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The New Republic Movie Series EPIV: A Threat From Beyond (An Ahsoka Series Edit) [RELEASED] — Page 5


Yeah, episode 3 is a bit tricky because of the spacewalk and Ashoka’s change in outfit. I think the only way to make it shorter is instead of removing the space walk you’d have to remove the dog fight instead and have them immediately find the ring and jump into that sequence and completely remove the fight with the 6 fighters. I also suppose you might be able to shorten the descent onto Seatos as well. Another way to save time in the episode is to 100% remove Hera’s subplot about disobeying orders and cut out the scene with the Senators. It’s also mostly easy to remove that subplot from episodes 4 and 5 as well, by only including the scenes of her leaving to help Ahsoka and removing all dialogue about it being an unsanctioned mission, in episode 4, and it’s mostly possible to cut around the New Republic stuff in episode 5, but you might have to wait on episodes 7 and 8 to see if the subplot is able to be fully removed.


Smudger9, since it’s clear to me that episodes 6-8 won’t have enough material for 2 and a half hour movie, you could use the Mandalorian s02e05 footage you cut from your second Mando movie “Search for The Jedi” at the beginning of the second Ahsoka movie.
The confrontation between Ahsoka and Morgan could serve as flashback that Morgan would think about during the travel to Peridea, which would reveal how Ahsoka arrested Morgan and thus stretch the footage a bit.
We saw something similar in the Halloween Kills, where at the beginning of the film, thanks to a flashback, we found out how the police arrested Micheal Myers.


Ulbert said:

Smudger9, since it’s clear to me that episodes 6-8 won’t have enough material for 2 and a half hour movie, you could use the Mandalorian s02e05 footage you cut from your second Mando movie “Search for The Jedi” at the beginning of the second Ahsoka movie.
The confrontation between Ahsoka and Morgan could serve as flashback that Morgan would think about during the travel to Peridea, which would reveal how Ahsoka arrested Morgan and thus stretch the footage a bit.
We saw something similar in the Halloween Kills, where at the beginning of the film, thanks to a flashback, we found out how the police arrested Micheal Myers.

That’s a very good idea. I had considered using it as the opening to the first Ahsoka movie but it didn’t flow well enough into the Ahsoka series. Using it as a flashback would work much better and it also removes the need to end the sequence with a resolution. Infact ending it on Ahsoka asking “where is Grand Admiral Thrawn” and cutting to the bridge of the Hyoerspace ring as they approach Peridea would be perfect! Definitely an idea to park if I go for 2 movies!

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


daveybjones999 said:

Yeah, episode 3 is a bit tricky because of the spacewalk and Ashoka’s change in outfit. I think the only way to make it shorter is instead of removing the space walk you’d have to remove the dog fight instead and have them immediately find the ring and jump into that sequence and completely remove the fight with the 6 fighters. I also suppose you might be able to shorten the descent onto Seatos as well. Another way to save time in the episode is to 100% remove Hera’s subplot about disobeying orders and cut out the scene with the Senators. It’s also mostly easy to remove that subplot from episodes 4 and 5 as well, by only including the scenes of her leaving to help Ahsoka and removing all dialogue about it being an unsanctioned mission, in episode 4, and it’s mostly possible to cut around the New Republic stuff in episode 5, but you might have to wait on episodes 7 and 8 to see if the subplot is able to be fully removed.

I agree Davey. I think removing or heavily trimming the Hera and New Republic B-plot is where we’d be able to trim the most time out of the middle episodes.


While we’re on the topic, there any way that we can change Ashoka’s question to Elsbeth? She should know generally where Thrawn is, and Elsbeth doesn’t actually know anything more than she does about it. Instead, could we have an AI voice ask where the map/orb/it is? That (either chronologically or by inference if used as a flashback) is what leads Ahsoka to the ruin where she finds the artifact.


vranir said:

While we’re on the topic, there any way that we can change Ashoka’s question to Elsbeth? She should know generally where Thrawn is, and Elsbeth doesn’t actually know anything more than she does about it. Instead, could we have an AI voice ask where the map/orb/it is? That (either chronologically or by inference if used as a flashback) is what leads Ahsoka to the ruin where she finds the artifact.

I don’t think the question needs to be changed does it? We don’t see the answer so it’s perfectly believable that Morgan would say that he’s in another galaxy and you need a map to locate it.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


smudger9 said:

vranir said:

While we’re on the topic, there any way that we can change Ashoka’s question to Elsbeth? She should know generally where Thrawn is, and Elsbeth doesn’t actually know anything more than she does about it. Instead, could we have an AI voice ask where the map/orb/it is? That (either chronologically or by inference if used as a flashback) is what leads Ahsoka to the ruin where she finds the artifact.

I don’t think the question needs to be changed does it? We don’t see the answer so it’s perfectly believable that Morgan would say that he’s in another galaxy and you need a map to locate it.

But why would she be asking Elsbeth and not someone easier to find who knows the same thing, like Hera or Sabine? It’s weird to go on a quest to hunt an enemy in order to ask a question that your friends already know the answer to.

Even slightly different wording would help: “Where was Thrawn taken?” This would imply that she knows more. “Where is Thrawn?” sounds like he’s hiding or coming, not trapped somewhere.


vranir said:

smudger9 said:

vranir said:

While we’re on the topic, there any way that we can change Ashoka’s question to Elsbeth? She should know generally where Thrawn is, and Elsbeth doesn’t actually know anything more than she does about it. Instead, could we have an AI voice ask where the map/orb/it is? That (either chronologically or by inference if used as a flashback) is what leads Ahsoka to the ruin where she finds the artifact.

I don’t think the question needs to be changed does it? We don’t see the answer so it’s perfectly believable that Morgan would say that he’s in another galaxy and you need a map to locate it.

But why would she be asking Elsbeth and not someone easier to find who knows the same thing, like Hera or Sabine? It’s weird to go on a quest to hunt an enemy in order to ask a question that your friends already know the answer to.

Even slightly different wording would help: “Where was Thrawn taken?” This would imply that she knows more. “Where is Thrawn?” sounds like he’s hiding or coming, not trapped somewhere.

I don’t think it’s weird at all. As with most Star Wars movie openings, we have to assume many things have happened offscreen, and so, Ahsoka might have heard something that links Elsbeth to Thrawn. And Elsbeth DOES know more about the answer to that question than Hera or Sabine: Elsbeth (and Baylan) know about Peridea, know about the Nightsisters there, and know there is a map. As far as we know, Hera and Sabine have no idea where is Thrawn, and how to get there. Elsbeth does. So… the question makes perfect sense as it is. And the way is phrased (and acted), “Where is Grand Admiral Thrawn?” is quite a powerful way to end that scene and cut to the next one.


vranir said:

smudger9 said:

vranir said:

While we’re on the topic, there any way that we can change Ashoka’s question to Elsbeth? She should know generally where Thrawn is, and Elsbeth doesn’t actually know anything more than she does about it. Instead, could we have an AI voice ask where the map/orb/it is? That (either chronologically or by inference if used as a flashback) is what leads Ahsoka to the ruin where she finds the artifact.

I don’t think the question needs to be changed does it? We don’t see the answer so it’s perfectly believable that Morgan would say that he’s in another galaxy and you need a map to locate it.

But why would she be asking Elsbeth and not someone easier to find who knows the same thing, like Hera or Sabine? It’s weird to go on a quest to hunt an enemy in order to ask a question that your friends already know the answer to.

Even slightly different wording would help: “Where was Thrawn taken?” This would imply that she knows more. “Where is Thrawn?” sounds like he’s hiding or coming, not trapped somewhere.

Because Sabine and Hera don’t know either. When Ahsoka encounters Sabine the first thing she says is “I know how to find Ezra”.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


I watched your rough cut, Smudger9. I was so blown away by your Mando/BoBF cuts that I’m confident that this will be a success, too.

Having said that, you’re dealing with a different showrunner and writer here—Filoni as opposed to Favreau—and I wonder if a different approach to editing is needed.

First off, there is a lot of talk on this thread about editing the series into two full-length movies. I understand the rationale. The Mando series were very episodic with a lot of extraneous plot elements, i.e., filler episodes. Ahsoka, on the other hand, doesn’t have filler episodes per se, but nevertheless has a lot of “filler” in terms of slow pacing. Filoni thinks the way to emphasize a point is simply to linger on it for far too long. The acting is also monotonous, the dialogue is shallow, and the characters overly stoic. There are a lot of good ideas being presented here, but they are being stretched out to an excessively threadbare duration (I would contend that the only episode that didn’t have significant pacing issues was episode 4). If the problem with Mando was its filler, then the problem here is its pacing. It may require a different approach, but I don’t believe there is any justifiable reason to try to divide this series into two movies. There’s not enough here to necessitate it. Infact, I think your usual goal of keeping your edits to under 3 hours would greatly benefit this series.

I think the first two episodes are very good at establishing our protagonists and villains, and what they’ve been up to, and what they’re looking for. I think these are important elements to keep, but the stuff with the map, while necessary at a rudimentary level, is a little cumbersome. I’d keep the worthwhile character development but jettison everyone else I possibly could. I honestly believe you could shave another 15 minutes off of your rough cut.

I haven’t really mapped this out in my head yet, but I wonder if Sabine really needs to battle Shin on Lothal at all. Perhaps it is enough for Sabine only to draw her lightsaber, and to have Shin run away immediately as Ahsoka approaches. I say this because their battle later on could be much more dramatic and impactful if it was indeed their first confrontation, especially with the, “You have no power,” line. I say this because, as it stands, neither Shin nor the viewer has any reason to think Sabine won’t get her ass handed to her a second time, i.e., it diminishes the tension in episode 4. Rather, I’d keep the earlier encounter with the droids after Ahsoka retrieves the map (but trim the ridiculous self-destruct sequence which would have destroyed the map, too, had Ahsoka not escaped with it—the bad guys also want the map, so they should not be so reckless). I say this because it’s a decently cool action sequence that breaks up the monotony.

Removing the confrontation between Shin and Sabine on Lothal introduces a chain reaction of plot problems, admittedly, but most of this is just contrived map stuff anyway, so I’m wondering (without having really worked it out yet) if some of it can’t be skipped over. For example, Ahsoka happening upon the droid at Sabine’s residence (why was it there?) was completely contrived so that Ahsoka could take its head and Sabine could crack it open and they could figure out the whereabouts of the enemies. Again, all very convenient, contrived, prolonged, and certainly not very interesting.

Also, am I wrong in thinking you removed the sequence at the manufacturing plant and the initial confrontation with Marrok? Perhaps I am wrong about this and your edit just cuts off before you get to it. Nevertheless, I thought the manufacturing plant was interesting because it gave broader context to the political backdrop of the post-Empire world, and Marrok provided a lively action sequence to break up the monotony (I also think Marrok might still be a more interesting character than we realize, seemingly held together by Nightsister magic).

A lot of faneditors are preoccupied with preserving canon and the integrity of the characters and lore. I’m less about that and more concerned with preserving the elements of a good film. If editing Mando is about retaining only the most important plot points, then I think editing Ahsoka is simply about keeping what happens to be the most interesting. If you look at the IMDB fan ratings for Ahsoka, the first three episodes (especially episode 3) rank quite low in comparison to the episodes 4-6. It would make sense to me to heavily truncate the early stuff in order to get to the really good, fan-favorite stuff that follows it.

I’d also be careful of fans both here and elsewhere on the Internet who treat Star Wars like a religion and will therefore attempt to defend Lucasfilm’s most egregiously stupid creative choices. Ahsoka using her lightsaber to slice through enemy aircraft is just dumb, period. Doing cartwheels through space is also glaringly moronic.

I think one thing that I have heard many times that bears repeating is that, for whatever reason, the villains are much more engaging, compelling, and interesting than our protagonists, particularly Ahsoka and Sabine. When the bad guys are on the screen, the show is pretty damn good. When the good guys are on the screen, it’s pretty damn boring. I would make an exception for Jacen though, which I believe will become a very important character in the future. And obviously Hayden Christensen put in an amazing performance.

Overall, my thoughts are that this is a good series that just needs little nips and tucks here and there in order to speed up its meandering pace (There’s also some stupid and overly contrived stuff that obviously should get cut as well). I find this is the case with all of Filoni’s live action work, and the style is markedly different than Favreau’s. As such, it may merit a different editing approach.


Well episode 7 was a whole lotta filler! Looks like a single movie is back on the table!

So all that needs to be accomplished with the episode 7 footage is the arrival of Ahsoka, Baylan and Shin parting ways and Ahsoka/Sabine/Ezra reuniting.

The fight sequence achieves very little in terms of the story so can be heavily cut, just a question of just how much can he cut without it feeling too short.
The Baylan/Ahsoka duel definitely needs to go!

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


This was a pretty boring episode imo. A 20 minute plot stretched to 40+ minutes. Like I said with the last episode, you should remove all of the bandit scenes from Episode 6. We could just assume they are part of Thrawn’s forces that leave with Baylan and Shin. They didn’t end up being some important third faction.

I’m curious how you’re going to remove Ahsoka and Baylan’s fight, considering Ahsoka steals his Howler and then arrives on it in the next scene.

Also after seeing what feels like a conclusion to Hera’s B-plot, I feel most of it can just go. It felt like it accomplished absolutely nothing.


I beg you, please don’t cut Anakin’s hologram, it was so cool to see it! 😉


WitchDR said:

Also after seeing what feels like a conclusion to Hera’s B-plot, I feel most of it can just go. It felt like it accomplished absolutely nothing.

Hera’s plot definitely needs to go. Leia sending Threepio instead of just going there herself reeks of obvious real world complications.

I’m surprised they just didn’t say that she was tied up with some business on some random planet. Instead, it comes across like she doesn’t care enough about Hera to come in person.


szopman said:

I beg you, please don’t cut Anakin’s hologram, it was so cool to see it! 😉

The whole training scene will probably be cut 😬. If we hadn’t had the Clone Wars visions I would have kept it, but it seems unnecessary since we’ve already had more than enough to establish Anakin and Ahsoka’s connection and history.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


After watching the series I’ve been hoping someone was already working on a coherent cut of this.

I’d like to request the link to your rough cut, as well as your Mando and BOBF projects!



When you think about it, not a lot has happened over the course of 7 episodes. It’s basically just “Star Wars: The Return of Thrawn”. Seeing Hayden as Anakin again was nice (more satisfying than in Kenobi), and I really like the the actor who plays Ezra, but over all, the show has not covered a lot of ground.


GLogus said:

When you think about it, not a lot has happened over the course of 7 episodes. It’s basically just “Star Wars: The Return of Thrawn”. Seeing Hayden as Anakin again was nice more satisfying than in Kenobi), and I really like the the actor who plays Ezra, but over all, the show has not covered a lot of ground.

Totally agree. Plot wise it fits a 3 act movie perfectly.
Act 1: Character introduction & getting the map to Seatos.
Act 2: Confrontation on Seatos & Journey to Peridea.
Act 3: Thrawn reveal & Finale

However, it’s been edited and structured in a way that makes it difficult to cut the fat.
Much work to do! Hopefully all will become clearer after the finale.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


smudger9 said:

GLogus said:

When you think about it, not a lot has happened over the course of 7 episodes. It’s basically just “Star Wars: The Return of Thrawn”. Seeing Hayden as Anakin again was nice more satisfying than in Kenobi), and I really like the the actor who plays Ezra, but over all, the show has not covered a lot of ground.

Totally agree. Plot wise it fits a 3 act movie perfectly.
Act 1: Character introduction & getting the map to Seatos.
Act 2: Confrontation on Seatos & Journey to Peridea.
Act 3: Thrawn reveal & Finale

However, it’s been edited and structured in a way that makes it difficult to cut the fat.
Much work to do! Hopefully all will become clearer after the finale.

I agree with the 3-arc plot. Even if some scenes are nice (Anakin’s hologram, C3PO’s visit to the senate, etc.), they don’t fundamentally move the plot forward. After the release of the last part, I will do my 2-part edit, but in retrospect I will also try to edit the version into one movie. I will of course look forward to your version as well. As you say, everything will be clearer after the release of the finale episode and confirmation if the Ahsoka story will continue in the 2nd season or Filoni’s feature film.


smudger9 said:

GLogus said:

When you think about it, not a lot has happened over the course of 7 episodes. It’s basically just “Star Wars: The Return of Thrawn”. Seeing Hayden as Anakin again was nice more satisfying than in Kenobi), and I really like the the actor who plays Ezra, but over all, the show has not covered a lot of ground.

Totally agree. Plot wise it fits a 3 act movie perfectly.
Act 1: Character introduction & getting the map to Seatos.
Act 2: Confrontation on Seatos & Journey to Peridea.
Act 3: Thrawn reveal & Finale

However, it’s been edited and structured in a way that makes it difficult to cut the fat.
Much work to do! Hopefully all will become clearer after the finale.

Perhaps they saw how popular that Kenobi fanedit was and decided to make this in such a way as to make an edit very difficult 😉


yoshif8tures said:

smudger9 said:

GLogus said:

When you think about it, not a lot has happened over the course of 7 episodes. It’s basically just “Star Wars: The Return of Thrawn”. Seeing Hayden as Anakin again was nice more satisfying than in Kenobi), and I really like the the actor who plays Ezra, but over all, the show has not covered a lot of ground.

Totally agree. Plot wise it fits a 3 act movie perfectly.
Act 1: Character introduction & getting the map to Seatos.
Act 2: Confrontation on Seatos & Journey to Peridea.
Act 3: Thrawn reveal & Finale

However, it’s been edited and structured in a way that makes it difficult to cut the fat.
Much work to do! Hopefully all will become clearer after the finale.

Perhaps they saw how popular that Kenobi fanedit was and decided to make this in such a way as to make an edit very difficult 😉

Wouldn’t surprise me. I also wonder if fan editing is one of the reasons we don’t seem to get deleted scenes anymore.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


smudger9 said:

yoshif8tures said:

smudger9 said:

GLogus said:

When you think about it, not a lot has happened over the course of 7 episodes. It’s basically just “Star Wars: The Return of Thrawn”. Seeing Hayden as Anakin again was nice more satisfying than in Kenobi), and I really like the the actor who plays Ezra, but over all, the show has not covered a lot of ground.

Totally agree. Plot wise it fits a 3 act movie perfectly.
Act 1: Character introduction & getting the map to Seatos.
Act 2: Confrontation on Seatos & Journey to Peridea.
Act 3: Thrawn reveal & Finale

However, it’s been edited and structured in a way that makes it difficult to cut the fat.
Much work to do! Hopefully all will become clearer after the finale.

Perhaps they saw how popular that Kenobi fanedit was and decided to make this in such a way as to make an edit very difficult 😉

Wouldn’t surprise me. I also wonder if fan editing is one of the reasons we don’t seem to get deleted scenes anymore.

Do you think fanediting would have that much of an impact?
I would have thought it was Disney not wanting to show anything except their original product. For example there was a book written by J.W Rinzlet about the making of TFA, he did the other 6 films, but they subsequently cancelled it.


If you ask me, I think the main reason for the loss of deleted scenes in most projects is due to the shift toward streaming. Deleted scenes used to be a way to market DVD sales and make more money on the project.

Nowadays, if they were to put those deleted scenes on the extras tab of a streaming service, it would only serve to fuel controversy on what could have been. They have nothing to gain from providing them to us, they only lose. I think the only way we should expect to see them in the future is if a director personally pushes for it.

Which is a shame. Would have loved to see all the deleted scenes for TROS.


yoshif8tures said:

smudger9 said:

yoshif8tures said:

smudger9 said:

GLogus said:

When you think about it, not a lot has happened over the course of 7 episodes. It’s basically just “Star Wars: The Return of Thrawn”. Seeing Hayden as Anakin again was nice more satisfying than in Kenobi), and I really like the the actor who plays Ezra, but over all, the show has not covered a lot of ground.

Totally agree. Plot wise it fits a 3 act movie perfectly.
Act 1: Character introduction & getting the map to Seatos.
Act 2: Confrontation on Seatos & Journey to Peridea.
Act 3: Thrawn reveal & Finale

However, it’s been edited and structured in a way that makes it difficult to cut the fat.
Much work to do! Hopefully all will become clearer after the finale.

Perhaps they saw how popular that Kenobi fanedit was and decided to make this in such a way as to make an edit very difficult 😉

Wouldn’t surprise me. I also wonder if fan editing is one of the reasons we don’t seem to get deleted scenes anymore.

Do you think fanediting would have that much of an impact?
I would have thought it was Disney not wanting to show anything except their original product. For example there was a book written by J.W Rinzlet about the making of TFA, he did the other 6 films, but they subsequently cancelled it.

I think it has some impact. Studios are aware of Fanedits and I’m sure it has resulted in less additional footage being released.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


I’ve had a good session this evening working on the single movie plan. I’ve now gone through all seven episodes and done a rough cut which came in at 2h 58mins, which is obviously too long with a 40 minute finale still to come. However, there is definitely a lot more than can be cut.

I then went back and did a more detailed cut of the first two episodes and I believe I now have a workable first act which allows the plot to progress quickly but maintains our character introductions. This comes in at 50mins:
Logos and crawl: 2mins
Episode 1: 34mins
Episode 2: 15mins

The main changes from the first cut are:

  1. Cutting the whole Ahsoka map sequence.
  2. Sabine now names the Denab system in the med bay as soon as Ahsoka asks her about the map.
  3. Re-inserted scene where Morgan sends Shin to Lothal.

So act 1 now plays out as:

  1. Rescue of Morgan
  2. Ahsoka and Hera on Home One.
  3. Sabine speeder intro & Ezra hologram.
  4. Baylan/Shin/Morgan at the temple remains - Shin sent to Lothal.
  5. Ahsoka & Sabine reunion on Lothal.
  6. Sabine takes star map and opens it.
  7. Sabine v Shin.
  8. Combined Medbay scenes - Sabine reveals Denab system to Ahsoka. Ahsoka leaves and Huyang persuades Sabine to re-start her training.
  9. Sabine returns to the Comms tower, suits up, cuts her hair and contacts Ahsoka.
  10. Morgan arrives on Seatos and opens the star map.
  11. Ahsoka collects Sabine and they jump into Hyperspace.
  12. The Final hyperdrive arrives at the Eye of Sion.

Act 2 is where a lot of fat needs to be trimmed and I’ll work on that this week after the premiere. I desperately want to keep the Clone Wars flashbacks but they may have to go 😦

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss