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The Killer - Criterion Preservation (Released)


This project started life as the one done by IcePrick, which was the Dragon Dynasty Blu Ray, deinterlaced and decimated back to 23.976 fps (thanks IcePrick!). I then ran through some mild dust and dirt filters and combined with the opening and closing credits from the Chinese blu ray, which themselves were run through several filters to try and get them to match the rest of the footage. The whole movie was then regraded with Dr Dre, using the criterion as the source, using over 40 different LUTs. The opening logos were also taken from the Chinese as they were cropped in the Drago Dynasty disc. Unfortunately none of the sources were perfect, so it’s never going to be amazing short of a new scan and shot by shot restoration, but I’m still happy with the results.

Massive things to CSchmidlapp for providing me with some of the materials, giving me guidance on the different versions and for testing the final video.

  • BD25 with animated menus that look and behave like the official Criterion discs, with a background video, pop up menus and resume function
  • Video taken from the Iceprick project, with scene by scene colour correction
  • Original chapter stops used on the DVD
  • Cantonese 1.0 Mono LPCM taken from the laserdisc
  • Cantonese 2.0 Mono AC3 taken from the Scandanavian DVD
  • Audio Commentary by director John Woo and production executive Terence Chang
  • English (based on the Criterion translation), French, German and Spanish Subtitles
  • Five Deleted Scenes
  • Theatrical Trailer
  • DVD Credits

PM me for the links, contributing/long term members only please. The photos below of the menu aren’t great as the only way I could get them is from my phone while the disc is playing, software players disabled the screenshot function.


I haven’t seen this since owning the Criterion laserdisc and DVD. i remember stupid me selling that Criterion DVD for a nice hefty price. I was younger & dumber. Wouldn’t mind checking this out.


Hey dude do you have a link for the Dead Presidents v2 Restoration? Messaged you about it but never got a response.

“You don’t suck because these people say you suck. You suck because Stone Cold said so, and that’s the bottom line!”


nice my favorite john woo movie i still have my original hkl dvd too bad it never got a proper bluray version pm’ed you for the link


Great work. PM’d for the links. Thank you.


This looks fantastic. Well done. PM’d for the links. Big thanks.


Great work. PM’d for the links. Thank you.


Thanks for this project. Do you have a link?


Fantastic! How can I get this pls?