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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 225


The Aluminum Falcon said:


Bingowings said:

In the same vein instead of Anakin actually killing children Clone Troopers could enter the council chambers armed with sabers taken from fallen Jedi.

That's actually a fantastic idea. It makes Anakin's fall from grace so much more realistic, and he doesn't appear to be a psychotic homicidal maniac. Obi-Wan and Padme appear now to be liars in a confusing world and his turn against them makes sense... It would create the original idea that Anakin thought there was utter corruption among even friends and the only one he could trust was Palpatine and himself, turning to the dark side. Love the picture by the way. ;-)


I like this.

However, how would the Emperor explain the public situation of himself always being sided by a "jedi traitor", while the other Jedi are being slaughtered. Even more, considering Anakin's supposed to be one of the greatest Jedi ever. With this I mean, by having it this way, you'd be almost stating (without making it explicit) that the whole galaxy could suspect that Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker; or at least, the whole galaxy would know that Anakins Skywalker before "dying" in Mustafar, supported Palpatine.

That would, from a certain POV, attempt against the rebelation in ESB. Anakin wasn't a great guy for everybody who met him, that was consumed by the dark side. He was an Empire's supported, who Luke thinks was a great guy just because ObiWan told him he was.


Based on one of Yoda's (or ObiWan's, I don't remember clearly at the moment) quotes from ROTJ "don't underestimate the emperor if you don't wanna end up like your father"; I'd try to go for the exact opposite way. Anakin and ObiWan would be the great, heroic Jedis who when the night falls for the Republic, go and try to overthrow the emperor. That would be the climatic moment of their friendship. Some of them betrays the other, or makes some mistake like "underestimating the power of the emperor" and Anakin ends up with his wounds, and with a serious issue of anger against Obi Wan.

ROTS would be ending up with a sequence rather similar to the one with which it actually opens, two Jedi brothers in a desperate mission to save the Republic.


He didn't side with Anakin.

He sided with Darth Vader, a Sith Lord and sworn enemy of the Jedi.

Once Vader takes a lava bath Vader's true identity would be a secret to all but a chosen few.

It's so handy for Palpatine that Anakin got his identity burned off it's almost as if he planned it that way.

Perhaps having Palpatine telepathically prompting Anakin to jump (like Obi-Wan prompting Luke to blow up the Death Star without the computer) could put a bit of a line under that?



I made some rough mockups of Jar-Jar = C3PO replacement idea (see previous page).


It would be very difficult but it wouldn't be impossible.

I suggested something similar in the early pages of the thread by having Threepio start out as protocol droid sent with the Jedi for their parley with the Feds who just gets swept up in the adventure.


Bingowings said:

He didn't side with Anakin.

He sided with Darth Vader, a Sith Lord and sworn enemy of the Jedi.

Once Vader takes a lava bath Vader's true identity would be a secret to all but a chosen few.

It's so handy for Palpatine that Anakin got his identity burned off it's almost as if he planned it that way.

Perhaps having Palpatine telepathically prompting Anakin to jump (like Obi-Wan prompting Luke to blow up the Death Star without the computer) could put a bit of a line under that?



Before Vader takes the lava breath, Vader is clearly Anakin, just as Dooku is still Dooku, and not darth Tyrannus, or Palpatine is Palpatine and not Sidious.

Anakin is supposed to be the Republic's greatest military hero (not because the PT stuff, mainly because of the "cunning warrior" line of the OT); he's also a Jedi, and Palpatine supports him. Then the Empire comes, what would happen with the "public" figure of Anakin? The Empire would remember him as a hero, or as a traitor?If the Empire held Anakins memory as a hero, then the people could ask ¿why, considering he was another Jedi traitor? And then, they could suspect that Vader, who still sides the Emperor could be Anakin.

It's a rather twisted critic, I know, but I just wanted to point out that you could always put Anakin in the exact opposite situation, of him confronting the emperor, and the plot line that change would generate would still be in line with many of the ideas ObiWan and Yoda throw us in the OT, of how the events developed.


I suggested elsewhere that Grievous's body be salvaged from where he fell in much the same way that Anakin's was, creating an ambiguity.

That ambiguity would be strengthened if we don't see what goes into the Vader suit and he get's his title only after the suit is assembled.

That way Anakin can be manipulated into turning against his former master and seem to die, the General and notable Jedi hunter could also seem to be killed by Obi-Wan too.

Either could have been restored in the suit.

The only big problem is that Grievous is not the pupil described by Ben in ANH and he clearly doesn't betray and kill Vader. 

In an ideal world the Seperatists could have kidnapped the Chancellor for the final half of the film.

The Jedi could have then gone on an epic mission to rescue him and uncovered the truth during that mission.

If Mace/Anakin/Palpatine confrontation took place on the Volcanic world instead of Coruscant (after Anakin has discovered that Palpatine was the Sith Lord behind the Clone Wars and not Dooku) that would have created a much more interesting dynamic for the final movie.

Instead of all that standing still delivering speeches between action cut scenes the second half of the film could be a paranoid action film with characters being pushed from one side and another.

Aliens starts off as a rescue film and soon turns into a dark under siege movie with treacherous back stabbing and shifting allegiances.

Sadly I can't see how that kind of restructuring could be done without a total remake.


Evin Jade said:

Hello there! Long time reading this boards, but never really post something. And I must say, you guys rocks in terms of creating something new from very sad PT. I just hope that ideas from here one day became a part of really cool edit.

Something came to my mind today. It's a little crazy idea, but what if we replace Jar-Jar on C-3PO?

For example, in Episode I, C-3PO could be that servant droid on trade fed's ship in the very beginning, who sought a chance to escape from his greedy masters when jedi show up. Hi sneaks onto one of the ships after jedi and lands on the planet. When Qui-Gon run through the forest he might see him (here we replace JJ with droid) and so on. Then they meet Obi-Wan and Threepio say, that he knows the way to the city (cut underwater sequence entirely). Movie continues as usual, except we see Threepio and no Jar-Jar. When on Tatooine, we smoothly cut meeting Threepio with R2, then roto/replace/cut the footage with Binks and Threepio to create one golden droid from both gungan and non-covered C-3PO.

In other two movies similar things may be done. I just seen a footage and it really could work. Of course, this almost impossible and would require shooting an actor with a suit and a massive redub and effects work, but who knows..

Sorry for spelling, my english is not so perfect)

This is a great idea.  I'm surprised how plausible it is.  I think someone with Adywan's skills and backing could really pull it off.  *hint hint*


Bingowings said:

These ideas do go around and around :-D

We all just can't stop thinking, how to polish that turd. Thanks, George! xD

If this kind of replacement could be doable, than it's great. One step on the long road to the better PT.


To use a recent metaphor from elsewhere, we are more attempting to turn poo poo into chocolate :-D


Bingowings said:

To use a recent metaphor from elsewhere, we are more attempting to turn poo poo into chocolate :-D

I threw up in my mouth a little bit...


Perhaps 'replace' would be a better choice of word than 'turn' :-D

It might aid us in the viability of the threepio replacement scheme if someone attempted to assemble replacement audio for Jar Jar's lines.

With The Clone Wars, the PT and the radio plays to pool from there may be a chance of that working.


As Dana Carvey said as Ross Perot, "You can't pee in a Mr. Coffee and get Taster's Choice!"



  1. Why does Threepio sneak down to the planet if he's a TF droid? It might work better to make him the Jedi's droid, not replacing the TF Welcome Party. (Note: This might make "Nice to see a familiar face" in ESB a little funnier, if you get what I mean?) If they're ambassadors, why shouldn't they have a protocol droid?
  2. How do they get from the swamp to the city, if they don't visit Otoh Gunga at all?
  3. If we're talking about no gungans, when/where/how/why is the Padme/Amidala thing revealed effectively?

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


He could be a general Republic protocol droid used by the Feds.

I did suggest in my earlier post that one of the Feds is obsessed with the Queen living long enough to sign the treaty and Threepio is programmed for a secret mission to protect her (reversing the role Artoo had in ANH).

He could even have a homing device placed inside him which is how Maul manages to track them.

He could even have his coverings removed to try and track the device down (giving another reason for See Throughpio).

So he could find himself indirectly trying to influence events to that goal.

When the treaty no longer becomes an issue his other mission which is never countermanded becomes so embedded that he becomes a valuable asset.

He could remind the Queen about potential of the Gungans so the scenes in their underwater city become redundant or it could be replaced with a different kind of city which the Federation could destroy.


timdiggerm said:


  1. Why does Threepio sneak down to the planet if he's a TF droid? It might work better to make him the Jedi's droid, not replacing the TF Welcome Party. (Note: This might make "Nice to see a familiar face" in ESB a little funnier, if you get what I mean?) If they're ambassadors, why shouldn't they have a protocol droid?
  2. How do they get from the swamp to the city, if they don't visit Otoh Gunga at all?
  3. If we're talking about no gungans, when/where/how/why is the Padme/Amidala thing revealed effectively?

1. He might has his own reasons. It may be explained in one or two phrases from him, and that be enough. All we need is to create a new dialogs for droid in the beginning and shoot some new scenes where he sneaks on a ship. All this idea relays strongly on dialogs. If we make a nice new dialogs, no one would ask "why".

2. It's simple. Ships should land near the city, not on the oher side of the planet (like RLM said, it's plain stupid). Threepio just "knows" a short way to the capital.

3. No idea. But I'm sure, something could be done. Meditate on this, I will :)


You can re-dub the Feds and their droids to say anything.

You can also get Threepio to say anything you like too.

Exposition is only limited by A) it's actual necessity B) Available material and opportunity.


What if Threepio was just a droid in Amidala's court?  Maybe he could have been sent out to find the Jedi... or to find help or something at least.



Maybe some of Jar-Jar could be Threepio and some of him could be a toned down or very different Jar-Jar.