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The Place to Go for Emotional Support — Page 9


I'm not even sure what to share.  I'm just angry.


Warbler said:

I'm not even sure what to share.  I'm just angry.


Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.


I often feel angry for no reason for some reason.


Neglify said:

Warbler said:

I'm not even sure what to share.  I'm just angry.


 that describes how I felt a little while ago.  I've calmed down a little.


Just so folks know, I am fighting my rental management over issues and have been evicted from my apartment.  I am staying with a friend but I won't have regular internet access for a bit either.

I am doing okay.  My daughter is safe and that is all that matters at this point.  It is a difficult time and a sorted story but when 1 door closes another one opens.  As a Veteran I am getting legal support to stand up against the way I was treated by these people.

Thanks to this place and all it offers all of us here.  I will try to keep updates coming.

I am not dead, I'm just in the breeze, at the moment.

Miss you all.



Sorry to hear that, man.  Best of luck...and thank you for your service.


Indeed.  I'll be praying for you.


Good luck man... I'll be hoping for a quick and satisfying outcome for you!


Thanks for all the support, it means a lot.



Well, I had a very near death experience while driving. I was stopped at a traffic light and the green arrows came up, and once they disappeared I just start driving forward and didn't realize until I'm in the intersection that the light was still red because an ambulance was coming down the road (IDK how but I didn't hear its sirens) so I sped up really quickly and just barely get to the other side before he would've hit me. There are no red light cameras in my area so it's not like I'm afraid of getting a ticket in the mail (I'd probably feel better if there were some fine I had to pay for my foolishness), but I'm more just guilty because I could've easily gotten myself killed and prevented the ambulance from getting to where it needed to be. Thankfully it's over and everything is ok and nothing happened but I still feel pretty horrible for my own carelessness and stupidity.

The Person in Question


Everybody makes stupid mistakes.  You probably won't make it again!


Well this isn't an emotional problem but it is certainly a predicament. I'm in a position where I'm going to need to quit the job that I started just 3 weeks ago because I absolutely HATE it! (for reasons that I won't go into detail). In spite of hating the job, I do really like and respect my co-workers and superiors, and feel bad that I've ultimately wasted their time by quitting after the training. Not to mention that they'll also have to go through the process of interviewing and hiring again once I leave. I will give them a two week notice but am having trouble motivating myself to do that even though I know that it's more courteous to give the notice as soon as possible because of how uncomfortable that will be. It's a strange situation, but the one thing I know for sure is that this job is already a huge detriment to my physical and mental health and it absolutely MUST be quit as soon as possible because it is a horrible experience.

The Person in Question


I feel afraid that my previous encounter with the older woman may have fucked me up.  I'm now finding it difficult to find sexual attraction to anybody except for another, older woman.  She's closer to my age than the first, and better looking, and an overall far better human being with better morals and is much kinder to me.  But the problem is that this is obviously not going to go anywhere, but I can't abandon the feeling of it.  We work together, and honestly we're quite close.  We talk alot.  Sometimes we talk outside of work, and we've even gotten drinks a few times, as friends.  We playfully flirt with each other sometimes (but this is at work, so it's like 'office flirting').  She's really a great person and she's been wonderful to me in supporting me with all my problems.  But I'm not really sure what to do at this point.  Not that being attracted to older women is necessarily a horrible thing, but it can be when you know there's nothing you can do about it.  (by older I mean 35-ish).  We're like best friends, and I'm not sure what to do about that.  As I've said, we've grown close, and it's two sided.  She is not, at least that I am aware of, sexually attracted to me (at least not any more than what any 35-ish woman would be to a somewhat decent looking 21 year old... not being conceited, just stating my point), but she does depend on me for emotional support at times and she does like me alot.  I just don't have the heart to tell her that we can't talk any more or be friends, that would hurt her, and I really just don't want to do that.  And I can't ask her to stop flirting with me either, because that would also signify that something was wrong and might make it hard for her to talk with me, and that's also not something that I want.  I do not wish to cause her any pain as she has been nothing but wonderful to me, but I'm not sure where to go from here.


Why might this relationship not be capable of 'going anywhere?'

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


Well, I guess it's theoretically *possible*, but it doesn't seem likely enough for me to get my hopes up about it.


Well there's today's make Frink feel old post.


Possessed said:

Well, I guess it's theoretically *possible*, but it doesn't seem likely enough for me to get my hopes up about it.

 If she is single and you are interested what might be the greatest barrier? 

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


TV's Frink said:

Well there's today's make Frink feel old post.

 Nah!  I'm not saying that 30's is old, just that it's older than I.

And the biggest barrier would be that she is like 37 I think and I'm 21...  (Although to me it makes sense for a man to date an older woman to avoid either party being a widower since women typically live longer than men, although not by 16 years...)


TV's Frink said:

Well there's today's make Frink feel old post.

Me too-ish. Kinda surprised Possessed is only 21. 

Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.