas, and neimodians are there from the start of ROTS. I just mean if I’m putting the episode 2 stuff at the end of TPM. When Palpatine says that he’s making an army to counter the increasing threats of the Separatists, it should be established that the Trade Federation is one of the groups of Separatists he’s talking about. They’re part of a trend. If anything I think it would make sense to put it in the crawl of TPM that the Federation is a Separatist group, and then reference it at least once or twice somewhere else.

For Dooku I won’t get into any detail. He’s just Sidious’s apprentice next in line after Maul. It’s a shame to leave out all the subtlety but as you said it’s not well put together anyway. His identity is tied too much to the AotC bonkers mystery plot and I’m trying to cut out 98% of that movie.


Vladius said:

Peter Pan said:

Honestly, the battle droids and general evilness alone should be enough to connect the Separatists and the Trade Federation. Both organizations are hilariously generic in the sense that we learn practically nothing about their precise motivations. All that is given in the movies is that the Trade Federation doesn’t want to pay taxes because they are greedy, and the Separatists? Well, they are characterized by their dislike for the Republic and the Jedi. Based on the abundance of big companies present at Dooku’s meeting, we can infer that they share the same bland motivation as the Trade Federation, money.

So, I think the distinction between the two can be put in the crawl of ROTS, without losing anything.

Actually, the bigger question is why Dooku is on their team. His supposed motivation to leave the Jedi and the Republic is the corruption of the senate, but the first thing he does after leaving is founding the League of the Uber-corrupt, super-capitalist of the galaxy. It just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, what greater good could justify this absurd action against his actual beliefs?

Yeah, visually it’s a no brainer. All the battle droids, droidekas, and neimodians are there from the start of ROTS. I just mean if I’m putting the episode 2 stuff at the end of TPM. When Palpatine says that he’s making an army to counter the increasing threats of the Separatists, it should be established that the Trade Federation is one of the groups of Separatists he’s talking about. They’re part of a trend. If anything I think it would make sense to put it in the crawl of TPM that the Federation is a Separatist group, and then reference it at least once or twice somewhere else.

For Dooku I won’t get into any detail. He’s just Sidious’s apprentice next in line after Maul. It’s a shame to leave out all the subtlety but as you said it’s not well put together anyway. His identity is tied too much to the AotC bonkers mystery plot and I’m trying to cut out 98% of that movie.

Ok, now I understand the problem you were worried about.
Maybe you could use an A.I. voice to change Palpatine‘s line to „…the increasing thread of separatists like the trade federation.“ (or something more eloquent).

“Vader! Hologram, now!”