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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 199


It certainly looks like the beginning of the dark times...the orange looks more like the golden years.


The other problem I have with geonosis is there are moments in the cutting of AOTC where it could be either Tatooine or Geonosis. There's not enough distinction.

And Geonosis even shows sand dunes....blah. Enough. Make it more distinct. The coloring goes a long way.

Oh that and taking out the dunes.

Has anyone went over some of the ideas Lucas had in the Episode One revised rough draft?

It's full of lotsa goodies.

Jar Jar fights bravely during the end battle, overcoming his fear.

Maul has a bigger role.

And tons of bits that help explain certain things left open for debate in the finished film.




Bingowings said:

It certainly looks like the beginning of the dark times...the orange looks more like the golden years.

 Which is why I think we should recolor the entire OT orange and recolor the PT grey, just to warn audiences....


That industrial part of Coruscant where Dookie flies at the end of Attack of the Clones, it's never seen or mentioned again in the series. Palpatine and Maul could have their conversation in that zone.


Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold said:

That industrial part of Coruscant where Dookie flies at the end of Attack of the Clones, it's never seen or mentioned again in the series. Palpatine and Maul could have their conversation in that zone.

Already done that ;)





I used to think those looks were not possible with motion video, because it would require a lot of masks and just yeah..... A lot of work, but since I've seen Bob Garcia wield AE CS5 I believe it could happen. I'd try it myself if I had a 64 bit system.


Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold said:

That industrial part of Coruscant where Dookie flies at the end of Attack of the Clones, it's never seen or mentioned again in the series. Palpatine and Maul could have their conversation in that zone.

Isn't that also the place where Anakin's transformation takes place in EpIII?



Was having a go at unifying the prequel posters a little. I never like the Phantom Menace poster, so I tried to make them look more like a set. Scaled down massively for Photobucket...




Lemonstein said:

 Really nice! My only complaint is that in the Phantom Menace poster, Samuel L. Jackson is all alone at the bottom, and his facial expression kinda looks like "Damn, I wish I was up there with all those other mothaf***ers"


But great job, A huge improvement over the originals!


It's funny you mention Mace being at the bottom, I tried him in several places and he just did not fit. I know he's all alone there, but other places spoiled the composition a bit. It's hard to take someone else's original work and change it without totally ruining the balance - like the Lucasfilm publicity people did with Drew Struzan's original Episode III poster, putting that oversized Vader behind the painting. Ugh. But I had to change that horrible head dress that Padme was wearing for something more attractive.

 They're not quite finished, but just about.


Great work, I always loved the Struzan posters, but always felt they were too empty. Great posters, but they just never represented the films in my opinion. ROTS is a major improvement and I applaud your decision to remove Vader.

Samuel Jackson does seem a little, slapped in there. I would suggest making him block Jar Jar.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Really these do belong in the art forums but what I will say is that if you want them to be really a set look at the last two and use them as a guide.

They were more obviously designed to match each other (look at how the droids and Yoda are in almost the same positions, how the gunship and the Jedi fighter are in almost the same position).

I'd get a ruler out and connect this points of similarity together and adjust the TPM poster accordingly. I'd also reduce Anakin to match Fett (or enlarge Fett to match Anakin) and remove the lens-flare trailing along the bottom border of TPM by fading it before it enters the same area as the title.

Having the flare dip so low is very busy and spoils the balance of the piece.

It might even be worth sampling an image of Yoda for TPM poster to replace Mace (Mace is a boring character anyway) in the correct position and use a different image of the droids positioned in the same area as in the other two so you see the evolution of Threepio throughout the trilogy.

I'd replace mean green Palpatine with an image of Darth Maul (aren't we supposed to believe he is a good guy in episode one?).


Well I don't want them to be identical, just stylistically similar. I think they match more now than before, and they're not finished yet. That lens flare does fade out, I'll have to do it more otherwise Photobucket just ruins it.

EyeShotFirst, I tried Mace there and it just didn't work. I'll have to try something else all together with him. Sticking Darth Maul in there also doesn't work because his facial pattern just doesn't blend with the otherwise soft montage of the poster. Lemme see what I can do hehe...

Cheers guys.


If they were all identical they would all be the same, if you want them to be stylistically similar you have to obey the rules of the style and the last two are the closest to following the same style which is why I suggested concentrating the majority of your adjustments to the first poster.


I've always liked the way the PT posters looked. The AOTC poster is my favorite of the entire saga. Too bad it depicts an epicness the movie can't live up too :p

I don't think you really added anything to the TPM and AOTC posters, but I liked what you did with the ROTS poster, if only for replacing that terrible image of Padme that was used on the original poster.

The ROTS poster has always been my least favorite. I don't like the images of the cast that were used and it always seemed a bit too crowded for me. And the composition is weird in that it kind of feels like it should be a landscape poster but not really. You are right in saying that Struzan was asked to put Vader on the poster after he was done with it, so that may have been part of why the composition is a bit forced.



I definitely agree that AOTC is the best of the prequel posters, it really did capture an epic quality that the movie fell short of. The ROTS poster was just ruined after Struzan turned in his work, although in his new book he says it was the Lucasfilm publicity people who did it, not him, and he really isn't happy with it. That poster smacked of tampering the minute it was released.


I'd like to see a prequel poster set similar to Struzan's SE posters — a set that actually goes together as a triptych, which his PT posters really don't do because they repeat themselves.

The Hobbit: Roadshow Edition


Hmm... now that's an idea. I just might give that a whirl :-)


Im strugglin my self finding ways to make Palps in ROTS a bit more Original.

The conclusions were that his hood are too wide and he has some very fat neck.

Cheating in some motion shots and creating an impact to the more static ones palps have some potential to become more like he was originaly be....: A thin old lady.

(dont mind the background i left it with no special treatment)

Maybe... when palps changing his voice all the time before it will remain the same some small transforms on his face will explain why later in the movie is thinner or (place a better idea here)





Cool tweaked palps! I think ideally if we were to see Palpatine from the OT perhaps with some enhanced eyes and Palpatine from ROTS somehow thinned out a bit and some of his more corny moments excised he'd match up a bit better.

Visually Palps looks really close to his OT counterpart in TPM and AOTC, so at least they got that right. It seemed like by the time ROTS came around they got a little too creative with the makeup and Ian had gained a few pounds.




This is interesting.

The younger dooku was done only with PS actions.Meaning I didnt have to select the hair by hand or erase skin-hair blending problems. Basic masking was done to separate the new head from the rest of the comp and the younger face was done with no stamp or clone too. I just touched for fun with liquify his face so he is smiling ironically..

In other words with some careful management of tools this can be done in motion. I basically took the theory of the FX team that made Surrogates.





^^ Very cool! I like that. Personally I'd love to see something like that somewhere in TPM.


Here's what I was mentioning earlier although I suppose it might fit more for a ROTJ discussion.....I just added in your version of the eyes and did a little cleanup / sharpening.