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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 221


i should really have put it in your thread. i was thinking it relate to quigon talking about "the sound of a thousand terrible things coming this way"


Ah, well to save you the time, I can tell you now I won't be adding that.

And it did actually remind me of Endor.


^agreed, there may be something in that. especially if someone wanted to edit them as friends perhaps like some faneditors have.


mrbenja0618 said:

TV's Frink said:

Midichlorians = Poison Gas.


Done and done.

Somehow I missed this clip. at 7:00.. If the dialogue had gone like that in the real film, I actually think it would have been a legitimately funny moment. I miss the verbal sparring of the OT. Nice.

I agree that the PT really missed some of the back-and-forth of the OT.

I think there could also be some use for the idea that the battle droids talk in code (Lobot-speak, in my edit) and are subtitled.


TV's Frink said:

mrbenja0618 said:

TV's Frink said:

Midichlorians = Poison Gas.


Done and done.

Somehow I missed this clip. at 7:00.. If the dialogue had gone like that in the real film, I actually think it would have been a legitimately funny moment. I miss the verbal sparring of the OT. Nice.

I agree that the PT really missed some of the back-and-forth of the OT.

I think there could also be some use for the idea that the battle droids talk in code (Lobot-speak, in my edit) and are subtitled.

Also very true. Fortunately, my edit will avoid most of that anyway... Well, maybe not. I've managed to remove most of the droid chatter in my edit. Come to think of it, I can only think of 2 droids in the classic movies that spoke. 3P0 and that droid in Jabba's palace.


That droid in Jabba's palace might as well have been a PT droid - it was the first of several to come, unfortunately.


and 21B plus the silver protocol droid at Cloud City.


I thought it might be a shaggy dog story about how the silver protocol droid got off the Tantive IV and ended up at Cloud City, condensed into a single word with an insult thrown in for good measure.

Note to self, must not give the EU writers any ideas.

Self says:

Echuta !


Bingowings said:

I thought it might be a shaggy dog story about how the silver protocol droid got off the Tantive IV and ended up at Cloud City, condensed into a single word with an insult thrown in for good measure.

Note to self, must not give the EU writers any ideas.

Self says:

Echuta !

 ^ Nice to see a familiar face!


mrbenja0618 said:

...I can only think of 2 droids in the classic movies that spoke. 3P0 and that droid in Jabba's palace.

Take Care, Sir

...and a certain droid that was worried about T-47's.

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


Bingowings said:

Now there are two of them!






























<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


TV's Frink said:

I lol'd.

Was it an Actual Lol?

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


*rumagess around* I'm sure theres a topic in here somewhere




Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


greenpenguino said:

TV's Frink said:

I lol'd.

Was it an Actual Lol?



BarBar Jinkx said:

*rumagess around* I'm sure theres a topic in here somewhere





Fun over, back to work.



i was thinking of how the characters were originally intended to be introduced in ANH, then how they actually were, and how much stronger it was as a result. i love the way luke is called by beru, and we immediately relate to him as a result.

now this self critical approach to film editting can clearly be attributing to lucas' ex wife and editting phenomenon. are there choices that can be made in the PT with this mentality?

how could anakin be introduced perhaps in this manner? perhaps he might not be a slave, so his choice to leave may be a little less black and white and may have an element of sacrifice attached to it?

i put this consideration forward a while ago, but what if the naboo starcraft makes it to tatooine independant of the jedi, and the jedi are travelling to tatooine to collect anakin. they are weary of helping the naboo for whatever reason, but anakin forces them to get involved so qui gon can teach him.

if there is a way, perhaps quigon can speak of the prophecy to shmi, and maybe the chosen one could be like some reincarnated guy who quigon knew a long time ago. sidious is the old arch enemy of the chosen one perhaps.


I suggested earlier that the only reason Anakin and his mother are so well looked after is because he is a Pod Jockey and his mother repairs the components for Watto's pod (which is how they sneaked out the parts for Anakin's).

You could show other child slaves (possibly using footage from other films) which are more badly treated on the streets of Mos Espa.

That way you could cut the whole of the original introduction and have Anakin meet Qui-Gon at the market just before the sandstorm.

He could then take Qui-Gon to meet his owner and get him to propose putting Anakin's pod into the race to win the parts.

Anakin has detected Qui-Gon is a Jedi, followed him, offered him hospitality, won the race, all to get himself away from Tatooine.

This is more like the sort of kid who would grow up to be Vader than what we saw in the theatrical version because he has a plan and follows it through.

His mother sees him as being without guile but he really has manipulated everyone into getting himself where he wants to be. 


the sense that anakin, like vader, is this genius manipulator is certainly lost in the PT. its sort of picked up more in the clone wars series.

your suggestion bingo is really dark, and i sort of like it more, that perhaps an inherently more sinister character, is later offered the choices of good and bad from an ambiguous beginning.

would this more manipulative anakin need to be featured at the beginning of the film? his plight and squalor could contrast against the privileged and civilised naboo, which is later brought to a similar state of despair?

- what if perhaps, anakin is a complete alternative to luke, in that he desperately wants to change things, and isn't afraid at all. an opening with anakin could be all about "i really want to change things" but its beyond his power. when he leaves with quigon his mother could tell him that now he has a chance to make a difference in the universe. ultimately he would.


My suggestion of showing more tragic slaves on Tatooine would hopefully show Anakin has already used his latent skills to rise above the fate of most slaves on the planet.

I wonder if the shot of Anakin giving some food (?) to Qui-Gon at the Market could be adjusted so he is giving it to a poor slave instead.

He dreams of coming back to free the others including his mother so while he is manipulative and ambitious he isn't selfish in the traditional sense.

He is just trying to make the world the way he thinks it should be, which is arguably something Vader continues to do (even if most people would disagree with him if they dared).


Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold said:

Midichlorians. One of the most controversial aspects of the PT. The one that seems to have been more easily fixed and it mostly involves removing dialogue. However what if there was a way to include the midichlorians as a conservative aspect of the Jedi order?

That is to say, instead of Qui-gon having faith in Anakin because of his midicount, Mace should demand a count (in my interpretations they are related to the force but having lots of them could very well mean nothing). Dubbing would be requiered for this, but I believe the Jedis being conservative is one of the better devices in that trilogy and needs reinforcement.

I thought about this: one could be a faction of jedi known as the bendu. They are the more mystical sect. Bendu adherents include Yoda and most of the jedi order. They adhere more to the unifying force.

The others are the Ashla, the older sect, focusing on the scientific, etc. Adherents include Qui-Gon and his master, Dooku. They adhere more to the living force.

The actions and dialogue of Qui-Gon even follow this path in the existing TPM.


Luke would thus be a blend of the two when he emerges in RotJ.



Bingowings said:

It ties up the PT plothole but personally I would prefer to solve that in the PT by having Anakin leave his saber with Padme for the child (after using it on Mace) and Vader using a red blade given to him by the Emperor. 

ok, this sort of follows a point made in the ANH thread.

it was discussed ages ago, that anakin goes to visit padme after he finds out about palpatines real identity. if this was moved to after he tells mace, and used as an alternternative to the ruminations scene, could he leave his lightsaber here with her?

enstead of "obi wan has been here hasn't he", it could be "the chancellor has been here hasn't he". padme's expression of blissful ignorance when she says "he's been worried about you" could enforce anakin's burden.

the lightsaber he uses to kill mace could be palpatine's, which could have fallen on the floor during the fight (enstead of flying out the window). it may suggest then that he uses this lightsaber from now on.