And now I’m back to getting fucked over at work. Knew it was too good to last. I’ve tired to find another job so many times over the years, always in vain to be stuck here. Maybe this is just my lot in life, perhaps after all the years making this my only marketable skill, maybe I deserve this. I know I should put things in perspective, but God, it’s hard. I don’t ask to be a millionaire or a rock star. I ask for small things, and I seem unable even to get those sometimes. I realize I’m blowing things out of proportion, but I’m past the point of caring. I love my parents, I love my family, I love my friends, but they just don’t feel like enough anymore. Fuck my job, fuck management, fuck capitalism, and fuck my life. I think I’ve finally hit bottom. It’s always on us to change, never society. It’s never the fault of the broken system, always the individual. I’m sick of fighting. I can never win.
Then I see whats happening in California, and it reminds me to put things in perspective, and then I feel like an asshole for saying all of this.