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The Marvel Cinematic Universe — Page 18


doubleofive said:

It's only in the motion poster, not in the actual show.

 So it is!

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


I also read that any view of it from Hell's kitchen would be the side, so you'd never see the A logo anyway.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Oh man, last night's AoS was tops!

Can't wait for tomorrow!

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Age of Ultron is perfect. 

It's twice as good as any sequel (or 11th movie) in a franchise has any right to be.

So much awesome.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



I wouldn't say its perfect, but its a treat for everyone who's kept up with the franchise so far. Some aspects seemed a little rushed, but it was a good story to keep the universe going/growing.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

I always enjoyed how the phase 1 movies seemed to flow seamlessly into the first Avenger's film. Unfortunately, that was not the case with the phase 2 movies. "Age of Ultron" seems to fit in more with what has been going on in the "Agents of Shield" TV show then the stand alone films of phase 2. This new film just does not hook in very cleanly with the events and character development of "Iron Man 3" and "Captain America 2". With "Iron Man 3" Tony's character was basically retiring, and "Cap 2" had Rogers apparently running off to track down Bucky / Winter Soldier. But "Age of Ultron" has the two of them firmly involved in Hydra-smashing business at the beginning of the film, as if the two endings from Iron Man 3 and Captain America never happened.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


The rise of Hydra in Winter Soldier brought Tony back into the field to fill the void left by the fall of SHIELD. Similarly, in between the search for Bucky (which is referenced in AoU) Cap has been joining the other Avengers to bust Hydra strongholds.

Phase two continued the setup that started in Phase one for the ultimate showdown in Phase three with Thanos.

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Tobar said:

The rise of Hydra in Winter Soldier brought Tony back into the field to fill the void left by the fall of SHIELD. Similarly, in between the search for Bucky (which is referenced in AoU) Cap has been joining the other Avengers to bust Hydra strongholds.

Phase two continued the setup that started in Phase one for the ultimate showdown in Phase three with Thanos.

 I understand this. I'm just still feeling let down by what "Iron Man 3" turned out to be. A wasted opportunity, and a film that does not seem to be necessary viewing like all the others are. If you left "Iron Man 3" out, the only continuity issue there seems to be is the operation to remove Tony's chest reactor. Thor 2, Cap 2, and GotG seem to have much more to do with the coming Thanos arc.   

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


But when you see it as a whole, including Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., it fits very well since Iron Man 3 sets up the events seen in the Pilot (the Extremis stuff). I wasn't as happy with AoU as with the first Avengers bit it was still a fun ride. The best thing so far in the MCU is Daredevil, I think.

Can't wait for the last 3 Episodes of AoS.


I have seen just the first 15 episodes of the second season of AoS. Is it necessary to watch episodes 16-19 before I watch the AoU movie?


It's not strictly necessary but episode 19 leads directly into AoU.

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Tobar said:

It's not strictly necessary but episode 19 leads directly into AoU.

 I thought that was very cool how you can edit the last scene of that episode (with Coulson's very last line) with the very first shot of Age of Ultron.

I have enjoyed all of season 2 of AoS, but I just wish that they would have had chosen a better actress for the role of Skye's mother.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Well I've checked the episodes and they were great. So .. tomorrow is Ultron time for me


I still have to finish the Shield Series. And I thought Iron Man 3's ending was a bit lame. Otherwise I enjoyed it.

K. Let’s have this ride.


I've just seen the movie. The editing was horrible. There were way too many "what the f*** is happening" moments for my liking. I hope the BD release will as usually contain the deleted scenes


Yes! Shield and Carter renewed for another season.


TK-949 said:

Yes! Shield and Carter renewed for another season.

 Not that I don't trust you, but source?


“In the aftermath of SHIELD’s battle with Jiaying and the Inhumans, Director Coulson (Clark Gregg) will search the world for more powered people and assemble an extraordinary new team to deal with threats unlike the world has ever seen. However, the Agents of SHIELD will soon find out they’re not the only ones tracking down these new Inhumans.”

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Loved it!

I had some strong reservations going in but it blew my expectations away! Lots of humor but done in a grounded way that fits the universe.

As well as some great action. The sequence where he first tests out his suit in a live situation and has to engage in combat was phenomenal.

Also, that had to be THE best use of digitial de-aging to date. Michael Douglas looked flawless as his 40 year old self.

I REALLY hope this does well at the box office this weekend. But I'm worried as attendance was pretty low at my theater. They had 500 special pins to give out for the first showing and still had at least a 100 left for the second showing which is the one I attended. Though my showing looked full by showtime.

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