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The Orville: Less MacFarlane-isms (Completed)


I’ve always loved The Orville, but found that a lot of the time the jokes either land really flat or drag on way too long (a MacFarlane specialty!). Season 1 was really bad in this department, being really ham-fisted with a joke every scene. Where-as Season 2 found a far better balance, and Season 3 going even further in removing a lot of the humor altogether.

My main goal is to tone down a lot of the “Family Guy-esque” humor from the first two seasons. This does not mean ALL the humor is gone, just a good chunk of it. Season 1 will definitely have the most cuts, while Season 2 will be far more minor.

Included are “Lossless” releases and smaller “Storage-friendly” releases for all episodes.


I haven’t watched the show but could you describe a MacFarlaneism joke that bothered you?


I am interested in this cut. Could you please PM me the link?


I’d be interested in this as well. I struggled to even get to the 2nd season but I’ve heard so many Trek fans swear by the show. I want to see what I’m missing (especially by season 3) but it’s a struggle.