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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 207


skyjedi2005 said:

I thought the cgi backgrounds in Kingdom of the Crystal skull jungle scene look fake and awful, i guess they deserve credit for them being less awful than that fake background in attack of the clones. 

At least in crystal skull the plates were shot on location by a photographer and then cgi in. 

In Attack of the Clones that whole scene is faked in front of a green screen, no real sand or location. Lucash obviously did not want to shoot backgrounds in Tunisia.

Nice radical ideas!

*shaking head*


TV's Frink said:

skyjedi2005 said:

I thought the cgi backgrounds in Kingdom of the Crystal skull jungle scene look fake and awful, i guess they deserve credit for them being less awful than that fake background in attack of the clones.

At least in crystal skull the plates were shot on location by a photographer and then cgi in.

In Attack of the Clones that whole scene is faked in front of a green screen, no real sand or location. Lucash obviously did not want to shoot backgrounds in Tunisia.

Nice radical ideas!

*shaking head*

There is some shooting going on in Tunisia right now, not sure if it's going to do anyone any good though.


I think he meant shooting with guns, not cameras.




Is there a way to edit the existing films to make Anakin played by Hayden Sympathetic and seduced slowly by evil.  Is it possible to make padme not an air-headed moron attracted to a psychopath ?

Can II and III deliver on the story we thought we would get in the sequels to the phantom menace ?


Lucas figured episode 1 had too much exposition so therefore lets make II and III more dense visually and add more action, does not give one time to focus on a salient story or breathe.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


In the rules you are allowed an image only post if it's salient to the subject.

A bit of descriptive text explaining why you chose that image would put you well within the safety zone.

I for one would love to read and see any radical PT redux ideas you have.

You have very clear ideas about what doesn't work, the real challenge is trying to figure out ways to make things work or at least approach working closer than they currently do.


My problem is Anakin is not the good man Obi Wan spoke of.

Nor was he a good friend.

The character motivations make no sense in the story.  My whole opinion is Anakin turned to the Darkside because he was dumb and was tricked by a lie.  A lie so transparent only a complete simpleton would fall for it.

That lacks power as a story.  There is no hubris in trying to do the right thing and thinking the ends justify the means.  He is just duped and a moron.

A less than 2 dimensional character.  There is no human compassion or character in him in those movies to make Luke want to save in in jedi.


My biggest problem with these movies Lucas has a strong visual sense so he uses that to try and hide the fact that he cannot weave a consistent narrative that makes any sense or is powerful.  If this was supposed to be Dante's inferno, and Milton's paradise lost it was the worst version of those archetypes ever conceived on video and not film.


Lucas idea on these films was that if you shot enough footage and coverage you could create the story in post.  Why have a usable script when you can just do it all on the fly like he did in film school, cinema verite and all that.  He used those horrible scripts as a guideline to shoot the footage but the dialog was atrocious and he thought he could compose the performances in post also so he would combine multiple takes and so on, or film actors separately but then splice them into the same scene when the actors are talking to an empty greenscreen set which is claustrophobic and not conducive to a ensemble film.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


TV's Frink said:

I think he meant shooting with guns, not cameras.


Joke miss fail. =/


Twas more a wry comment than a joke, it's hard to pull belly laughs out of such a tragic series of events but hopefully the Tunisians will manage to pull a less corrupt Government out of the flames.

George picked a prescient location to film the start his saga of civil unrest against tyranny but I guess if you put a pin anywhere on the globe you could get similar results.


Here's a thought that would probably be very difficult to realize, but since this is the "Radical" Redux thread I'll throw it out there: to me, one of the worst examples of CGI over-use, and one of the things that really sets the prequels apart from the OT visually, is that the clonetroopers are all digital. I wonder how much clone footage could be replaced with shots of guys in physical suits....even if it were just a few of the more static, close-up shots, it might make a big difference.


Darth Cadavra said:

Here's a thought that would probably be very difficult to realize, but since this is the "Radical" Redux thread I'll throw it out there: to me, one of the worst examples of CGI over-use, and one of the things that really sets the prequels apart from the OT visually, is that the clonetroopers are all digital. I wonder how much clone footage could be replaced with shots of guys in physical suits....even if it were just a few of the more static, close-up shots, it might make a big difference.

Yeah, these guys are very good......they are from Belfast and are called Emerald Garrison.



Well, even if I agree with you in the fact that there's something different between PT and OT troopers, I think it is more a difference in the way they're filmed than in their suits. In the OT stormtroopers are more a background element than characters while in the PT they have their closeups.

And I think that if you look carefully at the photo Jaitea posted, well, there you have an actual prop which still looks like CG. I've been thinking why does that sensation come to my mind and I realised that while OT armours are shiny, PT are dull (I think this could have been done to save rendering time by not havin all those reflections). It'd be interesting if somebody that masters photoshop could trick some picture to see how would a shiny clonetrooper and a dull stormtrooper look


skyjedi2005 said:

My problem is Anakin is not the good man Obi Wan spoke of.

Nor was he a good friend.

The character motivations make no sense in the story.  My whole opinion is Anakin turned to the Darkside because he was dumb and was tricked by a lie.  A lie so transparent only a complete simpleton would fall for it.

That lacks power as a story.  There is no hubris in trying to do the right thing and thinking the ends justify the means.  He is just duped and a moron.

A less than 2 dimensional character.  There is no human compassion or character in him in those movies to make Luke want to save in in jedi.


My biggest problem with these movies Lucas has a strong visual sense so he uses that to try and hide the fact that he cannot weave a consistent narrative that makes any sense or is powerful.  If this was supposed to be Dante's inferno, and Milton's paradise lost it was the worst version of those archetypes ever conceived on video and not film.


Lucas idea on these films was that if you shot enough footage and coverage you could create the story in post.  Why have a usable script when you can just do it all on the fly like he did in film school, cinema verite and all that.  He used those horrible scripts as a guideline to shoot the footage but the dialog was atrocious and he thought he could compose the performances in post also so he would combine multiple takes and so on, or film actors separately but then splice them into the same scene when the actors are talking to an empty greenscreen set which is claustrophobic and not conducive to a ensemble film.


And bookmarked.


Jaitea said:

Yeah, these guys are very good......they are from Belfast and are called Emerald Garrison.


Good at what?  Putting precision blast points on the side of a sandcrawler?


It would be good to have some real PT Troopers in the foreground to divert the eye away from the more obvious CGI ones.


I also dig the idea of real guys in suits for the PT. I am shocked that GL went 100% digital with the clone-troopers, even in closeups.


It's not that they look bad exactly, I guess they even sort of fit with the  cartoon-ish artificial world of the prequels. But guys in gritty suits (at least for closeups) would make a world of difference in helping to just ground things a bit.


I love the real-trooper idea. I'm hoping this is one of those things that makes it into Ady's PT:R. You know, in the 2050s, when he gets to those.


Have we talked about the idea of trying to fix the music?

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


The one thing that makes the troopers looks really fake is when they have their helmets off. Placing a real head on a CG body just didn't work and the ones where they are fully CG their faces looks so fake.  Why the hell didn't they just build a few costumes for these shots?

I'm hopefully going down the real-trooper route when i get to the PT. Also they won't be clones of Jango. Jango will have been hired to recruit the best mercenaries from all over the galaxy for the cloning process so there would be a variety of clones and you can have different voices, which would tie that into the OT where the stormtroopers don't all sound the same




I for one would not use The Imperial March until the last minutes of ROTS (when there is an Empire).

I would use the Imperial 'theme' from ANH as the trooper theme and The Droid Invasion from TPM as the droid army theme exclusively, giving each army a unique signature.


adywan said:

The one thing that makes the troopers looks really fake is when they have their helmets off. Placing a real head on a CG body just didn't work and the ones where they are fully CG their faces looks so fake.  Why the hell didn't they just build a few costumes for these shots?

I'm hopefully going down the real-trooper route when i get to the PT. Also they won't be clones of Jango. Jango will have been hired to recruit the best mercenaries from all over the galaxy for the cloning process so there would be a variety of clones and you can have different voices, which would tie that into the OT where the stormtroopers don't all sound the same

Remove the kid and have Jango be Boba and that's exactly the route I'd like to go (short of reshooting so the clones are the bad guys and the troopers are just regular people) :)