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The Official Help Tyrphanax Graduate Thread


Hey folks, have you ever wanted to be part of something larger than yourselves?

Well this isn't that chance because I'm not fat or anything, but you can certainly help me graduate from college by taking this sweet survey about video games I made.

If you're a gamer, it'll probably take you less than five minutes unless you make a sandwich or something halfway through, and if you're not a gamer, it'll take you even less time because you can just click "no" to everything and you'll help boost responder numbers.

I'll be eternally grateful for your participation in helping bust me out the joint; in fact, I will purchase you one drink or food item of your choice if you track me down.

Here's the link.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Thanks, folks.

My personal thanks to both of you. I really appreciate it.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Survey Done. I imagine you'd like some feedback on the survey, as this is for your college course. I've done a couple of surveys for school/college and I know they are very difficult to word.

1. There was no location question? - This dramatically effects cost. e.g. I live in the UK and we get "F'd in the A" all the time over gaming costs. The US gets it easy ;-)
2. "How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?" - If I'm deep into a videogame and I've got the time, I might spend 12hours a day gaming! But I probably haven't spent 12 hours this month, as I'm not really into anything at the moment. The question didn't really reflect this, so I just guessed something average.
3. Demo Questions - I haven't played a Demo since the 90s, so I'd have liked to have put N/A for those ones. I went for '1' instead.
4. Similaly there are four questions on Alpha/Beta - I've only ever done that once so these were a bit wasted on me. I put '1' for all.
5. Also although I'm 100% satified with the DLC I've purchased (I wouldn't have bought it otherwise) I'm very annoyed at the range of DLC offered currently and angry about how it is being sold. I want EXTRA totally new quality Single Player content 6 months down the road. I don't want crappy and weak multiplayer content (Like one extra map or a different skin) removed from the game and I'm forced to pay extra to get it back. The survey didn't fully address that IMO.
6. Also the cost questions - I'm always satisfied with the ammount I pay for a videogame because I always wait for the price to drop to something I'm happy with. So obviously that means I think new games are over priced, but that wasn't what you asked.

^ Hope that's helpful :-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Ryan McAvoy said:

Survey Done. I imagine you'd like some feedback on the survey, as this is for your college course. I've done a couple of surveys for school/college and I know they are very difficult to word.

1. There was no location question? - This dramatically effects cost. e.g. I live in the UK and we get "F'd in the A" all the time over gaming costs. The US gets it easy ;-)
2. "How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?" - If I'm deep into a videogame and I've got the time, I might spend 12hours a day gaming! But I probably haven't spent 12 hours this month, as I'm not really into anything at the moment. The question didn't really reflect this, so I just guessed something average.
3. Demo Questions - I haven't played a Demo since the 90s, so I'd have liked to have put N/A for those ones. I went for '1' instead.
4. Similaly there are four questions on Alpha/Beta - I've only ever done that once so these were a bit wasted on me. I put '1' for all.
5. Also although I'm 100% satified with the DLC I've purchased (I wouldn't have bought it otherwise) I'm very annoyed at the range of DLC offered currently and angry about how it is being sold. I want EXTRA totally new quality Single Player content 6 months down the road. I don't want crappy and weak multiplayer content (Like one extra map or a different skin) removed from the game and I'm forced to pay extra to get it back. The survey didn't fully address that IMO.
6. Also the cost questions - I'm always satisfied with the ammount I pay for a videogame because I always wait for the price to drop to something I'm happy with. So obviously that means I think new games are over priced, but that wasn't what you asked.

^ Hope that's helpful :-)

 This about sums up what I think as well. I'm not a big gamer, though I play a lot when I have time. It's just not that high up on my priority list. Once in a while, I play for six hours straight, but other times, I go for weeks, or months without playing anything. My answers were largely theoretical for demos and alpha/beta testing, since I've only played a couple demos and have never actually participated in alpha/beta testing. It's something I would do if I had more time, and I think I can fairly judge how much it would affect my decision to buy a game.

It would be helpful to be able to put N/A instead, since some questions don't really apply to everyone.

Good luck. :)


Done. Good luck, Tyr, and thanks for reminding me of two things:

  1. I used to see Videogame and Computer magazines at the supermarket, and those came with CDs that had demos in them. I have not played a demo since probably 1999.
  2. Google has these neat tools, like this one you used to create the survey, right at our fingertips.


Argh, such glaring errors that I cannot correct!

Thanks, everyone, for doing the survey. It really means a lot to me. And thanks for the feedback. Except I just see errors I can't fix now for fear of messing up my results, haha.

Google's survey tool is awesome. It compiles all the results into a spreadsheet for you, as well as creates nifty bar and pie charts automatically, which saves a ton of time.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Hey everyone.

Sorry to dredge this back up, but I must thank all of you who participated in my little survey for their submissions. I know it's a bit late, but I've been settling back into everyday life after returning from Arizona.

Thanks to you guys and everyone else who replied to it, I was able to gather sixty-six responses by the time it was due, and an additional seven since then, giving a total of seventy-three responses, far more than I expected and more than enough (even though you can never really have too much data) to prove my points.

Also thanks to you and the data you provided me, I was able to secure a lovely grade of A (97/100) on my paper, which certainly didn't hurt me graduating summa cum laude from Arizona State University on the 15th of May.

Just in case you folks are interested, here's a link to the data from all 73 results in pretty graph and chart formats, and here is a link to my full paper in PDF format.

Again, thank you all for participating in my escape from higher education. I truly could not have crossed that last hurdle without your help.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)