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Upcoming in the 4K Filmized Remaster series, straight from the untouched bluray master with DTS-HDMA audio in English and Truefrench. Color grading is also being reworked to get rid of the yellow tint.
Upcoming in the 4K Filmized Remaster series, straight from the untouched bluray master with DTS-HDMA audio in English and Truefrench. Color grading is also being reworked to get rid of the yellow tint.
I’m all for more Mask projects! I’m so gutted i missed out on donating the 35mm print scan, but this looks great.
youre the goat for this
around the survivors a perimeter create
Hi, I’m back on board, working on a new and easier solution to provide you the 4K Filmized Remasters, file by file as requested. When everything is ready and available, I’ll get back to each one of you, including DMs received while I was on holiday. Thanks for your patience and take care.
I’d also be interested in that and could not only throw the DTS-rip from the US-Laserdisc onto the pile for that special release, but even the Cinema DTS one. Doesn’t get more truthful than that. 😃
However, both would have to be synced to the video and in case of the Cinema DTS, it would be technically (not necessarily audibly) be better to reflag the BD video stream which most probably comes in 24/1.001 fps to 24 fps so one doesn’t have to resample the audio at all and maybe just use that or make several variants.
Thanks! Definitely interested in seeing this.
One of my favorites of all time, patiently waiting for this!
ready for this one!
Project is ready guys.
Project is ready guys.
LETS GOOOOOO id love a link
around the survivors a perimeter create
Yes! One of my fav childhood films. Would really appreciate a link!
Cam i have link?
Can I have a link too?
MJBenito, nice work. Looks like a solid upgrade!
Project is ready guys.
In terms of you’re finding the time to start it or that you’ve already finished it?
Also, how about the inclusion of the CinemaDTS as I suggested?
Project is ready guys.
In terms of you’re finding the time to start it or that you’ve already finished it?
Also, how about the inclusion of the CinemaDTS as I suggested?
Project is ready means project is released. Feel free to remux the CinemaDTS track as I don’t have it.
Project is ready guys.
In terms of you’re finding the time to start it or that you’ve already finished it?
Also, how about the inclusion of the CinemaDTS as I suggested?
Project is ready means project is released. Feel free to remux the CinemaDTS track as I don’t have it.
I have the cinema DTS ISO’s. Message me for a link.
Thanks a lot, MJBenito. Yes, I’ve noticed that your nice project video file doesn’t contain the DTS version so I’m happy to contribute here. I also have the CinemaDTS (and the LD audio as mentioned before) at hand, but I yet again will have to investigate how that is properly decoded now level-wise as there used to be quite some confusion about that (at FanRes), especially regarding the level of the part below 80Hz which is embedded into the surround channels as that format came without a LFE back in the days.
Anyway, on a quick run, I want to spend a few words on The Mask and hope that you don’t mind a critic review of your upscale/remaster. All that is meant to be constructive feedback.
It is clear that the used source in the unfortunate lack of a fresh 4K scan is pretty dated and most probably comes from a time where it was just “good enough” for a SD release on DVD. As the comparison at caps-a-holic shows, the BD release is barely any sharper that the DVD, but at least they didn’t fuck it up (yes, James Cameron, I mean you!):
Now your release, and this is entirely my honest, humble and at the end subjective opinion, introduces a different kind of issues, similar to Titanic: What at first looks sharper, isn’t really and if something may irritate on your releases, despite the way better (in terms of more neutral) colors without any doubt, then it’s that typical “oh, quite sharp … but where are the details?” kind of impression. Technically this makes perfect sense as one cannot create information out of nowhere (overly hyped AI-processing nowadays or not).
Let me undergird the argument with some screenshots:
Yes, your version appears sharper at first, but when paying attention to the pedestrians, they really start to look very artificial. Not that they looked great to begin with, but not as waxy and “Playmobil”-manikin-like.
In this shot, when looking at the grill/ventilation part to his right, one can witness a small (!) amount of lost detail on your release which is still present in the original (which would also support my observations with Titanic). So while your used AI program adds (perceived) sharpness by boosting the contrast and other techniques (without the usual sharpening artefacts, I have to say, no ringing, no halos), it slightly (!) reduces the spatial resolution of the original as well:
I hate to say it, but for me, that without any doubt too fuzzy original BD has a more consistent look despite its many flaws. On your release, although I want to love it for the effort alone, I cannot get rid of the feeling that something is wrong as one has the conflicting impression of sharpness and at the same time lack of real details which the added noise (for me at least) can’t really mask (no pun intended here).
If not too much trouble, as with Titanic, I would also appreciate a version which is only color adjusted and nothing else. However, it remains to be wished that “The Mask” finally gets a decent UHD release as the not so great BD even for its time, doesn’t give that still nice movie its justice.
can i have a link please, thanks
can i have a link please, thanks
I’ll love to see this
Hi i would love to have this. I’ve wanted a 4k version of this film for a very long time
Hi, can I have a link too, please?
Definitely interested in seeing this.Can I have a link please, thank you
Please send me a link. This looks amazing!