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The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]


So after sadly abandoning my Clone Wars epic following a hardware failure and taking time away from editing, I’ve decided to return to the fold with a fanedit of The Mandalorian Season 1 in the classical Star Wars movie format.

Headline Points:

  1. 2h 33min runtime.
  2. Classical Star Wars Movie Format with “The New Republic” logo, red crawl, opening pan and iris-out.
  3. Opening scene is Mando approaching arvala-7.
  4. Episode transitions re-scored.
  5. Ending streamlined to remove the child’s capture.

Available as:
HD 1080 5.1 .mov 10GB
4K .mov mkv 3GB (45GB original file)

Here is the trailer link

Full List of changes
Classical Star Wars Opening Crawl and Pan sequence with New Republic Logo and Red Lucasfilm Logo

Chapter 1 (36mins to 12mins)
Cut first 21 minutes of Chapter 1…. includes Mytherol bounty capture and the whole of the first sequence on Nevarro.
Crawl pans to manufactured Razorcrest hyperspace exit merging into the approach to Arvala-7.
Arvala-7 approach re-scored using “Face to Face”.
Cut head-on shot of Mando in the cockpit to add impact to his “reveal” exit from the Razorcrest.
Trimmed Razorcrest exit sequence to speed up pacing.
Cut Mando saying “Thankyou” to Kuiil… not a great first line for our fearsome bounty hunter.
Extended end of the Mando/Kuill hut scene by reversing a shot of Kuill and adding in “you are a Mandalorian, your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur’. This line now cuts to Mando mounting and riding the Blurg, allowing the Blurg training to be cut. Used score track “You are a Mandalorian” to create a better musical transition”.
Cut Mando “Let’s come up with a plan” this again makes him appear slightly incompetent.
Cut IG-11 shooting Mando - he gets shot way too many times in this season.
Trimmed scene of IG getting shot as the CGI looks too animated.Cut exchange between IG and Mando where IG runs a diagnostic.
Cut the Nikto attacking Mando from behind…. Why didn’t the Nikto just shoot him?
Trim Mando trying to open the door and “they’ve got us pinned” - speeds up the pacing.
Cut IG-11’s second threat to self-destruct.
Cut Mando shooting enemy as they enter the building.
Used a reversed shot to extend the pause between the blaster shot and IG falling to the ground.
Re-scored the child reveal using “Farewell” to give a more natural transition into the first scene of chapter 2.

Chapter 2 ( 27mins to 22mins)
Rebuild sound mix to remove music from whole Trandoshan ambush scene - creates more tension and allows a better transition to the next scene.
Trimming of the Jawa chase to speed pacing.
Remove Mando returning to the trashed Razorcrest - he goes straight to Kuill.
Remove child eating creature.
Remove Mando & Kuill travelling to the Jawa camp - it’s unnecessary. Transition wipe and scoring from “Celebration” used to cut from Kuill camp to Mando & Kuill arriving at the Jawa camp.
Remove Mando travelling in the Sandcrawler. Instead wipe transition from Jawa camp to Mando and the child walking towards the mudhorn cave.
Remove Mando “arming his weapons” outside the mudhorn cave.
Remove Mando’s rifle getting clogged with mud.
Slo-motion edits when Mando is dazed have been cut.
Remove Mando going back into the cave to retrieve the egg - we dont need to see this.
Rebuilt audio of Mando leaving Arvala to allow a re-score of the scene - rescored with “Trashed Crest”.
Cut to Kuill-IG reprogram scene from Chapter 7. Audio rebuilt to remove Kuill narration and score extended using “Reprogram”. Reprogram scene upto the point where IG awakens is used, rest is cut.

Chapter 3
Added Razorcrest cockpit shot of hyperspace exit from chapter 6 and immediately cut to hyperspace exit shot from chapter 3.
Cut Grief Carga line “I don’t know if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he’s getting very ansy”.
Trim Mando and child walking from Razorcrest to the Client.
Cut transition wipe as Mando walks through town.
When Mando meets the Client added “Beskar?” and “Go ahead, its real” from Chapter 1.
Added scene from Chapter 1 where Mando leaves the Client’s office including the line “the Beskar belongs back into the hands of a Mandalorian……”. Shots reused to hide the fact that Mando doesn’t have a beskar pauldron.
Rebuilt audio to allow smooth music transition to Mando walking back through town.
Remove most of Mando walking to the armoury.
Added armourer lines from Chapter 1 “this is from the great purge… it is good it is back from the tribe”.
Cut Armourer “This would be in order for your station”.
Cut Mando “That would be a great honour”.
Insert Armourer/Mando “has your signet been revealed….not yet” from Chapter 1.
Cut Mando/Armourer exchange about whistling birds.
Cut whistling birds from the armour sequence.
Add Cantina patron scene from Chapter 1 to Cantina intro sequence.
Add Grief Carga/Mando exposition dialogue from Chapter 1…. referring to Bounty hunter guild using cuts from Chapter 3.
Cut Mando looking at the trash can and scouting out the stronghold from the roof. He leaves the ship and goes straight to the front door… this spontaneity fits better with the overall plot.
Cut section of stormtrooper search “We’ll flush him out”.
Cut Stormtrooper shooting Mando.
Cut scene where Mando is captured inside the client’s office and uses whistling birds.
Removed wipe before tracking fobs activate.
Trim battle section where Mando is in the moving speeder - the speeder moves for far too long given the short distance it actually travels.
Shortened Grief Carga/Mando final confrontation scene to shorten the 2 excessive pauses.
Re-scored the Razorcrest escape using “Nightriders” to increase tension.
Cut the flying Mandalorian next to the Razorcrest.
Cut Mando passing the ball to the child.
Added clip from Chapter 6 of “In cockpit hyperspace jump”.
Added clip from Chapter 6 of Mando handing the ball to the child so it now happens with the Razorcrest in hyperspace.
Moved Grief Carga survival scene to here to give a tense escape from Nevarro and to provide a bridge scene between the Razorcrest entering and exiting hyperspace.

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Added Hyperspace exit from Chapter 6.
Add Chapter 4 scene aboard Razorcrest where Mando is looking for a sanctuary.
Add battle scene score “warm or cold”
Battle trimmed.
Trim approach to Tatooine.
Cut Toro introducing himself in the cantina.
Cut Pelli playing poker with the pit droids & finding the child.
Cut Tusken Raider interaction - pointless scene.
Cut first sniper shot hitting Mando.
Cut Toro “I don’t have beskar”
Cut Mando “We might just have a chance” - weakens his character.
Cut Toro “thanks for the tip”. “Who wouldn’t want to be a legend” is a far better sentence to end on
Cut Toro “It’ll make me a legend speech”
Replaced Boba finding Fennec with the version from BOBF - seeing his face adds more mystery… is it boba? Is it a clone?
Use Hammertime and Fennec & Boba to transition into and out of the Boba scene.

Chapter 6

Chapter 7
Cut Grief Karga line “I guess we can call it even”.
Add in approach to Sorgen from chapter 4 and Mando & Grogu walking to the bar. Then cut to the chapter 7 fight scene.
Cut Mando “you saw what happened on Sorgen” - those events aren’t in this edit.
Cut entire IG reprogram scene… first part edited and used between Chapters 2 and 3.
Cut Kuill “or whom I should serve” - gives his speech more impact.
Cut Grief Karga “It appears introductions are in order. It appears we have both brought a security detail”.
Cut Grief Karga “I’m glad this matter will be put to test once and for all”.
Cut some sitting around the campfire.
Cut Grief Karga lines about the child being a carnivore and the Empire paying a King’s ransom.
Trimmed Bird attack scene.
Cut Grief Karga line “he’s trying to eat me”.
Cut Mando line to Kuill about engaging ground security protocols.
Trim Mando/Cara/Karga approach to biker scouts.
Move Mando reposte “on your wall”
Cut Kuill riding on the Blurg… a continuous scene where Mando, Grief and Cara enter the Imperial den works far better.
Cut Grief Karga “go with it”.
Cut First Kuill on Blurg clip.
Cut Client “libation” line.
Cut Client line “we all will be quiet”.
Cut Cara “you said 4” line.
Cut Client line “Currently it is sleeping” and Gideon line “you might want to check again” so that when the client says he has the child he is immediately shot. This tightens the plot because it now lays out as though Gideon thinks the child is with Mando.
Cut Cara “This is bad” - Rick Ollie level exposition.
Cut third Kuill on Blurg clip so that the Gideon arrival scene is uninterrupted.
Trim Kuill v Biker scout death clips just to reveal Kuill lying on the ground

Chapter 8
Cut entire Biker Scout scene.
Cut Mando Line “I’m out of charges”.
Cut Gideon proposal. Now plays out as though Gideon thinks the child is there.
Shortened flashback scenes so it picks up where the previous one ended.
Trim scene of IG coming through the town.
Cut Gideon shooting Mando on the head.
Cut Mando asking Cara to leave him.
Cut intro shot of Flametrooper.
Cut Mando saying he’s not going to make it.
Cut the Mando/IG “get it over with” exchange.
Trim searching in the sewers scene.
Cut Mando line “you go, I can’t leave it like this”.
Cut first part of flashback scene.
Cut Mando “you wish me to train this thing”.
Cut armourer “it is too weak, it would die”.
Add in “I was once a foundling…… I know” lines from Chapter 1.
Cut Cara line about an escape plan.
Cut dialogue where Armourer gives Mando directions to the lava river.
Cut Mando line about staying.
Remove transition wipes either side of armourer v stormtroopers scene.
Cut Grief Karga line “There’s the larva river”.
Remove wipe as boat travels along larva river.
Cut Mando Line “That supersedes your manufacturer’s protocol… right”.
Cut IG-88 line “This is correct”.
Cut Mando line “Grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out”.
Cut Mando line “No, we need you”.
Cut IG Line “There is nothing to be sad about, I’ve never been alone”.
Cut Mando line “I’m not sad”.
Cut IG Line “yes you are, I’m a nurse droid. I’ve analysed your voice”.
Move Moff Gideon survival reveal scene forwards and score with “a warrior’s death” to give better transitions.
Added Razorcrest entering space clip from Chapter 3 to extend exit sequence.
Used Score from Chapter 3 to merge into Star Wars theme for the classical “Iris Out” transition to credits.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


Wow, it is nice to see you working on a new project! And it seems like you have inspired others to make a complete Clone Wars TV-to-movie series, so I’m glad you’re trying something new!

It seems like it has already been blocked, unfortunately. Perhaps you could post it on google drive or vimeo?

How are you going to title your Episode VII version of the crawl? Still just The Mandalorian?


RogueLeader said:

Wow, it is nice to see you working on a new project! And it seems like you have inspired others to make a complete Clone Wars TV-to-movie series, so I’m glad you’re trying something new!

It seems like it has already been blocked, unfortunately. Perhaps you could post it on google drive or vimeo?

How are you going to title your Episode VII version of the crawl? Still just The Mandalorian?

Up on vimeo now… OP edited with link.

I’ll post the EPVII version tomorrow, but It’ll have the same title… no Mandalorian in there.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


Just noticed that for some reason a number of light patches appear on the background starfields, which don’t appear in the original .mov files. Vimeo clearly doesn’t like photoshop images. I’ll try changing the photoshop background images to jpegs to see if it makes a difference.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


I was going to mention that but I’m glad you noticed!

If you don’t mind, I’d like to make too small suggestions. In the second paragraph of the crawl, you mention “underworld organisations”. Do you think you could possibly change “organisations” to a different word? Americans spell it like, “organizations”, so it might stick out and feel odd for the some viewers across the pond. Maybe you could go with “underworld syndicates”?

Also, if you don’t mind me throwing out an alternate episode title, I wonder if something like Ashes of the Empire might be more appropriate for the overall feel of this first story. Yes, the Child definitely seems like a Vergence in the Force, but I don’t think anyone even uses the word “Force” in the show, and the story so far has less to do with the Force, and more to do with these various people surviving in the aftermath of the Empire’s collapse. The Vergence title might be more appropriate if the show gets into more Force lore in the next season or two, and our heroes actually get introduced to the concept of the Force. Supposedly the original title for Episode 7 was actually Shadow of the Empire, so that could work too.


smudger9 said:

So after sadly abandoning my Clone Wars epic after a hardware failure, and taking time away from editing, I’ve decided to return to the fold with a fanedit of The Mandalorian Season 1 in the classical Star Wars movie format.

The plan is to produce a single movie of around 2.5 hours, whilst maintaining the character development and story flow.

My first cut is done and is coming in at the 2:45 mark. I’d like it shorter, but at the moment its difficult to see how I can take a chunk out. I’m currently sticking with most of Chapter IV because it allows the Mando-Cara and Mando-Child relationship to develop and is key to the Mando’s motivation to return to Nevarro.

Here is the opening 5 minutes with the classical crawl. I’ve also made a couple of adjustments to the Mando-Grief intro such as removing the “I can only pay half” line.



And here is a Star Wars Episode VII version, for those that don’t like the ST!


Hello there 😉
Im super happy you returned to fanediting the Star Wars stuff.
Would you consider maybe realising a third version without any Episode number? For eg. Just leaving the crawl and all, Just without "Episode… “? 😉

Preferred saga:
EI (DVD version) • EII (Blu-Ray) • CW (DVD) • TCW (smudger9’s fanedit) • ROTS (Octorox’s Extended version) •RO, Solo (originals) • Andor (smudger9’s episode I and EddieDean’s ep. 3-4) • OT (2004’s DVD) • Mando (s01: smudger9’s fanedit, s02: original) • TBOBF (smudger9’s) • TFA, TLJ (originals) • TROS - HAL’s edit


Super excited for this! Cutting out the beginning with the comedic Mythrol bounty was a good move, though I will miss the great door kill. I’ve seen a few edits of the show already, but a lot of them didn’t cut enough.

Thank you for making an “Episode 7” version also!
That’s exactly how I wanted to imagine it lol.


Update 1:

The first of the 6 “acts” is now complete. Its essentially the first episode of the series with the classical Star Wars movie opening crawl.

It is 25mins in length, including the 2 minute Classical opening. So I’ve managed to shave 13 minutes off the 36 minute episode without it feeling rushed. I’ve cut two big chunks which weren’t essential and trimmed a lot of other scenes to speed up the pacing, but because the opening fight scene has been cut completely, there is a nice, slow introduction with exposition. The pacing then slowly builds upto the battle for the asset.

Changes made:
I’ve sorted out the blotches on the opening pan shot and altered the opening crawl slightly based on feedback.

  1. Completely cut the opening scene with the Mythrol bounty.
  2. Trimmed the Mando/Grief scene to lose “I can only pay half” and “deep pocket” lines.
  3. Trimmed the Mando/Client scene to lose “what else did he say”.
  4. Cut some of the non-speaking parts of the Mando/Armourer scene to speed up the plot progression.
  5. Cut a couple of the shots of the Mando landing on Arvala.
  6. Removed all but the last 5 seconds of the Mando learning to ride Blurgg scene.
  7. Added a reversed clip of the Mando/Kuill hut conversation to retain the “you are a Mandalorian, your ancestors…” line.
  8. Trimmed a small part of the end battle scene.
  9. Removed the Mando “are you ok” line to IG… doesn’t fit with his attitude towards droids.
  10. Cut the additional “hostile” when the Mando and IG enter the room.
  11. Added an extra 2 seconds to the pause between the blaster shot and the reveal that Mando has shot IG rather than IG shooting baby Yoda to add tension.

Here is the link. Because this is essentially a while episode of the show I’ve hidden it behind a Vimeo password.

Password is smudger9

I’d be grateful for any thoughts and comments.
My next step is to do a rough cut of episode 2 with the Jawas completely cut out. Its breaking my heart to do it because I loved the Jawas, but they aren’t essential and it means I can get this down to less than 2h 30.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


So were u able to squeeze in Bill Burrs character by any chance? I think he is returning to Season 2.


No. That episode was a proper stand- alone with no impact on the season plot.

If he reappears in season 2 it’ll be with enough exposition that leaving him out of the first movie won’t be an issue.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


It’s looking good! I only watched on my phone, but the edits seemed pretty flawless. As far as the ending goes, are you planning on having it flow into “act” 2? Because at this point it still feels like an ending of something.

As far as suggestions go, perhaps volume levels should be looked over again during the intro and transitioning into the episode footage? I’m no audio expert, but the fanfare was maybe a little loud compared to the Mando OST that follows it.

Also, in the crawl, maybe “law and order HAS” should be changed to “law and order HAVE” since you are referring to two subjects. Unless you mean the Law & Order TV series! One final suggestion would be changing “in a dangerous part of the galaxy” to “in a dangerous corner of the galaxy”. The word “part” just seems a little simple for lack of a better term.

Really looking forward to seeing how this project evolves!


AbramPT said:

It’s looking good! I only watched on my phone, but the edits seemed pretty flawless. As far as the ending goes, are you planning on having it flow into “act” 2? Because at this point it still feels like an ending of something.

As far as suggestions go, perhaps volume levels should be looked over again during the intro and transitioning into the episode footage? I’m no audio expert, but the fanfare was maybe a little loud compared to the Mando OST that follows it.

Also, in the crawl, maybe “law and order HAS” should be changed to “law and order HAVE” since you are referring to two subjects. Unless you mean the Law & Order TV series! One final suggestion would be changing “in a dangerous part of the galaxy” to “in a dangerous corner of the galaxy”. The word “part” just seems a little simple for lack of a better term.

Really looking forward to seeing how this project evolves!

Thanks for the input. I’ll look into the audio levels and match them to the OT movies.

Great suggestions for the crawl, I’ll do that.

The Act 1 to Act 2 transition cuts to Mando and The child walking through that narrow passage. However, the Trandoshan fight will be cut.

If I can get it to work, I’ll then transition straight to the Mudhorn scene. I’m cutting that together now and It looks like it will work. I’ll post a rough cut of the Jawa-free act 2 this week to gauge the reaction.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


Update 2:

This was a tough one, but I think I’ve managed to cut out the Jawas and leave the Mudhorn scene in. Seems to work pretty well.

The only addition I need to make it to add a sigh and possibly a short sentence of frustration from the Mando when he reaches the Mudhorn cave.

I’m also considering re-scoring the Mudhorn scene, and possibly adding a version of the force theme at the end of the scene. But that is for the final touches.

Here’s the vimeo clip of segment 2. It basically cuts the second episode down to 12 minutes and means that Mando returns to Navarro to deliver the asset at the 39 minute mark, which puts me on track to complete the first act at the one hour mark.


password smudger9

Changes Made:

  1. Trandoshan fight scene completely cut.
  2. All Jawa scenes completely cut.
  3. Opening Mando walking scene cuts straight into Mando walking into the valley where the mudhorn lives.
  4. Scene of the Mando reparing himself and his armour moved so the it follows the mud horn scene.
  5. The 2 wide-angled Mando walking scenes combined into one.
  6. Scene of Mando returning to Kuill’s camp retained, but dialogue is replaced by the Mando-Kuill discussion about the child’s force lift.
  7. Kuill camp scene cuts to Kuill-Mando farewell scene on the Razorcrest.
  8. Added light speed jump to Mando’s exit from Arvala.
  9. Added in Kuill repairing IG scene from episode 7. Removed Kuill voiceover and inserted required sound effects.
  10. IG Repair scene cuts to Mando exiting hyperspace at Navarro.

That is (hopefully) the toughest of the 6 segments. 2 down and 4 to go… the third segment has very few edits, so I should have another update in the next week.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


Overall, this one was super well done! The amount of work you’ve done with this footage is immense and I can’t imagine it was easy. I’m genuinely curious to see how the pacing of this plays out once it’s complete - it’s almost art house in the way it takes its time and often lacks dialogue.

The one this that stood out to me was when Kuill and Mando are at the Razorcrest saying their goodbyes. Mando says that he could use a crew member with Kuill’s abilities and skills, but we never really get to see those skills in this cut. Perhaps he’s just referring to his ability to capture and tame wildlife? (That doesn’t seem to be a skill Mando would find particularly valuable). Maybe it would be possible to cut this part out.

Looking forward to part 3!


AbramPT said:

Overall, this one was super well done! The amount of work you’ve done with this footage is immense and I can’t imagine it was easy. I’m genuinely curious to see how the pacing of this plays out once it’s complete - it’s almost art house in the way it takes its time and often lacks dialogue.

The one this that stood out to me was when Kuill and Mando are at the Razorcrest saying their goodbyes. Mando says that he could use a crew member with Kuill’s abilities and skills, but we never really get to see those skills in this cut. Perhaps he’s just referring to his ability to capture and tame wildlife? (That doesn’t seem to be a skill Mando would find particularly valuable). Maybe it would be possible to cut this part out.

Looking forward to part 3!

Yes, I tried to take out the conversation about recruiting Kuill as a crew member. I initially replaced it with the conversation about the child’s force use and it worked really well, however, it made the scene when Mando arrives at Kuill’s home far too short, which affected the flow of the scenes.

So, I decided to keep it and assume that Mando could sense that Kuill was technically gifted.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


This showed some great editing skills. I really liked how you added Kuill repairing IG early on. Looking forward to the final product.


It’s wonderful to see you!

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


That clip looks great! I’d love a link when this project is finished!

As someone who has been experimenting with a similar idea, I know how hard it is to transition from the music build up at the end of each episode into the next scene, which is probably the only thing that seems a little off about that clip. The rest is great don’t get me wrong! But it just seems like when the episode ends, the music seems very climactic and then suddenly… transition wipe!

Your are definitely doing a better job at this show than me though! 😄


Isn’t the Mandalorian’s armour undamaged in the scene where the child eats the frog? 😬 That might be a tough problem to get around.

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Chase Adams said:

That clip looks great! I’d love a link when this project is finished!

As someone who has been experimenting with a similar idea, I know how hard it is to transition from the music build up at the end of each episode into the next scene, which is probably the only thing that seems a little off about that clip. The rest is great don’t get me wrong! But it just seems like when the episode ends, the music seems very climactic and then suddenly… transition wipe!

Your are definitely doing a better job at this show than me though! 😄


Isn’t the Mandalorian’s armour undamaged in the scene where the child eats the frog? 😬 That might be a tough problem to get around.

My plan is to go back at the end and tidy up some of the music.

As for the armour, yes its a small continuity issue, but that scene is very dimly lit so it makes it less obvious.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


How’s it coming along? Super excited!


TK251 said:

How’s it coming along? Super excited!

Pretty well.

Full second cut completed. All edits done except the 4 inter-chapter transitions which need a bit of work in terms of the score.

I’ve just finished the Chapter 1 to 2 transition, which unfortunately is the easiest.

The other 3, plus the end credits will probably take another couple of weeks.

Here is the 1 to 2 scene transition with the new score.


Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


smudger9 said:

TK251 said:

How’s it coming along? Super excited!

Pretty well.

Full second cut completed. All edits done except the 4 inter-chapter transitions which need a bit of work in terms of the score.

I’ve just finished the Chapter 1 to 2 transition, which unfortunately is the easiest.

The other 3, plus the end credits will probably take another couple of weeks.

Here is the 1 to 2 scene transition with the new score.


Can hardly wait for the whole edit.


This looks great! But I have one question: are you keeping the forced “romance” with that villager from Episode 4? That was my least favorite part of the The Mandalorian series because it felt so out-of-place and unnecessary.