NEW – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn - The Television Cut Angrysvn DVD authoring of a Darth Anonymous VHS Transfer A.K.A.: “The ABC Network Broadcast”& “Extended Television version”
When ABC aired the movie in the mid-80s, excised footage which explained Mr. Scott's relationship with midshipman Peter Preston (Ike Eisenmann) were re-inserted by director Nicholas Meyer himself, along with several other small scenes and character-driven moments.
"I put that together" Meyer told Cinefantastique Magazine in 1992. "It's ironic as a director of a feature I may not have final cut, but as a director of the television version, no one cares. Places were I was overruled, rightly or wrongly; I get to have the last word. It's very dangerous just to put things back for the sake of putting them back. I am not persuaded that artists are the best judges of their own work."
- Angrysvn Release BLAX31 - 1 DVDr - Fan Preservation - Source: Home recorded VHS of OTA Broadcast - Interactive Menu - DVD-Rom (covers and NFO) - Custom Cover art available
As always this will be added to my upload queue!
But if you'd like a copy before hand just send me an email and the addy below for details (not a PM please)
1) The theatrical version, which ran for 135 minutes and featured the ending seen on DVD and television today 2) The Special Edition released in 1980, (132 minutes) which featured new effects that Spielberg didn't have the cash for when he made the movie, had new scenes, cut a lot of other scenes out, and featured shots from inside the ship (which most fans, and Spielberg, disliked). 3) The Collector's edition (137 minutes), which combined scenes from both versions, and restored the original ending. This is the version on TV and released on DVD.
The laserdisc in question features the 2nd version.
Edit: And I just want to note, I would like to get a hold of this...Rikter, any plans to add this to the upload queue?
As far as I know there is a fan-made DVD floating around that incorporates as many scenes as possible. Does anyone know if this is worth getting since that seems to be what the Collector's Edition is (which I already own the special edition retail DVD of).
Originally posted by: klokwerk As far as I know there is a fan-made DVD floating around that incorporates as many scenes as possible. Does anyone know if this is worth getting since that seems to be what the Collector's Edition is (which I already own the special edition retail DVD of).
It's the HipHats Composite version he took all known footage and made the longest version, I think all the details are in the Close Encounters thread
Okay, I don't normally announce my future projects until I'm starting the project; but here's what in the works....
BLAX32 - BACKSTORY: Halloween (from DBS AMC broadcast) BLAX33 - THE PIXIES: GOUGE (a documentary from DBS broadcast) BLAX34 - NICK FURY: AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (from original FOX broadcast w/ no logos VHS or newer DBS TNT broadcast) BLAX35 - THX-1138: The Theatrical Version with ISOLATED SOUNDTRACK (LD transfer) BLAX36 - THE ARRIVAL: Special Edition and the Making of (LD and VHS transfer) BLAX37 - THE CURE: Staring at the Sea ~ The Images (LD transfer with PCM audio) BLAX38 - THE CROW: Workprint (from multi gen VHS) BLAX39 - THE CROW: Rental Screener (from VHS) BLAX40 - ON LEATHERY WINGS: Volume II (multi sources)
(release #'s MAY be changed)
BLAK0055 - THE HOLIDAY SPECIAL (a new updated disc with all new Ford/O’Brian clip and more)
Originally posted by: Rikter Okay, I don't normally announce my future projects until I'm starting the project; but here's what in the works....
BLAX32 - BACKSTORY: Halloween (from DBS AMC broadcast) BLAX33 - THE PIXIES: GOUGE (a documentary from DBS broadcast) BLAX34 - NICK FURY: AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (from original FOX broadcast w/ no logos VHS or newer DBS TNT broadcast) BLAX35 - THX-1138: The Theatrical Version with ISOLATED SOUNDTRACK (LD transfer) BLAX36 - THE ARRIVAL: Special Edition and the Making of (LD and VHS transfer) BLAX37 - THE CURE: Staring at the Sea ~ The Images (LD transfer with PCM audio) BLAX38 - THE CROW: Workprint (from multi gen VHS) BLAX39 - THE CROW: Rental Screener (from VHS) BLAX40 - ON LEATHERY WINGS: Volume II (multi sources)
Wow. Nice list. I'm REALLY looking forward to those 2 Crow projects. Are they both very different from the final version of the movie ? Some things to look forward to. Now I'll have to be very patient and wait quietly...
what are the differences between it and the version available on the Halloween H DVD. I read that the backstory version is just a short version of the 90 minutes doc from the dvd.
Originally posted by: Ash595 The Backstory: halloween...
what are the differences between it and the version available on the Halloween H DVD. I read that the backstory version is just a short version of the 90 minutes doc from the dvd.
More or less it is the same just that this is the broadcast edit so it's been cut to about 42 minutes
Hey guys, I was wondering where I could get the following :
BLAX03: Halloween: The Television Cut BLAX04: Halloween II: The Television Cut BLAX05: Halloween II: The Ultimate Cut - Fan Edit BLAX06: Halloween VI: The Television Cut BLAX07: Halloween VII: The Revenge of Laurie Strode - The Workprint BLAX08: Halloween VIII: The Homecoming - The Workprint Screener BLAX09: Halloween: The 2000 Convention Anthology BLAX10: Halloween: The Fan Film Collection BLAX32 - BACKSTORY: Halloween (from DBS AMC broadcast)
Originally posted by: Ash595 for Nick Fury, it was released in France on PAL DVD, but only in french speaking but the image is very good. If you want a copy Rikter, let me know.
Does the Arrival disc include the audio commentary and the alternate ending from the LD ?
It does have that but the last few transfers that we've done have not come out so well ...
SO I might send it off and see about having an all new transfer done with it Any takers?
I found this great fan created "thing" a while back and the idea floated around the back of my head for a bit and after telling a few friends about it (who happened to actually want to see it) I decided to go ahead and take it up. SO, about a week ago I started it up and well it's finally done. I'm pleased with the final results but you never know if a V.2 will pop up BUT either way, this is the version that I will be uploading shortly. I created both dual and single layer DVD's of this sync/edit (the DVD5 will be uploaded) but I'd like to take a break and get away from A/V software for a few days so please hold tight!!
I'll update this and the torrent thread once it's up!
I am a beautiful animal, I am a destroyer of worlds, I am HARRY F#@KING POTTER! - Harry Potter
"Imagine a grizzled, intense poet hired by mistake to record a cigarette-scarred book-on-tape of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone without having actually read it before. And imagine that instead of reciting from it at the recording session; he simply watches the ultra-faithful Chris Columbus screen adaptation with the sound off, improvising a blow-by-blow rant on what he sees, what he wants to see, and what he knows he can't see." - SPENCER PARSONS
"Wizard People, Dear Readers" is an alternative and unauthorized re-envisioning of the book/film "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"; in which the film's original soundtrack is replaced with a much darker comic narration created by Creased Comics author Brad Neely. Mr. Neely's unique use of outrageous plot, insane characters and themes interlaced with his own brand of subversive humor has been called a "new art form" by the New York Times. It is best described as the infusion of dissident subtext into a pop-culture phenomenon creating a suspension of art and reality.
This completely unauthorized DVD synchronization project was created without the knowledge or consent of either Mr. Neely or the original copyright holders and includes an all new musical soundtrack remixed along with the original internet downloaded "Wizard People" MP3 files.
SOURCES USED: Retail U.S. Soundtrack CD (Catalog # 83491), Warner Brothers DVD (Catalog # 22467) & Internet Downloaded Synchronicity MP3 Spoof by BRAD NEELY (
TOOLS USED: DVD Shrink v3.2, GoldWave v5.08, Sound Forge v8.0 & Tsunami-MPEG DVD Author Pro v2.1.5.77
SAMPLES OF THE MENU: (still from full motion menus )
THE COVERS I MADE TO GO WITH IT (I really just re-created the cover - creepy eyes inspired by WPDR flyers)
(same but without the white eyes)
Welcome, dear readers, to the Dark Side of the Potterverse…
AND another HP release!
I finished up the ABC Extended version the other night. It’s a straight transfer from my D* DVR, I created both dual and single layer DVD's of this, not sure of which version I’ll upload but we’ll see
I'll update this and the torrent thread once it's up!
"It will be the first time the movie has been seen this way." - Warner Bros. spokesperson.
On May 9, 2004 television network ABC, presented “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone” in a four hour telecast that featured the extended version of the film. Director Chris Columbus added the majority of the deleted footage back into the theatrical version of the film to create the ABC television edit. Although this recording of the extended version was broadcast on ABC’s sister station ABC Family in 2006 it features the same edit of the film.
This completely unauthorized fan preservation project was created without the knowledge or consent of either the ABC Network or original copyright holders. Please do not support piracy; you must own the official DVD to protect your license.
SOURCES USED: Warner Brothers DVD (Catalog # 22467), U.S. Retail Soundtrack CD (Catalog # 83491), ABC Family Satellite Broadcast, Internet Downloaded Files
TOOLS USED: LITEON - LVW-5005, Tsunami-MPEG DVD Author Pro v2.1.5.77
SAMPLES OF THE MENU: (still from full motion menus )
SPREAD the word to other HP fans and post a link to this thread (and the torrent link) on other forums!!
Regarding the ABC-edit of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"... is 4 hours the actual runtime of the film, or just of the film including commercial breaks, interviews and behind-the-scenes stuff?
And wasn't there some talk about an ABC-cut of "Chamber of Secrets" as well? What's the film's runtime there?