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The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope (Released) — Page 4


lantern51 said:

Mario said:

The training scene looks really amazing. That’s are scenes I will see in the movie. If the final version is released I would get the link please 🙂

Thank you. I worked hard on it. I will be happy to get links out when it’s done. I have about 45 minutes of the movie to edit and then I have to watch it for any other possible errors.

Youre welcome. I love the idea with the Trainingscene since Ivan Ortegas edit, and your scene is much better. I’m excited to see the rest of the edit. Take the time you need and it will be awesome.


I’m at the battle of Crait! Light at the end of the tunnel here I come!


I’m really looking forward to see your edit 😎👍


Quick update. I’m now previewing the edit to see if I catch any fixes. Once that is done and the fixes have been made I will PM some people.


I’m very close now! I have a few people taking a look to see if there is anything I missed that needs correction. Once I get some feedback from them and fix anything that may need it, I will let you know!


I believe I have everything done on this one! It’s been a long road, and if any one is interested, let me know. I started to send out links.


lantern51 said:

I believe I have everything done on this one! It’s been a long road, and if any one is interested, let me know. I started to send out links.

Hi! Could you give me a link please?


The idea is that I’m keeping more Rose in this edit, but I want her to feel more likable that I thought she was in the film proper. So I cut her hitting Finn with a taser. So I still needed something to prompt Finn to want to do a mission to disable the tracker. So I repurposed this deleted scene.

<iframe src=“https://player.vimeo.com/video/627472924” width=“640” height=“564” frameborder=“0” allow=“autoplay; fullscreen” allowfullscreen></iframe>

BTW… The feed back on my ANH edit has been fantastic! I’m hoping to hear something about this edit soon. I have sent out enough links LOL…


I have a plain for this whole trilogy and this middle part will be touched up. I have it pretty much done, there are just a few tiny audio clean ups.


Hi I saw a review for this Star wars

Edit by YouTube reviewer: JXEditor.

I was entrieged and exited to see this edit.

I was looking for a link to watch “The Last Jedi: A Spark of Hope” fanedit.

Thank you
-Daniel P


Hi saw a review on youruber JXEditor,

He had a great review.
And this fanedit sounded very interesting!

I was hopeling to a link to download a copy of the this very cool fanedit! 😊