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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 113


I'm fine with some backward-speak being present, but not to the extent that it is currently. It's like he's been played as a caricature of himself. Much like Threepio's campyness. They were never this exaggerated in the OT.

brash_stryker said:

I'm fine with some backward-speak being present, but not to the extent that it is currently. It's like he's been played as a caricature of himself. Much like Threepio's campyness. They were never this exaggerated in the OT.

Yeah I hate how threepio is just some clueless peice of plastic instead of the self loving know it all he was in OT. Threepio had a human quality too him. In the prequels he is just a shiney robotic ric olie.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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EyeShotFirst said:

Yeah I hate how threepio is just some clueless peice of plastic instead of the self loving know it all he was in OT. Threepio had a human quality too him. In the prequels he is just a shiney robotic ric olie.

You think C3P0 is shiny?  Have you seen my forehead?  Look at it!  And you think he's robotic?  Have you heard my line deliveries?



Ady did say he was removing Threepio from the all but the last of the prequels, so in those versions at least it shan't be as much of a problem.


Oh no, he isn't removing me, is he?  How will the audience know what is going on?


Well, if Ady manages to pull that off, awesome. At least then I won't have to get annoyed every time I see that appalling green screening when Padakin land on Tatooine and a horribly composited C-3PO declared "the maker!". Fucking hell.


- I love the idea of making GG more intimidating:




- Also changing the planet from yellow to somewhat darker tone is an incredible idea:




- And the whole  Mace vs. Palps fight  HAS TO STAY, but I really love the idea of getting rid of those extra-jedi. They were killed of in, like, 2 seconds and were really unnecessary.



1 on 1 is the way to go, cause then we would still have the cool fight scene and we would still have an explanation of how Mace died.



They are all really nice, except Grievous's sabres are what he's taken from Jedi, so unless you want to remove that. But then that also removes some of his supposed menace.

mrbenja0618 said:
Timstuff said:

I really liked Magnoliafan's idea of changing Dooku's lightsaber color to keep it a secret that he's a Sith until the end. For the audience, he should come across as being a rogue Jedi / political idealist until Sideous shows up later, so his red saber should not come into play until Episode 3.

Dooku with green lightsaber

I don't think Dooku should ever be a sith lord.... Keep him as a rogue jedi throughout. Much more interesting and not as typical. I mean he does flat out tell Obi-wan that the Senate is being controlled by a sith lord. Kinda dumb to draw attention to that fact if he is a sith lord himself. Makes much more sense that he isn't, and that he leaves the republic because he knows where it's headed... Gives you this OH CRAP moment when you realize that they were fighting the good guys so to speak.






I love this idea.

Bingowings said:

Count Qui-Gon wouldn't have a red sabre if he wasn't a Sith Lord, mute point anyways seeing as there is no way of replacing Christopher Lee with Liam Neeson.

The nearest I think we can get around this is by adding Dooku to TPM and having his formation of the Seperatist movement a reaction to the sort of narrow thinking that could get Qui-Gon killed and allow a Sith Lord to take over the government.



mrbenja0618 said:

Aren't these all Vaderios' work?


Hey! :D Easy now there! I didn't say they were mine.

I'm just saying that those are really great ideas right there!

haraldo23 said:
mrbenja0618 said:

Aren't these all Vaderios' work?


Hey! :D Easy now there! I didn't say they were mine.

I'm just saying that those are really great ideas right there!

No no.. That post must have been misleading. Wasn't pointing fingers. Just thought it was his work, and was just curious. You're ok! =) Sorry about that.


brash_stryker said:

The Skywalker name and Anakin/Vader are the biggest issues.


I really don't get why the Skywalker name is such a big problem? If you cut the  rescue of Anakin and the Born of Vader you'll know that Anakin is the father or some kind of family of Luke. But you don't know Vader IS Anakin. So that's still a surprise in Ep V you'll remember the dying Anakin on Mustafar who must have survived it's fatal wounds.

The-Lion said:
brash_stryker said:

The Skywalker name and Anakin/Vader are the biggest issues.


I really don't get why the Skywalker name is such a big problem? If you cut the  rescue of Anakin and the Born of Vader you'll know that Anakin is the father or some kind of family of Luke. But you don't know Vader IS Anakin. So that's still a surprise in Ep V you'll remember the dying Anakin on Mustafar who must have survived it's fatal wounds.


I've pretty much decided based on available footage, concealing the identity of Vader is not possible. I just don't see it.


I don't get why it's an issue at all, either. Sure, it's clumsy, but it still doesn't matter. You could have called him Anakin Skywalker Jr and it wouldn't matter, because Vader didn't know he was alive so was never looking for him until he destroyed the Death Star, and by then it was a different story.


My personal opinion is that trying to conceal Anakin becoming Vader is pointless, because you can't get around the fact that Obi-Wan lies to Luke about Darth Vader killing Anakin. If you try to cut out Anakin's final transformation from ROTS, then it makes it look like Obi-Wan killed Anakin, lied to Luke about him turning evil, and then blames it all on Darth Vader who to the viewer's knowledge wasn't even around back then. Basically, instead of us getting the sense that Obi-Wan lied to Luke for his protection, it makes it look more like he was being an ass.

On a more personal notes, seeing Anakin turn into Vader is one of the reasons I went to see Episode 3, and the same can be said of a lot of people who went to see it. I mean, it was one of those things I wanted to see since I saw Return of the Jedi when I was a little kid, right along side Anakin's duel with Obi-Wan. I can understand that some people want to preserve the shock of learning that Vader is Luke's father, but I just don't see how that can be done without undermining the purpose of the prequels.

I mean, if people are that intent on making Star Wars viewable in chronological order while keeping all of the surprises and twists of the classic trilogy fresh, then you may as well cut out the downfall of Anakin altogether, which really kind of begs the question: why even have prequels in that case? To paraphrase Yoda, "dangerous this path of thought is." I honestly don't think ROTS can be the best movie it can be if it's going to lose one of its most iconic moments, which really the entire trilogy had been building up to.

The-Lion said:
brash_stryker said:

The Skywalker name and Anakin/Vader are the biggest issues.


I really don't get why the Skywalker name is such a big problem? If you cut the  rescue of Anakin and the Born of Vader you'll know that Anakin is the father or some kind of family of Luke. But you don't know Vader IS Anakin. So that's still a surprise in Ep V you'll remember the dying Anakin on Mustafar who must have survived it's fatal wounds.

You seem to be forgetting "who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil.....betrayed and murdered  your father"

Timstuff said:

I can understand that some people want to preserve the shock of learning that Vader is Luke's father, but I just don't see how that can be done without undermining the purpose of the prequels.

To me, the "purpose" of the prequels was always to cash in on a succesful franchise, and to hell with the originals. People here just want to make them a respectable part of the saga without shitting all over our childhood.



How is it desecrating your childhood if you already know Vader is Luke's father though (as 90% of the human population probably does)?


Not desecrating *my* childhood as such, but making so that the next generation who watches the films (in chronological order) will miss out on the impact we had.



And exactly how would they miss out?

Watch them in production order, which is arguably the correct order anyway because of the way the stories have been written.


Bingowings said:

I like the general idea SSWR but I still think it's too much information.

We know from Leia in ROTJ she dies when she is very young, my earliest memories are from when I was about two but they are very vague so shifting it up to about three years later sort of makes sense.

If this was done as a time shifting montage her niece could be Leia (though we don't know that at the time) if she doesn't turn up in a reworked Episode II.

The explanation that Leia gives could act as a explanation of the scene we see in a reworked ROTS.

Thanks for the feedback, Bingo. Are you saying one of Padme's nieces (from AOTC deleted scene or ROTS funeral scene) could possibly be mis-interpreted (to our advantage) as Liea in the OT? So once ROTJ rolls around we finally find out about the Luke/Liea relationship? Hmmm...this is not something I've ever heard before.

I personally don't like the time shifting montage idea...not very Star Wars-y...plus (and I think we feel the same way on this) we don't won't to give away too much information...we don't want to spell everything out.

Did you really feel the dialouge I came up with spelled everything out too much? I figured we have to kill off Padme somehow...or make it obvious she's not gonna make it much longer. She's an important character after all...

...but then again the same could be said for Yoda...and I am definantly against having it spelled out to us that Yoda stays on Dagobah until ESB. My 2 cents.  :P

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Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:

brash_stryker said:

Not desecrating *my* childhood as such, but making so that the next generation who watches the films (in chronological order) will miss out on the impact we had.


Exactly. The only edit that would work in this respect is what ID and TJ were doing with the Reborn trilogy.

Darth Venal said:


And exactly how would they miss out?

Watch them in production order, which is arguably the correct order anyway because of the way the stories have been written.


Well the fact of the matter is, new viewers are going to watch them in chronological order. That's just how numbering films works.

This is a fan edit forum. And a thread for radical changes. If you're fine with small changes then why are you here?