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The Place to Go for Emotional Support — Page 71


It’s honestly all I think about anymore for the past few years just getting stronger every day, how much better it would be if I weren’t here.


It’s just something, practically all, I think about. At night/in the morning when I’m alone and not doing anything anyway.


Lol so that bitch texted me today and was like “I heard Lula (not real name but a mutual friend) mention you were having a rough time. I’m worried about you and I wanted to check to see if you are okay because I care about you.” (paraphrase)

Needless to say I told her to eat shit and fuck off. (also a paraphrase and perhaps actually nicer than what I really said)


Yikes. Whether she really does care about you or not, she’s gotta be pretty thick to think reaching out in that way now was a good idea. She’s got a horrible sense of timing if nothing else.

I’m sorry, man.


Actually I guess Lula isn’t really a mutual friend anymore. I don’t think she realizes it yet but alot of people really mad for what she did to me but she doesn’t realize that yet, but I doubt any of them want the drama of actually confronting her about it, and I don’t blame them for it.


I actually had a half-decent day today. I really enjoyed my coworkers for some reason. They tried to embarrass me, whether it was intentional or not I’m not sure, a couple of times but I dodged it and I actually enjoyed talking to them.

EDIT: I guess this probably should have gone in the good news thread.

The Person in Question


That’s good to hear! Honestly, your post brought a little ray of happiness into my enormous shitshow of a day, so thank you for that!


My ex girlfriend still Leon leave me alone, and still can’t fucking grasp why I hate her. I’m dumbfounded, I honestly can’t see where the mystery is. She won’t stop telling me how she still cares about me, and I don’t understand how my responses of “go check up on your new boyfriend and fuck off” are inconclusive.

Honestly, she left me for another man days after she told me she loved me while I was on a business trip. She’s acting like I dumped her against her will or something. She can go to hell I don’t give a shit if she still cares or not I’m doing fine if she’d just live with her own decisions and fuck off, and if she still has feelings for me, well, she should have thought of that before she did this. She’s going to have to live with it, I’m not going to give her the option to have me back, make it on good terms or be friends or whatever. Maybe I’m wrong for this, but she made the decision to throw me away in this shitty way, I feel that she should have to live with the burden of me hating her and she shouldn’t get the option to have it be on better terms. She made the choice, she’s going to have to live with it. She doesn’t get to fix the terms just to erase her own guilt. I’m not going to do anything to hurt or get even with her, but I think she deserves to live with the guilt and she’s going to have to deal with the fact that I don’t accept her apology.


I wouldn’t be predisposed to forgiving such an emotionally fickle person myself, so I’m gonna have to agree with the two posts above.


I got to be honest, today was a genuinely good day. Nothing awful happened at work this morning; a couple of people made me a little sick to my stomach and this one woman kept watching me and wouldn’t mind her own business but other than that I have no complaints. There’s still time for today to go to hell but so far it’s been quite all right.

The Person in Question


Feeling abandoned or used (or both) by all of the few friends I have right now. Don’t have money for booze and am out of weed so I don’t have anything to numb the loneliness or put me to sleep, either.


Me too. It probably doesn’t help much but I like your posts and I’m glad you’ve come back.


Obviously I don’t know the situation but maybe there’s more to it that you don’t know and it turns out to be a misunderstanding or miscommunication. I know I’ve made that mistake before.


TV’s Frink said:

Me too. It probably doesn’t help much but I like your posts and I’m glad you’ve come back.

Aw, thanks, Frink! That put a big smile on my face this morning. 😃

Possessed said:

Obviously I don’t know the situation but maybe there’s more to it that you don’t know and it turns out to be a misunderstanding or miscommunication. I know I’ve made that mistake before.

Probably, and I’m not actually upset at one of them because I know they’re just working too much to have time for anything else, but when one of my friends has only seen me in the last two weeks to borrow money and makes excuses for why they can’t hang out when they know I’m depressed and isolation makes it worse, I tend to stop caring if it’s a miscommunication or not. Which might not be fair on my part, but whatever.

I’m not saying I’ve actually been abandoned by my friends, but that’s very much how it feels.

Luckily as it happens I’m now going to visit one of my older friends in Chicago over the weekend, so unless something throws up a roadblock against that, it’ll probably help put me in a better headspace.


ChainsawAsh said:

Don’t have money for booze and am out of weed so I don’t have anything to numb the loneliness or put me to sleep, either.

perhaps this is a good thing? I don’t think booze and weed will solve your problems.


Solve? No, but they’d make me forget about them for a little while.

(Yes, I’m fully aware of how unhealthy this attitude is.)


Haha, I actually fell back on one of my old “distract myself” tricks - making a list.

This time I compiled a couple of chronological Batman: TAS, Superman/Batman, and DCAU-in-general lists into a single unified list and split them into TV “seasons.” It wasted 2-3 hours and I was sleepy when I was done, so it worked. Even though I’ll probably never use the list I made.

JEDIT: words.