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The Place to Go for Emotional Support — Page 7


Good news, he's home now.   They think it was just a urinary tract infection.  He's on antibiotics.  Hopefully that will do the trick.  


That's great!  Not that he has the UTI, obviously, but that it isn't something worse.


There was more blood in his urine this morning.  : (  We are still hoping it is just a urinary tract infection.


My Dad was feeling weaker than he was yesterday and there was still blood in his urine.   While we were thinking about what to do, the ER doctor that treated him yesterday called to see how he was doing. When mom told him, he advised having my father admitted to the hospital, which is what mom is doing now.   Again I ask those that believe is doing so, to pray.  Thanks in advance. 


Good luck to you and your father, Warbler. I hope things turn out okay. How old is your father, if I may be so bold as to ask?


What kinds of tests has he been run through?  A urine culture to test for UTI?  CT?  X-ray?  What were the findings?  How much blood is he expelling, i.e. is the urine just tainted red, or is a deep red, potentially with clots?  Has he had any procedures recently, like a TURP (which is essentially a widening of the urethra by cutting the prostate).  You may not know all the answers, but a UTI can indeed cause such issues.  If you do know, is there anything significant beyond infection?  Is it causing him any pain and where?

Sorry for being nosy.  I hope it's just the UTI.  You just never know abou these sorts of things.  I'm sure the hospital is being thorough in their investigation.  Best of luck, and may the Lord bless you and your dad.


last night they did an ultrasound of his bladder, my mother is in the hospital with him waiting for a urologist to go over the results.   That may be happening right now, I don't know.   He hasn't any procedures done recently.  The time he had anything done was about 6 months ago.   As for how red it was, I don't know.   I didn't look, I'm sure you understand why.   My mother and father described it as having a lot of blood in his urine.  That is all I know.  The only other symptom he has had is that he says he is very weak.  He looked it to me before mom took him to the hospital and he looked pale.   Also when he went in the hospital for the 2nd time, his hemoglobin was a little low.   One other good thing: the test that was done six months ago was to a precaution to see if he has any cancer in that area.  The test came back negative.   Mom(who was a registered nurse for 40 years)  says that makes it unlikely that it is cancer and if it is, it can't have progress very far.  Of course that doesn't mean I am not worried that it is cancer, I am.  I am especially worried because a man his age with heart disease and diabetes doesn't need to be fighting cancer.  


the preliminary report on the ultrasound came back, it didn't fine anything, including cancer.  While it doesn't 100% rule out cancer, it is still good that cancer didn't show up on the ultrasound. 


Warbler said:

My Dad was feeling weaker than he was yesterday and there was still blood in his urine.   While we were thinking about what to do, the ER doctor that treated him yesterday called to see how he was doing. When mom told him, he advised having my father admitted to the hospital, which is what mom is doing now.   Again I ask those that believe is doing so, to pray.  Thanks in advance. 

 I will do so. I hope all turns out well in the end.


My father is still in the hospital.   They think it might be an infection of prostate or Kidneys or something like that.  They are going to do a CAT scan to try to locate the infection.   Good news is they don't think it is cancer.


I'm glad to hear this, Warb.  I'm also glad your mom's a nurse.  She has a handle on what's going on I'm sure and can help guide you through it :)


yeah, she basically makes the medical decisions for the family.


I lost my job today.  I'm not looking for any sympathy ......  just maybe some chat to calm my nerves.  I have a 10 year old so I have big decisions to make.



damn, sorry to hear that.  I know what it is like to be fired.  It is difficult, and I didn't have any little mouths to feed.  I'll be praying for you. 


Warbler said:

damn, sorry to hear that.  I know what it is like to be fired.  It is difficult, and I didn't have any little mouths to feed.  I'll be praying for you. 

I am also sending good thoughts and smiles out to you for your situation.  It is times like these when people come together here.  I like that about this place.



thankyou, in case you missed it in the Good news thread, my father is home now.  


Very cool Warb.  Most cerainly good news.



Sorry to hear that Fo.  We've had our differences in the past but I certainly don't wish you any ill will.  Hopefully you'll find something else quickly.  Best of luck.


TV's Frink said:

Sorry to hear that Fo.  We've had our differences in the past but I certainly don't wish you any ill will.  Hopefully you'll find something else quickly.  Best of luck.

Very kind of you Mr. Frink, and thank you, it means a lot coming from you.


What do you mean by "coming from you"?  That sure was rude!  Gosh!

I'm totally kidding ;)

In all seriousness, I really do hope you find work soon.  It's hard to go without, it's especially hard to get fired.  Keep fighting the good fight.  You'll be able to provide for your family :)


darth_ender said:

What do you mean by "coming from you"?  That sure was rude!  Gosh!

I'm totally kidding ;)

In all seriousness, I really do hope you find work soon.  It's hard to go without, it's especially hard to get fired.  Keep fighting the good fight.  You'll be able to provide for your family :)

 Yeah, it wasn't worded right but I know he understood.  There are just times when people are on the same wavelength ya know.

Thanks too ender, most appreciated.