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The Marvel Cinematic Universe — Page 7


Bingowings said:

The dumb bit of Iron Man 3 was blowing up all those useful suits as a sign of commitment to Pepper.

A) How does that work? Domestic partners don't want you to blow up expensive, useful stuff generally speaking. Helping her build her own suit to manage her un-fixable superpowers (why would you want to be cured of being able to bend super tankers with your bare hands?) would make more sense.

B)If removing the shrapnel was easy enough to make a snap decision about, why didn't he make a snap decision about it earlier...like when the reactor keeping it in place was killing him?

C)We know he will just spend the rest of his marriage replacing them and probably pissing off Pepper in the process.

Stayed with MAOS but have attempted to avoid spoilers here.

It does get better, nice to see Deathlok turn up (I loved those comics as a kid). It still feels like Torchwood done better and not quite like the comics I remembered. I wish the Marvel and Doctor Who universe would merge so SHIELD and UNIT could team up against some sort of otherworldly menace.

Yeah, that was the dumbest part to me. It's supposed to be some inane message about how love conquers all and how Tony's transcended his need to hide behind armour and blah blah blah, when really all it does is kind of emasculate him (women always tend to "ruin" men in these movies by changing them from who they are as a sad excuse for character development) and leave him without his ability to participate as an Avenger. At the end he talks about always being Iron Man as he chucks his reactor, but Iron Man isn't really Iron Man without the whole iron man bit.

Also, I believe he took the Extremis formula, modified it (which stabilized Pepper), and dosed himself with it in order to survive the surgery to remove the shrapnel, but it's just not explained very well in the film. I could also be wrong.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Edgar Wright out for Ant-Man. I am saddened. He's been on the project since before we had a Cinematic Universe.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

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Well there goes any chance I will see it.  The fact that Marvel would fire someone as good as him makes me have second thoughts about watching any of their upcoming films.  I hope this isn't the start of a trend of the executives having big heads and firing anyone who tries to be creative and not stick to a formula.


Nowhere does it say he was fired. He left because he didn't want to play ball with the MCU.

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Tobar said:

Nowhere does it say he was fired. He left because he didn't want to play ball with the MCU.
This is true. Maybe he just got told what happens in Age of Ultron and now he has to add or reference X Y and Z, maybe he didn't want to. I hadn't thought about that.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

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Yeah that is what I am afraid will bring these movies down,the executives caring more about the links to other movies then making each movie a good movie in it's own right. When the director of Captain America didn't want to do the modern world stuff they didn't make him,they shot it with another director and let him make Captain America as a stand alone movie and just used the link stuff as a wrap around,but if you cut that stuff out Captain America would still work as a stand alone movie with a beginning,middle,and end,so it is is still a film in it's own right and not just a link in a long chain. I hope that isn't what is happening here. Maybe I am just a biased because Hot Fuzz is one of my favorite movies of all time,but I find it worrying that they could have a director this good working on a project for so long and then just have it fall apart. Something feels off about this whole thing and it worries me,that is all.


So, in "Agents of SHIELD" I know it's not a superhero show, but does every single person have to wear nothing but black at all times?

Victoria Hand has a freaking RED LOCK in her hair, but can't wear a red blouse? The geeky scientists cant wear a green sweater? Coulson can have a gold tie? 

Tiny complaint. I do dig the show.


I'm finally up to date with the show...It's very, very silly and feels a bit cobbled together but it is fun sometimes. I hope Man-Thing gets more than a casual mention.


Bingowings said:

I'm finally up to date with the show...It's very, very silly and feels a bit cobbled together but it is fun sometimes.
You're silly and a bit cobbled together, but I guess you're fun most times.

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I'd describe myself more as, alright if you like that sort of thing.


Josh Brolin has been cast as Thanos, thoughts?

Forum Moderator

He's got the chin.

I'm down.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Well that's good to know. ABC doesn't release most of their shows on BluRay which has always bugged me and driven me to make my own BluRays using off air recordings.  Good to know AOS will not fall down that same hole.


Now that the rights have reverted to Marvel I would like to see Ghost Rider in a team up with other Marvel horror characters like Man-Thing, Doctor Strange, Adam Warlock etc but tie it in to the Avengers universe.


That would be pretty cool.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Having Ghost Rider guest star on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. would be AMAZING.

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How about they do an AOS with the other Captain America.

In the 70s, to combat bad morale about Vietnam the US makes another Captain America... only the serum doesn't work, and he's violently paranoid and prone to hallucinations. For the last 40 years he's been in a VA hospital hopped up on sedatives... until SOMETHING DRAMATIC HAPPENS! 


Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’ To Be Directed by ‘Sinister’ Helmer Scott Derrickson

Doctor Strange is not yet officially a part of Phase 3 of Marvel Studios’ Cinematic Universe, though studio head Kevin Feige has all but confirmed that the Sorcerer Supreme will, in fact, be joining the MCU between the release of the second and third Avengers installments. It’s been nearly three months since reports began circulating about the shortlist of directors being considered to helm the project – and today, we can offer an update on the situation.

According to Variety, Scott Derrickson (The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Sinister) has entered proper talks to helm the Doctor Strange movie, after he was previously reported to be one of the filmmakers being eyed by Marvel Studios. The talks between the studio and Derrickson are reported to still be ongoing, though Variety‘s sources claim that “a deal should be struck shortly” – and THR‘s source are so confident about a deal being reached, that the site is already claiming that Derrickson “has signed on to direct the Marvel feature,” even in the absence of confirmation from Marvel.

Indeed, it seems safe to say that Derrickson will end up directing Doctor Strange, judging by this Tweet he just posted online:


My next movie will be STRANGE: 

3:03 PM - 3 Jun 2014

The Doctor Strange comic books, for those unfamiliar, generally revolve around the arrogant neurosurgeon Stephen Strange, who is robbed of his fine surgical capabilities, only to later gain newfound supernatural abilities, which allow him to protect Earth from a variety of danger magical threats. Many a fan of the Stephen Strange character has already voiced their support for Derrickson to call the shots on a live-action Doctor Strange film, given his experience (and critical acclaim) in the supernatural horror genre – a sandbox he played in yet again for his next movie, Deliver Us From Evil, which opens in theaters this summer.

Derrickson, among other things, has demonstrated a knack for grounding the horrifying and fantastical without removing that sense of wonder (dark and disturbing, it may sometimes be) – a skill that ought to serve him well, when it comes to adapting Doctor Strange so that it feels like his own creation and fits the Marvel Movie Universe. Indeed, Feige previously made it known that he thinks the movie “needs to be a Ditko/Kubrick/Miyazaki/The Matrix mind-trip,” so you need someone who can manage a firm grasp on that sort of “weird” dark superhero story.

More here.

Forum Moderator

Sweet. Love the diversity of a horror/supernatural director for this. Fits beautifully.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


He also directed the The Day The Earth Stood Still remake. So there's that.

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Oh,that is bad.  I had completely forgotten that thing existed.  No really I had to think about it for a second after you brought it up before I remembered that it was a real thing.

Still maybe  we will get lucky,I mean Johnathan Frakes directed Shades of Gray but he also did First Contact so maybe it will work out.