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The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition | A brand-new Season 3 forged from The Mandalorian and BoBF [ON HOLD] — Page 3


Sounds insanely promising. I’ve read through all the episodes and it seems like what season 3 should have been.

Any updates? Can’t wait to see more.


Hey all!

As y’all have probably assumed by this point, this edit is sorta “on hold” at the moment.

There’s a number of reasons behind this, but the main one is that real life got in the way. No family tragedies or anything, I just end up keeping myself busy!

Another reason is scope creep. The amount of VFX and neural networking that this project relied on made for a very daunting first fanedit, the reality of which didn’t really set in with me until I sunk my teeth into the first episode and realized how much I was in over my head.

Finally, now that it’s been several months since the conclusion of Mando Season 3, I’ve found myself not feeling super inspired to even tackle the edit in the first place. The direction that the Mandalorian-related Star Wars projects are going just isn’t something that excites me enough to prioritize editing this season. I’m hoping this changes with Ahsoka, but as of right now Mando just hasn’t been sticking with me.

So what does this mean for the project? I’m gonna officially put this as “on hold” for the foreseeable future. I’d love to come back to this when I’m more skilled and more inspired, but I don’t have the talent or the passion right now to make this what it ought to be. I have other simpler fanedit ideas, and hopefully that’ll help me hone my skills and give me something else to give to this community.

Many apologies for such a late response by the way! It sounds a little weird, but it’s all too easy to forget that y’all are real people when all I see are anonymous forum users. This post should’ve come to y’all sooner.

See you soon, either working on this project or another one!

The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition - [ON HOLD]


No worries buddy, you do you! Life comes first. You’ve had some excellent ideas that have inspired many- I know Acbagel is doing a lot with some of your ideas for his Filoniverse project, and I’m sure there are more. Hope you come back soon, your passion has been excellent, so it’d be great to see you produce a (perhaps more manageable) edit!

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


No worries! Best of luck to you!

I like you, let us burn things together.


Curious what the progress is on this project 😃 but if none then no sweat, real world problems come first