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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 226


3PO replacing TC-14 has appeared in many a rewrite throughout fan history.

Maybe that's also why 3PO has that one silver leg in the OT? It's the last of his old Trade Fed coverings?

But I like him being that TF character.

But replacing him with Jar Jar? Not sure. That's alot of work replacing one annoying character with another.


But why would 3PO end up with the jedi on Naboo? Maybe they run across him during the invasion planet side, think he might have valuable information, and take him along for the ride?




There are characters which annoy other characters in the story and there are characters which annoy the audience.

Threepio in ESB may have annoyed Han Solo and Princess Leia but he was not only fun to watch but he was secretly rather heroic.

In fact it's their reluctance to listen to him that gets them into a lot of trouble.

Jar-Jar's main contribution is to remind the Queen that the other Gungans are there.

Everything else he does is accidental and moronically annoying.

The real test would be to gather sound sources and see if his dialogue could replace Jar-Jar's, be less annoying to the audience and still push the story to where it has to go.

If that can't be done there is no point trying to replace Jar-Jar with Threepio in any way.


I'm of two minds when it comes to the prequels. There is my idealistic side, which imagines something entirely different for the prequels. It would be more adult and serious.

But then there is my realistic side, which realizes that even the OOT had some lighter moments to make the serious stuff work.It's also a matter of what can be done. Realistically, yes we could replace Jar jar with 3PO, but could it be done effectively enough to make it better?

Would toning down some of Jar Jars more absurd antics and parhaps giving him a more meaningful backstory and character arc in TPM be more gratifying as a whole than a shoehorned 3PO?

One of the problems I have with the prequels is how small it made the galaxy seem. 3PO made by Anakin, R2 owned by the queen, yada, yada, yada.


Hey, you know what? What if 3PO gets his covers lost in the beginning of the film and then he's all wires and stuff to match the existing footage of him in TPM? Maybe Anakin wants to help him out and somehow(through fan edit magic!) he gets new coverings?


Hmmm...to quote Indy in Last Crusade: "I don't know I'm making it up as I go." :P



I did suggest earlier that Threepio may have a tracking device fitted (which is how Maul finds them) and they take his covers off to find it before he goes "boom".


Damn, that's a mighty fine idea bingo. Never thought of that.

In George's revised rough draft, he had the jedi say the TF doesn't have long distance tracking and Obi-Wan then suggests, "only the republic does", suggesting he was worried there might be a conspiracy inside the republic to help the TF in their pursuit.

This takes place right after the Sio-Bibble transmission aboard the queen's ship.

Now it is Qui-Gon saying it was bait to establish a connection trace.

So what if we now have that dialogue and then the heores discard 3po's coverings and then they find a tracking device and they're like "oh shit. We're running out of time".


That could up the ante for the heroes to get off Tatooine/Geonosis/whatever before they are found.

Kinda mimics the original SW with tracking devices without being too copycat and also answers the question: how the hell did Maul find them?

The official line is Amidala-decoy answering the transmission from Bibble was enough to establish a trace but that's not really credible especially following Obi-Wan's "send no reply of any kind" command.

I like your tracking device idea alot.


timdiggerm said:

Oh goodness, a whole message board for people making protocol droid costumes and models. Well, there goes that logistical problem!

And I thought *we* were nerds. ;-)


TV's Frink said:

timdiggerm said:

Oh goodness, a whole message board for people making protocol droid costumes and models. Well, there goes that logistical problem!

And I thought *we* were nerds. ;-)

We are Frink.... We are.


Well yes...but there are nerds, and then there are

Name:  ogre.jpg Views: 33056 Size:  84.4 KB


Monolithium said:

The Cutter said:


those who are tired of it all, join me in the dark side !! The truth is here !! : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GvpT_7BMAc



Brilliant.  Brilliant, I say!

This was over in the blu-ray thread.  It wasn't bad.


oh damn thats SOOOOO much better than what we got originally!

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


wow. that really turns that scene around! vader is badass again!


Does sound good, it doesn't matter about Vader re-saying "the power of the force" as he does say it a few times in the OT, kinda his catch phrase



Yeah especially since it's lots better than repeatedly saying "I gotta bad feeling about this" like in all six films.


It would be kind of cool if Vader turned on the Emperor at that point (figuring he had nothing to lose).

The shots of him wrecking his birthing lab could be cut with footage from the Yoda, Sidious fight showing Palpatine putting Vader back in his place and teaching him a lesson that would keep him enslaved to the Emperor until ROTJ.


see this is what i mean about 70's style facial hair missing in the PT.



Sorry I'm rather late to the game, but a few thoughts...

Not sure how possible these suggestions would be... Apologies also if this is long.

General observation which I think we would all agree on of the prequels is there is far too much pointless exposition and not enough action. Anakin/Vaders transition is too quick IMO and no Jar-Jar...

It also seems to me the plots also don't make sense, for example why on earth would the Trade Federation want to invade a backwater planet like Naboo?

My first suggestion would be to make Naboo have something unique and valuable, perhaps a new power source that has just been made/invented there... One that would allow the construction of much larger capital ships space station and also a significant upgrade in weapons capabilities i.e. a superweapon. It could be secret, but as Palpatine's home planet he would be privy to that information. That would be a reason that both a Sith Lord and a massive company with military assets to have an interest in Naboo.

Ironically the Charachter/relationship I think that needs to be changed the most is Yoda and Obi-Wan... "Yoda the Jedi Master who trained me". So shouldn't Yoda be Obi-Wan's master. Seems there could be several solutions here, either have Obi-Wan already a Jedi Knight. Or have a seen where Yoda hands him over to Qui-Gon because Yoda is stuck at the temple teaching and wants Obi-Wan to go on some missions.

There are several other key changes I think that should be done to Characters. Firstly I'd suggest making Padme, a Princess instead of a Queen (she's 13 after all) and also remove that election nonsense, who elects 13 year olds? 

Then also make Anakin much older than in the TPM... I'm going to continually use the words more sense here... I'd suggest having him between the age of 13-18 - romance between him and Padme would also make much more sense, the council moaning about his age would make more sense... And him being a crafty pilot would make more sense. Deffo make him blow the Trade Federation ship up deliberately + more of him being an awesome pilot.

Tatooine needs major work, it lags and is boring. I think a lot could be cut... There needs to be some sort of meeting with Anakin, perhaps him saving someone being mugged, or Qui-Gon see's his podracing abilities. Interesting touch could be to have Anakin having already constructed himself a lightsaber...

I think during this time a romance between Anakin and Padme would make a lot more sense. A lot of what I think needs to be changed is in the first sections of the film... Though the space battle being made better and having Anakin be a much better pilot would be great.

I think it would also be best for the Phantom Menace to end with the beginning of the Clone Wars... i.e after the Trade Federation is defeated they form an alliance with others and go to war with the Republic... With Darth Sidieous pulling those strings.

Finally; I'd really like Dooku to be in TPM, possibly as a Jedi prior to leaving the Order (perhaps even see him leave the order because of Qui-Gons death).

With the Clone Wars having already begun, we would then be right in the middle of them for Episode 2... I think it would be good to see Grievous killing Jedi during the second film to set him up as a threat. Episode 2, instead of being a romance film, would be a film following characters exploits in the wars. Think there should be more of Anakin piloting again...

Here's another point it's called the CLONE wars... Shouldn't that mean it's Clones vs Clones rather than droids? However not sure how possibly it would be to change that, but just a thought.

Anakin's decent to the Dark Side, perhaps would make a bit of sense if he does gradually more morally grey things to defeat the separatists... If anyone is familiar with KotoR in a way similar to how Revan slowly gets darker over the course of the war with the Mandalorians.

The final push I think could be Sideous framing the Jedi for killing/being to blame for Padme dying (she doesn't have to be dead, just Anakin think she is)... And then Anakin raging and killing the Jedi over what has happened...

I'd actually like to have seen Darth Vader in suit hunting down Jedi... Anyone else think thats a good idea.

Anyways I will stop boring you all with my small 2 cents on the Prequels...

"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." - Rabindranath Tagore

"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." - Kahlil Gibran


All very good ideas for a remake but can any of these ideas be adapted to editing concepts?

Your idea of turning the Clone Wars into wars between clones makes good sense on paper.

Perhaps if the Super Battledroids and large Separatist war machines were cyborgs like Grievous their organic components could be cloned.

That could lead to some nasty imagery of panels being shot off exposing fleshy innards and their factories could have flesh vats as well as conveyor belts.

That is an adaptation that could possibly be integrated into existing footage.


Bingowings said:

All very good ideas for a remake but can any of these ideas be adapted to editing concepts?

Your idea of turning the Clone Wars into wars between clones makes good sense on paper.

Perhaps if the Super Battledroids and large Separatist war machines were cyborgs like Grievous their organic components could be cloned.

That could lead to some nasty imagery of panels being shot off exposing fleshy innards and their factories could have flesh vats as well as conveyor belts.

That is an adaptation that could possibly be integrated into existing footage.

Hey Bingowings,

I only mod Star Wars games, so I don't have any technical expertise in the field of editing/changing/adding to films. I'd hope most of my suggestions are possible, I was aiming to be constructive to the purposes of the thread. i.e. Hayden Christiansen could be used as Anakin from Episode 2 into 1....

Obviously perhaps the hardest is the above as you've pointed with regards having clones on either side. I think your suggestion is one of the few ways it could be done. It perhaps is like the Ewoks into Wookies in RotJ - something many would like to see done but isn't practicle with the tools available.

"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." - Rabindranath Tagore

"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." - Kahlil Gibran


ben_danger said:

see this is what i mean about 70's style facial hair missing in the PT.


I'd hate to be the person to hand paint this face fuzz and change the outfits but George...Ben in ANH was in disguise, Luke in ROTJ wasn't :


Bingowings said:

ben_danger said:

see this is what i mean about 70's style facial hair missing in the PT.


I'd hate to be the person to hand paint this face fuzz and change the outfits but George...Ben in ANH was in disguise, Luke in ROTJ wasn't :

I agree with this. Another Lucas fubar. Why most all Jedi dress just like Obi-Wan did in ANH is ridiculous... Those were supposed to be typical Tattooine clothes... Owen wore them too! I always thought the Jedi would have an array of clothes. Or like you said, more like Luke was dressed in ROTJ. But as was also said, it would be difficult to recolor every robe, frame by frame.


If it were farmed out.

Perhaps one person doing a single Jedi and the efforts of all these people were combined it could be done.

I'm not sure if there are any technological shortcuts out there.