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The Marvel Cinematic Universe — Page 30


I’m loving this WHIH stuff, makes it really feel like the movies take place over their opening weekend (though I wonder when MCU Presidential elections are?). Of course, it would make MORE sense if it came out at the same time worldwide and the international viewers didn’t see it 2 weeks ago.

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With all of President Ellis’ appearances as of late it got me wondering how long he’s been around. It felt like he’s been a thing for some time now. So I decided to look it up, his first appearance was only three years ago!

In other news, the Russo’s have been on a tear in the press junket. I’ve been seeing them pop up all over the place lately. Just today they revealed the Infinity War films are going to be retitled:

“The movies are two very different movies,” said Joe Russo, adding, “The intention is we will change it, we just haven’t come up with the titles yet. But, yes, we will change it. And, yes, that is a scoop: we will retitle them.”

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I’m relieved that the “Parts” are being dropped. Except for the main part of “First Avenger”, every movie has been chronological so far (as the bookends of FA are). I didn’t like the idea of having an “Infinity War Part 1” cliffhanger, then have two or three movies, then resolve that cliffhanger. I’m sure that was never the plan, but the “Parts” name implies that.

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I will never understand why they’re calling the Infinity War movies “Part 1/2” when they should call them Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War respectively.



suspiciouscoffee said:

I will never understand why they’re calling the Infinity War movies “Part 1/2” when they should call them Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War respectively.

Then you’ll be pleased to know that they’re not calling them “Part 1/2” anymore:

Tobar said:

In other news, the Russo’s have been on a tear in the press junket. I’ve been seeing them pop up all over the place lately. Just today they revealed the Infinity War films are going to be retitled:

“The movies are two very different movies,” said Joe Russo, adding, “The intention is we will change it, we just haven’t come up with the titles yet. But, yes, we will change it. And, yes, that is a scoop: we will retitle them.”

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O wow! I suppose I should’ve read that post literally two posts above mine… That just popped into my head and I posted it without reading previous posts. My mistake.



Here’s MovieBob’s take on Civil War

and here I am still procrastinating to see this film.


Just saw Civil War. This film was HEAVY so I’ll need to have about 2 or 3 more viewings for a better opinion of the film but here are my intial Non-spoiler thoughts:

-Tony’s early motivations are established very well, filled with emotion.
-Vision/Wanda dynamic is powerful.
-Ant Man is great.
-Spider-Man is Spectacular!
-Black Panther is quite the badass.
-The airport scene does not dissapoint.
-The shift from political to personal motives is incredibly powerful.

So yah, no rating yet, hoping to see this a couple more times.

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Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Very rarely do I consider a film worth repeat viewings but this is definitely one of them. LOVED it.

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My full review of Civil War. This may change after seeing it a second time though.

What a mess. When I saw the positive reviews I knew that this must be something great, maybe even on par with the excellent Winter Soldier. Sadly I was wrong.

What worked: Black Panther and Spider-Man are really great, and all the scenes with them are the best scenes in the film. Some (not all) of the action was fun, particularly the opening action scene involving Crossbones. All the direction was pretty good, and the actors all did a good job with what they were given.

What didn’t work: This movie has way too many characters, I thought Age of Ultron was overstuffed. What’s even worse is that only Cap and Iron Man have anything to do. Bucky is a plot device, Scarlet Witch and Vision have the barest of arcs, and everyone else (apart from Spidey and Black Panther) don’t get anything to do and are thrown in for no reason. The color palette was so bland and boring, the CGI is cartoonish and fake looking, the action is over the top yet extremely tedious to watch. That’s actually a good description of this film. It’s tedious. I have never felt more bored watching a comic book movie. The villain is one of the worst in the MCU yet, and that’s saying something. He only interacted with out heroes once! The music is bland as hell, but then again every superhero film has bland music. Iron Man and Cap were both going through the exact same arc as in their last respective solo films, and I didn’t care about either when they were forced to fight. I felt apathy when Cap threw down his shield because neither of the characters did anything to make us care about them beyond being the same characters from other, better films.

This film is so overrated. Don’t trust the critics.

Not enough people read the EU.


So … 2 negative reviews and tons of positive reviews? I am quite a critical person so I’m quite curious to see it now 😃


Tobar said:

Civil War is almost upon us here in North America. If you aren’t doing a marathon, I highly recommend you give this a viewing in preparation.

I wasn’t planning on watching more than a minute or so of that, but once it started I couldn’t stop. That was amazing.


I loved it. Spider-man and Black Panther were great, I loved them by the time it was over. I’ve seen a lot of talk about the airport scene, and it was great, but I think the battle at the end was much more powerful on an emotional level.

My only gripe is how it ended. I feel like it tried to end on a happy note, but it didn’t work.


I’ve seen it last night. Short version - it’s good. It’s not excellent, but it’s not bad, it’s just “good”.
Long version -
Good things :

  • pacing is done correctly, the movie is fast when it needs to be fast and it’s slow when it needs to be slow.
  • action - every action scene in the movie (at there’s a lot of them) is GREAT.
  • effects - most of the time I had no clue what is real and what’s CG, which is a GOOD thing and a huge improvement to Age of Ultron
  • the whole movie is entertaining
  • nice Star Wars homage / rip-off

Bad things :

  • new characters are not developed properly, basically they’re not developed at all. I think they made a huge mistake that they didn’t do solo movies for Spiderman and Black Panther before this movie.
  • what the hell are exactly the powers of Scarlett Witch and Vision? Every single time they did something I was just staring at the screen confused. I know her powers were introduced with “weird” in Ultron but did Vision have these powers? Explain, movie !
  • Spiderman. Not sure how anybody can like him. I am a huge fan of the character and the Raimi movies, and I hated Spiderman in this movie. He was almost as annoying as Jar Jar Binks. You are watching something which should be an emotional battle between close friends and the tone gets suddenly interrupted by Spiderman acting nervous, clumsy, or throwing some funny one liners. For the first (and maybe second) time it was quite funny, but as he kept on continuing I was seriously like “Shut the f up!”
  • Captain America was portrait as a complete asshole in this movie. I liked him in the previous movies, Chris Evans has portrayed the most charismatic superhero since Chris Reeves’s Superman, but in this movie he basically abandons all his friends, and his government to basically help a serial killer who used to be his friend decades ago. The real Captain America as developed in the previous movies would try to arrest him and trust the system. The new captain just fights his friends without any good reason. Even in the trailer Tony says with an confused voice “So was I …” when Cap says “He’s my friend”.
  • Deaths - not wanting to spoil anything, so let’s just say I’m not satisfied with the deaths in this movie
  • the villain. Oh yes, there’s a villain in this movie. Why? I don’t know. He’s the most pointless villain I have ever seen in a movie (ANY movie, not just MCU movies), this is the first time when I think that cutting out the villain out of the movie would actually improve the movie.

Overall a good movie, but not the masterpiece most people call it.


pittrek said:

  • nice Star Wars homage / rip-off

In a non spoilery way can you explain this to me? I’m so confused…


Let’s say they’re basically re-creating (sort of) a famous scene from a very famous Star Wars movie and they even acknowledge it.


Oh ok. I think the idea is kind of cute when they’re self aware of it.


After seeing Civil War, I’m not 100% behind the movie, but it was good enough. The Airport Scene was awesome, but the motivations for the scene were kind of flimsy to me. They did good at making both sides of the War seem wrong, but I wish more of the movie was the third act when it got personal.

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doubleofive said:

After seeing Civil War, I’m not 100% behind the movie, but it was good enough.

I am now picturing you behind a movie screen with one arm poking out.


pittrek said:

I’ve seen it last night. Short version - it’s good. It’s not excellent, but it’s not bad, it’s just “good”.
Long version -
Good things :

  • pacing is done correctly, the movie is fast when it needs to be fast and it’s slow when it needs to be slow.

This was actually one of my few problems with civil war.

  • action - every action scene in the movie (at there’s a lot of them) is GREAT.

100% agreed

  • effects - most of the time I had no clue what is real and what’s CG, which is a GOOD thing and a huge improvement to Age of Ultron.

I thought they were pretty well done except some shots during the airport scene.

  • the whole movie is entertaining
  • nice Star Wars homage / rip-off

One of my favorite parts of the airport scene 😃

Bad things :

  • new characters are not developed properly, basically they’re not developed at all. I think they made a huge mistake that they didn’t do solo movies for Spiderman and Black Panther before this movie.

Interestingly enough this is where I disagree immensely. The sudden no-origin introduction of these two characters is thrilling and appreciated because as most people think origins are getting old but I understand this may be a problem for you and respect but most of the masses have shown to be anti-origin like myself when it comes to certain characters more so to Spider-Man.

  • what the hell are exactly the powers of Scarlett Witch and Vision? Every single time they did something I was just staring at the screen confused. I know her powers were introduced with “weird” in Ultron but did Vision have these powers? Explain, movie !

I agree about Scarlett witch but just another small nitpick. Vision is still pretty mysterious but I feel Age of Ultron was sufficient and in Civil War he even talks about his varying control he has over his powers which was very insightful.

  • Spiderman. Not sure how anybody can like him. I am a huge fan of the character and the Raimi movies, and I hated Spiderman in this movie. He was almost as annoying as Jar Jar Binks. You are watching something which should be an emotional battle between close friends and the tone gets suddenly interrupted by Spiderman acting nervous, clumsy, or throwing some funny one liners. For the first (and maybe second) time it was quite funny, but as he kept on continuing I was seriously like “Shut the f up!”

So here’s the deal. The emotionally powerful fight that they had for almost pure emotion was the end. The airport scene really gave you the fun light vibe of “I have to bring you in but I don’t wanna kill you”. It shows that some might be pulling punches. So when a certain part of the ending of the airport scene happen it hits you hard and ends the fight.

  • Captain America was portrait as a complete asshole in this movie. I liked him in the previous movies, Chris Evans has portrayed the most charismatic superhero since Chris Reeves’s Superman, but in this movie he basically abandons all his friends, and his government to basically help a serial killer who used to be his friend decades ago. The real Captain America as developed in the previous movies would try to arrest him and trust the system. The new captain just fights his friends without any good reason. Even in the trailer Tony says with an confused voice “So was I …” when Cap says “He’s my friend”.

Interesting. I was Team Iron Man because I simply agree with him. Cap though is shown to have a character arc throughout his trilogy. He started out as a loyal super Soilder and as he experienced more things through Avengers, Winter Soilder and Ultron he came to distrust organizations and that he finally realizes what the job of being a superhero entails. I feel it enhances the film, not hurting it.

  • Deaths - not wanting to spoil anything, so let’s just say I’m not satisfied with the deaths in this movie

Defintely agree here, they had a great opportunity to kill a certain character off and when they backed out I definetly felt like they made a mistake in doing so.

  • the villain. Oh yes, there’s a villain in this movie. Why? I don’t know. He’s the most pointless villain I have ever seen in a movie (ANY movie, not just MCU movies), this is the first time when I think that cutting out the villain out of the movie would actually improve the movie.

I have the very rare opinion that I like the Villain. If he was made any bigger than it would diminish the true conflict which was the civil war between Heroes. So what did they do with the villain? They made him contribute to the civil war in a complex and impactful way motivated by very personal reasons.

Overall a good movie, but not the masterpiece most people call it.

I have minor nitpicks with the film really so everything else shines beatifully. I’d give the film an A-.

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