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The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Color Restoration (a Work In Progress) — Page 6


This project certainly looks fantastic, I have been leaving my copy of FOTR Bluray on the shelf for years now and using the original DVD. To be able to see the complete trilogy in HD with the original colour values sounds fantastic. From the screens, and sheer scope of the project, I applaud you!

Has Two Towers been comparatively less work? I feel like there is less wrong with the HD EE, what has been completed?

Would appreciate a copy of FOTR if you’re able to make one available, and would love to compare your progress on Two Towers to my HD EE/DVD if you want a second opinion on anything 😃

Former Editor & Film-maker


I just found out about this project. I’m almost in tears knowing someone worked this hard to enhance this masterpiece to it’s former glory. I would love to see it, can I get a link/copy for this?

Thank you so so so much for your hard work!

Video Editor. Pro Gamer. Dev.


I always KNEW something was wrong about the Blu-ray and my GF who never saw the DVDs would roll her eyes each time I mentioned it during our yearly re watch (yes, she’s the best). I feel so vindicated!!! I am not enough of a video/color nerd and since I dont have the DVDs anymore I could never pinpoint exactly why it was so much more … magical? in my memories! I would love to be able to get my hands on this version! How can I prove that I own a copy of the movies to get a link? I’ll do whatever it takes to view this in its restored glory! Thank you for the passion and the dedication, you guys are a big part of why I love Cinema


Can I get a link please?

Also, to make sure I understand this correctly does this extended version keep the original dvd release colouring?


I would very much appreciate a link. Thank you for all your hard work here Dwalin!


Heard about the amazing work done to restore fellowship by you and 44rh1n from YouTuber Jesse Tribble. I own the 2011 extended blu-rays and can provide proof if necessary. Please consider sharing your work and thank you in advance.


I also wouldn’t mind getting the links to those movies, if that’s okay.


If you are sharing the link, I would also love to have it. I’ve only seen the the green tinted and the new 4K but Jesse Tribble says this is the way to watch it.


Hey folks, I also watched the Jesse Tribble video. Following forum instructions, I DM’ed 44rh1n a few weeks ago and haven’t heard back.

Would someone be able to DM me links to all 3 extended editions? 😃

I’ve paid for digital UHD versions; if that’s not the right requirement, I’m very happy to buy whatever is needed and provide proof of purchase (ideally digital form so I don’t clutter my house though).

Thanks in advance!


Could I get a PM for the link too? I have the 4k Box set of the trilogy. Thanks!


I would also love to get a link, reached out via PM but sadly did not get any response. 😦


Hello Everyone! 😃
Let me first say it’s been such a fun journey into this color grading rabbit hole.
I’d love if someone could send me a link to these upgraded (pun intended) versions 😃
I have the EE DVDs and The Theatrical DVD’s, if there’s something I have to buy in order to receive the links I’d be more than willing 😃


I’ve been a sucker for each release and I couldn’t really explain it until Jesse’s video. The colors really made a difference in the magical feeling to it all and I’m so happy there are people out there working to restore the magic. Please share the links with me. Thank you very much for your work!


Is Dwalin’s project dead? If not, any update on how far it’s going? Great work, by the way. If there are links, may I please have them? I have the official blu-rays. Thanks!


Anyone with the link? Can I please get the link?


I am interested in a link as well if possible. Thank you for this work.


Can I get a link for this, pls?

Tried reaching out via PM, but received no response 😦