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The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED] — Page 18


bearra said:

Heres my review of The Mandalorian Episode 1: A vergence in the Force

Technical details like scene transitions and audio edits are top notch. I didnt notice any audio errors from one episode to another. And for me the more wipe transitions the better. I enjoyed the opening crawl text, it was clear and set the stage.

I was surprised at how far into episode 1 you cut but it still worked. This was a bold choice that paid off. I like the opening shot inside the cockpit where we dont see mando right from the start just a glimpse of his back. This worked well as a mysterious introduction to the character. The merginig of grief carga doing business with mando into one scene worked well without losing any information. I enjoyed looking for those kinds of edits while watching. Streamlining the first episode and cutting out others completely helped keep a logical flow of the movie so viewers wouldnt get whiplash jumping from one planet to the next. The mudhorn encounter is believable considering what you had to work with. Now that scene is followed by mando fixing his armor which is a small change but makes more sense. Moving Kuils montage of fixing IG-11 to the front of the film works so much better here. Originally it seemed like a random exposition scene but now it adds an interesting plot thread that pays off towards the end. Really good job on that. Thankfully arguably the worst scene in the series is gone: the dreaded scout trooper sequence in the last episode. Thank you for not making me watch that again. With that scene removed the pacing and transition between the last 2 episodes is silky smooth.

My only real complaint of this edit was the inclusion of the gunsligner episode. This was the only time I was taken out of the story as i realized i was going to have to watch one of my least favorite episodes in its entirety. I think this really added alot to the total runtime of the movie as well. I will say i understand why you chose to keep it. Its probably the right decision because there needed to be a passage of time from episode 3 to 7. And if your going to do future edits of shows to movies (i hope you do), Boba Fett finding Fennec Shand is probably important. Maybe if you cut it down a little more? To be fair I think this episode works better here than a standalone episode.

I miss seeing more of Cara Dune (who is one of my faves:D) but i think her introduction worked. When your watching it u assume shes someone he knew from his travels and i dont think it seemed out of nowhere.

I honestly do not understand the tracking fobs in general, i dont think they make any sense and are just lazy storytelling. I would just take out any reference to them out completely. But that is neither here nor there i just felt like sharing.

I dont like the “helmets” intro on disney plus. Watching it synced to the fox fanfare didnt feel right. i know its just an easter egg and has no consequence. I would have preferred the usual starwars logo to begin the crawl and maybe change the title to simply: The Mandalorian. I noticed there are only 3 ellipsis when the other starwars films have 4.

The superior way to watch season 1. Aside from the gunsligner episode dragging down the pacing, i thought this movie told the story better than separate episodes. I really enjoyed watching this edit and dissecting all your decisions. This edit proves sometimes less is more.

Thanks for the review. Much appreciated. I agree with your cons. There definitely needed to be time between the first and third acts. Originally I used the Sanctuary episode, but it needed to be changed to the Gunslinger to fit in with the wider Mandoverse. I agree its not a great episode, but I do love a trip to Tatooine! I’m hoping that we get a few flashback scenes in the Book of Boba Fett that I can add in to give it more weight.

Good spot on the Elipses. That wasnt intentional.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


After watching V2, I decided I prefer the Sanctuary as a middle arc over the Gunslinger. Which is a shame, because the Gunslinger obviously has more ties to Season 2. Sanctuary on the other hand adds so much emotional depth, despite being viewed as fillery.

The way V2 does handle Cara Dune however was really nice also since it gives her friendship with Mando more apparent history.

You have touched up on splitting the movies in 2, which could be worth it. One long 3 hour edit hybridding V1 & V2 would be a good idea too (like an extended edition). Or as you said, flashbacks can be implemented, but could be used in your EpII edit to give Fennec some background.

All in the all though, these edits are fantastic and I couldn’t think of how this couldn’t be down better!

Current Edits:
Obi-Wan Kenobi - TBC
The Mandalorian (Season 1) - V1 Complete
The Mandalorian II (Season 2) - TBC
The Mandalorian Returns (TBOBF) - TBC


Just saw The book of Boba Fett and decided it is time for a rewatch of Mando. This edit looks like the perfect thing for that!

I would like a link to both episodes, please!


Just discovered this edit, and I’m very interested in checking it out.

I’d love a link to watch it whenever you get the chance.


Hi, I would love a link to both edits, please! Thank you.


Hey the trailers looks amazing, is there anyway I could get the links whenever you get time?


PMs sent.

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


Could you please send a link for this edit? I love how the cutlist reads & am eager to see it in action!


Greetings, may I too receive the access-link, please?



Does anyone have a link to smudger9 mandalorian edits?


Would also love a link to these edits if possible!


Would love the links to Ep 1 and 2 if they’re still around!


Hello, Can you PM me the links please. I look foward to watch those edits.


I’m very interested in a edit like this one. Can I have the link as well?


I’d like to get a link to these and the current cut of the Boba Fett edit.


Hi! Could I get a link to your most recent version? Looking forward to watching it.


Hi, I’d really appreciate a PM with links to your Mandalorian edits 😃 Thanks in advance!


Hi, could I get a link to the edit? I want to rewatch Mandalorian and this edit seems really good edit.