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Here’s how to watch the PREQUEL timeline in chronological order:
- Knight of the Old Republic
- Knights of the Old Republic 2
- The Old Republic
The Darth Bane Trilogy - The Cloak of Deception
Darth Plagius: A STAR WARS story - The Phantom Menace (TPM Extended Edition)
JANGO FETT: A STAR WARS Story (The Bounty Hunter Video Game film) - The Approaching Storm
- Attack of the Clones (Extended Edition)
Kenobi and Anakin - A STAR WARS story (The pre-2008 Clone Wars Video game/The Dark Reaper Crisis) - The Rising of the Clone Wars (The first 2 2D Clone Wars episodes Re-Cut and TCW film extended edition)
Republic Commando: A STAR WARS Story - Clone CADETS
- Battle for Ryloth
- The Rise of Malevolence
- Rookies
- Wrath of Greivous
- Bombad Jedi
- Cloak of Darkness
- Jedi Crash
- Defenders of Peace
- Trespass
- Blue Shadow Virus
- The Mystery of 1,000 moons
- The Attack of the Zillo Beast
- The Second battle of Geonosis
- The Deserter
- Lightsaber Lost
- The Mandalore Plot
- R2 Come home
- Assault of a Bounty Hunter
- Corruption
- The Academy
- ARC Troopers
- Sphere of Influence
- The Menace of Cad Bane
- The Senate Mystery
- The Nightsisters of Dathomir
- Realm of Mortis
- Escape from the Citadel
- A Padawn Lost
- Wookie Hunting
- The second battle of Mon Cala
- Shadow Warrior
- Mercy Mission
- Nomad Droids
- Shadows of Umbara
- The Slaves of the Republic
- A Friend in Need
- Deception of a hunter
- Siege of Onderon
- Gathering of Younglings
- R2’s Squadron Trip
- Return of Maul
- Ahsoka the Fugitive
- Conspiracy of Order 66
- Clovis of the Banking Clan
- The Disappeared
- Yoda’s Journey of the Whills
- Crisis on Utapau
- Dark Disciple
Maul of Dathomir - A STAR WARS Story - Ahsoka’s Whereabouts
- The Bad Batch
- The Labyrnith of Evil (Survival of Nelvaan)
- Revenge of the Sith (The 4.5 Extended Edition! PS: One scene was cut due to cringe. And also some scenes weren’t included due to VFX unfinished like Shaak Ti killed by Anakin, Clones being Jedi and the Hangar and some scenes that are shot aren’t in the film like Obi-Wan encountering a Nos Monster, Anakin killing San Hill, Shu Mai, and Wat Tambor, Obi-Wan visiting Padme before leaving Coruscant to Utapau, Anakin being moved from the capsule to the table by the droids, C3-PO and R2D2 taking Padme to her ship, Obi-Wan doing mind tricks on thesenate guard, Organa and his aides giving the ID card to the senate guard, Palpatine and Anakin having a conversation after Obi-Wan leaves Coruscant and before Anakin is in Padme’s apartment, Obi-Wan retrieving Boga, and an extended duel of Obi-Wan and the Magnaguards and other scenes like Barriss getting killed, Yoda, Chewbacca, and Tarful finding the escape pod, and Qui-Gon talking to Yoda aren’t shot or finished and other scenes from Promos and the video game like Padme’s ship leaving Mustafar, Palpatine’s shuttle arriving on Coruscant, and Dooku’s bonus line aren’t in this. Also Fallen Order isn’t in this.)