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The Marvel Cinematic Universe — Page 5


I also love the route that the cinematic universe has taken in regards to this. I look forward to each installment.


I do wonder if they got Alex Jones or David Icke in as plot consultants.

Nazi's backwards engineering technology left by aliens posing as gods. Project Paperclip style genetic experiments, Secret elite cabals hiring actors to justify pumping money into arms production.

All that was missing was the Skrulls (why weren't they the invaders in The Avengers?).

Have we had any one-eyed pyramids and plans to decimate the human population to a more manageable level yet? They did have the fluoridation metaphor in the first Amazing Spiderman movie.

I wish Fox and Disney do come to an agreement eventually so X-Men, Fantastic Four and The Avengers can all team up with Silver Surfer and Spiderman and have at Galactus.


Bingowings said:

plans to decimate the human population to a more manageable level yet?

They had something like that in Captain America - The Winter Soldier (which is called "The Return Of The First Avenger" in Germany. I mean, we get Title changes all the time, but replacing an english title with another english title is one hell of a stupid idea).


I just got a chance to get caught up on AOS and all i can say is wow.

Skye really came into her own when she refused to give into Ward and all the revelation about who was running TAHITIE was something I didn't see coming.  One thing I have to wonder is what does it take to get Fitz to make a move?! I mean come on that scene by the pool,could Simmons have made the signals any more clear? Oh well.

Oh and seeing Culson and May act like FitzSimmons was just great.

I have to say I like Trip more then I ever liked Ward and I hope he sticks around.

I have no idea how they are going to get out of this cliffhanger.

Still as amazing as these episodes have been I think the writers screwed up on one point. They want us to think Ward is still a good person so they had him spare the dog but the problem with that is he has killed or allowed hundreds of people to be killed all so he wouldn't end up serving time for a crime that when all was said and done he would most likely only spend five to ten years in prison for.  The Ward is still a good person trained sailed along time ago and it's like the writers are trying to back track it in the cheapest way possible.  His sparing the dog only makes him a good person if you assume the life of one dog has more value then the life of dozens of people,that is the only way you can say it proves he is a good person. What it tells me is that he only cares about life that he has an emotional connection to and that isn't being a good person. he doesn't care about people or animals that have no effect on him,he only cares about the ones that he has a bond with,if he doesn't have a bond with someone he will murder them in cold blood and he will not feel bad about it. That isn't being a good person that is being selfish. he is not protecting life for it's own sake he is protecting life because he doesn't want to feel pain.  The whole dog thing was a really cheap attempt to manipulate the viewers and I am afraid that in the next episode we are going to get more of the same and the magic reset button will be hit on Ward and he will be welcomed back into the team no questions asked and the show will act like none of the people he murdered were of any value and it will just ignore them because "hey he saved a dog and that makes him a hero!" If they end this season with such a cheap trick right about of the Star trek Voyager play book then I am done with this show and will not return for season two.

Still aside from that fear I am looking forward to the next episode.


Tobar convinced me to see Amazing Spider-Man 2.


Thanks, buddy!


Personally I found it to be the best of the 5 Spidey movies.  It has the humor and the tone I think they've been missing for so long.

It's getting horrid reviews... maybe there's not enough crying in it.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



TK-949 said:

He killed the dog.

 It was what's his name with the Sniper riffle who killed the dog,unless I missed something.  I will have to rewatch the episode again but I thought he fired his gun in the air and it was someone else with the riffle.


I thought using the analogy of the dog was genius. Ward doesn't go out of his way to kill innocents he has an attachment to. If anyone is innocent, it's Fitz-Simmons.

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I don't know the whole "If he spares a dog he must have some good in him" angle feels played out to me. As i said over all the episode was very good but with out that played out bit I think it would have been the best episode so far. For me it knocks the episode down from a 10 to an 8. It's still very good,it's just with one more rewrite I think it could have been perfect.  Still you can't have everything and I can't wait for next week's episode.


xhonzi said:

Tobar convinced me to see Amazing Spider-Man 2.


Thanks, buddy!


Personally I found it to be the best of the 5 Spidey movies.  It has the humor and the tone I think they've been missing for so long.

It's getting horrid reviews... maybe they're not enough crying in it.




Jaitea said:

xhonzi said:

Tobar convinced me to see Amazing Spider-Man 2.


Thanks, buddy!


Personally I found it to be the best of the 5 Spidey movies.  It has the humor and the tone I think they've been missing for so long.

It's getting horrid reviews... maybe there's not enough crying in it.



Probably some kind of sarcasm.  I don't have to even try- it just comes naturally.


But I honestly did think it was the best of the 5.  It does a good job of  striking that balance between all of the ingredients that go into a Spider-Man story.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



DrCrowTStarwars said:

After seeing this there is no way I am seeing that movie.


Apart from the first two Xmen movies Soony summed up how I feel about the Xmen movies and the movies that are coming this summer.

To each their own I guess.  I don't know who these two fine people are, but I couldn't stand to watch/listen to them for more than about 5 minutes.  So... *shrug*.


(Was he crying at the beginning?)


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



xhonzi said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

After seeing this there is no way I am seeing that movie.


Apart from the first two Xmen movies Soony summed up how I feel about the Xmen movies and the movies that are coming this summer.

To each their own I guess.  I don't know who these two fine people are, but I couldn't stand to watch/listen to them for more than about 5 minutes.  So... *shrug*.


(Was he crying at the beginning?)

 It's Spoony from The Spoony Experiment and I think his girlfriend. This wasn't one of his shows it was just his reactions from getting back from a midnigh screening of the movie so he wasn't crying he was just tired and when he gets back from a bad movie he tends to get a little drunk. His taste and mine line up most of the time,also the number of tickets Sony is giving away with toy,Dvd copies of the last four films and cartoon shows,and cereal boxs tells me the executives think this film needs all the help it can get. That and I din't like the first one with it's script being a beat for beat rip off of Batman begins and the casting just being bad. Oh and in these new movies Peter Parker is worse at hiding the fact that he is Spiderman then Superman was in the 1950s show.  I'm sorry but I have better things to do with my time and money. The first movie was miscast and it was a mess so after seeing some bad reviews and getting the feeling the studio that made the film thinks it's bad I have no interest in seeing it.


I just watched the first two episodes of AOS.

At the moment it's Torchwood without the gay sex or every Glen Larson show not set in space at once.

If bullets can't hit people in this universe why do they keep firing guns and what kind of plastic is Agent Ward made of?

His face looks like every pore is competing for the most generic look award.

The show needs an ugly good guy or a girl who can turn into a pizza.


Stay tuned and give it time. In the end you won't regret it.


The show is just fantastic, that is really what I think

oh by the way, which one's Fitz?


Johnny Ringo said:

The show is just fantastic, that is really what I think

oh by the way, which one's Fitz?

 The Scottish guy with a model TARDIS in his room.

I agree the show is great and I think the early episodes were needed,the episodes we have had over the past few weeks would not have had nearly as much impact(For me at least)if we hadn't been given time to get to know the characters and if a normal pattern for adventures had not been set up first. Once you have that pattern then when you shake things up it has a real impact.  For instance The Best of Both Worlds is one of the best Star trek stories ever but would have had nearly as much impact if it had been the pilot instead of an episode at the end of season three?  I don't think so. The reason these stories have the impact they do is because they shake up what we were told to expect,if you don't know the characters then it really has no impact when their world is shaken up. Some people may think the first 12 episodes or so were filler but I see them as fun adventures and needed set up for what we have now and so far I have enjoyed every episode of the series to some degree.  Some episodes are stronger then others but I have yet to see one I would score below a five out of ten and that is an impressive feat for a show that has to set up it's own universe for viewers that have not seen all the movies,set up it's own characters that don't come from comics,and tie into movies two of which came out while the series was airing.  I can't think of any other show that has ever had to do that and I am impressed that the writers and producers of AOS were able to pull it off at all. I went in half expecting them to crash and burn because of all the baggage so I think they have done a good job.


Good news everyone!

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been renewed! Not only that, but the Agent Carter series has been picked up as well!

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Tobar said:

Good news everyone!

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been renewed! Not only that, but the Agent Carter series has been picked up as well!


I was really hoping that would get picked up.  I wonder if we will see more of Howard Stark in that series,I really liked him in the movies but we only saw him for a few minutes.

Now I can't wait for this coming fall.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

Johnny Ringo said:

The show is just fantastic, that is really what I think

oh by the way, which one's Fitz?

 The Scottish guy with a model TARDIS in his room.

 not sure if not sure if serious

I actually liked the early stuff but it got really bland really quickly. I'm glad that the show has been getting a lot more interesting in recent weeks..

RE: Agent Carter, I have high hopes. Definitely interested in that but I'm hoping that a different team is put in charge of it, I really don't want the same show [as SHIELD] in sepia tones.

Bingo - If your attention starts to drift then Jump ahead and see if your opinion changes, If you still aren't feeling it then bail, i guess.

I'm not too concerned with continuity and spoilers so I just check in every now and then. I've watched too many episodes that did absolutely nothing for me by now.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

that is an impressive feat for a show that has to set up it's own universe for viewers that have not seen all the movies,set up it's own characters that don't come from comics,and tie into movies two of which came out while the series was airing.  I can't think of any other show that has ever had to do that
Shows generally have to create their own characters not in some comic so that's not exactly new. Plus interconnected movies/tv has been attempted before Star Trek, Power Rangers, X-Files, and plenty more. You can argue the MCU does it better if you like but it's not entirely new ground. That's okay though so long as the show continues to get better it doesn't need to be "First!" at doing interconnected movies/tv.

DrCrowTStarwars said:

I agree the show is great and I think the early episodes were needed,the episodes we have had over the past few weeks would not have had nearly as much impact(For me at least)if we hadn't been given time to get to know the characters and if a normal pattern for adventures had not been set up first. Once you have that pattern then when you shake things up it has a real impact. For instance The Best of Both Worlds is one of the best Star trek stories ever but would have had nearly as much impact if it had been the pilot instead of an episode at the end of season three? I don't think so. The reason these stories have the impact they do is because they shake up what we were told to expect,if you don't know the characters then it really has no impact when their world is shaken up. Some people may think the first 12 episodes or so were filler but I see them as fun adventures and needed set up for what we have now and so far I have enjoyed every episode of the series to some degree.

While I agree that the previous episodes weren't filler or even that bad the thing that killed a lot of the momentum from them was the airing schedule. The types of episodes they were producing with the time they were airing really doesn't match. To justify the 1 or 2 new episodes a month they were doing for a while they needed the episodes to be more like a well written twilight zone episode. Episodes that work sort of like a movie themselves sort of like Batman:TAS. The episodes they were giving weren't that except for two the pilot and Yes men. Well actually just the pilot "Yes men" may work as an "event" type episode but the original twilight zone episodes I've seen are better written. The pilot isn't exactly that level, writing wise, but it's close enough. They're episodes that really needed a steady weekly schedule otherwise it creates the disdain many people have for those episodes right now. Calling them "filler" and whatnot. I just hope that they don't do the same airing schedule faux pas next time.


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twister111 said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

that is an impressive feat for a show that has to set up it's own universe for viewers that have not seen all the movies,set up it's own characters that don't come from comics,and tie into movies two of which came out while the series was airing.  I can't think of any other show that has ever had to do that

Shows generally have to create their own characters not in some comic so that's not exactly new. Plus interconnected movies/tv has been attempted before Star Trek, Power Rangers, X-Files, and plenty more. You can argue the MCU does it better if you like but it's not entirely new ground. That's okay though so long as the show continues to get better it doesn't need to be "First!" at doing interconnected movies/tv.

DrCrowTStarwars said:

I agree the show is great and I think the early episodes were needed,the episodes we have had over the past few weeks would not have had nearly as much impact(For me at least)if we hadn't been given time to get to know the characters and if a normal pattern for adventures had not been set up first. Once you have that pattern then when you shake things up it has a real impact. For instance The Best of Both Worlds is one of the best Star trek stories ever but would have had nearly as much impact if it had been the pilot instead of an episode at the end of season three? I don't think so. The reason these stories have the impact they do is because they shake up what we were told to expect,if you don't know the characters then it really has no impact when their world is shaken up. Some people may think the first 12 episodes or so were filler but I see them as fun adventures and needed set up for what we have now and so far I have enjoyed every episode of the series to some degree.

While I agree that the previous episodes weren't filler or even that bad the thing that killed a lot of the momentum from them was the airing schedule. The types of episodes they were producing with the time they were airing really doesn't match. To justify the 1 or 2 new episodes a month they were doing for a while they needed the episodes to be more like a well written twilight zone episode. Episodes that work sort of like a movie themselves sort of like Batman:TAS. The episodes they were giving weren't that except for two the pilot and Yes men. Well actually just the pilot "Yes men" may work as an "event" type episode but the original twilight zone episodes I've seen are better written. The pilot isn't exactly that level, writing wise, but it's close enough. They're episodes that really needed a steady weekly schedule otherwise it creates the disdain many people have for those episodes right now. Calling them "filler" and whatnot. I just hope that they don't do the same airing schedule faux pas next time.


Yeah I agree about that if you are going to do only two episode every once in a while they have to be really good but I hate to break this to you but ABC does this sort of airing two episodes and then taking a month off thing all the time and yet they don't give the producers much of a heads up about it or give them more time to produce episode,they just put them on short vacations instead of giving them extra time to work on each episode. The suits seem to think it maximizes ratings or something like that and it gives them more time slots to air stuff like wife swap and dancing with the stars.  I know because my mom is a huge fan of Castle and she is always complaining about it.  It doesn't bother me too much(Then again I grew up watching a lot of BBC shows where you are lucky to get 12 episodes a year so I may not reflect the average viewer)but I can see how it would bother other people because the show starts to get movie then then you are hit with a multiweek break so they can air more dancing with the stars or some such garbage.  Still other all you do get two or three times the number of episodes a year you get from your average BBC show so there is that I guess.  Still I think they are shooting themselves in the foot and should stop doing it but unless there is a radical power shift at the top of ABC I don't see that happening any time soon. I am afraid it is just something you have to put up with when a show you like airs on ABC,that or just wait for the DvD. Oh yeah ABC only releases it's shows on DvD. That is another thing that bugs me. They broadcast the shows in HD but then only release them in SD. When I can get a Person of Interest boxset for $25 that includes both Blurays and DvDs in the same box this just bugs me. It's why I record ABC shows off of the air in HD and burn them on to Blurays myself. 
Still none of this stuff is controlled by the producers and I am not about to let it ruin the show for me.

I am really looking forward to the Agent Carter series and it will be interesting to see if it set in WW2 or the cold war. Either setting would works so I am wondering which the producers will choose.


Hooray for renewal and spin off! I wonder how they're going to use "Agent Carter". I'm imagining it more of just a secret agent show, because being a prequel they can't have men of iron or alien artifacts. "Agents of SHIELD" shows us what needs to happen in a post-alien-invasion world and how they need to try to contain those with powers/technology. The only weird things "Agent Carter" will have seen is two super soldiers who both went down in a plane years before.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

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doubleofive said:

Hooray for renewal and spin off! I wonder how they're going to use "Agent Carter". I'm imagining it more of just a secret agent show, because being a prequel they can't have men of iron or alien artifacts. "Agents of SHIELD" shows us what needs to happen in a post-alien-invasion world and how they need to try to contain those with powers/technology. The only weird things "Agent Carter" will have seen is two super soldiers who both went down in a plane years before.

 If they set in in the cold war maybe the first season will have then racing to beat the Russians to all the Hydra tech,after that I am not sure.  Still there was a lot of tension in that era that they could exploit for story lines.  It will be interesting to see what they do with it.